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Pritzker totals up his wins

Sunday, Jun 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the governor’s office…

Working with both Democrats and Republicans, Governor JB Pritzker and the General Assembly enacted Illinois’ most sweeping and consequential legislative agenda in a generation, ushering in a new era of fiscal responsibility and standing up for working families.

Fiscal Responsibility and Building a Sound Economy for All Illinoisans

    ✓ Passed a bipartisan balanced budget that begins to pay down debts from prior administration
    ✓ Advanced a fair income tax amendment for Illinois that will ensure wealthy pay more while 97 percent pay the same or less
    ✓ Launched the bipartisan Rebuild Illinois capital plan – the largest infrastructure investment in Illinois history – to rebuild roads, bridges and communities and create hundreds of thousands of jobs
    ✓ Raised minimum wage for all Illinois workers to a living wage
    ✓ Committed highest annual per capita investment in the nation for 2020 census to bring federal dollars to Illinois
    ✓ Legalized adult-use cannabis with most equity-centric law in the nation for communities that bore the brunt of the war on drugs
    ✓ Met with bond rating agencies, the first time an Illinois governor has done so in nearly 20 years

Education – Cradle to Career

    ✓ Expanded child care assistance eligibility to 10,000 more children
    ✓ Strengthened early childhood education and child care with biggest investment ever in Illinois into early childhood programs and facilities
    ✓ Provided historic funding levels for K-12 students across the state
    ✓ Raised minimum wage for teachers
    ✓ Expanded skills development with first increase for career and technical education in a decade
    ✓ Increased college affordability by expanding in-state college scholarships to 15,000 more students
    ✓ 40% increase in merit scholarships for high achieving college-bound students
    ✓ Expanded access to federal tuition assistance to every Illinois student
    ✓ Focused on restoring and stabilizing higher education after years of neglect by increasing public university and community college funding by 5%
    ✓ Extended financial aid to undocumented students

Health Care – Quality and Affordability

    ✓ Expanded health care to 100,000 more Illinoisans with bipartisan reforms to eliminate the Medicaid backlog
    ✓ Implemented managed care organization assessment that will bring in $500 million federal dollars to Medicaid
    ✓ Improved quality of care for seniors through better funding for nursing home and in-home care
    ✓ Strengthened critical access hospitals in rural downstate communities
    ✓ Reformed medical cannabis program to cover chronic pain management
    ✓ Put in place Getting to Zero plan to end HIV in a decade
    ✓ Raised age to buy tobacco and nicotine products to 21

Business Investment and Job Creation

    ✓ Launched effort to bring high speed broadband internet to every corner of the state
    ✓ Elevated innovation economy with new business incubators and extension of the research and development tax credit for businesses
    ✓ Created a business apprenticeship tax credit, encouraging new job creation and workforce development
    ✓ Extended the film industry tax credit, creating and supporting thousands of entertainment industry jobs in Illinois
    ✓ Created a minority business loan fund
    ✓ Created new high paying tech jobs and construction jobs with a data center tax incentive program
    ✓ Brought relief for 300,000 small businesses through phase out of corporate franchise tax
    ✓ Created incentives for job creation on new construction and renovations in underserved communities
    ✓ Established annual reporting on corporate board diversity for public companies to encourage greater representation
    ✓ Refocused community college workforce development programs to concentrate on high growth industries

Serving and Protecting Illinois Families

    ✓ Enshrined reproductive rights into law
    ✓ Implemented gun dealer licensing to eliminate straw purchases and reduce gun trafficking
    ✓ Joined the US Climate Alliance and committed to reducing state’s carbon footprint
    ✓ Advanced equal pay for women by banning salary history inquiries
    ✓ Launched comprehensive overhaul of DCFS to protect vulnerable children and added 300 new frontline caseworkers
    ✓ Improved public safety by expanding recruitment of new Illinois State Police troopers
    ✓ Elevated and strengthened safety for first responders on state highways
    ✓ Strengthened the Illinois State Police Division of Forensics Services to address the forensics backlog and introduced rape evidence tracking tool
    ✓ Established a moratorium on for-profit immigrant detention centers
    ✓ Protected immigrant families by limiting coordination by local law enforcement with Donald Trump’s Immigration roundups
    ✓ Fully funded reconstruction of Quincy Veterans’ Home and restarted long-delayed 200-bed Chicago Veterans’ Home by spring of 2020

Government Reforms

    ✓ Built the most diverse executive branch cabinet in state history
    ✓ Built the most diverse governor’s office in state history
    ✓ Launched public safety pension consolidation task force and asset transfer task force
    ✓ Expanded state employee pension buyout program to reduce pension liabilities

As a commenter noted, he didn’t even mention gaming.

* The governor will hold a press conference about this today. Links to watch or listen…

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Live video stream w/captioning

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End of session press releases will be posted to our live coverage post.


  1. - Grandson of Man - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:07 pm:

    Spectacular. Words just can’t describe, though many will do a great job describing it.

  2. - Lucky Pierre - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:07 pm:

    Illinois debts were run up by the prior administration?

    You forgot the s on the end

  3. - Fax Machine - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:08 pm:

    Whew, and he didn’t even include legalized sports betting & gaming expansion

  4. - Jvslp - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:09 pm:

    Absolutely and undoubtedly IMPRESSIVE for a rookie Gov! He practically got everything he wanted on his first go around.

  5. - efudd - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:11 pm:

    Dude, go lay down.

  6. - Baloneymous - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:13 pm:

    Lucky, all the good things to be grateful for and you focus on an ‘S’. stay Lucky…

  7. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:15 pm:

    ===Illinois debts were run up by the prior administration?

    You forgot the s on the end===

    Narrator: They didn’t.

    Rauner ran up debts to purposely cripple Illinois.

    The bipartisanship we are seeing now is a full rebuke of Raunerism… even by the phony Raunerites wanting us all to forget.

    Rauner went a whole GA, two fiscal years without a budget.

    Read above - Lucky Pierre -… That’s a governor with real tangible accomplishments… 71, 36… 60, 30… and signatures to make it roll.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:17 pm:

    ===Read above - Lucky Pierre -… That’s a governor with real tangible accomplishments… 71, 36… 60, 30… and signatures to make it roll.===

    Here’s the rub;

    You don’t have to agree with any of the above, but you can’t ignore the results that are real, and happened, and accomplished.

  9. - Steve - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:18 pm:

    Those gas tax and fee increases really aren’t just on the rich. Why can’t Madigan allow the voters to decide whether they want to adjust pensions to make them more financial sound? If the voters can vote on a progressive income tax , why not on pension changes? Who could oppose that?

  10. - Truthteller - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:19 pm:

    A historic moment for the people of Illinois as well as showing us govt can work when you have a governor committed to governing.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:21 pm:

    ===why not on pension changes? Who could oppose that?===

    The ILSC and that pesky constitution are quite clear.

    Tier II is also in play.

    So, there’s that.

  12. - wordslinger - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:22 pm:

    The dude seems to dig being in charge. No constant whining, no chronic lying, just a whole lot of work getting done.

  13. - Bunson8r - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:26 pm:

    Regardless of your thoughts on all of these policies, this is pretty darn impressive

  14. - Former State Worker - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:30 pm:

    This is how you govern Rauner.

  15. - Lucky Pierre - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:35 pm:

    No chronic lying?

    Do you think the middle class and those striving to get there received a tax cut?

  16. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:37 pm:

    ===Do you think the middle class and those striving to get there received a tax cut?===

    Cite please.


  17. - Golf Clap - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:38 pm:

    The dark cloud of Rauner and his players has finally lifted. Beautiful blue skies and sunshine surround the Capitol today. Congratulations to all who’s hard work was rewarded this session. Have a great summer, everyone!

  18. - TinyDancer(FKASue) - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:45 pm:

    At last……

  19. - Wensicia - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:46 pm:

    Impressive, most impressive.

  20. - wordslinger - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:46 pm:

    –Do you think the middle class and those striving to get there received a tax cut?–

    I don’t see where that has been claimed. That is some exceptionally sad trolling, even for you.

    Speaking of, here’s Sad Troll Jr…..

    –If the voters can vote on a progressive income tax , why not on pension changes? Who could oppose that?–

    Produce your amendment language and what you claim it will accomplish. Make an effort.


  21. - DougChicago - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:48 pm:

    What didn’t happen? Cook County property tax assessment reform. Oh I wonder why? Might there be a legislative leader who controls the legislative agenda who has a personal interest in such reform not occurring? Hmmm?

  22. - Southern Illinois Infrastructure - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:51 pm:

    Pierre, go grab a Snickers.

  23. - El Conquistador - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 5:59 pm:

    What a difference a real Governor makes.

  24. - Lt Guv - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 6:43 pm:


  25. - Glengarry - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 6:46 pm:

    This is what winning is like.

  26. - Johnnie F. - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 7:01 pm:

    He truly shook up stagnation and hyperpartisianship in Springfield and is bringing back Illinois. This is what governing looks like.

  27. - CEA - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 7:37 pm:

    Next up: pension reform.

  28. - Anonymous - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 7:39 pm:

    Gee whillikers..if you can get a constitutional amendment to “lower” taxes, why can’t we get one for pensions?

    Big think…

  29. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 7:40 pm:

    ===Next up: pension reform.===

    Probably not.

    ILSC, the pension clause, the constitution’s contract clause, and the taxing ability of Illinois

    Pay what we owe, maybe a different plan of repayment, but, not seeing any pension “reform”

  30. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 7:41 pm:

    ===Gee whillikers..if you can get a constitutional amendment to “lower” taxes, why can’t we get one for pensions?

    Big think…===

    ILSC, the pension clause, the constitution’s contract clause, and the taxing ability of Illinois

    Big think?

    Keep up…

  31. - AnonymousOne - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 7:45 pm:

    Pension reform happened. It’s called Tier 2. Also, no matter what could ever possibly happen, the debt accrued is for past dereliction. Still owed. Going forward changes don’t erase that debt.

  32. - JS Mill - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 8:00 pm:

    Pension “reform” (reduction) happened in 2010 when they added Tier 2 which took effect 1/1/2011.

    In the 8 years since, the annual cost of the pension has decreased by over $400 million and continues to decrease.

    The other $7.5 billion being paid to pensions? Yeah, that is for the debt acccrued over 90 years of diversions, shorting, and theft. And we will be paying that no matter what.

    So when the ill informed or dishonest talk about making the pensions “more affordable or to lower the cost” realize that debt is going to get paid. No matter what. And that is where any “savings” would have to come from because the annual cost is roughly 3% of the budget while the debt is about 19%.

  33. - Just checking - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 8:10 pm:

    Whew, that is alot.
    Is it all free? Can one of you budget wizards figure out how much extra money has been spent in THIS years budget since Jan. and then how much more is in next year’s over last year’s? I mean costs for back wages, reinstated and new programs, raises, new headcount, paying old bills, etc. Leave off the capital program, if you want.
    Just sayin

  34. - Ares - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 8:23 pm:

    The twins of Compromise and Governing have returned to Spingfield. Amen.

  35. - Threat level midnight - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 8:29 pm:

    McCombie is the new jeannie ives. ugh…

  36. - JS Mill - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 8:58 pm:

    A great start for the new governor. There is good reason for hope in Illinois if for no reason than the fact that there was actual bipartisanship.

  37. - oh? - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 9:00 pm:

    I think most of us knew he would be good, but I don’t think anyone predicted this good. I guess it is go with a buinessman, a true businessman, after all. To the “reform the pensions” crowd, call it what it is, you want to cut pensions and forstall the progressive income tax. Think avout that, ultra wealthy vs pensioners. Hmmm, only in a dark novel.

  38. - Harvest76 - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 9:18 pm:

    A few regressive taxes, the motor fuel tax being the central one, but overall a breath of fresh air.

  39. - Anyone Remember - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 10:43 pm:

    No disrespect to Quinn’s involvement in last capital bill, the last time a governor worked w/ a General Assembly like this … Ryan’s first year? IF this continues, best cooperation since Edgar during the Daniels speakership? Thompson era?

  40. - Stuntman Bob's Brother - Sunday, Jun 2, 19 @ 11:58 pm:

    ==Is it all free?==

    I was thinking the same thing. While JB’s list of accomplishments appears impressive, I have to wonder what the cost is to the individual taxpayer (better yet, knowing the cost broken out by income level and/or real estate owned). While the increased tax burden on the top 3% looks straightforward, many of these folks are business owners who will pass as much of this increased cost to their customers as the market allows.

    Now, it may be worth it, who knows - Great project for the Trib or somebody to study and calculate. But as to your question, no, it isn’t all free, LOL.

  41. - bobbychapelle - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 5:02 am:

    So, what exactly was Rauner *doing* for four years?

  42. - Blue Dog Dem - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 6:58 am:

    History will be the judge if these are wins. Definetly been action.

  43. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 7:17 am:

    ==Is it all free?==

    Of course not. That’s why there were revenue bills as as well. This is what fiscally responsible governing looks like. The bipartisan votes show the broad spending is needed and supported as are the variety of revenue sources.

  44. - truthteller - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 7:29 am:

    it upsets many conservatives to see democrats and republicans actually working together. Illinois is the 5th highest GDP in the country and no where near 5th heaviest tax burden, No doubt many things need to be addressed starting with the number of local taxing districts as we lead the nation and that adds to wasted money being paid by taxpayers. The “township” model needs to be 100% eliminated AND better stream line of county services to replace them with. The bottom line, we just a historic moment in Illinois govt and tha twill not please all the people as there is no way that is ever possible to begin with

  45. - Pick a Name - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 8:00 am:

    This is akin to the high school state basketball champs, playing a home game, whooping up on a 8th grade team and the coach of the high school team thinks the win was mostly due to his coaching ability.

  46. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 8:02 am:

    ==Is it all free?==

    Brilliant strawman.

    Doing absolutely nothing is more costly, long-term and short.

    Rauner ran up $16.5 billion in unpaid bills for operating costs by not having budgets. That’s still being paid down, slowly, and the juice keeps piling on.

    States don’t have options like DC Republicans. You can’t just cut taxes, increase spending, double deficits, float a trillion in T-bonds for operating costs and claim to be “fiscally responsible.”

  47. - Demoralized - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 8:08 am:

    It really goads some of you doesn’t it @Pick a Name that we have a Governor who actually understands how to govern. I, for one, find it a breath of fresh air that we no longer have a Chief Executive who whines all the time. You can try to spin it all you want but it does indeed have to do with his “coaching ability.” Really annoys you doesn’t it?

  48. - PublicServant - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 8:15 am:

    Good news for the middle class and Illinois as a whole. Waiting for the bond agencies to chime in. Raunerites on the run. I love it. Good job by a real governor. I quite pleased with the bipartisanship that was on display here. Willy May yet get his party back.

  49. - Terry Salad - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 8:26 am:

    Yeah? Where are the Term Limits, eh smart guy?

  50. - Pick a Name - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 8:27 am:

    Word, GDP is over 3, unemployment at a 50 year low, food stamps usage at 38 million versus 47 million in 2013, record unemployment for women and Hispanics.

    Public Servant, how is this good for the middle class?

  51. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 8:28 am:

    –This is akin to the high school state basketball champs, playing a home game, whooping up on a 8th grade team and the coach of the high school team thinks the win was mostly due to his coaching ability.–

    LOL, somebody misses the good ol’ Rauner days.

    Those eighth graders sure put a lot of points up on the board for the state champs on those budget bills. And there was Bill Brady and Jason Plummer standing in the team picture with Pritzker after the game.

    You’re not so good with the metaphors.

    Dems and Republicans worked with each other where they could, and opposed each other where they couldn’t. It’s called representative democracy. Just another outrage on your endless list of grievances.

  52. - Amalia - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 8:30 am:

    really good news. will be interesting to do a deep dive into why some gun regulation legislation did not pass. and the Fritz Kaegi story will also be interesting. but the Gov, he done good.

  53. - Gantt Chart - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 8:35 am:

    It is impressive. This is what one-part rule looks like.

  54. - Gantt Chart - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 8:39 am:


  55. - Demoralized - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 8:42 am:

    ==Where are the Term Limits, eh smart guy?==

    Ever heard of elections?

  56. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 8:42 am:

    ===Yeah? Where are the Term Limits, eh smart guy?==

    Aw, LOL

    Ask Bruce Rauner.

    He spent millions to get all these signatures, and advertise all these things, but couldn’t find ONE competent attorney to make sure petitions met constitutional muster?

    That was the feature, not the bug.

    You got played. The striking contrast between Rauner and Pritzker is… one wanted destruction and obedience, the other governs with bipartisanship, cooperation, and a real understanding of cobbling 60/30 or 71/36.

    But, please, it’s on Pritzker that Rauner played you.

  57. - Anon1 - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 8:43 am:

    More tax and spend; nothing new. The majority of both chambers and the Governor supports this philosophy of governance. So, why is this list of “agreements” called “wins.”

  58. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 8:44 am:

    ===It is impressive. This is what one-party rule looks like.===

    … and yet, it was cooperating with Leader Durkin on some last minute things the HGOP wanted, and Leader Brady working to find things for his caucus… how did those budget and BIMP votes roll?

    This ain’t Facebook. Receipts are easily found.

  59. - Honeybear - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 8:44 am:

    Not to mention an AFSCME contract.

  60. - Harvest76 - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 8:51 am:

    == This is what one-part rule looks like.==
    The vote counts dispute your assertion.

  61. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 8:57 am:

    ===…and Jason Plummer standing in the team picture with Pritzker after the game.===

    This was incredibly good on Sen. Plummer.

    More and more, it’s looking like Sen. Plummer is learning, not teaching, listening and only speaking after learning.

    This was a good beginning for Sen. Plummer.

    I sincerely hope he keeps it up.

  62. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:12 am:

    After further reflection, maybe Mr. Plummer isn’t learning as quickly as I gave him credit?

    Maybe Mr. Plummer needs to rethink… explanations.

    I’ll leave it there, thanks.

    It’s on me.

  63. - Ed Higher - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:16 am:

    Damn. Best news from Springfield in a long long time.

  64. - JoanP - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:23 am:

    I want to digress a moment to thank Rich for keeping the blog open and posting over the weekend. It’s truly appreciated.

    Rich, I hope you give yourself a day off now.

  65. - Hieronymus - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:53 am:

    “- Anon1 - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 8:43 am:

    More tax and spend; nothing new. The majority of both chambers and the Governor supports this philosophy of governance. So, why is this list of “agreements” called “wins.””

    In my book, “Tax and Spend” is way more fiscally responsible than “Spend and Default”.

  66. - Pick a Name - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 11:52 am:

    Just wonderin’—Any meaningful pension reform happen?

  67. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 11:57 am:

    –Just wonderin’—Any meaningful pension reform happen?–

    Just wonderin’ — can you define that in any meaningful way, within the parameters of the U.S. and state constitutions and court rulings?

    What would it be, what would it accomplish?

  68. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 12:24 pm:

    - Blue Dog Dem - “I can troll folks and look for attention like no other”

    - Pick a Name - “Hold my beverage”

    ===Just wonderin’—Any meaningful pension reform happen?===

    You know the answer to these things.

    If you’re just gonna be the noisy guy yelling at the TV at the end of the bar, congrats, we see you. Doesn’t mean you add to the bar.

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