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The education beat

Tuesday, Mar 19, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Dusty Rhodes at Illinois Public Radio

More than a year ago, Illinois lawmakers approved a total overhaul of the way the state funds schools. That landmark legislation, known as “evidence-based funding,” got a lot of media attention. But at the same time, something else happened that went totally unreported: The state also changed the number of instructional hours required in a school day from five to zero.

Let’s be clear: The new law didn’t force any changes, so most districts carried on with their usual schedules. And as soon teachers unions noticed the five-hour requirement had been dropped, they began to lobby to reinstate it.

But by that time, a few districts had embraced the new flexibility, and didn’t want to give it up. That left the Illinois State Board of Education caught in the middle. […]

“We found that many districts were primarily using flexibility this winter for e-learning days for students,” [Amanda Elliott is director of legislative affairs for the ISBE] says. “We heard from districts that they saw this as an opportunity to allow more use of dual credit classes, internships, career based learning experiences, and so there’s a lot of excitement about what this could mean for schools and students in Illinois.”

But now there’s legislation that’s going to restore the clock hours. It’s contained in an amendment that’s been negotiated by the state’s largest teachers union and a representative from a group of the most well-financed school districts — the kind most ready to take advantage of all this flexibility.

The amendment, however, contains some exemptions. Go read the rest for more info.

* Greg Hinz at Crain’s

In his first major legislative initiative, new Illinois Manufacturing Association President Mark Denzler says his top legislative priority is a bill that would waive tuition and other fees (including on-campus housing) at the University of Illinois and other state colleges and universities for students studying science, technology engineering or math who agree to teach in a state high school for at least three years after graduation, or a state institute of higher education for at least five years. […]

“If you talk to people in community colleges, they’ll tell you them they have plenty of classrooms available. What they lack is qualified staff”—instructors capable of teaching in the so-called STEM disciplines, he added.

The bill involved passed the Senate last year but stalled in the House. It is sponsored again this year by Sen. Andy Manar, D-Bunker Hill. Denzler said he’s been discussing the proposal with House leaders and officials in Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s administration, and is hopeful of getting them to go along.

School labor unions have not yet signed on to the bill, but the measure comes amid the rising number of Illinois high school graduates who end up attending college out of state, with many never returning here. The estimated first-year cost is about $1.5 million, Denzler said, though that figure could multiply quickly in the future if the program works.

Eastern Illinois University, the Illinois Community College Board and the Illinois Statewide School Management Alliance have signed on as proponents.

* Chalkbeat

The staff of the state charter commission has recommended that two charter schools rejected by Chicago have another chance to open their doors to students.

On Tuesday, the Illinois State Charter School Commission will consider those recommendations to approve a new citywide school run by Intrinsic, which wants to replicate its Level 1-plus campus, and to keep open a school by Urban Prep West, whose school was ordered closed.

On another appeal, the commission’s staff sided with the Chicago district in recommending that Chicago Education Partnership’s proposal for a second campus for its Moving Everest elementary school in Austin be rejected. The fourth school, Kwame Nkrumah, withdrew its appeal.

Earlier this year, the Chicago school board denied all new charter applications for the next school year, and announced plans to shutter two currently operating charter schools.

* Capitol News Illinois

A state senator wants to give all Illinois high school students the opportunity to walk across the graduation stage with an associate degree to complement their diploma.

Senate Minority Leader Bill Brady, a Bloomington Republican, told the Senate Education Committee this week he is still fine-tuning the proposal, Senate Bill 2046, but the general premise is to quicken the pace at which young adults can enter the workforce.

“What some states have done, is they have offered or mandated high schools to provide an equivalent that would give people three choices: traditional education, or leave high school with an associate degree with either a path to a vocation or a path to a baccalaureate degree where they would be able to enter college as a junior,” Brady told Capitol News Illinois on Thursday.

As it stands now, Brady’s bill would require high schools to prove there is a path for students to achieve an associate degree by the time they leave high school, but there are no penalties written into the bill for districts that don’t offer such courses.

Zach Messersmith, representing school boards and administrators through the Illinois Statewide School Management Alliance, testified Wednesday as an opponent to the bill as written, but said he discussed it with Brady and planned to work out some disagreements in the legislation. Brady said he is open to negotiation as well, and he was “less than thrilled” with the initial draft of the bill.

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  1. - NeverPoliticallyCorrect - Tuesday, Mar 19, 19 @ 12:49 pm:

    It’s important to remember that this passed with the Dems blessings last year, and the unions knew what it meant. Now they are having second thoughts? Do a little more digging Rich into their reasons for an about-face.

  2. - illini - Tuesday, Mar 19, 19 @ 12:59 pm:

    Good intentions, but bad policy - offering a “free” education ( tuition, fees and housing ) for STEM graduates. The need for great teachers in this area is critically important, but what do they do after 3 years of teaching HS students - private employment or grad school?

    There is far too many unanswered questions in this idea for me to even come close to supporting it.

  3. - thechampaignlife - Tuesday, Mar 19, 19 @ 1:01 pm:

    It is a great idea to encourage teachers by giving them free college, but I suggest that this apply to all state universities, and that it be accomplished via a deferred payment loan from ISAC that is forgiven after 5 years so that it is not an unfunded mandate.

  4. - Echo The Bunnyman - Tuesday, Mar 19, 19 @ 1:06 pm:

    And as soon teachers unions noticed the five-hour requirement had been dropped, they began to lobby to reinstate it.

    This why we are in the position we are in. The Unions/Teachers take online courses to keep their certification valid. But, not letting a Senior in southern Illinois take an online course not available like the collar county students? Joke.

  5. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 19, 19 @ 1:19 pm:

    IMA has a nice idea there; how do they propose to pay for it?

  6. - illini - Tuesday, Mar 19, 19 @ 1:21 pm:

    @thechampaignlife - if I am not mistaken this is a program that already exists ( or did exist ). A niece graduated from ISU with a teaching degree and student debt. At that time there were targeted underperforming school districts in Illinois that would allow these students to write off that debt if they taught for 5 years in one of those districts. My niece did her 5 years and ended up moving to Seattle.

    Still a good idea - but not everything “free” up front, and not only from my Alma.

  7. - PublicServant - Tuesday, Mar 19, 19 @ 1:30 pm:

    ===Brady said he is open to negotiation as well, and he was “less than thrilled” with the initial draft of the bill.===

    Huh? It’s his bill, right? Who wrote it, ALEC?

  8. - illini - Tuesday, Mar 19, 19 @ 1:55 pm:

    But on a positive note, my youngest niece was just 6 credit hours ( two classes ) short of being a Junior at ISU when she enrolled thanks to her AP and dual credit classes in HS. And not all classes transferred as they might have at other Universities. And she is now well on her way to getting her PhD out of state.

    The options that should be available to all HS students is something that certainly be discussed.

  9. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Mar 19, 19 @ 2:04 pm:

    Bill Brady- only a decade late to the party. Schools have been doing this for a longtime know.

  10. - Liberty - Tuesday, Mar 19, 19 @ 2:05 pm:

    How about the Illinois Manufactures Association cough up some money for scholarships?

  11. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 19, 19 @ 2:31 pm:

    “e-learning days”
    My kids district is running a “pilot” with this. They are doing this to replace 3 of our snow days, so the school year finishes prior to memorial day. The requirement for my kids will be that I need to do 4-5 extra hours of work with them at home, at night, instead of him going to school an extra day. If we refuse, it counts as an unexcused absense.

  12. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Mar 19, 19 @ 2:37 pm:

    On the STEM bill it’s unclear when the students in the program would get their educational training. UIUC is already a very tough 4 year program for most STEM majors, and the College of Education there only offers minors in STEM secondary education in 5 such majors. Is this going to turn into a five or six year course of study so they can be trained to handle a classroom and certified?

  13. - Cool Papa Bell - Tuesday, Mar 19, 19 @ 2:47 pm:

    If all kids can graduate with an Associates degree then will that harm our Junior Colleges that are a bright spot right now in higher ed?

    Also why include the U of I in the STEM proposal for teachers. Let the directionals take on the program and see if attendance can be boosted there. The U of I is not the system in need of a handout.

  14. - NoGifts - Tuesday, Mar 19, 19 @ 3:05 pm:

    “is a bill that would waive tuition and other fees” 1) What happens to the kids who change their course of study later when the fees have already been waived? 2) if they’re planning to give out money, I’d vote for making college more affordable for everyone. 3) i’d also vote for establishing a lot more affordable trade skills and certification programs in community colleges.

  15. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 19, 19 @ 6:11 pm:


    The Illinois Manufacturers’ Association donated $250,000 to community colleges in the past two years for educational efforts.

    TMA has equipped labs at community colleges.

    The Fabricators Association has fully equipped the manufacturing facility at Harper College.

    The list goes on and on…

  16. - NoGifts - Wednesday, Mar 20, 19 @ 8:57 am:

    @anonymous, there are 48 community colleges in Illinois. That’s $2600 per year per college. We need more investment from other sources. Or other strategies. Subsidizes on the job apprenticeships?

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