* Cook County Record…
A lawsuit which accuses the campaign of Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker of racial discrimination, and accuses Lt. Gov. Juliana Stratton of defamation, can continue, a Chicago federal judge has ruled.
The judge, however, removed Pritzker himself as a defendant in the action.
A group of Pritzker campaign workers on Nov. 6 amended their initial complaint to add Pritzker and Stratton as individual defendants in a discrimination lawsuit brought in the closing days of the campaign, particularly targeting Stratton for allegedly defaming the campaign workers behind the suit as “extortionists.” […]
However, Kendall dismissed claims of discrimination and harassment against Pritzker, Stratton, Capara and Quentin Fulks, saying the complaint lacked “even bare conclusory allegations” of those people being involved in the alleged retaliation. She also dismissed some individual plaintiffs’ harassment claims, but would not dismiss any allegations of discrimination.
The workers alleged the campaign neglected a sexual harassment complaint because the worker who complained was black, terminated workers who challenged racial inequality, subjected a worker to unsafe work conditions because of her race and failed to address both racial discrimination complaints and risks of violent crime at a regional office, all of which Kendall said could rise to the level of adverse employment actions bolstering a discrimination complaint.
Kendall dismissed the retaliation charge, noting the complaint didn’t name which five workers were placed on paid suspension of the eight who could make up that group. But she did allow the defamation claim against Stratton to survive, noting the workers only had to claim harm to their professional reputation.
* Let’s take a look at one of the claims the court allowed to proceed…
Plaintiffs allege that after they filed their complaint, Defendant Stratton widely disseminated false and disparaging statements about them, including that they were “extortionists.” […]
The Complaint alleges Stratton made the false statement that Plaintiffs were “extortionists” and, as a result, Plaintiffs suffered reputational harm, emotional distress, humiliation, embarrassment, fear, emotional trauma and dis- tress, and interference with their normal lives. […]
There is sufficient plausibility at this stage that per se defamation of professional integrity may be proven. Given the applicability of per se professional integrity prejudice the claim of defamation does not fail for lack of factual plausibility.
* Except Stratton never said the word “extortion” and never called them “extortionists.” The word was used by some reporters, but not by her…
In a statement to POLITICO, Pritzker running mate Juliana Stratton called the suit “baseless” and describes the lawsuit in terms of extortion or a shake-down
* This is Stratton’s full statement that was distributed to reporters without further comment…
I am very proud of the campaign that JB and I have put together. The majority of our senior team are African American and almost 45% of our entire staff are people of color. When people feel like they have been harassed or discriminated against, they have the right to come forward and have their voices heard. In this case, we had a letter delivered to us asking for $7.5 million dollars in 24 hours or they threatened legal action and to go to press. That’s not a good faith effort.
The incidents listed in this complaint are baseless and make offensive claims in regard to several members of our staff. We stand by our staff and that’s why we are not afraid to litigate this to the fullest extent of the law. I couldn’t be prouder to be on the ticket with JB and of the statewide, grassroots campaign we’ve built.
She called the process “not a good faith effort,” which is a very long way from calling the plaintiffs “extortionists.”
- Nonbeleiver - Tuesday, Apr 9, 19 @ 11:07 am:
Unless there is a lot more to this story this is nonsense and will go nowhere.
- Jocko - Tuesday, Apr 9, 19 @ 11:12 am:
This complaint should be used as Exhibit A when making the argument for a ‘loser pays’ rule in the American legal system.
- The Dude Abides - Tuesday, Apr 9, 19 @ 11:52 am:
Since they can’t sue JB himself is a blow to the plaintiffs. JB’s very deep pockets were a motivation in all this I’m sure.
- DuPage Saint - Tuesday, Apr 9, 19 @ 12:29 pm:
Never let the facts get in the way of a good lawsuit
- Huh? - Tuesday, Apr 9, 19 @ 12:58 pm:
But my fefes were hurt. 😭