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Pritzker’s wins

Monday, Jun 3, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column was written on a Friday afternoon deadline

The governor and his top staff showed again last week that they can make things happen under the Statehouse dome.

To corral 73 votes for a graduated income tax constitutional amendment in a 74-member House Democratic caucus accustomed to extreme coddling and over-protecting its more politically vulnerable members was quite something. Nobody was left off the hook.

The one they missed remains a mystery to pretty much everybody. Rep. Andre Thapedi (D-Chicago) left the chamber during the “fair tax” debate and never returned, vanishing into thin air. He didn’t tell the governor’s office that he’d be skipping the vote and some of his colleagues didn’t even realize he’d left while others could only hazard a guess as to why.

Gov. Pritzker’s effort to make Illinois a progressive Midwestern oasis took a huge leap forward with the passage of that constitutional amendment. Generations of Illinois politicians have tried and failed to get the issue onto the ballot. One of Bruce Rauner’s top priorities when he decided to run for governor was stopping a graduated income tax. And, now, not even five months after the near-billionaire Rauner’s involuntary departure, the voters will soon be given a choice, courtesy of the billionaire Gov. Pritzker.

Both Rauner and Pritzker had and have sweeping, even radical visions of how they wanted to change their state. Where Rauner mostly failed, Pritzker has mostly succeeded. That doesn’t mean Pritzker has chosen the right path, mind you. The Republicans warn (and some Democrats privately fret) that his economic agenda of a $15 an hour minimum wage, a progressive income tax, higher taxes for infrastructure construction and a blizzard of pro-union laws will make the state uncompetitive with its neighbors. But it’s too late to turn back now.

Pritzker vowed to make Illinois law the most pro-choice in the country, and as I write this, he is succeeding. The Reproductive Health Act is ostensibly designed to wipe out the state’s abortion laws that were knocked down by courts in years past to make sure they couldn’t somehow be reactivated if Roe v. Wade is overturned.

You can probably gauge how pro-choice the Pritzker-backed RHA is by looking at the intensity of the opposition. It’s reviled by pro-life activists to the point where a conservative southern Illinois minister giving the morning invocation in the House chambers last week actually called on God to “judge Illinois for the sanctioned destruction of the innocent unborn” two days after the House passed the bill.

The measure even caught the eye of President Donald Trump, who posted a link on his Facebook page to an article about the bill and wrote “The Democrat Party is unhinged! Their radical position on abortion is horrible!”

Yeah, I’m thinking that’s a pretty solidly pro-choice bill.

And then there’s the cannabis legalization bill, which unlike all the others listed above had some bipartisan support in both chambers last week.

Not only is possession of up to 30 grams of weed legalized, but the law will grant clemency to people who were busted for possessing up to that same amount in the past. It contains programs for communities that have been hit hard by the ridiculously punitive “war on drugs.” There’s also a grant and loan program for people in those communities who want to become involved in the cannabis business. And a community college program is created to help folks, including minorities, train for jobs in the industry.

No other state that has legalized cannabis has done anything like this.

None of the above could’ve happened without this particular governor’s support.

Democratic legislators know that Pritzker will have their backs should any of this spring session’s votes haunt them in the next campaign cycle. He has enough money under his couch cushions to fund their campaigns.

Pritzker also truly believes in this stuff. Where others settled for tiny increases in the minimum wage, Pritzker is nearly doubling it. When his most recent Democratic predecessors either rejected income tax hikes or insisted they be “temporary,” Pritzker went all out and proposed permanently raising taxes on the top 3 percent of earners. Gov. Pat Quinn reluctantly signed a way too restrictive medical marijuana bill into law. Pritzker enthusiastically pushed for legalization.

This much change this quickly can frighten people. So, we’ll see what the future holds. But for now, the governor and his supporters can bask in a bit of glory.

* Related…

* Sun-Times Editorial: From ‘impasse’ to ‘get it passed,’ Illinois surges with stunning legislative session - To understand the historic significance of what transpired, look past marijuana and gambling. Look, instead, at the way in which Democrats and Republicans worked together.

* How J.B. Pritzker got big things done — and what’s coming next: In the end, Democrats got everything they wanted this session, and Republicans were able to include pro-business reforms during last-minute budget and capital plan negotiations.

* Pritzker, Democrats take victory lap while Republicans find reasons to celebrate: As on the House floor Sunday night, Republicans lent their votes to a bill that doubles Illinois’ gas tax for the first time in nearly three decades, from the current 19 cents per gallon to 38 cents, and indexes the gas tax in the future to inflation. The tax revenues will also go toward the state’s Road Fund, where it can’t be touched thanks to a Lockbox Amendment voters approved in November 2016. “I certainly understand why some people might be concerned about voting yes for this,” Brady said during debate on the horizontal capital funding bill late Sunday afternoon. “But I will be voting yes. Our citizens deserve a safe, viable transportation system.”

* SJ-R Editorial: Legislative session one to remember: But a few days of overtime should not overshadow the fact that this legislative session was successful — if you define successful as setting a new trajectory for the state. We’re not saying we agree with everything lawmakers have done during the past five months. But after years of partisan bickering and failures when it came to shoring up the state’s finances, actions taken during 2019 are poised to turn Illinois in a more positive direction. Vital to that effort will be a statewide construction plan. There is no doubt our buildings, roads, bridges and other infrastructure need attention now. Ironing out all the details — including how to raise the billions needed to pay for it — are among the issues lawmakers must address this weekend, and they seem ready to do so.

* Bernie: A new attitude — and one-party dominance — eased the tension: “He’s open to talking to people who disagree with him,” Manar said of Pritzker. “He’s not into punitive response for the slightest disagreements that he has with people of his own party or the other party. That’s as opposite of Bruce Rauner as you could imagine.”

* In overtime, lllinois House OKs new taxes for public works program and a gambling expansion that includes a Chicago casino: The legislative session went into overtime despite the return of one-party Democratic rule in Springfield, with lawmakers addressing new Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s aggressive agenda after four years of dysfunctional government under his predecessor, Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner. While Pritzker wasn’t able to accomplish his ambitious agenda by the scheduled deadline, Democrats praised the governor for ultimately being able to check off many items, and Republicans gave him credit for brokering bipartisan agreements on the budget and infrastructure plan. “The governor has asked a lot, and he’s also accomplished a tremendous amount,” House Democratic leader Greg Harris of Chicago said, citing legislation legalizing recreational marijuana, raising the minimum wage and protecting abortions rights. “Any one of the things Gov. Pritzker and the General Assembly have done this year in other years would have been considered monumental.”

* Finke: Democrats control it all, but can’t finish on schedule: Well, Gov. JB Pritzker can claim victory on any number of issues for his first session. We won’t enumerate them because as this is being written, the session still isn’t over. Instead of adjourning on schedule on Friday, the General Assembly expected to work through the weekend to get its work done. It’s not like going into overtime alone is going to be a permanent blot on Pritzker’s record. But he did predict the session would end on time when skeptical reporters started asking if all of those remaining big issues could be addressed quickly.


  1. - Interested Observer - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:24 am:

    From the sidelines—it’s great to see that Illinois government can actually get stuff done. I realized after I saw the big items start passing that I was assuming everything was going to collapse because that’s the way it has been for so long. It’s a good feeling to have my assumptions blown apart here. Congratulate everyone—particularly on the bipartisan work!

  2. - Trapped in the 'burbs - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:26 am:

    Did the GOP get more done this session than they did in four years with Rauner?

  3. - Roman - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:27 am:

    I’m no historian, but I’m struggling to think of a governor who had a better first year in the General Assembly. Heck, what JB put on the board this year probably outpaces what a lot of governors accomplished in an entire term.

  4. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:28 am:

    This is going to be a tough act to follow. Hard to see anyone topping this long and impressive list of accomplishments. Say what you will about controlling Democratic majorities, he stilll managed to win Republican support for a host of issues.

    Governor Pritzker and his team got more done in six months than Bruce Rauner’s Best Team in America did in four years.

  5. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:31 am:

    The bipartisan operating and capital budget votes were revealing and very encouraging signs. Some GOP lawmakers truly want to govern, and Pritzker and the Dems will work with them when they can, rather than just stick it to them.

    Good faith, bipartisan compromise, representative democracy — what strange concepts.

    Yesterday’s photo of Bill Brady and Jason Plummer standing with Pritzker at his victory presser will certainly cause some of the Usual Suspects who enabled Rauner’s misanthropy to set their hair on fire.

    I guess they can just join the Double-Secret-Probation-Caucus.

  6. - Steve - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:33 am:

    Best of luck for gas stations in Chicago. Best of luck on all future endeavors.

  7. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:33 am:

    The Democratic base and others who vote for Democrats should be elated. I worried about Pritzker not being able to accomplish what he ran on, but Democratic legislators backed him up. I worry about the Democratic base becoming apathetic. Voters support legalizing marijuana and a fair tax.

    Hurricane Katrina was melting down on Twitter the other night, saying she’s building a movement to oppose what just happened. Pritzker got almost 2.5 million votes, and got the least votes of the five statewide Democratic candidates. When I have such a movement as Katrina’s, I flush.

  8. - Practical Politics - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:39 am:

    “the return of one-party Democratic rule in Springfield… after four years of dysfunctional government under his predecessor, Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner…”

    No one sheds any tears for Rauner, but some us recall one party rule under Blagojevich and Quinn being less than optimal.

  9. - Arsenal - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:41 am:

    ==Best of luck for gas stations in Chicago.==

    Won’t someone please think of BP???

  10. - lakeside - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:41 am:

    Aside from the desperate need for a capital plan, he was smart to get this done so early. There will now be three years of construction projects all over the state before he runs for reelection. Come flyaround time - pop on over to wherever and tell them how much money you pumped into their economy and which infrastructure you fixed.

    This was a session for the ages. All respect to Finke, after the past four years, I don’t think there’s a person in the state who cares that session didn’t finish on time. I try to not even remember the Rauner admin, but weren’t there multiple special sessions? If they needed two days to get this much done, they are more than welcome to them.

  11. - Colin Robinson - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:41 am:

    When do we expect JB to sign the bills?

  12. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:42 am:

    It was definitely a great string of wins, and I’m very pleased with the direction the state is going. The cynic in me wonders how much of the legislative wins are the result of Pritzker’s endless money. The state will still face budgetary challenges even with the progressive income tax, but it’s good to enjoy the wins now.

  13. - Robert the Bruce - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:47 am:

    He deserves a ton of credit. Credit too to the Legislature and their staff for the hard, collaborative work.

    Amazing what can happen when a governor works with leaders of the Legislature. It has been awhile since we’ve seen this.

  14. - Henry Francis - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:51 am:

    I can’t remember but was JB the candidate who boasted of how he has been successful at everything he has done?

  15. - Skeptic - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:52 am:

    “but weren’t there multiple special sessions?” And lest we forget (and let’s hope we finally can some day) the Blago years where he called Special Sessions every day during the summer, which resulted in a roll call and a dismissal for each one.

  16. - Former State Worker - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:56 am:

    Refreshing change from the massive failure that was Rauner.

  17. - lake county democrat - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:59 am:

    Title says it all. Too soon to tell if it’s a long term political win or not as these and other taxes kick in. To repeat my broken record historical example: Jerry Brown Jr.’s first time as governor and the taxpayer revolt two years in. But even if it boomerangs politically, it’s largely what this state needs.

  18. - A. Citizen - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:59 am:

    Blagojevich had a pretty good first session, but not nearly as good comparatively.
    Also, Blago began unraveling before his first veto session and lost the confidence of the other leaders. That won’t happen with Pritzker.

  19. - Nick Name - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 10:03 am:

    ===Did the GOP get more done this session than they did in four years with Rauner?===

    When Durkin and Pritzker last Friday came to an agreement on Durkin’s six demands, the GOP accomplished more in *one day* that four years with Rauner.

  20. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 10:05 am:

    === the GOP accomplished more in *one day* that four years with Rauner===

    Hmm. I seem to recall reading that somewhere behind a firewall. lol

  21. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 10:09 am:

    Very happy about the bipartisanship. Very happy about people getting jobs and improvements in their districts. It looks like we’re governing normally now. Hopefully for now Republicans can breathe a sigh of relief, that they aren’t being made to follow a destructive ideologue governor down the abyss. Some can come home to unions now, too.

  22. - truthteller - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 10:10 am:

    all these accomplishments by a “novice” governor only proves if you have smarts, a strong will and can make the argument work, even a novice can have huge success. We lived the failure of the Rauner years, currently we are experiencing the failure in the Whitehouse but now we a real governor. Irks the hardcore conservatives who wish govt to fail BUT continue to benefit themselves

  23. - Leatherneck - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 10:13 am:

    - A. Citizen - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 9:59 am:

    Blagojevich had a pretty good first session, but not nearly as good comparatively.
    Also, Blago began unraveling before his first veto session and lost the confidence of the other leaders. That won’t happen with Pritzker

    That happened in July 2003 when Blago unilaterally slashed the budgets of the constitutional officers (all Dem except then-Treasurer JBT). Especially that of SOS White, leading to layoff and facility closure fears (plus non-union staff forced to take furlough days in FY04). Even after Secretary White expressed willingness to cut 3% from SOS budget, which Blago originally was OK with, then he goes and slashes 7-15% of it behind his back.

  24. - Give Me A Break - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 10:21 am:

    Was at a family gathering Sunday night. The age group 65+ had their hair on fire about pot, gaming expansion and the reproductive rights bill (they were all opposed to all three). At the same time they were complaining about bad roads and high taxes.

  25. - Honeybear - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 10:24 am:

    Now the work of Government BEGINS
    Thoussands of State employees must
    Execute and maintain
    Law, Statute and Policy
    All this is a tremendous lift
    All the parts of the vehicle of state
    Must work to drive into the future
    The vehicle of state
    is NOT just the driver and the steering system.

  26. - Linus - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 10:28 am:

    ==I can’t remember but was JB the candidate who boasted of how he has been successful at everything he has done?==

    I see what you did there, Henry Francis. Good on ya!

  27. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 10:29 am:

    Rauner was a walkin’, talkin,’ moral hazard of a dilettante. There was no personal downside for him to his gubernatorial hostage-taking and arson.

    If he got his way, great. If not, he’d leave a scorched-earth path of destruction and walk away. No skin off his tukkus. The consequences and cleaning up the mess would be left to others.

    Charlie Wheeler was quoted the other day in a Mark Brown column that Rauner was the worst governor he’d seen in 50 years in Springfield. Give that a think.

  28. - efudd - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 10:39 am:

    Rauner wanted nothing more than to destroy unions, further eroding middle class.
    He truly believed in two economical classes-

  29. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 10:49 am:

    - DMAN -

    So we can put you down as *not* thinking these are wins.

    Hope you feel better.

  30. - A guy - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 10:53 am:

    Gas taxes, though unpleasant, are less memorable than most as this commodity so regularly and wildly fluctuates. I suspect people will adjust somewhat quickly.
    Here’s a phrase I never thought I’d here myself say: There better be a he** of a lot of road construction going on soon! Our roads are utterly pathetic compared to…anywhere else.

  31. - The Bashful Raconteur - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 10:55 am:

    Workers at CDB, IDOT and DCEO better gird their loins. They will be expected to do a whole-heck-of-a lot with decimated staff. Good luck to them all.

  32. - Arsenal - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 10:59 am:

    ==Gas taxes, though unpleasant, are less memorable than most as this commodity so regularly and wildly fluctuates. I suspect people will adjust somewhat quickly.==

    That’s a good point that I did not consider.

    In addition, people heavily associate gas prices with national politics/foreign affairs, although perhaps that relationship will break down a bit with a well-publicized gas tax hike at the state level.

  33. - LINK - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 11:13 am:

    Might I add that another way of looking at this session, besides the cooperation between parties, is not only did Pritzer have a list of wins BUT no matter what your take is on the issues, the vast majority of Illinois residents, citizens and those who will travel throughout this state are also winners?

    Just my two-cents.

  34. - SSL - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 11:23 am:

    JB got a lot done. Personally I love the revenue generated through sin taxes, like dope and gaming. Not a huge fan of the doubling of the gas tax, but he probably didn’t want to have to do it twice. I haven’t looked where all the infrastructure work will occur but there’s already a lot going on around me.

    This is the beginning of a new experiment in Illinois. The numbers will tell whether it is successful over the next few years. A growing population would be a huge help.

  35. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 11:31 am:

    –Workers at CDB, IDOT and DCEO better gird their loins.–

    Never have quite known what that means, but it sounds painful.

  36. - Skeptic - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 11:37 am:

    “Gird their loins.. Never have quite known what that means, but it sounds painful.” Unless he’s talking about a cut of beef.

  37. - LINK - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 11:38 am:


    Google is your friend:. prepare and strengthen oneself for what is to come.
    synonyms: prepare, get ready, make ready, gear up, nerve, steel, galvanize, brace, strengthen, fortify, bolster, buttress; informal psych oneself up
    “the Persians girded themselves for an attack”

    Sorry, just had to

  38. - A guy - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 11:44 am:

    ==Never have quite known what that means, but it sounds painful.==

    It means briefs, not boxers. Check the mirror to see if your loins are sticking out. lol

  39. - Ginhouse Tommy - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 11:45 am:

    Rauner brought in a scorched earth policy for the state. Everything he did seemed to drag Illinois down especially in funding for the state universities. The things he did sucked the life and spirit out of the legislators. Just ask former legislator Radogno. The mess he created is his legacy and he can’t escape that. JB’s approach is a breath of fresh air and hopefully it will continue.

  40. - RNUG - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 11:54 am:

    == Our roads are utterly pathetic compared to…anywhere else. ==

    I’ve been traveling out of state quite a bit recently. Indiana, Michigan, and Tennessee roads are worse than Illinios. Kentucky and Georgia are about the same as Illinios.

  41. - Illinois_taxpayer - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 11:56 am:

    So much for the tax break the graduated tax sustem would potentially provide.

  42. - Ole' Nelson - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 12:23 pm:

    “So much for the tax break”

    Tax breaks are nice, but a state that is as far in debt as Illinois can’t have nice things.

  43. - ZC - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 12:28 pm:

    Agree w/ RNUG, no way are IL roads worse than Michigan’s.

  44. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 12:31 pm:

    I’m looking forward to the rating agency responses to the balanced budget, new revenues and return to a functioning government. Hoping that an upgrade may be in order.

  45. - Illinois_taxpayer - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 12:42 pm:

    New taxes and spending are what put us in this position sounds like the same formula here. Many of these legislators have experience in tax then spend on other projects than what the funds were intended for. You know the saying same thing over and over expecting different results …

  46. - ToQouteOW - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 12:44 pm:

    Governors own. They always do.

  47. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 12:47 pm:

    ===Governors own. They always do.===

    Governor Pritzker is banking on that ownership.

    There’s good to governors own.

    Pritzker embraces it.

  48. - Thomas Paine - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 12:47 pm:

    Wisconsin’s roads are worse, way worse, than Illinois:

    Potholes are so bad they had to shut down the Dan Ryan in Wisconsin in February. Anyone who has ever travelled through Milwaukee in the summer knows that it’s about 30 miles of lane closures all summer long.

  49. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 12:54 pm:

    –Agree w/ RNUG, no way are IL roads worse than Michigan’s.–

    They got hit harder than most during The Great Recession, had a longer way to get back.

    For a couple years, money was so tight they weren’t even clearing road kill on state-maintained roads, just pushing it into the ditches. During the fall rut, dead deer were everywhere.

  50. - Ole' Nelson - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 1:24 pm:

    New taxes and spending

    Low taxes (on the wealthy) and spending in excess of revenues put is in this position.

  51. - Ole' Nelson - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 1:28 pm:

    Illinois taxpayer (as almost all of us are),

    I would contend that spending money that should have went to pension payments got us most of the way here. We need more revenue, and to focus on paying down our bills and debts. I agree that new spending should mostly come after that.

  52. - Skeptic - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 1:48 pm:

    “They got hit harder than most during The Great Recession, had a longer way to get back.” They also had Republicans in control of both their Governor’s office and the Legislature. Coincidence?

  53. - Blue Dog Dem - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 2:01 pm:

    Governor Pritzker is banking on that ownership. That is good to know he has confidence in his brand of governing. Will be easy to track progress. If it succeeds history will tell us to raise taxes whenever a state gets into financial trouble.

  54. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 2:12 pm:

    ===That is good to know he has confidence in his brand of governing.===

    Yeah, um, that’s how it *should* be.

    What kind of governor wouldn’t want to have confidence in their brand?

    “I have a brand, but I lack confidence with it.”

    I fed ya, by pointing out your ridiculous attempt(s) at attention.

    I gave it to you. Be happy.

  55. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 2:23 pm:

    If you look at the Live Coverage feed, you’ll see Senate Republicans are lining up, one after the other, to declare victories as well.

    Elections are zero-sum contests; only the petulant childish believe governing has to be as well.

  56. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 2:53 pm:

    “If you look at the Live Coverage feed, you’ll see Senate Republicans are lining up, one after the other, to declare victories as well.”

    Well-deserved. They helped make it happen. Pritzker extended his hand to welcome compromise and negotiation. Rauner stuck out his hand to shiv people.

  57. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 2:58 pm:

    ===If you look at the Live Coverage feed, you’ll see Senate Republicans are lining up, one after the other, to declare victories as well.===

    The 99th GA?

    “I’m frustrated too but taking steps to reform Illinois is more important than a short term budget stalemate”

    I don’t forget, Raunerites, basking in victories now.

    Your phoniness, and now self congratulatory indulgence was once about helping another governor ruin Illinois.

    It’s good to see, but you’re fooling yourselves if you think all is forgotten.

    Quite the contrary.

    This self congratulations stems from bills and policies to help rebuild the damage you helped create.

  58. - Cubs in '16 - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 3:14 pm:

    ===Rauner stuck out his hand to shiv people.===

    Yep. Total capitulation vs good faith compromise and relationship building. It’s clear which method was more successful.

  59. - Bavette - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 5:58 pm:

    Every time Pritzker wins, it seems taxpayers lose.

  60. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 6:01 pm:

    ===Every time Pritzker wins, it seems taxpayers lose.===

    … and yet, you fail to see Pritzker won by 16 points and these wins, transparently so, are what Pritzker ran on to win.

    And… we’re all taxpayers.

  61. - Bavette - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 6:13 pm:

    Yes, and most of us are losing big time.

  62. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 3, 19 @ 6:16 pm:

    ===losing big time.===

    You spelled “bigly” wrong.

  63. - Anono - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 12:01 am:

    Bavette - 3% is not “most of us”…

    And if you’re talking about gas taxes and the like; well, I just spent far more than that on a new set of tires thanks to the rotten, holy potholes of what passes for “roads” I have to use to get to work.

  64. - Bavette - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 9:14 am:

    I’m talking all taxes. Illinois never cuts any taxes or reduces spending.

  65. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 9:17 am:

    ===I’m talking all taxes. Illinois never cuts any taxes or reduces spending.===

    … and yet, before this session, one of the last movement on income tax was letting a higher income tax sunset.

  66. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 9:24 am:

    You knew it was coming, but it sure didn’t take long for the Rauner-enablers in troncsylvania to turn on Brady for playing ball on the budgets with Pritzker.

    Both Katrina and Kass are all a-flutter on the twitters demanding investigations into Brady’s ties to video gaming.

    Patiently awaiting calls for investigations on how Trump profits off his office at his DC hotel, selling memberships to country clubs, charging rent to the government, selling condos to secret LLCs….

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