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Leader Brady upbeat on budget talks

Friday, May 24, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Finke

Interestingly, the budget, which was a major sticking point during former Gov. Bruce Rauner’s term, is progressing well, [Senate GOP Leader Bill Brady] said.

“The budget, I think, is close,” he said. “I think the budget is probably the most workable portion of this.”

* More

Brady emphasized the group wants to make greater investments in nursing homes and education, and said a tax on Medicaid managed care organizations could free up general revenue spending by allowing the state to “maximize federal reimbursement” for Medicaid spending.

* And

Senate Minority Leader Bill Brady, R-Bloomington, emerged from the governor’s office after the hour-long meeting and said they talked about the budget. He said he thinks it’s close thanks to April’s revenue windfall and projected increased money captured from taxpayers.

“We’ve been able to see the governor make some positive steps by not doing the pension short,” Brady said.

April revenue came in $1.5 billion more than expected. Pritzker indicated that would keep him from going ahead with a plan to pay less than needed into the state’s underfunded pension systems. He had suggested lowering the amount the state would put in and extending the pension ramp several years, an idea that was criticized by members on both sides of the aisle.

Brady said the governor also indicated he would walk some taxes back because of April’s windfall. However, Brady said some problematic items remained on the table.

“Repatriation in the federal tax code that will bring dollars back to Illinois that they want to tax that I think will keep those dollars from coming back to Illinois,” Brady said. “That will not help economic development.”

Brady also said yesterday that he met with the governor in the morning. The two are staying in close contact.


  1. - wordslinger - Friday, May 24, 19 @ 10:46 am:

    After yesterday’s meeting, Brady put out a statement on twitter that was nice-nice about the governor and the two Democratic leaders.

    Someone was conspicuously absent in the statement.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 24, 19 @ 10:50 am:

    All great stuff by Leader Brady who I respect a great deal.

    What’s terribly disappointing was the release last night that *had* to have “Democrat Leaders”

    I dunno if it’s a tick or immaturity in the writing process as the words say one great thing but can’t help but to use that phrasing for… I dunno.

    Y’all have NINETEEN members in your caucus, you think writing “Democrat” as you do is going to expand that… when you’re praising the very same bipartisan things, really great things, the Leader is doing?

    I’m with Leader Brady.

    Let’s be better when touting bipartisanship with word usages.

  3. - lakeside - Friday, May 24, 19 @ 10:51 am:

    Have to imagine that even those that most aligned with Rauner* must be relieved to return to actual discussions and regular progress on the budget and legislative issues. Not that everyone is going to gather and sing kumbaya, but must be nice to feel like there’s a purpose to going to the capitol.

    * - not suggesting that means Sen Brady

  4. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 24, 19 @ 10:55 am:

    I’m old enough to remember when the discussions around the importance of bipartisanship and budget were…

    “I’m frustrated too but taking steps to reform Illinois is more important than short term budget stalemate”

    That short term was a whole General Assembly term.

    Thank goodness we’re not hearing hoots like that anymore.

  5. - DougChicago - Friday, May 24, 19 @ 11:11 am:

    God love him but good grief who cares. The governing party doesn’t need any of his votes on anything so whatever he does with them is just irrelevant.

    I agree the GOP can’t just be against things. But set out a series of proposals you are for. They will all flame out. But at least you offered an alternative that someday voters might find more appealing.

    This striving for relevance in an environment where you simply aren’t is embarrassing and ultimately not productive.

  6. - 62656 - Friday, May 24, 19 @ 11:13 am:

    DougChicago, I care. It’s good to have the minority included in determining what’s comes out of a state’s legislative branch.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 24, 19 @ 11:18 am:


    ===…good grief who cares. The governing party doesn’t need any of his votes on anything so whatever he does with them is just irrelevant.===

    The goal is a bipartisan budget, and bipartisan support for a capital plan. This type of thinking;

    “The governing party doesn’t need any of his votes on anything so whatever he does with them is just irrelevant.”

    This thinking lacks the importance of showing wide support, and gives the GOP the opportunity to be actually governing.

    ===But set out a series of proposals you are for. They will all flame out.===

    No. You try to find things you want and support that can also be part of the votes you are willing to give to a bipartisan plan, thus getting policy made and part of the process too.

    Any (banned word) can propose things that will flame out. The goal is engagement and success in the process.

    ===This striving for relevance in an environment where you simply aren’t is embarrassing and ultimately not productive.===

    Yeah. To that…

    Notice the Dems aren’t saying Leader Brady and the Senate GOP are irrelevant. That an accident?

  8. - Thomas Paine - Friday, May 24, 19 @ 11:32 am:

    === The governing party doesn’t need any of his votes on anything ===

    I get that American conservatives have appropriated much of the philosophy, logic, and rhetoric of their nationalist brethren across the pond.

    And that in response, some progressives and neoliberals have looked to Europe for ways to counter them.

    But the U.S. is not a parliamentary system. We do not have a “governing” or “ruling” party. Being in the minority doesn’t mean you get to sit on the bench and watch the game from the dugout.

    You still have to step into the batter’s box and take your cuts.

  9. - DougChicago - Friday, May 24, 19 @ 11:55 am:

    Being in the super-minority in this state makes you part of the opposition. Opposition parties oppose. They can and should do so in a principled fashion with a focus on a better future once the current majority is tossed out.

    What they shouldn’t do is get co-opted into the governing party’s plans and end up selling out for a handful of beads. Doing that ensures they will always be in the minority. Why would you choose the ILGOP if they are just a watered down, unprincipled version of the Illinois Democrats?

  10. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 24, 19 @ 12:01 pm:

    ===What they shouldn’t do is get co-opted into the governing party’s plans and end up selling out for a handful of beads. Doing that ensures they will always be in the minority. Why would you choose the ILGOP if they are just a watered down, unprincipled version of the Illinois Democrats?===


    Yeah. Do that.

    Governor Ives and the Eastern Bloc House members… and a vote here and there away from governing Illinois.

    I needed this laugh, sincerely, thank you.

    This just in… doing what *you* said, that’s how “they” got where “they are.

    You do understand that Petersen and Mulligan, Murphy and Beaubien were the GOP governing party.

    Again, you made me belly laugh. Thank you.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 24, 19 @ 12:05 pm:

    ===Being in the super-minority in this state makes you part of the opposition. Opposition parties oppose. They can and should do so in a principled fashion with a focus on a better future once the current majority is tossed out.===

    If the plan is to do nothing, oppose, and wait out voters… you must’ve missed the whole Rauner years.

    It only made the Dems stronger, and the GOP “purer” and smaller than when Rauner first won.

    But.. “you can’t surrender”, lol

  12. - lakeside - Friday, May 24, 19 @ 12:10 pm:

    ==Opposition parties oppose.==

    Yeah, that ain’t it. There are things on which both parties (in theory) agree and things upon which they can reach a compromise. The mindset of “when you’re in the minority you just oppose everything for sport and spite” is why we’re in this [gestures around at everything].

  13. - DougChicago - Friday, May 24, 19 @ 1:04 pm:

    You all entertain me. I’m not advocating for Ives or Rauner or the Man on the Moon. I’m suggesting the GOP pick something (hopefully something not stupid) and be for it.

  14. - cover - Friday, May 24, 19 @ 2:01 pm:

    = I’m suggesting the GOP pick something (hopefully something not stupid) and be for it. =

    The “purer” GOP that OW mentioned seems to be gravitating toward the Eastern Bloc, which has indeed picked something stupid.

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