Question of the day
Friday, Feb 1, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller
* First, click here and read Jason Gonzales’ deposition, which is part of his federal lawsuit against House Speaker Michael Madigan and Madigan’s organization.
I’m still reading through it, but I did come upon this nugget…
Q. Why do you believe the Hispanic voters would have voted for you?
A. Because I was bringing a new voice to the district and a voice that resonated with them, and that’s the reason why I ran because the 22nd District needed a new voice. It needed someone who was going to represent the interests, the hopes, and ·the issues of the Hispanic community in my district, which is now 81 percent. […]
It has a lot to do with the fact that I’m Hispanic, and I can understand them. I can understand their culture. I’m Hispanic, Mexican-American. I speak fluent Spanish.
From March of 2016…
[ABC7’s Charles Thomas has] a very interesting take on Madigan’s opponent Jason Gonzales after hanging out with him much of Friday. Thomas claims Gonzales has real trouble “connecting” with Latino voters in the district, partly because he grew up in the suburbs and partly because he doesn’t speak very fluent Spanish.
* And this is just odd…
Q. Do you think you would have done better if Joe Barboza had had a platform and raised money and gone door to door?
A. Maybe.
Q. How would you have done better?
A. Well, I would have had to campaign against him.
Q. How would that have made things better for you?
A. I would have gotten my message out to more people in the district.
Q. How would Barboza running have gotten your message out to more people in the district?
A. Well, because I would have had to run more ads to counter some of the things he said.
MR. PERAICA: Who is “he”?
THE WITNESS: Joe Barboza.
BY MR. VAUGHT: Q. So you would have raised more money if Barboza had ran?
A. Not necessarily.
* More…
Q. So you think the Hispanic vote was all yours?
A. I would say most of it was, yeah.
Q. Why?
A. Because I was the right candidate for the right time, and I had secured, I believe, a good amount of the Hispanics in my district to vote for me, and I had a campaign, and I got my message out, but it was drownded by Speaker Madigan’s negativity.
Q. So is it the negativity that caused you to lose, or was it Barboza or Rodriguez?
A. I believe I would have won the election had these two sham candidates not been on the ballot.
Q. So I want to go back when I asked you do you believe the Hispanic vote was yours?
A. Yes.
Q. Why do you say that?
A. One, because I’m Hispanic, and they’re looking for a new leader and they want a new voice.
Q. Is Chuy Garcia Hispanic?
A. Chuy Garcia wasn’t running in the 22nd District.
Q. But he endorsed Michael Madigan; isn’t that correct?
A. Yes.
Q. Would that sway Hispanic voters?
A. Possibly.
* They really twisted him up in knots…
Q. Well, you said that the Hispanic vote was yours, and you based it on the fact your name is Gonzales, which you said is a common Hispanic name, and many people would know somebody named Gonzales?
A. Yes.
Q. So why is it okay to get votes simply because your name is Gonzales, but it’s not okay if your name is Rodriguez or Barboza?
A. Because I was a real candidate. […]
A. I answered it. The difference is they don’t deserve those votes.
Q. Who makes that determination?
A. The voters.
Q. So is it your opinion that you deserve to be the Hispanic candidate?
A. Yes.
Q. And why do you deserve to be the Hispanic candidate over anybody else?
A. Because I’m the right person to lead my community and give Hispanics the voice that they have been wanting for the past 37 years. […]
Q. So you have a constitutional right to have people vote for you?
A. Yes.
Q. Did anybody prohibit somebody from voting for you?
A. No. […]
Q. Is that what this was, a dirty trick?
A. Madigan and Barboza were a dirty trick.
Q. And you got to campaign saying that it was a dirty trick?
A. Could you repeat that? […]
Q. So who do you want to be prohibited from being on the ballot?
A. Anyone that isn’t a legitimate candidate.
Q. Who gets to determine if they’re legitimate?
A. I suppose we’ll let the Court decide that.
Q. So are you asking for an injunction that if you run again, anybody else who would run has to go to the Court to get permission?
A. No. […]
Q. It says, “Upon information and belief, defendants Rodriguez and Barboza received rewards for their action of running as sham candidates for state representative.” Do you have any knowledge of Rodriguez or Barboza receiving rewards?
A. No direct — I have no direct knowledge of that.
Q. Just to be clear, do you have indirect knowledge?
A. I don’t. […]
Q. If you go to the last page of this document, this is an article from Tom Schuba on March 2, 2016, NBC Chicago. It says, “‘Diluting the ballot is the oldest trick in the book,’ Gonzales said, ‘but we don’t believe it’s going to change things very drastically.’” Did you say that?
A. I know I said the first part. I’m not sure that I recall saying the second part.
Q. So do you believe Mr. Schuba gave a false quote?
A. He may have given a typo. I just don’t remember saying that. […]
Q. I’ve handed you what is identified as [Gonzales supporter] BrownMillerGroup’s post-election analysis. Have you seen this before?
A. Yes. […]
Q. It says, “Despite this, final election results were far from satisfactory. Data we received from polling indicated common background shared with a candidate was not of particular importance to the Hispanic voters of this district.” It kind of undercuts your argument that the Hispanics voters were looking just to vote for a Hispanic candidate; is that correct?
A. I don’t agree with it.
* The Question: Any other observations and thoughts?
Todd Ricketts joins Trump Victory Committee
Friday, Feb 1, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller
* If this doesn’t drive the final stake into the heart of those Illinois gubernatorial campaign rumors, I don’t know what will…
The Republican National Committee (RNC) and Donald J. Trump for President campaign announced today that Todd Ricketts will join the Trump Victory Committee, a joint fundraising committee between the RNC and the Donald J. Trump for President campaign, as its finance chairman.
Ricketts has served as RNC finance chairman since January 2018, spearheading the committee’s record-breaking fundraising work for the midterm cycle. He played a critical role in fundraising for President Trump ahead of the 2016 election.
“Todd has been a friend and successful advocate for our Party and I look forward to his strong leadership on the Trump Victory Committee over the next two years,” said President Trump.
“The RNC is grateful for Todd’s leadership and thrilled that he will play an important role in President Trump’s re-election in 2020,” said RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.
“Todd’s contributions play a critical part in advancing the America First agenda,” said Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Manager Brad Parscale. “Todd was a huge help to President Trump in 2016 and we look forward to his finance leadership ahead of 2020.”
“I am honored to continue to support President Trump and the Republican Party through the Trump Victory Committee,” said Ricketts. “As we head toward 2020, I will work to ensure President Trump and his campaign have the resources they need to fight for the American people.”
This should not be taken as a knock on the president, by the way, but the guy lost Illinois by 17 points in 2016 and we all saw what happened here last year.
* Press release…
The one-year anniversary edition of the Debt Transparency Act (DTA) report, released by Comptroller Susana A. Mendoza’s office today, lays out the fiscal challenges facing Illinois as the Governor and General Assembly begin work on the fiscal year 2020 budget.
“Since my office started publishing Debt Transparency Act reports last year, they’ve provided a crucial, monthly window into the state’s finances. These reports give our new Governor and members of the General Assembly a valuable tool to inform them about the state’s fiscal situation heading into this year’s budgeting process,” Comptroller Mendoza said. “It will take years for our state to recover from the damage caused by the failed budgeting practices of the previous administration. The first step on that path is approving a responsible budget for next fiscal year.”
The report, which is an addendum to the monthly report, highlights the need to use realistic projections for revenues and savings for the fiscal year 2020 budget.
“The current budget was a consensus budget, but it’s important to remember that it did not solve all of our state’s fiscal problems. In fact, it will make the bill backlog worse,” Comptroller Mendoza said. “I urge Governor Pritzker and the General Assembly to use realistic projections when estimating revenues and cost savings and to avoid relying on any concepts they know cannot be realized in fiscal year 2020. Failing to do so essentially amounts to shoveling more bills onto our already unsustainable bill backlog.”
Budgeted revenue shortfalls of the fiscal year 2019 budget are expected to cause a $1.5 billion to $2 billion increase in the bill backlog. The fiscal year 2019 budget counts on revenues from sources, such as selling the James R. Thompson Center in Chicago, that aren’t going to be realized. It also includes savings from proposals, such as a pension buyout plan, that will potentially fall short for the current fiscal year.
The report also calls for direct action to reduce the state’s bill backlog and describes the potential consequences of failing to reduce the backlog, including a negative impact on the state’s credit ratings. Illinois ratings currently remain just above “junk” status.
“The major ratings agencies have cited Illinois’ rising backlog as a reason for previous ratings downgrades,” the report says. “Moody’s Investors Service specifically noted that one way Illinois can improve its near-junk bond rating is to show ‘progress in reducing payment backlog’ and ‘prevent renewed build-up of unpaid bills.’”
Low bond ratings cost taxpayers more when the state borrows for major initiatives, such as repairs to roads and bridges and other infrastructure needs.
“Crafting a responsible budget that meets the needs of our state for the next fiscal year is going to be an incredibly challenging task. I urge policymakers not to forget about Illinois’ bill backlog, which currently stands at $7.5 billion,” Comptroller Mendoza said. “Without direct action, there’s no hope of substantially reducing our stack of unpaid bills. In fact, the backlog is going to grow because the current budget is based on some revenue assumptions, which aren’t going to happen. As long as the backlog is delaying payments, Illinois is being a bad business partner to thousands of small businesses and schools and putting more strain on our already weakened social safety net.”
Key findings of the report include:
The unpaid bill backlog continues to force the Office of the Comptroller into crisis management; impede timely bill processing; cause instability for state programs; and creates unnecessary and costly late payment interest penalties.
Budgeted revenue shortfalls of the fiscal year 2019 budget are expected to cause a $1.5 billion to $2 billion increase in the bill backlog.
Given that the fiscal year 2019 budget also failed to address the current backlog of bills, taking significant steps in fiscal year 2019 to pay down the backlog of unpaid bills – or even keeping it static – is impossible.
Temporary tools to manage the backlog granted under the current budget do not resolve systemic budgetary issues. Dedicated funding is needed to lower the bill backlog.
The full report is here.
Pritzker signs EO to help end HIV epidemic
Friday, Feb 1, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I’m told by Team Pritzker that this will carry no additional appropriated costs. They’re simply spending money that Gov. Rauner didn’t spend, the administration claims.
…Adding… From the governor’s office..
FYI— There is a $1.2 million appropriation this year, as has been the case in the past. In previous years, the spending fell short of the appropriation. In FY17, it was roughly $967K in spending and FY18 was $662K. In FY16, there was no funding appropriated. Our goal is to make sure that the full appropriation is used this year for this effort.
And the administration points out that the more important point is about data sharing to keep people healthy…
Surrounded by health care providers and HIV prevention advocates at the Winnebago County Health Department, Governor JB Pritzker took executive action strengthening the state’s commitment to ending the HIV epidemic that has affected nearly 40,000 Illinois residents.
“While 1,375 people were newly diagnosed with HIV in 2017 alone and unacceptable health disparities in communities of color continue, over the past few years we’ve seen HIV prevention funding dry up, HIV testing rates go down, and HIV prevention and treatment agencies lay off staff,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Now is not the time to back down from this fight. Now is the time to double down. This executive order defines the state’s commitment to the HIV epidemic and serves as a first step in ensuring the state is good partner in this fight.”
Over the last four years, the State of Illinois failed to partner fully with organizations and advocates that are working to end the HIV epidemic. When there was no state budget, HIV prevention and care agencies across the state laid off staff. This lack of investment came a time when health disparities in HIV are increasing.
With today’s executive order, the state will change course and take advantage of opportunities to improve treatment. With Medicaid providing health insurance for 23,748 Illinoisans living with HIV in FY17, the state-run program is the largest payer for HIV care in the state and a vital partner in ending the HIV epidemic.
Committing to ending the HIV epidemic, Gov. Pritzker signed Executive Order 2019-08, which will:
Invest in Programs and Services to End the Epidemic. Investments will include prevention measures the Rauner administration had discontinued, including funding for increased HIV testing, PrEP, the African American HIV/AIDS Response Act and other public health initiatives. Additionally, people living with HIV along with their healthcare providers will be invested and supported in achieving undetectable viral loads.
Monitor Viral Load Metrics. The Department of Public Health and the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, in conjunction with the contracted Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MMCOs), shall, within 90 days of the effective date of this Executive Order, deliver a report to the Governor containing a plan for the MMCOs to share data with the State in accordance with all laws and regulations governing health privacy, including a viral load metric, so that the State can monitor progress to ensure Illinoisans living with HIV have access to the healthcare they need to keep their viral loads at zero.
“The AIDS Foundation is proud to see the state of Illinois taking critical steps to end the HIV epidemic,” said John Peller, president of the AIDS Foundation of Chicago. “With a partner like Gov. Pritzker in the governor’s office, Illinois can eliminate health disparities and improve health outcomes for people living with HIV by holding Medicaid accountable for tracking and reporting viral suppression.”
“We welcome Governor Pritzker to the Winnebago County Health Department and the focus of his administration on both the prevention and treatment of HIV infection,” said Dr. Sandra Martell, administrator of the Winnebago County Health Department. “Through this public and private partnership, we can get to zero in Illinois.”
“With HIV affecting so many communities across the state, I’m glad that Gov. Pritzker is combating this epidemic head-on and ensuring Illinoisans living with HIV have access to the health care they depend on,” said Rep. Maurice West (D-67th). “While the state hasn’t always been a good partner, the governor is turning the page and writing a new future when it comes to ending the HIV epidemic once and for all.”
“I thank Gov. Pritzker for coming to Rockford during his first week in office and commend his commitment to partnering with localities to keep our residents healthy,” said Rockford Mayor Tom McNamara. “Cities and counties across Illinois have experienced a painful stretch of disinvestment from the state, but Gov. Pritzker has already shown he’s a different type of leader that cares about every region of the state.”
Tell me another fairy tale, grandpa
Friday, Feb 1, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller
* One reason for Jason Gonzales’ lawsuit against House Speaker Michael Madigan is that Madigan allegedly packed the 2016 spring primary ballot with other Latinos to dilute Gonzales’ vote. But, if you read the deposition, not only does Madigan deny involvement in the scheme, he says the Latino angle never even came up in meetings.
I really find this difficult to believe. It’s how the game has been played forever in Chicago. A black person files against you, then you bring other black people into the primary. A woman files, you bring in more women. And that’s been especially true with Latino challengers over the years.
From Madigan’s deposition…
Q And what decisions, if any, were made regarding the strategy towards these other candidates, if you recall?
A Our basic strategy was to identify the people that are going to vote for me and identify them and get them voted, that was our basic strategy.
Q Well, that’s every campaign strategy.
A Yes.
Q Did you look at the demographic back — breakdown of the population in the 22nd District?
A That was not a consideration in the conduct of the campaign.
Q Were you aware that the District was in excess of 70 percent Hispanic in Primary of March 2016?
A I’ve never heard that it was 70 percent. At the time of drafting, it was about 60 percent.
Q When you say at the time of drafting, you’re referring to redistricting?
A Yes.
Q And that would have been in 2010, six years before, correct?
A Probably 2011.
Q ‘11. And would you agree that the District has progressively trended more and more Hispanic over the years?
A Yes
Q So were you concerned about having a Hispanic opponent Jason Gonzales?
A No.
Q Why not?
A Because I know of my own knowledge that I have widespread support among Hispanic people in the District.
Q So you were not concerned?
A About what?
Q About a Hispanic candidate running against you in the primary?
A I was concerned about Bruce Rauner, that’s what I was concerned with.
Q I’m not asking you about Bruce Rauner. I’m asking you about Jason Gonzales.
A No, you asked me what I was concerned with. I’m telling you. I was concerned with all the money that Bruce Rauner was going to bring into the election, that’s what I was concerned with.
Q So were you concerned that the money that Bruce Rauner was going to bring into the 22nd District election where you were running for re-election would be brought in on behalf of Jason Gonzales?
A Yes.
Q So what were you going to do about that?
A We were going to make sure that the voters in the District knew that Bruce Rauner was on the scene and that he was supporting Jason Gonzales because Bruce Rauner is not a popular person in the 22nd District.
Q As part of your re-election strategy that you developed with these other individuals Marty Quinn, Will Cousineau, Tim Mapes, Steve Brown, yourself, did you discuss bringing in other Hispanic candidates into the 22nd District Primary Race?
A The answer is no.
Q There were two other primary District –22nd District Hispanic candidates in that race other than Jason Gonzales, right?
A The answer is yes.
Q Did you have anything to do with those candidates getting on the ballot?
A We learned about those candidates, again, by word-of-mouth, and we made a judgment that was advantageous to me that there would be multiple candidates in the Democratic Primary. My judgment was at the beginning that not every participant in the Democratic Primary was going to vote for me and the statistic proved that out. So when we learned that there were others that were contemplating candidacies, we thought that would be helpful to my campaign. It would be advantageous to my campaign.
Q So you realized that it would be to your political advantage on election day March of 2016 to have additional Hispanic candidates besides Jason Gonzales on the ballot?
A Not Hispanic, just multiple candidates. And so you study election returns, I study returns, and you know that in my case for certain not every applicant for a ballot in the Democratic Primary is going to vote for me. And, therefore, in a Primary Election it’s advantageous to me to have multiple candidates.
So, those two unknown Latino candidates just happened to be concerned citizens who decided on their own to run against one of the most powerful Democrats in the history of the state at the same time some big outside money was lining up behind a third Latino candidate? How fortuitous for Madigan. Such a charmed life he leads. I never realized before how a guy with a reputation for carefully analyzing every possible angle relied so heavily on pure, dumb luck.
And nobody of consequence in that part of the world ever so much as uttered the idea of splitting up the Latino vote to prevent Gov. Rauner’s allies from making a serious run at Madigan?
…Adding… Also, just to be clear, Madigan’s operation carried the petitions for those two other Latino candidates from Chicago to Springfield on filing day. Just another coinkydink.
*** UPDATED x1 *** Mayoral race odd couples
Friday, Feb 1, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Tribune…
U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush, a powerful voice in the African-American community, has endorsed Chicago mayoral candidate Bill Daley, he said Thursday night.
“The future of this city is dependent on us to get this election right,” Rush, a Chicago Democrat, said by phone. “I believe that Bill Daley has the national and international connections to drive economic development from the central city to the outlying communities and neighborhoods. We are suffering, and have been suffering, from decadeslong disinvestment in our neighborhoods.” […]
They both supported Chris Kennedy for the Democratic nomination in the Illinois governor’s race. Daley worked as Kennedy’s head of finances, and Rush endorsed the candidate. Later it was reported that Rush’s son and brother were on Kennedy’s payroll. […]
“I have for years and years wanted to see another African-American as mayor of the city of Chicago,” [Rush] said. “However, for this election, I think Bill Daley is the wise choice for my community. He’s tuned in to the lack of opportunities that a significant population of this city suffer under.”
*** UPDATE *** Emil Jones, too?…
* NBC 5…
Long-time proven vote-getter Dorothy Brown passed the torch to Amara Enyia on Thursday, endorsing her in the race for Chicago mayor.
Brown was removed from the ballot for not having enough signatures, and at least five other candidates spoke to her about winning her endorsement.
“The woman that I believe will be the next mayor of the city of Chicago, Amara Enyia!” Brown declared to a room full of cheers.
Reports have claimed for years that Brown has been under the microscope of a federal investigation, and though she was never charged, it brings questions to this endorsement.
* ABC 7…
“It’s time for honesty, integrity, to put that back into city government,” Brown said.
It’s a comment that might strike some voters as strange coming from Brown, who has been under investigation by the FBI for an alleged scheme to sell jobs and promotions in her office. Enyia dismissed those concerns.
“Well, I have no say or control over what the FBI does or the nature of these investigations. I think, again, at the end of the day, we just have to make sure that the process plays itself out,” Enyia said.
* Sun-Times…
Another veteran Democratic operative not aligned with any of the mayoral candidates said Brown’s support among older African-American voters carries “only upside” for Enyia.
“It’s not like anyone is running away with this race. Everyone is within single digits of each other. So, even these small things matter,” the operative said.
The operative noted that there are “multiple options for every voter out there,” a “remarkable” development that is likely to produce “two run-off candidates barely scratching at 20 percent.”
“If I were Amara, I’d try to utilize having Chance on her side. Try to generate some energy in a race that lacks energy with no real momentum candidate. I’m not saying she will be that. But, she has just as good a chance to do that as any of the others,” the operative said.
Read the full Madigan deposition
Friday, Feb 1, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The Sun-Times obtained its own copy of Speaker Madigan’s deposition in the Jason Gonzales lawsuit…
A very careful Mike Madigan sat down last year for what the 76-year-old political power broker said was his first deposition ever, answering questions for more than five hours about everything from whether he goes to church to his relationship with Ald. Ed Burke to his own “philosophy” on separating politics from government.
Those are some of the highlights in a copy of the veteran House Speaker’s deposition, released by lawyers for the former political rival suing Madigan in federal court. […]
Madigan answered many questions with versions of “I do not remember,” or “I do not recall,” which is common in depositions.
When asked about being elected chairman of the Democratic Party of Illinois, the speaker said he didn’t remember the exact date.
“I have information that it was in 1998, would that be about right?” Peraica asked.
“Right,” Madigan said.
“So about 20 years now?” Peraica asked.
Madigan replied, “Maybe more than 20 years. It’s one of those situations where you have so much fun you forget things.”
The full deposition is here.
* One of my favorite exchanges…
Q: And what case did he represent you on or in, [Bill Roberts], that is?
A: Those were matters that involved the United States Attorney’s Office.
Q: Were those civil in nature or criminal in nature?
A: They were not civil.
It’s Time To Put Our Progressive Values Into Action
Friday, Feb 1, 2019 - Posted by Advertising Department
[The following is a paid advertisement.]
Illinois progressives ran, organized, voted, and won in 2018. Now it’s time to lead. Our victories this election showed there is strong support across Illinois for a bold, progressive agenda and leaders who can turn that agenda into action. We have the power to make Illinois a state that leads the nation on committing to 100% clean, renewable energy, reducing gun violence to keep our communities safe, expanding abortion access to all no matter where they live, their income or age. Working together, we can move Illinois forward on these issues and more — from workers’ and immigrant rights to criminal justice reform, LGBTQ equality, and affordable healthcare. We are one in the fight to build a state where all people can raise families in healthy, safe communities, with dignity and justice.
Forward Illinois is a coalition of leading progressive organizations representing more than 500,000 member-activists. Our work to mobilize voters around the progressive issues that impact us all didn’t end on Election Day. Now we’re taking our fight from the ballot box to the steps of our state Capitol to demand action. Learn more and join the fight at
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