Statehouse rally roundup
Thursday, Mar 21, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Five times in ten years is not exceedingly rare, but it is definitely unusual….
Thousands of people from groups including Illinois Right to Life Action, the Pro-Life Action League and Illinois Family Institute, held a rally on Wednesday to protest the bills.
In fact, the mass of people from the anti-abortion-related groups and another rally in favor of gun control — along with the normal crowd of lawmakers, lobbyists, staffers and others on a session day — grew so thick inside the Capitol, police temporarily closed the building to new visitors.
The crowd was estimated to be as large as 4,000 people at one point, the Secretary of State’s office said. According to a news release, people were brought to the Capitol by bus from across the state. […]
Capitol Police said they believe the building has been temporarily closed due to large crowds five times in the last 10 years.
* More…
According to a news release, people were brought to the Capitol by bus from across the state.
“Friends, I believe there’s a sleeping giant that’s been awoken and it’s called the Church of Illinois,” Republican Rep. Darren Bailey, from Xenia, said to a cheering crowd.
Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker, although never commenting on whether he supports this specific legislation, has vowed to “make Illinois the most progressive state in the nation for access to reproductive health care.”
* And one more…
State Rep. Terri Bryant, R-Murphysboro, said the bills being advanced by Democrats go beyond just keeping abortion legal in Illinois. One measure, she said, would allow for abortions at any stage in the pregnancy.
Bryant said Gov. J.B. Pritzker doesn’t have a mandate to make the state, as he said, the most progressive state in the nation for reproductive rights.
“Not everyone votes, but I promise you on this issue, you’ll find that if you look at the witness slips in opposition of these bills both in the House and in the Senate, we’re talking about tens of thousands,” Bryant said.
* Related…
* Thousands of pro-life supporters rally against abortion legislation at the state capitol: Though pro-life groups may believe they will not see eye-to-eye with lawmakers backing the bill, some co-sponsors of the proposal said they agreed that aspects of the bill need to be reexamined. “There’s a provision of the bill currently that would allow non-medical meaning non-doctors to perform some aspect of an abortion service. I have problems with that portion, I have shared that with the sponsor of the bill. There are certain things we have to have for public safety,” said Champaign democrat Carol Ammons.
* Hundreds Rally At The Capitol To Protest Abortion Bills
* IL Supreme Court denies abortion funding law challenge; Dissent: ‘Political question’ claims deserve hearing
- Been There - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 9:38 am:
===Capitol Police said they believe the building has been temporarily closed due to large crowds five times in the last 10 years.====
I remember one of those being a gun lobby day. They were everywhere. Couldn’t get anywhere.
- TheInvisibleMan - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 9:42 am:
“Friends, I believe there’s a sleeping giant that’s been awoken and it’s called the Church of Illinois”
All the child abuse lawsuits filed against it didn’t wake it up though.
This reminds me of the poem “The War Prayer” by Mark Twain. It’s not the things you do or say that are the most relevant, it’s the things you don’t do or say that end up defining you(or your organization).
- wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 9:45 am:
–…the Church of Illinois.–
So much for the 1st Amendment.
Perhaps Rep. Bailey could tell us more about his vision of a theocracy. Kind of like sharia law?
- Tom - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 9:45 am:
““Not everyone votes, but I promise you on this issue, you’ll find that if you look at the witness slips in opposition of these bills both in the House and in the Senate, we’re talking about tens of thousands,” Bryant said.”
Maybe they should vote if they care that much and witness slips can be filed online now so not sure how much that actually represents the general public.
- Cubs in '16 - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 9:51 am:
===All the child abuse lawsuits filed against it didn’t wake it up though.===
There are many Protestant Christians like myself who speak out against both issues.
- Grandson of Man - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 9:51 am:
“The crowd was estimated to be as large as 4,000”
The union rally in 2016 was larger.
“Not everyone votes, but I promise you on this issue, you’ll find that if you look at the witness slips in opposition of these bills both in the House and in the Senate, we’re talking about tens of thousands”
Big deal. Pritzker got almost 2.5 million votes.
- Lester Holt’s Mustache - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 9:54 am:
==Bryant said Gov. J.B. Pritzker doesn’t have a mandate to ==
Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt, as they say. 16 point win over an incumbent governor gives JB a mandate in pretty much any area he wants. Remark probably plays well in Murphysboro, but it doesn’t reflect reality under the dome. Then again the crowd is probably in on the bit and won’t ask her later to explain this comment after the bill is signed into law
- Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 9:59 am:
The “Pro-Anti-Inconvenience Group” strikes back.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 10:03 am:
I had to navigate through the crowd yesterday. Most attendees were courteous and behaved appropriately, but a few were pretty obnoxious. I felt especially bad for the assistants and staffers who had to endure some name-calling and abuse from so-called “Christians.”
But Democracy isn’t supposed to be pretty. It ought to be respectful though, and some of these folks could use a lesson in lobbying 101. Hint: it’s about addition. You don’t browbeat people into joining your side.
- RetiredStateEmployee - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 10:18 am:
First we need to call this movement its real name, Pro-Birth. If you are Pro-Life, you need to support, health care for children before and after birth, education, poverty issues, and more funding for DCFS. Life is a long time, but when your support ends at birth, that’s a problem.
- TheInvisibleMan - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 10:21 am:
==There are many==
No there aren’t.
While I’m sure you speak out, the default position of the majority regarding their internal problems is denial obstruct delay. That’s why all those lawsuits exist in the first place.
- lakeside - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 10:30 am:
I couldn’t be less supportive of their cause, but a big thumbs up to people going to the place where the laws are made to argue their points.
==One measure, she said, would allow for abortions at any stage in the pregnancy.==
Journalists have to stop it with this, “they said,” reporting though. “One measure would allow infants to be launched into the Sun,” she said. Bills exist; see if that’s in there, and, if it’s not, say it’s not in there.
- Cubs in '16 - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 10:32 am:
===regarding their internal problems is denial obstruct delay===
I don’t disagree but my point is the pro-life/anti-fetuscide (or whatever folks want to label it) movement isn’t just Catholics.
- Give Me A Break - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 10:34 am:
I still think the rally when Daniels was speaker and overturning the Scaffolding Act was the biggest I ever saw.
The unions shut down the building. Members went to their offices and more than a few locked the doors. The elevators could not handle the numbers and Daniels and Pate pretty much just called off session for day.
- Justsayin - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 11:56 am:
Why is there not any coverage on how aggressive and cruel these people were to L.A.s and staff? The stories I heard will turn you green.
- cover - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 12:13 pm:
= Church of Illinois =
Is that a reference to the diocese in Kaskaskia which received a bell as a gift from King Louis XV? If so, that hasn’t been a thing since 1763.
- NoGifts - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 12:31 pm:
I agree. Reporting on what was said and stopping there is why our news isn’t as educational as it could be. And applies to checking politicians. When did we turn this over to the “fact checker” organizations rather than the reporters?
- thechampaignlife - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 12:59 pm:
=== If you are Pro-Life, you need to support, health care for children before and after birth, education, poverty issues, and more funding for DCFS.===
- ajjacksson - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 1:06 pm:
I agree with Cubs in ‘16–and I agree with RetiredStateEmployee too.
- Arock - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 2:53 pm:
There are many pregnancy centers in Illinois and around the country that are providing services to mother and child before and after birth and we are trying to fund more and this is with private money. There are many in the pro-life movement that adopt or help mothers & child in an up close and personal manner. There are groups active on college campuses to help mothers and child and allow the mother to finish her college degree. This is not just religious groups that are pro-life as many know the scientific fact that a human life begins at conception. Abortion is not healthcare it is the ending of an innocent life in the womb.
- Demoralized - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 3:26 pm:
==Abortion is not healthcare ==
It can be in some circumstances
- Josh Lyman - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 3:31 pm:
Fun fact, the First Amendment only applies to the federal government. It’s right there in the text: “Congress shall make no law.”
Many states had established churches long after the adoption of the Bill of Rights. It was one of Patrick Henry’s proudest achievements.
That there are no longer was a decision of voters. Should folks like this get enough wind in their sails, well, awake they are indeed.
- Highland IL - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 4:22 pm:
Darren Bailey the new Kyle McCarter, who’ll accomplish just as much.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 5:13 pm:
–Fun fact, the First Amendment only applies to the federal government. It’s right there in the text: “Congress shall make no law.”–
The 14th Amendment, as interpreted by the Supremes, has effectively applied the Bill of Rights to the states.
- Da Big Bad Wolf - Thursday, Mar 21, 19 @ 7:41 pm:
==There are groups active on college campuses to help mothers and child and allow the mother to finish her college degree.==
Does one of these groups have a name? It’s funny, but I know a mom who could be helped by such a group who goes to college. She doesn’t seem to be able to find this mysterious group.