* Um…
Despite high hopes fueled by the election of a supportive governor and Democratic supermajorities in the Illinois House and Senate, supporters of the push to lift the ban on rent control in Illinois are regrouping after a significant setback. […]
Activists will gather at 10 a.m. Monday at the Thompson Center to urge Gov. JB Pritzker to step in and lift the ban with an executive order.
“The governor campaigned on this issue, and he hasn’t stepped in yet, and we want him to get involved,” said coalition spokesperson H Kapp-Klote.
However, since the ban on rent control was imposed by a law approved by the legislature, it would take an act of the General Assembly to reverse it
* Um…
A community group will turn its attention to passing state legislation now that Edwardsville and Glen Carbon aren’t going to require local stores to charge a 10-cent fee for single-use paper and plastic shopping bags.
Last week, the village of Glen Carbon announced that it wouldn’t be approving an ordinance proposed by Bring Your Own Glen-Ed. The group had made a presentation to the village’s Public Safety Committee last year and planned to address the entire Glen Carbon Village Board this spring.
“Our attorney has advised us that we have no statutory authority to to adopt an ordinance to take such action,” said Village Administrator Jamie Bowden. “We are not home rule.” […]
The village’s announcement essentially halted Bring Your Own’s effort to get the same ordinance passed in Edwardsville. The group had agreed that a bag fee should be charged at stores in both municipalities or neither because of their shared border and interconnected economies.
They’ve been working on this idea since at least September and they’re just now figuring out Glen Carbon has no home rule powers?
* From the progressive activists to the separatist freshmen…
Representative Chris Miller, a freshman Republican from Oakland, warned gun owners at the statehouse on Wednesday that “Illinois is under attack from the Chicago socialists who continue to work out of the playbook of [Saul] Alinsky and all those other evil dictators that the first thing they try to do is seize our guns.”
When asked how he intended to negotiate with lawmakers he described as being in league with “evil dictators,” Miller said reaching across the aisle was essentially already a lost cause because the House Democrats in the supermajority did not adopt the Republican rules to govern the legislative process. Such a concession of power would be unprecedented in Illinois.
“That’s one of the problems is that there is no negotiation,” Miller said. “I know that from November to January, every article I read in the paper was about how we are going to be bipartisan and work across the aisle and everything is going to be great. I sincerely believed that. We tried to do that,” he said.
But after learning that the supermajority would not accept the Republican rules suggestions, Miller says he concluded, “Well, there goes bipartisanship.”
Bipartisanship and total surrender are different things.
* Olney Daily Mail…
Illinois State Representative 109th District Darren Bailey reported that one of the biggest issues with DCFS seems to be communication. However, he believes that agency workers in southern Illinois do a good job.
Bailey said, “My office receives several calls a month regarding lack of knowledge of cases and children. Just last week, a 2 year old was beaten to death under the care of DCFS. As with many things, the state of Illinois is simply not the best manager as has been proven in the past. Southern Illinois usually gets the leftovers of any program.“ […]
Bailey suggests outsourcing could be a possible solution.
He said, “I believe DCFS will need to find other organizations like church groups to outsource their workload. By outsourcing, I believe we can do a better job of helping children because the help will come from local groups who can be held more accountable and will know the situations more intimately.”
Um, the caseworker for 2-year-old Ja’hir Gibbons worked for a private agency, so the job was already outsourced…
DCFS released a statement saying that as part of initial review of Ja’hir’s case, “DCFS learned that two separate and contradictory reports were submitted regarding this home visit” and have ordered an investigation into the caseworker responsible for it.
DCFS said they found two reports submitted in the case; one from the morning of March 17 that said both children were in the home on March 16 at 12:30 p.m., and the second from the morning of March 19, that said only one child, Josiah, was home on March 16 at 12:45 p.m.
DCFS said the caseworker was employed by a private agency called Omni.
DCFS outsources 85 percent of its cases to community-based agencies around the state
Also, as far as “church groups” go, do Lutheran Social Services and Catholic Charities ring a bell? Illinois outsources a whole lot of social services work to those organizations.
- PJ - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 9:22 am:
Poorly educated activists are one thing. They could use a quick primer on lawmaking in a democratic system. But elected officials being that dense just makes me sad.
- thunderspirit - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 9:23 am:
== Also, as far as “church groups” go, do Lutheran Social Services and Catholic Charities ring a bell? Illinois outsources a whole lot of social services work to those organizations. ==
And then worked really, really hard to stiff them for their work.
- Montrose - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 9:28 am:
My read is that the push on Pritzker isn’t actually about executive order but that he didn’t do anything help move legislation he said he backs. Dying in subcommittee at the hands of Dems could have been avoided if Pritzker wanted that.
I would prefer they be direct and call him on that rather than making it seem like they don’t understand the legislative process.
- Bourbon Street - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 9:29 am:
Perhaps Miller could “reach across the aisle” to Stava-Murray to form a “Clueless On How The Legislature Works Caucus.”
- Jocko - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 9:38 am:
==I sincerely believed that. We tried to do that==
I didn’t realize that after ten weeks you’re supposed to give up and start reciting stale ILGOP talking points.
- Demoralized - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 9:38 am:
==“Illinois is under attack from the Chicago socialists who continue to work out of the playbook of [Saul] Alinsky and all those other evil dictators that the first thing they try to do is seize our guns.”==
Any more ridiculous rhetoric he can throw out in one sentence? If you want to be taken seriously then perhaps you should talk like a serious person instead of an internet troll.
- Demoralized - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 9:39 am:
== because the House Democrats in the supermajority did not adopt the Republican rules to govern the legislative process==
Is he serious? He can’t be that dense.
- Skeptic - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 9:40 am:
“Any more ridiculous rhetoric he can throw out in one sentence?” Of course there is. Poe’s law hasn’t been met yet.
- someonehastosayit - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 9:43 am:
Demoralized: “He can’t be that dense.” Yes, he can.
- Honeybear - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 9:46 am:
Love me some Saul Alinsky.
- AUSTINMAN - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 9:49 am:
Will the attack chicago ever stop?
- wordslinger - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 9:57 am:
Bailey’s eagerness to reveal his ignorance is just sad.
- JS Mill - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 10:01 am:
=House Democrats in the supermajority did not adopt the Republican rules to govern the legislative process.=
What? This guy needs to take a high school civics/government class right away. And maybe a remedial math class too.
- illini - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 10:06 am:
It is good to know that Miller and Bailey are demonstrating that that are ready to take leadership roles in the GOP Caucus.
- Anonymous - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 10:12 am:
There are a lot of Second Amendment defenders in the Democratic caucus. This Chris Miller is way more interested in defending his seat than he is in defending Second Amendment rights. That guy could care less what happens to law-abiding gun owners.
- wordslinger - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 10:20 am:
–There are a lot of Second Amendment defenders in the Democratic caucus.–
A super-majority in the GA passed a “shall issue” conceal-carry law with no home-rule outs. That required the support of both Cullerton, Madigan and many Dem votes.
But that’s just reality, not a thing among the Downstate separatist snake-oil peddlers.
- Montrose - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 10:24 am:
Here’s hoping a group of legislators form the “Alinsky Evil Dictator Caucus” before the session is over.
- Just Observing - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 10:56 am:
=== My read is that the push on Pritzker isn’t actually about executive order but that he didn’t do anything help move legislation he said he backs. ===
Probably because rent control is is horrible public policy and Pritzker knows that, despite saying he backed it in a primary in which he was being pulled to the left by Biss.
- illini - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 11:14 am:
Saul Alinsky has been gone for close to 50 years, but obviously he, his ideas and tactics are still revered or hated by people today.
- wordslinger - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 11:20 am:
Meh, in this case, I think Rep. Miller is just making a big heaping word salad out of random chanting points he’s heard on the TV box over the years.
- wordslinger - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 11:22 am:
Illini, the above was in reference to your Alinsky comment.
- illini - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 11:28 am:
@Wordslinger - Thank you for picking up on that point. “Rules For Radicals” was recommended reading for one of my PolSci classes years ago at the U of I. Still a timely read.
- Dome Gnome - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 11:30 am:
Darren Bailey’s naive proposals wouldn’t trouble me so much if he wasn’t on the Human Services Committee.
- RIJ - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 12:06 pm:
Effingham, Xenia, Clay County, Olney - so much craziness in such a small area…
- Cheryl44 - Monday, Apr 1, 19 @ 1:18 pm:
What is wrong with him?