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The new policy appears to be working like a charm

Wednesday, May 29, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve been trying to delete as many anonymous comments as I can lately because I’ve found that the people who won’t bother to take two seconds to come up with a screen name are usually (not always) trolls of the worst sort.

I received this e-mail last night…

Your deleting of anonymous postings has caused me to delete your web site from my book marks. Goodbye and good riddance!

I’d like to tell you what my response was, but I’d have to ban myself if I did.

Anyway, the deletions will continue unabated.


  1. - thunderspirit - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:46 am:

    Curation is hard work. Kudos.

  2. - Glengarry - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:48 am:

    I like this Policy.

  3. - efudd - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:48 am:

    Never understood some peoples refusal to pick a nickname.
    Beside being the only way to respond back and forth easier, it’s half the fun.

  4. - Unpopular - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:48 am:

    As unwanted as I am around here, I couldn’t agree more. If you can’t even come up with a screen name, go somewhere else.

  5. - Progressive Guy - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:49 am:

    How is a nickname not anonymous enough? Anyhow, their loss… this site is a gem.

  6. - McGuppin - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:51 am:

    Excellent policy. The hit and run comments by anonymous posters don’t do much (anything) to foster a good dialogue. Thanks Rich.

  7. - A State Employee Guy - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:51 am:

    Regarding non-anonymous postings: do you have any guidelines as to what you delete?

  8. - Illinois Resident - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:51 am:

    Funny. Having a nickname is half the fun. Even though I do not know the posters, I feel like I get to know them based upon the discussion associated with the respective nickname. Guess what posters, you are still anonymous even with a nickname. Get over it.

  9. - Quizzical - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:51 am:

    Thanks for your continuous effort at maintaining a civil forum. Someday they are going to kick you off the internet for facilitating rational discussions where readers find facts and cogent analysis.

  10. - JT - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:52 am:

    I used to post anonymously but started entering a name and email address the last few weeks when I noticed it said “may soon be required” and none of the comments I made appeared. I don’t believe they were trolling/off-topic so please let me know if there is something different I need to do to comment. Thank you.

  11. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:53 am:

    you are still anonymous

    It is in your best interests to always operate under the impression that you are not anonymous on the internet.

    If someone wants to track you down, they can.

  12. - El Conquistador - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:54 am:


  13. - Al - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:55 am:

    Rich, thank you for keeping your blog civil and focused. A stool with four legs is so much more stable than a three legged stool. That is why the fourth Estate is so critical to the vitality of our democracy.

    The ending of the Fairness Doctrine of equal time under Reagan and the green lighting media consolidation has done great harm to the fabric of our country.

  14. - Who else - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:55 am:



  15. - Iggy - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:55 am:

    good policy.

    it’s more fun interacting with someone you know you have a internet history with.

  16. - JoanP - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:55 am:

    Thank you for my laugh of the day. “I want to be anonymous so I’ll reveal my email address” is just brilliant (not). On a par with thinking that you’d be upset because a troll wouldn’t have CapFax bookmarked any longer.

    Rich, thank you for the moderation. I’ve always respected the way you do it, keeping the trolls at bay but allowing civil disagreement. I wish more sites would follow your lead.

  17. - A guy - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:56 am:

    If you can’t take the itty bit of responsibility for your remarks (still using an alias merely to avoid confusion) in this forum, you simply don’t deserve the privilege to make remarks here.

    It’s that simple. And this not exactly coming from a Forum Favorite here. lol

  18. - Jose Abreu's Next Homerun - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:56 am:

    I believe I was deleted in the sports betting conversation yesterday. I had just one post. I post maybe 12 times a year but read the blog daily. No offense taken.

  19. - Honeybadger - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:57 am:

    Dan Proft and his gaggle of goofy bottom feeders at their finest?

  20. - I Miss Bentohs - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:57 am:

    I fully support this but it does not effect me. I never read a post from anonymous posters.

  21. - Ok - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:59 am:

    So they actually put in more effort to bookmark your page than simply typing in:

    “hoobladie hoobla”

  22. - LetsLegalizeIt - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:00 am:

    Mr. Miller - as someone who once worked in customer service, I can tell you that those types of messages are common, and I bet I could even guess the age group.

  23. - A guy - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:00 am:

    I fully realize any deletions of mine are accidental oversights. No offense here either. :)

  24. - OneMan - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:03 am:

    So person who is unwilling to take the time to come up with a nickname (for example TownnameWilly is available for every town in Illinois besides one) took the time to send you and e-mail.

    That’s cool

  25. - Soo... - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:03 am:

    For when you close the comments for End of Session

  26. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:05 am:

    Anonymous commenters leaving provocative and hostile comments? It’s almost like vultures descending from…somewhere.

  27. - MakePoliticsCoolAgain - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:06 am:

    -Regarding non-anonymous postings: do you have any guidelines as to what you delete?-

    Read the rules at the bottom of each post. And stay on the topic of each post. Simple.

  28. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:08 am:


    Welcome to Mr. Miller’s privately owned website. You must be new here. If you don’t like the rules, to quote our esteemed host: “Get your own blog.” And perhaps bite him.

  29. - Langhorne - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:12 am:

    Excellent. Anonymousters always annoyed me. I gave them little attention.

  30. - Fixer - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:15 am:

    A state Employee Guy and JT, there used to be a link to a previous post that had some common tips for newer posts attached to the comment header. I didn’t bookmark the link and can’t seem to find it in the search. Any long time commenters know the thread I’m talking about?

  31. - A guy - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:17 am:

    == “Get your own blog.” And perhaps bite him.==

    Even the notion of having to “bite him” ought to be enough to scare anyone toward obeying.

  32. - Skeptic - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:18 am:

    Any policy that has me and A Guy on the same side of the fence has got to be a good one.

  33. - SAP - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:24 am:

    Good policy. Now I just need to figure out how to get my computer to quit randomly clearing my nickname from the name field.

  34. - A State Employee Guy - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:24 am:

    I guess my point is: what is uncivil commenting? Being mean? If that’s the yardstick, then some long-time commenters have gats ta go.

  35. - Anti-Immoderate - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:25 am:

    I was using a nickname for a while but wasn’t a frequent poster. One day I saw someone else using what had been my nickname. I posted once or twice under a different nickname but it just didn’t feel right. I just came up with this one, but I am not sure it will stick.

    Are there any plans to use a login system so that people can’t just start using a nickname that was already in use?

  36. - Bruce( no not him) - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:28 am:

    I can’t get much more anonymous. Guess I could make up an email address.

  37. - Ginhouse Tommy - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:29 am:

    If they don’t like the way you do things then use the line from Welcome Back Kotter. Up your nose with a rubber hose.

  38. - 44th - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:31 am:

    Since you are being so introspective, I suggest cleaning up your paid ad policy to make it more clear who is buying the ad and for what purpose. Its hard to decipher many times. Furthermore you seem to accept ads from IPI, and comment about IPI a lot. So the natural question becomes how do you manage the conflict?

  39. - Big Jer - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:34 am:

    ===As unwanted as I am around here====

    Unpopular, victimhood will not help your cause. You are not unwanted, but with all due respect, some of your “opinions” are because IMO they are not reality, at least not in the US.

    As much as we would all like to live in Pleasantville that is not the world we live in. There are commenters from both sides of the aisle here and most try to develop an argument and not engage in sound bite hyperbola. Good examples of constructive commenters are wordslinger, Oswego Willy, etc.

  40. - Moe Berg - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:34 am:

    Endorse your policy.

  41. - Former State Worker - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:36 am:

    Is there a way to implement registration of usernames and only allow those people to post? May be easier to moderate the comments that way?

  42. - Louis G Atsaves - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:38 am:

    Make everyone post under their real names. That bring trolling and stalking to a near stop.

  43. - Father Ted - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:39 am:

    Rich, out of curiosity, how many people have sarcastically tried to respond anonymously to this post?

  44. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:39 am:

    ===how do you manage the conflict?===

    If you can’t take a man’s money, then turn around and (figuratively) stab him in the back, you aren’t cut out for politics.

    IPI buys ads here because this is where their advertising will reach the desired audience. That’s the only reason they need. And Rich accepts ads from a variety of entities that he would not otherwise personally endorse or vouch for. Just like every other entity that sells advertising space.

    The views expressed by advertisers and commenters do not reflect the views of Ahead of Our Time Publishing or its affiliates abd subsidiaries.

  45. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:41 am:

    ===Furthermore you seem to accept ads from IPI, and comment about IPI a lot. So the natural question becomes how do you manage the conflict? ===

    How does anyone who accepts ads manage the potential conflict? Just do your job and don’t worry about it.

    You could have seen how I did that today, if you had bothered to scroll down:

  46. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:43 am:

    “Unpopular, victimhood will not help your cause. You are not unwanted”

    Agree. It’s not up to us commenters to decide who’s wanted. I really dig the diversity here. I don’t “not want” anyone, just have very deep disagreements with some. Partisan media is boring, where the same pundits and hosts keep talking to one another in a bubble.

  47. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:43 am:

    ===And Rich accepts ads from a variety of entities that he would not otherwise personally endorse===

    Yeah. That anti-legalization group SAM bought an ad this year. I was so cowed that I stopped posting about weed. /s

  48. - A Jack - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:45 am:

    @anti-immoderate…. its best to stick with a short, but unique name, if you comment often. I used to be Jack back during the Quinn years, but then there was another Jack that had opinions vastly different from mine, so I added an A. No one seems to want to use borrow my current name.

    But I really don’t like “anonymous” since you may have several on the same post with vastly different opinions.

  49. - stateandlake - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:48 am:


  50. - Amalia - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:51 am:

    LOL. hoping I don’t forget to put the name in the box….somehow it does not stay up….and post Anon and forget to say, wait, that was me.

  51. - A guy - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 12:01 pm:

    ==- Skeptic - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:18 am:

    Any policy that has me and A Guy on the same side of the fence has got to be a good one.==

    It’s a challenge, but I’m bringing you along slowly. lol.

    Your side of the fence has hospitable moments.

  52. - indianbadger1 - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 12:04 pm:

    How about a one time paid registration to post comments? Does not have to be a lot; like a couple of bucks. That way you can keep it anonymous, but keep out drive-by-postings.

    I know a few sites that do that.

  53. - Rudy’s teeth - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 12:05 pm:

    Some of us are rule-followers. It is an embedded trait that was reinforced by the Sisters of Providence. The headline, the mid-line, the baseline. I often wondered if the Sisters had side bets as to which class would have the highest passing rate on the Palmer Penmanship Test. Rich, your rules for the blog are like the Sisters’ rulers—clear, concise, and convincing.

  54. - A guy - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 12:06 pm:

    ==How about a one time paid registration to post comments?==

    How about sending this to the Rules Committee? /s

  55. - “hoobladie hoobla” - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 12:11 pm:

    Just wanted to say that this is an EXCELLENT nickname.

  56. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 12:14 pm:

    ===How about sending this to the Rules Committee?===


  57. - Skeptic - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 12:16 pm:

    “Your side of the fence has hospitable moments.” What can I get you to drink?

  58. - The Captain - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 12:18 pm:

    lol at “Noted.”

  59. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 12:20 pm:

    I’d be willing to bet money the anonymous commenter/emailer has already seen this post.

  60. - Union Thug Gramma - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 12:45 pm:

    re: the troll’s email reminds me of a child’s temper tantrum threat, “I’m gonna hold my breath until I get my way!”
    Don’t let the door hitya where the GL split ya….

  61. - Finally Out - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 12:56 pm:

    Great policy, long overdue. Don’t like it, go somewhere else.

    Stopped reading anonymous posters at least a couple of years ago. Leaves more room for honest posters.

  62. - Huh? - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 1:04 pm:

    Now I understand why a post I made yesterday was up for a while then disappeared. Forgot to add the handle and enormously posted as anon. Such is life.

  63. - A guy - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 1:08 pm:

    Plus, it’ll finally free up the nickname “Anonymous”

  64. - RNUG - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 1:15 pm:

    == It is in your best interests to always operate under the impression that you are not anonymous on the internet.

    If someone wants to track you down, they can. ==

    Your friends will recognize you from your writing style. Quite a few of mine did … and asked me to confirm it.

    And some of us share enough personal history it isn’t that hard to figure out who we are with a few creative searched.

  65. - Tommydanger - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 1:16 pm:

    At the risk of sounding like an upward blowing posterior smoke blower, this blog usually starts and ends each day of mine and is moderated by one of the most genuinely nice and intelligent persons in the business.

    Thank you for exercising your blog creating right to jettison those who choose to hide their names even while they expose their own ignorance.

  66. - TominChicago - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 1:46 pm:

    Your website, your rules.

  67. - Anyone Remember - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 2:19 pm:

    To whiners and crybabies who think Rich is one sided, HOO HAW! More than once, replying to IPI / IL News Network items about transitioning / closing out government retirement systems, I’ve posted items that were deleted for 2 reasons. 1, they were Ph.D. thesis length. 2, they weren’t Illinois-centric (excessive focus on Utah and Georgia). Get over yourselves!

  68. - Steve Rogers - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 2:27 pm:

    Hmm. I just assumed everyone knew I was Captain America.

  69. - northernwatersports - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 4:03 pm:

    Thank you.

  70. - revvedup - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 4:52 pm:

    The idea of Rich banning himself for his own comments has a Monty Pythonish quality about it. I can imagine the post to explain it: “The person responsible for the blog has been sacked due to his last posting”. Or in a more political vein, Rich should prepare two envelopes… :)

  71. - sharkette - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 5:09 pm:

    Well, You do delete things you don’t favor or disagree with, or block them.

  72. - Lt Guv - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 10:30 pm:

    And it’s his toy, he can do that.

  73. - Bemused - Wednesday, May 29, 19 @ 11:22 pm:

    I have been moderated more than a few times. Makes me go back and reconsider what I tried to post. Sometimes I agree with it being held, sometimes not so much. No big deal.

  74. - Lynn S. - Thursday, May 30, 19 @ 9:26 am:

    A guy, skeptic, perhaps we can have a CapFax barbecue at your fence in a few weeks? (Assuming it ever stops raining.)

    Dare we leave the selection of adult beverages up to our blog host? ;-)

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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