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That’s pretty darned bad

Tuesday, Mar 5, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Um…


  1. - Al - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 9:53 am:

    The legacy of governor Rauner.

  2. - Reality Check - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 9:56 am:

    Not just Rauner but all his enablers. The IPI. The Trib and many other editorial boards. Republicans in the General Assembly who stood by for two years, and especially those who didn’t even break with him in the end. The corporate lobby, including Greg Baise, now trying to rebrand themselves as “Ideas Illinois”. We had four years of your ideas and this was the result.

  3. - jim - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 9:58 am:

    yeah, it’s all Rauner’s fault. Illinois’ rating was Triple A before he got elected, right? Illinois had no financial problems before R got elected, right?

  4. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 9:58 am:

    Connecticut and New Jersey both have the magical graduated income tax JB has promised will fix Illinois budget mess.

    It has not solved their fiscal problems because, like Illinois, they are ignoring the cost drivers of the debt.

  5. - Iggy - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 9:58 am:

    So when JB kicks the can on pensions and we get downgraded to junk, will the lovely moniker of Governor Junk be transferred to JB, or is this one of those things where three years into JB’s term we will still be blaming the present situation on Rauner? As if I even need to ask. lol.

  6. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 9:59 am:

    Yo Jason, you got two tens for a five?

  7. - Back to the Mountains - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:01 am:

    Judging by that tweet alone, public education isn’t much better.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:02 am:

    “We’re like 81st out of 50 states“

    - Dad doesn’t let me count the money no more.

    - the only intelligence I have is being in Naval Intelligence.

    - now you know why Dad wanted me out of the family business and in politics.

    - I was told there would be no math as a Senator, k?

    - I know, it’s wrong. I meant to say out of 101.

    - I counted a bunch of possessions and stuff, the Virgin Islands, Thousand Islands, Ranch, French, the places named for salad dressings.

    - If you count places that came back after the Civil War, it equals 81, like “Georgia” before, and “Georgia” now… yep, 81

    - my goal isn’t to be taken seriously, it’s to get out on my own and enjoy myself, like being this senator thing.

    - my bad. We sell 81 types of wood and there are 53 US states. Apologies.

    - when we break from Chicago, that will be closer to 81, so I just got ahead of it.

    - i guessed the twitter password right. This is what happened next.

    - if I keep this up, won’t have to worry about a funny twitter popping up, I’ll jest get retweeted.

    - like, if you count Canada places and Mexico places abs get them included and stuff, this works.

    - I’m not interested in being accurate, I’m interested in looking ridiculous.

    - Dad is giving me 4 bad tweets a year, so I’m still good, I have 2 more until New Years.

    - I’m, like, a words guy…

  9. - Donnie Elgin - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:03 am:

    Tennessee rated Aaa and has the third lowest tax burden, mild winters, great recreation, good healthcare, and schools about equal to IL. No shortage of Yankee transplants either as Nashville is busting at the seams with Illinoisan leaving the state …

  10. - Yep - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:03 am:

    “81st out of 50 states” Yogi Berra lives!

  11. - Steve - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:03 am:

    What’s interesting is different states have different tax structures. At least at a minimum on this report card, Texas and Tennessee don’t even have a state income tax. No guarantee that a progressive income tax will solve Illinois’ problems.

  12. - don the legend - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:04 am:

    I anxiously await Senator Plummer’s concrete proposals for moving Illinois out of this financial difficulty.

  13. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:04 am:

    Paying our bills has to be a top priority, and with graduated income tax talks set to begin, it looks like that’s the case. Pritzker wants it and GA Democrats will start talks very soon.

    The historical deadbeatism of the state, including Bruce’s destructive sabotage, has to end. It’s encouraging that Pritzker is looking for longer-term financial stability and moral revenue collection (raising taxes on the rich). The GOP’s position of cut, cut, cut shows really where hearts are at.

  14. - illini - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:06 am:

    @Willy - I was trying to think where to begin, but you nailed it. I am so proud of my State Senator.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:07 am:

    ===yeah, it’s all Rauner’s fault.===


    His four years also had credit rating drops. Rauner’s was purposeful. Keep up.

  16. - The Big Salad - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:08 am:

    ==or is this one of those things where three years into JB’s term we will still be blaming the present situation on Rauner?==

    This is, in fact, one of those things. Hynes put the marker out early with his report a few weeks ago that will be resurrected as needed, particularly in 2022. They’ll take any and all upside, while the downside will be But Rauner. Should be fun.

  17. - Captain Obvious - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:09 am:

    OW - you understand the concepts of satire and sarcasm? Maybe if had said 57 states you would have gotten it?

  18. - Illinois Resident - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:11 am:

    Hey Republicans, maybe we should get going on taxing and regulating cannabis asap so we can get new revenue going. Oh that’s right, you just want to obstruct and complain.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:12 am:

    ===you understand the concepts of satire and sarcasm?===

    I do.

    Jason Plummer in the Illinois Senate *is* satire and sarcasm

    Plummer proves that with every word, release, statement, and tweet.

    “We’re like 81st out of 50 states”

    It’s, like, Jason is proving he’s satire to the honest discussions.


  20. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:13 am:

    After proposing another 8 years of shorting the pension funds, even though record permanent tax hikes are passed, things will get better eventually.

    If at first you don’t succeed, keep doing the exact same thing over and over again.

  21. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:13 am:

    We could get upgraded twice and still be the worst. That, my friends, is how you dominate a list like this.

  22. - Collinsville Kevin - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:16 am:

    Although I loathe the messenger, his message is right on.

  23. - Montrose - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:16 am:

    I am with Captain Obvious. There are a lot of legit reasons to critique Jason Plumber. Him making an simple joke isn’t one of them.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:18 am:

    - the NCAA basketball selection show wil have like 90 teams in the field of 68

    - sorry, 81 is my favorite number so I use it, like, whenever.

    - this is me taking stuff all serious (Plummer makes loud noise slurping his slurpee)

    - it’s cool, no one expects me to be all smart and stuff

    - I know, I know, next time just pictures. No words.

    - i won’t tweet no more. Can I keep my Snapchat?

    - I’ll spend more time managing my fantasy baseball team

  25. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:20 am:

    Putting Plummer and simple in the same sentence isn’t helping Jason… lol

  26. - Al - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:20 am:

    From A3 to Baaa3; six downgrades in four years, that is Superstar best management team in America work.

  27. - Nick Name - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:21 am:

    ===Connecticut and New Jersey both have the magical graduated income tax JB has promised will fix Illinois budget mess.

    It has not solved their fiscal problems because, like Illinois, they are ignoring the cost drivers of the debt.===

    Four of the five states that border Illinois are AAA or AA1, with Kentucky at AA3. All of those states have higher taxes than Illinois. All save Indiana have graduated tax brackets. And Indiana’s income taxes are still higher than Illinois’ when you factor in its county-level income tax.

  28. - illini - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:21 am:

    @Montrose - I did not think we elect members of the GA to make jokes. This is serious business they are engaged in - or maybe some do not see it that way.

  29. - The Big Salad - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:22 am:

    - the NCAA basketball selection show wil have like 90 teams in the field of 68

    - sorry, 81 is my favorite number so I use it, like, whenever.

    - this is me taking stuff all serious (Plummer makes loud noise slurping his slurpee)

    - it’s cool, no one expects me to be all smart and stuff

    - I know, I know, next time just pictures. No words.

    - i won’t tweet no more. Can I keep my Snapchat?

    - I’ll spend more time managing my fantasy baseball team

    Jason’s line was funnier.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:24 am:

    ===Jason’s line was funnier.===

    That’s the gag.

    Coming from Jason, it’s hilarious… to him.

    You’re right, it’s funnier.

    How can i top that? LOL

  31. - City Zen - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:24 am:

    I hope senator Plummer doesn’t sit on the Illinois Tourism Board.

  32. - A 400lb. Guy on a bed - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:24 am:

    The IPI’s legacy.

  33. - Montrose - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:25 am:

    Illini- Really? Its beneath a legislator to use humor to point to an issue? You are going to have an problem with most the General Assembly if you think that if they make a joke, they aren’t taking their job seriously. As I said before, there are lots of substantive reasons to critique Jason Plummer. This ain’t one of them.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:27 am:

    - I’m not suppose to say stuff you approve, you said nuttin’ about tweeting.

    - i read it. Yeah, 81… oh…

  35. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:28 am:

    Four of the five states that border Illinois are AAA or AA1, with Kentucky at AA3. All of those states have higher taxes than Illinois. All save Indiana have graduated tax brackets. And Indiana’s income taxes are still higher than Illinois’ when you factor in its county-level income tax.

    Illinois residents pay 11% of their income in taxes currently trailing only, New Jersey, Connecticut and New York. What will it look like if taxes are raised further?

    Thinking just raising taxes will fix Illinois is delusional.

  36. - Anon - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:28 am:


    We blow our surrounding states out of the water in total tax burden.

    Our income tax level is slightly lower, while our property, sales, and other miscellaneous are far higher.

    Once we implement the progressive tax it will become a clean sweep as we will still have far higher property and sales taxes, and now will take home the crown for income taxes as well.

  37. - Chris Widger - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:29 am:

    Oswego Willy, today: [brashly attacking legislator for simple joke, totally ignoring merits of complaint]

    Oswego Willy, yesterday:
    ==You go after the expert once to make them question his expertise. You keep going after him, it looks like you’re afraid of the expert.

    It’s the difference between smart commenting… and troll commenting…==

  38. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:29 am:

    - 81 was my football number and it looks cool when i see it.

    - 81, like Illinois has 81 counties

  39. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:34 am:

    - being a caricature is what makes me a character.

    - sometimes i get up during caucus and they let me talk for a long time, everyone eating popcorn, it’s fun.

    - i got it wrong? I knew there are more than 50 states. Should I change that?

  40. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:35 am:

    Oh - Chris Widger -,

    I *am* trolling him.

    Plummer tweeted it, so…

  41. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:38 am:

    - Chris Widger -

    You wanna call Sen. Plummer an “expert”?

    Go with that, lol

  42. - Illinois Resident - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:44 am:

    Anon - Your argument does not take away the fact that progressive income taxes are normal. Normal for states. Normal for the US federal system.

  43. - Anon - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:44 am:

    Can we all just take a moment to acknowledge that the credit ratings mean nothing when it comes to assessing the risk of a general obligation bond issued by a state?

  44. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:44 am:

    I took it as humor but for a guy with a reputation for, shall we say, less intellectual rigor, I’m not sure I would go there.

  45. - Crispy - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:46 am:

    I know Rauner’s administration is basically water under the bridge at this point, but I wish there was some legitimate way to make him pay for the destruction he caused. No, of course he didn’t start Illinois’ financial problems, but he made them So. Much. Worse. And no, merely losing an election is not nearly payment enough for his actions.

  46. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:47 am:

    ==Connecticut and New Jersey both have the magical graduated income tax JB has promised will fix Illinois budget mess.

    It has not solved their fiscal problems because, like Illinois, they are ignoring the cost drivers of the debt.== Pointing out that states that have a graduated income tax have credit ratings that are 3 to 5 notches higher than Illinois might increase support for a similar structure in Illinois.

  47. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:50 am:

    “Illinois residents pay 11% of their income in taxes currently trailing only, New Jersey, Connecticut and New York. What will it look like if taxes are raised further?”

    The key is to raise the state income tax on higher earners, cut it for many others and give many property tax relief by using more of state income tax money to pay for schools. Nobody who has a shred of realism thinks this is going to be easy, but Pritzker and GA Democrats will get started very soon.

    So given the state’s political makeup, we shouldn’t waste time with GOP policy that’s heavy on cuts. The former governor did so much damage to attack opponents and strip union rights. That’s over now but for the futile (and comical) screaming on the right.

  48. - Anon - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:52 am:

    The credit ratings mean everything.

    A junk rating means you lose access to all of the major institutional investors that are legally prohibited from investing in junk.

    Who is to say that if things get bad enough we don’t start treating bond holders the same way we do state contractors who wait months (in some cases years) to get paid for services they provide the state (something that doesn’t happen anywhere else but Illinois).

    Our credit rating reflects our way of doing business.

    The ratings agencies look at the results of our last tax increase and see a state that still has a massive structural deficit and ran up billions in unpaid bills.

    Our credit rating reflects the fact that they know (as well as every thinking person in this state) that more taxes and more revenue won’t solve our problems anymore than the last couple of tax increases did. It will just mean more spending, more unfunded pension debt (took jb 6 weeks to launch a pension holiday) and more general debt while still having done nothing to materially change our fiscal trajectory.

    It also means you pay through the nose in interest, making borrowing far more expensive.

  49. - Al - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:54 am:

    In what way does Illinois differ from her neighbor States; no budgets for the four Rauner years FY15 to FY19.

  50. - Illinois Resident - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 10:55 am:

    Anon - Which is why we need a progressive income tax. Also why we need to legalize cannabis for additional revenue.

  51. - The Dude Abides - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 11:02 am:

    Our low flat tax rate for years explains a good part of the reason why Iliinois’s property taxes are so high (along with too many units of government) and why we have so much debt.
    Rauner came along at a time that Illinois was desperate for a good Governor. We couldn’t have gotten a worse Governor at a worse time. Besides the unprecedented level of debt Illinois incurred under his watch there were 8 credit downgrades in his first 28 month in office, which is the definition of insanity.
    Our tax system isn’t working. A majority of states have the progressive tax and it has worked pretty well in a majority of those states.

  52. - don the legend - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 11:05 am:

    To LP and his fellow Raunerbots:

    During the past four years commenters have criticized Rauner and his sycophants BUT at the same time have supported measures to pay our bills and live up to our obligations.

    Ranuerites, for the past four years, have praised the acceleration of our State’s demise and now mock and criticize the policy efforts to solve the problems Raunerites caused and/or greatly exacerbated.

  53. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 11:08 am:

    –Who is to say that if things get bad enough we don’t start treating bond holders the same way we do state contractors who wait months (in some cases years) to get paid for services they provide the state (something that doesn’t happen anywhere else but Illinois). –

    Sovereign powers, exponential debt service coverage, state law, continuing appropriations and a history of never missing a bond payment.

    Rauner piled on $12B in additional unpaid bills in 2.5 years — bonds got paid first, on time, in full.

    It’s informative to take credit ratings as a measure of a state’s fiscal practices. But they mean nothing when it comes to paying debt service on bonds.

    By any reasonable measure, every state should be AAA when it comes to their ability and track records in servicing their bonded indebtedness.

    But if the rating agencies ever admitted that obvious truth, they’d be out of the business of rating states.

  54. - Illinois Resident - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 11:11 am:

    Wordslinger - Well said.

  55. - muon - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 11:12 am:

    The short term problem is that the credit agencies tend to base their decisions on past practice and future revenue and spending in law. I suspect that the credit agencies won’t want to base a rating decision on the graduated tax until it is at least passed by the electorate, and maybe not until a law implements it for the FY 2022 budget.

    The 2020 (and 2021) budget is a bridge, and any real stability depends on how and if the graduated tax materializes after the 2020 election. If the credit agencies keep with normal practice and discount a 2020 amendment then there is risk of a downgrade to junk before then. That in turn would drive up costs to the state in the bridge period before a tax would be implemented.

  56. - Jibba - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 11:17 am:

    I’m very glad Jason will be voting for tax increases, which is the only mechanism being pushed by the credit agencies to right our ship of state.

  57. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 11:32 am:

    = Texas and Tennessee don’t even have a state income tax. No guarantee that a progressive income tax will solve Illinois’ problems.=

    So we don’t need revenue to pay our bills?

    If Rauner had moved faster on Fracking we could have had oil to help out.

  58. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 11:50 am:

    “Tennessee rated Aaa and has the third lowest tax burden, mild winters, great recreation, good healthcare, and schools about equal to IL. No shortage of Yankee transplants either as Nashville is busting at the seams with Illinoisan leaving the state”

    Tennessee is a Bible-thumping, lower-wage RTWFL state with no Medicaid expansion. Have at it. We’re not going in that direction.

  59. - RNUG - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 12:01 pm:

    == The 2020 (and 2021) budget is a bridge, and any real stability depends on how and if the graduated tax materializes after the 2020 election. ==

    We all know the State needs more revenue to keep doing what it has been doing. There are needs to be a discussion about what the State should be doing and what the State is doing that it should not be doing. Then some decisions should be made based on the math. Stop doing things or outsource if it is cheaper to go so, but I would want penalty and clawback clauses in any outsourcing contracts because the savings often do not materialize.

  60. - South of I-64 - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 12:04 pm:

    And your solution to the problem Sen. Plummer?

  61. - RNUG - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 12:08 pm:

    == … how and if the graduated tax materializes after the 2020 election. ==

    Once the graduated income tax CA has passed the House and Senate, then pass a deferred and conditional flat income tax increase sufficient to meet FY21 revenue needs to only be implemented if the graduated income tax CA fails to pass.

    That way the choice will be crystal clear to the voters. And it will provide needed funding going forward, which should assure the ratings firms Illinois is actually serious about getting their financial act together.

  62. - Montrose - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 12:22 pm:

    I am growing tired of the “a progressive income tax won’t fix everything so we shouldn’t do it” argument. If we only passed laws that were the panacea of all ills, the legislature would spend most of its time twiddling thumbs. Its a big, complex problem. It will take a big, complex answer, which includes a progressive tax system.

  63. - Last Bull Moose - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 12:30 pm:

    RNUG’s proposal would make the choice crystal clear. It might also highlight the reality that we need a lot more money.

    It will come down to rates and exemptions.

  64. - Ryan - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 12:36 pm:

    A college educated senator using ‘like’ as if he’s a teenager. Super.

  65. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 12:38 pm:

    Are “bible thumpers” no longer welcome in Illinois?

    77% of Illinois residents state religion is somewhat or very important

    Illinois is a big state with a lot of different views. Not everyone is secular progressive, religious bigot Grandson.

  66. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 1:20 pm:

    Tennessee is also the third most dangerous state in the country.

  67. - Shemp - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 1:29 pm:

    Ah, the ole ad hominem attacks on a sadly funny tweet. At least for the day we can place our collective misplaced blame a Plummer tweet instead of misplacing our collective blame the bond rating companies for our financial disorder that’s been in the making since the 50’s (which is clearly Rauner’s fault).

  68. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 2:04 pm:

    ==I wish there was some legitimate way to make him pay for the destruction he caused. No, of course he didn’t start Illinois’ financial problems, but he made them So. Much. Worse.==

    Is it also worth finding a way to make the Democrats AND Republicans who preceeded him pay for the mess the state was in before Rauner took office? Ok, things got worse under Rauner. Does that somehow clear those who came before him of any respondibilty? It is easy to blame Rauner. But goodness, any rationale minded person should understand the blame can’t solely be laid at his feet. I hope the Pritzker crew can put partisan politics aside and work to implement real solutions to the mess this state is in.

  69. - NotACowboy - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 2:19 pm:

    Everyone is up in arms about 81 out of 50, but I only see 49 states on the list.

    Don’t tell me Plummer is part of the “Wyoming Doesn’t Exist” conspiracy…

  70. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 2:54 pm:

    “Illinois is a big state with a lot of different views. Not everyone is secular progressive, religious bigot Grandson.”

    It looks like someone’s a real snowflake. Calling people Bible-thumping is not bigotry. In Tennessee it’s true. They tried to make the Bible the state book, but it was vetoed. That’s bigotry and is unconstitutional, trying to use the state to impose religion on its residents.

    Tennessee won’t expand Medicaid to the poor and sick, and they won’t get rid of RTWFL, so unions can be fairly compensated for benefiting and having to represent workers. What’s holy about freeloading when one can afford to pay fair share fees? What’s sacred about supporting tax cuts for billionaires but not expanding healthcare to the “least of these” among us?

    Illinois is not a right wing state. We don’t want Republican budget cuts. We don’t want RTWFL. That was made perfectly clear in the last election. But go ahead, whine on.

  71. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 3:00 pm:

    Time for Rauner and his friends to start buying up those bonds.

  72. - RNUG - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 3:01 pm:

    == Illinois is not a right wing state. ==

    All politics are local. Probably more accurate to say metro Chicago and metro St Louis are not right wing. A fair chunk of in-between seems to be, but they are a minority in terms of total voters.

  73. - Stuntman Bob's Brother - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 4:42 pm:

    Hey, at least Illinois (unlike Wyoming) made the list. Illinois should demand that U.S. territories (Puerto Rico, etc.) be included as well.

  74. - Huh? - Tuesday, Mar 5, 19 @ 5:10 pm:

    “Time for Rauner and his friends to start buying up those bonds.”

    How do you know that they haven’t been buying bonds this whole time that the ratings have been falling? 1.4% used to say that he didn’t work for the rating agencies and didn’t care what they said. Falling bond ratings are money in the pockets of the investors. 1.4% claimed to turn over control of his portfolio to a trustee. What’s to prevent 1.4% from calling the trustee and placing a buy order on Illinois GO bonds?

  75. - Earl Hickey - Wednesday, Mar 6, 19 @ 11:01 pm:

    Just curious. How posters own any Illinois GO bonds?

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