Reign of terror?
Monday, Feb 25, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The very top entry in the Sunday Chicago Tribune letters to the editor section…
Letter: Caught in Illinois’ ‘Bermuda Triangle’
Is there anything more frightening to the citizens of Illinois than a picture of Illinois’ Bermuda Triangle — Gov. J.B. Pritzker, House Speaker Michael Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton — at the dais? Brace for impact, my fellow Illinoisans, the reign of terror has begun.
— Mark Zavagnin, La Grange
Well, at least we know the Trib won’t ever be lecturing anyone on civility.
- Anon - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 10:58 am:
I sometimes wonder if folks like this know that the “Reign of Terror” was an actual event.
If not — then this dude is literally comparing a discussion of a progressive income tax rate to terror.
I mean, at this point, what would he call it if folks started chopping the heads off of rich people? He is out of words.
- wordslinger - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:00 am:
–Well, at least we know the Trib won’t ever be lecturing anyone on civility.–
Of course they will. Lack of self-awareness is a pillar of the troncommentariat.
- Unpopular - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:00 am:
While the rhetoric might be over the top, the sentiment is an opinion shared by many in Illinois. Mocking it doesn’t make it less real. We don’t lead the nation in out migration because the Government has been a wild success over the last 20 years.
- Anon - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:01 am:
It’s called hyperbole folks. Used. By. Politicians. All. The. Time.
- Annonin' - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:02 am:
Wonder if Mr. Z knows “reign of terror” is the phrase used to describe the Speaker Lee Daniels’ era?
- Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:02 am:
===Used. By. Politicians===
The Tribune isn’t a politician.
- Steve - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:03 am:
The Tribune will be signalling a difference message by year’s end . It will be all about corruption indictments.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:05 am:
===rhetoric might be over the top===
- James Knell - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:07 am:
Are they going to build a guillotine in Daley Plaza?
- Anonymous - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:07 am:
Wailing and gnashing of teeth.
- Someone you should know - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:07 am:
Years end eh, Nice Drive By Commenting……
- Anon - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:11 am:
Imagine being the Trib editor who saw this letter and was like “great wordsmithing, we need to run this.” If the writer had had used 2 or 3 more awkward metaphors they’d probably give him a column.
- Soo... - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:12 am:
Tribune: Madigan Cullteron and Pritzker are the reign of terror
Also the Tribune: “let them eat cake”
- GA Watcher - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:19 am:
Wonder if this is the same Mark Zavagnin who played linebacker at Notre Dame during the Faust era. Also played on the St. Rita team that won the 5A championship in 1978.
- Anonymous - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:19 am:
So Madigan and Pritzker was the Unholy Union… What does it become with Cullerton thrown in?
- SSL - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:19 am:
There is an ever increasing lack of civility across all media today. Comment sections often lead the way.
- Demoralized - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:27 am:
==the sentiment is an opinion shared by many in Illinois==
Really? Many would consider us now under a Reign of Terror? If that’s the description “many” are using then I’d prefer they leave if they are that hysterical.
- Huh? - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:35 am:
“While the rhetoric might be over the top, the sentiment is an opinion shared by many in Illinois during the Rauner administration.”
Fixed it for ya.
- Fixer - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:37 am:
It is a sentiment expressed by a lot of folks with very little grasp of what government is actually supposed to do. Government isn’t a business. Its goal isn’t to maximize profit margins. Its goal should be the wellbeing of its citizens and stewardship of its resources. Folks seem to have a hard time grasping that anymore in the hyperpartisan climate we have today.
- Anonymous - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:40 am:
=Mocking it doesn’t make it less real.=
Being crazy makes it less real though. “Reign of Relief” for most would be a sane comment.
- Christopher - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:42 am:
–Is there anything more frightening–
For me, it would be a third Daley in the Chicago Mayor’s office. The Tribune endorsed Daley.
- Anonymous - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:48 am:
Nah, Prekwinkle is much worse than Daley. At least Daley wants to reduce the size of the city council.
- lake county democrat - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:49 am:
I want a reign of terrier - let Illinois go to the dogs.
- City Zen - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:51 am:
With the final GoT season coming soon, the author missed a golden opportunity for Winter is Coming and White Walker references.
- Pot calling kettle - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:51 am:
==Brace for impact, my fellow Illinoisans, the reign of terror has begun.==
Might want to compare Prizker’s approach (so far) to dealing with legislators to Rauner’s approach. By this time four years ago, Rauner had already threatened members of the Republican House and Senate caucuses with expletive-laced tirades and threats of political retaliation. From beginning to end, Rauner tried to rule by fear; it was not a secret.
- Quiet Sage - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:52 am:
Anonymous at 11:40 AM: “Reign of relief” is exactly the correct term. There was such tension during the Rauner years that people still haven’t fully decompressed, still express wonder at the new, more open atmosphere which is really a return to how the Capitol used to be.
- What's in a name? - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 11:59 am:
If this is the football player, maybe he hit the juice a little too hard. Of course subtlety is not a big component of football. Maybe he should read the rest of the paper, there are places in this world where the terror is a bit more real.
- jim - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 12:16 pm:
gee, one little letter to the editor sure kicked up a unnecessary fuss?
the moral outrage on display is way over the top.
- wordslinger - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 12:24 pm:
–gee, one little letter to the editor sure kicked up a unnecessary fuss?
the moral outrage on display is way over the top.–
Where is that? I thought the problem was “mocking?”
You’re pretty good at missing the point. Perhaps you should read the troncs statement of principles for its editorial page.
- Chicago_Downstater - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 12:28 pm:
I don’t see a lot of moralizing here. It’s more poking fun at the editors of a national paper that saw this hyperbolic letter and thought “Yep, that seems reasonable to me.”
But hey, to-may-to/to-mah-to, right pal?
- Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 12:29 pm:
===You’re pretty good at missing the point===
jim is an expert at that.
- Grandson of Man - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 12:40 pm:
“While the rhetoric might be over the top, the sentiment is an opinion shared by many in Illinois.”
First, people who think like this got their rear ends kicked in the last election.
Second, many of the people who think like this are among the most privileged and better-off, so they should spare the crocodile tears. Talk to us when you’re low-income and your vital social services were cut, a student from a low-income family whose MAP grant was cut or someone paying a disproportionately higher share of SALT, because the rich are taxed too low by the state.
- James Knell - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 12:41 pm:
== –Is there anything more frightening–
For me, it would be a third Daley in the Chicago Mayor’s office. The Tribune endorsed Daley. ==
Richard III, also doesn’t have a very happy historical reference. His Ricketty lieutenant will likely be defeated at Wrigley Field rather the Bosworth Field.
- Enemy of the State - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 1:04 pm:
If you think subtlety is not part of football, you have never tried to teach a fifteen year old how to read and/or defend the triple option let alone the inside reverse with a trapping tackle.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 1:07 pm:
===and thought “Yep, that seems reasonable to me.” ===
Same folks who thought that wishing for an actual hurricane to destroy the city was a great idea.
- Newcomer - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 2:42 pm:
What’s sad is “reign of terror” is likely used here to describe the affect Democratic control may have on this guy’s pocket book… whereas political actions and statements made by the other side of the political spectrum have both directly and indirectly caused actual mental, emotional and physical harm to women, minorities, immigrants, the poor…
- olddog - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 3:54 pm:
=== … At least Daley wants to reduce the size of the city council. ===
Yeah, right, that worked out so well for the state legislature.
- Joe Bidenopolous - Monday, Feb 25, 19 @ 6:56 pm:
===a national paper ===
LOL, that ship sailed years ago…