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Screaming at the wind

Monday, Apr 8, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A member of the Eastern Bloc

State Representative Darren Bailey (R-Louisville), announced today that he is drafting legislation to block the taxpayer funded sex-change operations in Illinois being pushed by Gov. JB Pritzker. The move to allow Medicaid funding of such operations will be taken up under new policies being established by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS).

“This is yet another example of why people in our part of the state want to separate from Chicago,” declared Rep. Darren Bailey. “The Governor says that supporting the LGBTQ community by this publicly funded kind of operation is the right thing to do. Well, I disagree!” […]

“We do not need the government intruding on our private lives and at the same time we absolutely do not need government spending our tax dollars on programs that are morally offensive to most people,” Bailey added. “First it was the mandating of teaching LGBTQ history to our children and grandchildren and now it’s forcing taxpayers to pay for elective surgeries for sex changes. When will this stop?”

* From the governor’s press release…

“Expanding Medicaid to cover gender affirming surgeries is cost effective, helps avoid long term health consequences, and most importantly is the right thing to do. With continued attacks coming from Washington, this administration will always stand with our transgender community and their right to lead safe and healthy lives.” [said Gov. Pritzker]

The Department has begun developing administrative rules to offer this coverage. Input from stakeholders and the public will be considered during the public comment period. The Department anticipates coverage will become available to Medicaid members upon adoption of the administrative rule, which is likely to be this summer.

Under the proposed coverage rules, Medicaid members age 21 and older who are diagnosed with gender dysphoria will now be eligible for genital and breast-related surgeries.

In studying other state policies, the Department found that in addition to addressing the struggles associated with gender dysphoria, gender affirming surgery is also cost-effective. HFS determined that the policies of the State of Vermont particularly offer a comprehensive and appropriate approach and has been using these as a model.

Coverage for these procedures serve to prevent negative health impacts – such as depression and suicide. Seventeen states and the District of Columbia offer these services and have not reported significant cost increases. The most recent data available shows that 1,400 of the state’s 3.1 million Medicaid members are diagnosed with gender dysphoria, and last year around 2,500 prescriptions for hormone therapy were covered.

“For those facing gender dysphoria, every day can be a painful challenge,” said Theresa Eagleson, director of HFS. “Helping these individuals overcome their struggles through compassionate and comprehensive treatment is the right approach for them and for Illinois. They may not be a major portion of our total Medicaid membership, but the coverage can be so vital for everyone confronting this.”

The Department’s announcement comes during the week of International Transgender Day of Visibility, which is observed on March 31 every year.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in 2016 set rules to require access to gender transition services. However, the previous administration in Illinois did not create the policies and coverage requirements to accomplish this.


  1. - 47th Ward - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 4:23 pm:

    ===The Eastern Bloc===


  2. - City Guy - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 4:33 pm:

    Tonight there is a documentary on the Smithsonian Channel that examines the theory that Casmir Pulaski was “intersex” but genetically a woman. An article in the Tribune about the show said 1 in 1500 people are born intersex. People need to realize that gender is more complicated than a simple male/female dichotomy.

  3. - Shemp - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 4:36 pm:

    With Illinois Medicaid reimbursing at around 11% last I knew, I am sure providers will be lining up.

  4. - OneMan - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 4:41 pm:

    == “We do not need the government intruding on our private lives and at the same time we absolutely do not need government spending our tax dollars on programs that are morally offensive to most people,” ==

    I’m sorry, but what is ‘morally offensive’ about this? What part of scripture says ‘though shall not modify thy naughty bits’, seriously I don’t get the ‘morally offensive’ idea when it comes to this.

    You might find it icky, but icky is not the same as ‘morally offensive’. If you want ‘morally offensive’ how about the millions the state has owed my SD for over a decade as part of a building grant program, I can see how that is morally offensive.

    If the Illinois GOP thinks the path back to power is this sort of crap, it isn’t and the day in age where this stuff was overlooked because ‘hey at least they are fiscal conservatives’ is coming to an end.

    So State Representative Darren Bailey (R-Louisville) “The Governor says that supporting the LGBTQ community by this publicly funded kind of operation is the right thing to do. Well, I disagree!” […] what do you think should be done to support the LGBTQ community? I suspect your answer would lead me to use language that would both lead Rich to ban me and to understand why I used it.

    It’s ok to grow on this subject and not look at it like you did when you were in HS, viewpoints and understanding mature, thankfully.

    This isn’t a hill to fight a battle on, no less die on.

  5. - Annonin' - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 4:43 pm:

    We are confused. Does Magoo bailey think JB will force people to change sexes and then use govt to pay for it?
    He should be callin’ Trump to stop this Medicaid is one of dem programs the G forces down our throats

  6. - ragtopme - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 4:47 pm:

    Sure wish state government was as concerned with funding my years of unpaid wages as it is with finding novel ways of spending money that it doesn’t have. Having worked a second job every weekend for over a year in addition to my state job seems to have dampened my eagerness to celebrate the state’s volunteering to fund elective surgeries that a sizable hunk of the electorate may question. Woo hoo.

  7. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 4:47 pm:

    ==We do not need the government intruding on our private lives==

    Except, when I don’t agree with what you are doing in your private life, then, I want government to intrude bigly. Got it?

  8. - Fixer - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 4:48 pm:

    “Most people” Rep, voted for this governor. “Most people” voted against your form of morality policing. Stop saying “most people” agree with your ramblings. Most people didn’t agree with you before the election, and antics like this arent going to get more folks to agree with you.

    You need a bigger tent than angry rural folks, because frankly, there arent enough of them. Stop alienating folks Rep, or you’ll continue to be completely and utterly irrelevant.

    Sincerely, a downstate voter.

  9. - Anon - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 4:51 pm:

    We are kicking the can on pension payments while at the same time getting a never ending stream of new spending on various “luxury” items that are the kind of services you might expand in a time of surplus.

    It boggles the mind how out of touch folks in Springfield are.

    Champagne taste on a beer budget.

  10. - wordslinger - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 4:54 pm:

    What’s Rep. Bailey’s thoughts on government intrusion into the private bank accounts of corn and bean farmers with billions of dollars in subsidies every year?

  11. - Last Bull Moose - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 5:38 pm:

    Representative Bailey’s language is offensive and out of touch with social reality in Illinois in 2019.

    Ignoring the details of the operation, should Illinois be funding what is described as elective surgery?

  12. - Unpopular - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 5:41 pm:

    Thank you Rep. Bailey for having the courage of your convictions. Fixer, just because “most” people voted for this Governor doesn’t mean the majority of it’s voters want elective surgery paid for with their tax dollars. The insanity of this age is breathtaking.

  13. - Goner - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 5:58 pm:

    Why does Rep. Bailey assume he speaks for most people?

  14. - Fixer - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 6:04 pm:

    Unpopular, show me the polling where this kind of inane rambling from the rep has a majority support. You can disagree with the elective procedure part, but let’s not split hairs on this: the issue the rep has is that transgender folks are going to get a procedure that the rep finds to be morally offensive. This isn’t a fiscal issue, it’s a moral issue for the rep. And his morals on this subject do not reflect that of a majority of the folks I the state.

  15. - Fixer - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 6:05 pm:

    In the state, not I. Sorry, fat thumbs miss keys sometimes.

  16. - Al - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 6:10 pm:

    30 years ago there were headlines about how Roundup was making frogs in Iowa hermaphrodite. I wish the Representative would understand human beings require clean water.

  17. - City Guy - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 6:18 pm:

    Saying this is “elective” surgery shows a real failure of understanding.

  18. - Victor Victoria - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 6:35 pm:

    I think this just boils down to the fact that the state’s health programs are supposed to be for all state citizens. These Trans folks are… folks. They’re people and fellow citizens, and they have a right to equal treatment. I don’t buy the argument that the corrective surgeries are “elective”; people that pursue this level of medical intervention don’t seek it casually, but after a long process of self-evaluation and professional evaluation and counseling. And there’s not so many of them out there that we can’t afford to give them a full happy life as themselves. Indeed, the science on the subject shows that this is actually cost-neutral or negative over the long run in terms of health costs avoided thru implementing the surgery. I’m dismayed that an elected official of any party would get so wound up in Puritanical and Victorian squeamishness over *anything* even slightly related to sexuality, when it’s none of their business. Their business is to provide equal protection under the law and equal treatment of citizens.

  19. - Nonbeleiver - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 6:40 pm:

    Fixer - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 6:04 pm:

    Unpopular, show me the polling where this kind of inane rambling from the rep has a majority support.

    Show me any polling at all on this subject.

  20. - Name/Nickname - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 7:08 pm:

    “Screaming at the wind.” Try to be a little more condescending, Rich.

  21. - wordslinger - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 7:11 pm:

    –The insanity of this age is breathtaking.–

    What “age” would you be comfortable in?

  22. - Dome Gnome - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 7:16 pm:

    Well, once Bailey is elected governor of “New Illinois” he can run his Medicaid program any way he sees fit.

  23. - Blue Dog Dem - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 8:40 pm:

    I don’t care what sex you are, or want to be. Pay for it yourself.

  24. - WH Mess - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 8:41 pm:

    I have a family member in a different state who attempted suicide when gender affirmation surgery was (initially) denied. It cost the state something like $40,000 in follow up care, before the surgery. This is cost-effective AND it is morally and medically the right thing to do. Good for JB.

  25. - Tired of Both Parties - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 9:03 pm:

    It is a free country. Get any type of procedure you want, on you own dime. What’s next, guys with male pattern baldness get government paid hair transplants because they are depressed about losing their hair?

  26. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 10:45 pm:

    It always amazes me that people will compare gender reassignment surgery with breast augmentation surgery or hair transplants. This is not a frivolous cosmetic issue. Think about how hard it would be to deal with gender issues to the point that you are willing to go through surgery and hormone treatment. Plus deal with telling family, friends, and employers.

  27. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 10:55 pm:

    ==We do not need the government intruding on our private lives==

    Except, when I don’t agree with what you are doing in your private life, then, I want government to intrude bigly. Got it?

    == pot meet kettle wins the internet today

    To the post - yet another example of people who want to be all up in other people’s business but want their business to be kept private. I find gender confirmation surgery to be uncomfortable to think about and I wish people could feel comfortable in the body they were born with- but it’s not a morally offensive surgery. The only people who think it is are people who want to dictate morality for everyone else, If the surgery is against your morals, don’t have the surgery. But stop intruding in others lives because they don’t believe what you do. Unless you want them Intruding In yours.

  28. - New Illinois - Monday, Apr 8, 19 @ 11:30 pm:

    Stay the course Rep Bailey. You are on the RIGHT side of the argument in so many ways. This is elective surgery period, end of discussion, and should not be paid for by tax payers.

  29. - City Guy - Tuesday, Apr 9, 19 @ 12:03 am:

    New illinois - you realize you didn’t make a single point that can be discussed. You just said you are right. This is a real issue that has tremendous impact on people’s lives. If you disagree at least be willing to engage in dialogue

  30. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Apr 9, 19 @ 6:27 am:

    Are the people with gender dysphoria covered under the Medicaid expansion? I wonder since this if for adults over 21. If they are covered under Medicaid expansion Illinois only has to cover 10%.
    So 1400 people having a $30,000 operation (fair market value) over a ten year period with Illinois paying 10% is going to be 420,000 a year, less if there is a Medicaid discount. And that’s federal dollars going to Illinois providers and communities.

    Yeah I think “screaming at the wind” is appropriate.

  31. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Apr 9, 19 @ 6:29 am:

    ==We do not need the government intruding on our private lives.==

    I never knew Darren Bailey was pro choice.

  32. - thoughts matter - Tuesday, Apr 9, 19 @ 6:43 am:

    Anonymous at 10:55pm was me. I apologize for that, Rich.
    I got busy typing my thoughts first and forgot to identify myself.

  33. - Evanston - Tuesday, Apr 9, 19 @ 6:50 am:

    - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Apr 9, 19 @ 6:29 am:

    There is a big difference between being pro-life and saving a baby and other issues

  34. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Apr 9, 19 @ 7:05 am:

    You know if Davidsmeyer wants to yell a bit he should yell about Congress appropriating and the Trump administration freezing 1.75 billion federal dollars for a Geospatial Intelligence Agency campus right across the river in North St. Louis. You’d think he want his constituents to get some of those jobs. That would be a good cause for doing a little yelling.

  35. - Tired of Both Parties - Tuesday, Apr 9, 19 @ 7:07 am:

    “It always amazes me that people will compare gender reassignment surgery with breast augmentation surgery or hair transplants. This is not a frivolous cosmetic issue.”

    Frivolous cosmetic issue - those issues are real important to some people……

  36. - Skeptic - Tuesday, Apr 9, 19 @ 8:21 am:

    “This is elective surgery period, end of
    discussion” Well, I guess that settles it. /snark

  37. - LBJ - Tuesday, Apr 9, 19 @ 8:32 am:

    Hey Bailey: Do Chicagoans have to pay for downstaters’ traumatic brain injuries because they don’t want to wear helmets and pay for all of the gun-related hunting injuries?

  38. - Perrid - Tuesday, Apr 9, 19 @ 9:03 am:

    I’d like to see the assumptions that go into the “cost effective” point. The only argument for medical necessity if mental health, so how much treatment for depression offsets the cost of the surgery? Or, again just regarding the dollar cost in this point not the human cost, how much treatment for suicide idealization/attempts would it take to offset the cost?

    If you want to argue this is the only moral choice, that’s one thing, but I’m skeptical about any claims that a policy will pay for itself, which is the implication.

  39. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Apr 9, 19 @ 10:57 am:

    ==If you want to argue this is the only moral choice, that’s one thing, but I’m skeptical about any claims that a policy will pay for itself, which is the implication.==

    The press release is saying “more importantly is right thing to do.” So any cost savings is a lesser argument, not the main argument.

    As far as costs go, according to the National Transgender Discrimination Survey of 2011 14% of trans women and 72% of trans men would prefer no surgery at all. So only a percentage of a very small group will end up using Illinois’ 10% portion of Medicaid dollars.

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