Durkin and Brady: A study in contrasts
Wednesday, May 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Press release…
Think Big Illinois Executive Director Quentin Fulks released the following statement after the House Republicans’ press conference where they continued to advocate for preventing Illinois voters from having a say on the fair tax:
“As the fair tax amendment inches closer to passage, Republicans in Springfield are growing increasingly desperate to stop it and make sure Illinoisans don’t have the chance to have a say on the fair tax on the ballot in November 2020. It’s not often that voters have the opportunity to have a direct say on the policies impacting them and their families, and Republicans in Springfield are trying to deny them of that opportunity.
“We hope legislators will do what’s right, and give Illinoisans the chance to decide on the ballot whether they want a tax system that works for everyone, or just the wealthy few.”
* From the other day…
Illinois House Republican leadership will brief their members Monday on a balanced budget proposal which they say the governor’s office won’t listen to, according to an internal caucus memo obtained by Capitol News Illinois on Friday.
“While Governor Pritzker has been occupied hosting cocktail parties, the House Republican Caucus budget team has been working diligently to ensure we are on sound footing offering a budget plan that doesn’t rely on additional tax increases on Illinois families and small businesses,” Deputy Republican Leader Tom Demmer, of Dixon, said in the memo. […]
Meanwhile, spokespersons for Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago, and Bill Brady, R-Bloomington, said the Senate leaders met twice this week to discuss the FY 2020 budget.
* From earlier this month…
But beyond that, Brady said things are moving to an end-of-May conclusion.
“We’re hopeful that we can work on a collective gaming entertainment bill, sports betting, that could provide capital resources for vertical (building projects). We’re still hoping that the details can be worked out that the infrastructure investment is equitable around the state,” Brady said.
He said a recent upward bump in state revenue causes concern about how the state budget “is going to be laid out.” But he said the governor is “very accessible,” and they talk “frequently.”
* My most recent newspaper column…
The measure was not gaining a lot of traction and then proponents asked the construction unions to chat. The unions listened and suggested some changes to make the bill more labor friendly.
The unions recommended an amendment containing “responsible bidder” requirements, which assure that the contractors meet certain levels of qualifications (and that usually means unionized workers). The provision was added, as were Project Labor Agreements, which require building contractors to enter into labor agreements before commencing work. An income tax credit was also added for projects in areas hit hard by poverty and unemployment.
All of a sudden, the bill took off. Senate Republican Leader Bill Brady, who has been looking for union support ever since anti-union Gov. Bruce Rauner was defeated, even signed on as a co-sponsor. The bill sailed out of the Senate on a unanimous roll call.
* From Friday…
“Members of my caucus, who were part of the capital working group, received a briefing on the governor’s proposal this afternoon,” said Senate Minority Leader Bill Brady. R-Bloomington. “We look forward to these discussions continuing as we work toward a plan that addresses our state’s critical infrastructure needs and creates jobs.”
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 22, 19 @ 2:04 pm:
If you’re a GOP Legislator or Caucus political operative there’s one real question you have to be able to answer;
What positive things can we point to outside being obstructing?
What things can we claim as our accomplishments too?
Y’all are in the super-minority, y’all have NO statewide electeds, y’all have POTUS circulating petitions in September.
Y’all… need some wins… not all obstruction… while irrelevant.
- Flat Bed Ford - Wednesday, May 22, 19 @ 2:53 pm:
If you’re a GOP Legislator or Caucus political operative there’s a question you have; why listen to anything an anonymous blogger has to say?
- Soccermom - Wednesday, May 22, 19 @ 2:57 pm:
Wow, flatty. You sure put him in his place. (fire emoji)
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 22, 19 @ 2:59 pm:
Oh - Flat Bed Ford -, as long as you read what I write, my life will be complete, LOL
They seem to be doing great without me, that’s for sure…
Fewer and fewer seats, no statewides, they have things well in hand.
- cover - Wednesday, May 22, 19 @ 3:02 pm:
= why listen to anything an anonymous blogger has to say? =
Really? What exactly is wrong with “What things can we claim as our accomplishments too?” Or does the modern GOP despise government that much?
- Lester Holt’s Mustache - Wednesday, May 22, 19 @ 3:21 pm:
I, for one, agree with Flat Bed Ford. Durkin and the IL Republican Party should ignore OW and continue to be the party with no ideas, no accomplishments and no wins. Besides, holding elected office is really overrated anyway.
- Not again - Wednesday, May 22, 19 @ 3:24 pm:
Can’t really be blamed for obstruction in the super minority right? And it would be an accomplishment for the GOP to somehow block the progressive tax.
- Flat Bed Ford - Wednesday, May 22, 19 @ 3:49 pm:
=I, for one, agree with Flat Bed Ford.=
Be still my heart
- Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, May 22, 19 @ 4:10 pm:
===why listen to anything an anonymous blogger has to say?===
They don’t. That’s why they continue to lose elections. It might behoove them to occasionally accept some sage advice from someone on their side.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 22, 19 @ 4:28 pm:
To this…
===“While Governor Pritzker has been occupied hosting cocktail parties, the House Republican Caucus budget team has been working diligently to ensure we are on sound footing offering a budget plan that doesn’t rely on additional tax increases on Illinois families and small businesses,” Deputy Republican Leader Tom Demmer, of Dixon, said in the memo.
Meanwhile, spokespersons for Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago, and Bill Brady, R-Bloomington, said the Senate leaders met twice this week to discuss the FY 2020 budget.===
Whilst Mr. Demmer continues to look utterly useless to trying to cobble things, you know, complaining *about* cocktail parties while he, himself *attending* said cocktail parties, it’s the work from Leader Brady that gets the recognition, and allows Leader Brady to be seen as both… the loyal opposition… and a partner to try to forge some if any accomplishments the Senate GOP can say are theirs too.
It’s the difference between press release leadership and trial by fire leadership.
You could swap out Mr. Demmer and his voting record with someone like an Easter Block bloke and still show the same damage to central and downstate Illinois without the phony posturing while at those blasted cocktail parties.
It’s tiring, really.
At some point, the HGOP needs to realize… the fractured caucus they keep glued together by being the voice of no is shrinking their numbers.
The SGOP will at least have Leader Brady be seen as that willing partner, not the antagonist for the sole purpose to *be* an antagonist.
Campaigns are hard, governing from the super minority position is difficult. You need to be seen as an alternative that can work even now to be a governing centric caucus.
But please, let’s talk 51st state in the HGOP…
- Anyone Remember - Wednesday, May 22, 19 @ 7:24 pm:
My 2 cents worth. Miles Law - “Where you stand depends on where you sit.” Durkin is a former state and federal prosecutor with a brother is a federal judge. Meeting with colleagues to confer and consult is right up his alley. Brady is a real estate developer in the family business. A construction bill is right up his alley.
- JS Mill - Wednesday, May 22, 19 @ 7:38 pm:
=What positive things can we point to outside being obstructing?=
OW, with respect, I believe you are exaggerating their impact on Illinois government right now.
They aren’t even a speed bump anymore.
Political strategists like LP and Flatbed have driven the ILGOP into near obscurity other than a few hucksters trying to gain a little notoriety with red meat for the extreme right.
Their plan is working perfectly, the next ILGOP campaign posters will be on milk cartons.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 22, 19 @ 8:00 pm:
- JS Mill -
===They aren’t even a speed bump anymore.===
Understood. Let me rephrase;
“What positive things can we point to outside touting a plan of trying to be obstructing?”
Never mistake activity for achievement.
Was giving them credit by… not touting activity in the face of low achievement?
- Rafa151 - Wednesday, May 22, 19 @ 8:48 pm:
FROM the news column: If you look at Rep. Marty Moylan’s, D-Des Plaines, House resolution urging the General Assembly to slow down the legalization process, you’ll see a bunch of pro-union Democrats are co-sponsors, including Reps. Natalie Manley, Monica Bristow, Bob Rita, Katie Stuart and Fran Hurley, to name just a few. Not to mention that Rep. Moylan himself has been consistently endorsed by labor over the years. /// I was sure Moyland was a long time member of local 134 electricians.
- JS Mill - Wednesday, May 22, 19 @ 9:32 pm:
OW- I probably should have put “/s” in there someplace.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 22, 19 @ 9:40 pm:
===I probably should have put “/s” in there someplace.
The HGOP alone, tough to take without a pinch of snark…
Be well.