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How the infrastructure money will be spent

Tuesday, Jun 4, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Broad categories of how the new infrastructure money will be spent over the next six years, according to the Senate Democrats…

$33.2 billion for transportation projects

$3.5 billion for education projects
$4.3 billion for state facility projects
$1.9 billion for economic development/community development
$1.2 billion for environmental and conservation projects
$465 million for Healthcare and Human Services
$420 million for broadband expansion

* I asked the Illinois Environmental Council for a breakdown of their capital projects. Here’s a quick summary…


Approximately 22.5% share for mass transit.
20% of the revenue from the gas tax increase will go to transit annually.
$50 million annually for bike and pedestrian infrastructure.

Sustainable Agriculture

There is a $37 million reappropriation for the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program and $20 million of new funding in the capital plan.

Open Space

$10 million for the Natural Areas Acquisition Fund
$25 million of new appropriation for land acquisition for Open Lands Trust
$23 million for Open Space Land Acquisition Developmen.
$50 million for parks

Clean Energy

$70 million for renewable energy and energy efficiency programs. This is sufficient funding for 5% of state building energy usage.
$70 million for electric vehicle infrastructure in low income communities.

Clean Water

$200 million for the Water Revolving Fund
$10 million for flood mitigation
$2.5 million for Brandon Road planning
$20 million for dam removal
$25 million for green infrastructure grants
$23 million for U.S. Army Corp of Engineers on ecosystem restoration projects

The full list of the IEC’s budget and capital plan wins is here.

* From the Active Transportation Alliance

The bill includes $50 million annually for walking and bicycling projects. Funds will be administered statewide through a competitive grant process using the existing Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP), which is currently entirely federally funded.

The additional funds from the state will double the size of the program and could fund 125 new projects every year. […]

Eligible projects include pedestrian refuge islands, new trails and upgraded crossings, protected bike lanes, and other safety infrastructure. The bill includes reforms to the program that make it easier for low-income communities to apply and secure funding.

The capital bill also includes sustainable funding for public transit for the first time ever. Transit receives $4.7 billion over six years and $281 million annually in capital funds after that. Public transit receives 23 percent of the transportation funding in the bill.

* StreetsBlog Chicago

Midwest High Speed Rail Association

The group lauded the inclusion of the following items in the bill:

    New service to Rockford
    New service to Moline
    Track improvements for Chicago – Champaign – Carbondale
    Track improvements in Springfield
    Expanded Metra service into Kendall County
    Funding for the CREATE program to relieve freight rail congestion



“This will be the largest one-time capital infusion in Pace’s history and allows us to maintain the robust system we currently operate and lay the foundation for future growth,” said executive director Rocky Donahue in a statement. “Projects such as the I-55 Express Bus Garage; ADA Communications Technology Upgrade; River Division Expansion; and a new northwest region garage in Wheeling will now become reality thanks to our legislators. We’re excited to get to work.”

…Adding… More from the BND

$105.3 million for a health sciences building and other improvements at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
$96 million for an expansion of MetroLink from Scott Air Force Base to MidAmerica Airport
$37.5 million for main complex renovation and repairs at Lewis and Clark Community College
$24.4 million for the U.S. 67 Delhi Bypass in Jersey County
$24 million for miscellaneous capital improvements at SIUE
$2 million for East St. Louis for demolition of derelict buildings and abandoned properties

* Other stuff…

* U Of I President ‘Delighted’ By New State Budget: The capital projects funding includes $98 million for a computer, design and research center at the Chicago campus; $100 million for a mathematics, statistics and data science collaborative at the Urbana-Champaign campus, and $35 million for a new library at the University of Illinois at Springfield, according to Killeen. Another $500 million was re-appropriated for construction and planning of the Discovery Partners Institute, and 15 research hubs at each university and satellite campus. Killeen said capital projects funding will also be used to pay for “very needed renovations that have sort of languished.”

* Will County big winner after busy end to session: The new state capital bill includes $848 million for Interstate 80, although it was unclear whether the funding included replacement of the Des Plaines River bridges. The capital bill also includes $19.8 million for Joliet Junior College and $55 million to for a new Illinois State Police facility, said state Sen. Pat McGuire, D-Joliet. … McGuire said the state police project includes replacement of both an aging crime lab on Woodruff Road in Joliet and the District 5 headquarters on Route 53. The facilities would be consolidated.

* Sen. Fowler Says His District Did Well in Legislative Session: Senator Dale Fowler of Harrisburg says the budget includes lump sum money for ports across the state, including his proposal for a facility at Cairo. “I believe it’s going to be in July, we’re going to start our meetings on how we’re going to move forward with continued design and engineering of the process and get shovels down in Cairo.” As far as the capital bill goes, Fowler says his district will receive as much, if not more, than any other in the state. “My district alone, the 59th district, is scheduled to receive over $270 million in capital spending funding for roads and bridges that so desperately need repair and well over 100 projects that are designed for my district.”

* Moline-to-Chicago train closer to becoming a reality as Illinois gas tax doubles: Illinois’ $45 billion infrastructure plan is just waiting for a signature from governor JB Pritzker. We first told you about it last month. The plan earmarked $225 million to finish the rail line.

* $275 million set aside for Rockford passenger rail in state capital spending plan: “By getting that $275 million in this capital plan I think it’s a new lease of life on this project,” says State Senator Steve Stadelman.

* Illinois Lawmakers Approve Sports Betting; Chicago And Southern Illinois Get A Casino: State Rep. Terri Bryant (R- Murphysboro), said prisons and universities have been looking for ways to fund their crumbling infrastructure. “At SIU Carbondale, we have four buildings that have to have new roofs, because they’ve had to move computers out of an entire room, simply to be able to keep those computers from having water drip on them from the ceiling.” Bryant voted in favor of the plan.

* New UIS building funded in capital bill re-imagines library: The center will replace Brookens Library and will house the Center for Online Learning Research and Service (COLRS), the Center for Academic Success (CAS) and Information Technology Services.

* Macoupin courthouse gets $1M boost: The courthouse is on the National Register of Historic Places and has been named one of Illinois’ great places by the American Institute of Architects. Years of delayed maintenance on the building, however, have left it in need of repairs.

* Manar wants to make sure Ward 3 gets targeted help: As part of the $45 billion construction program passed by the Illinois General Assembly and awaiting the governor’s signature, there is a $500,000 grant designated for “costs associated with infrastructure improvements within Ward 3” in the city of Springfield. Also included is up to $400,000 for “costs associated with roadway improvements of Adloff Lane,” which is also in Ward 3. “I am very excited for Ward 3, Springfield and the state of Illinois,” said Ward 3 Ald. Doris Turner. “This was an epic legislative session.” … Up to $122 million for rail improvements for Springfield is also in the legislation.

* Peoria Mayor Reacts to Capital Bill: Among the projects approved for the Peoria area are: up to $1 million to Peoria Public Schools to improve Garfield school; $250,000 to the Tri-County Urban league for building repairs; $250,000 to tuckpoint and repair windows on the Peoria Labor Temple


  1. - Grand Avenue - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 1:47 pm:

    I’m still amazed they got the capital bill done during the regular session (+ 2 days)

  2. - undefined_Variable - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 1:49 pm:

    * $420 million for broadband expansion

    I’m seeing $420 million for broadband expansion. Will this be used to create municipal broadband or squandered away by giving it to AT&T and Comcast?

  3. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 1:51 pm:

    Grand, most figured they could get horizontal done because 150 had laid the groundwork. But getting a big vertical plan accomplished, along with a massive gaming expansion, was just way beyond most expectations.

  4. - 44th - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 1:53 pm:

    I can’t see past all of the new areas for corruption and lobbying to feed.

  5. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 1:56 pm:

    Looks like we’ll have to import people from the other states to get all this work done.

  6. - Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 2:02 pm:

    - 44th - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 1:53 pm:

    Earmarks aren’t something new

  7. - Donnie Elgin - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 2:03 pm:

    Good Luck to the engineers and planner of these projects. Seems like a new priority towards public transit; higher registration/ gas tax pus funding of new rails lines. Only problem is that habit die hard, IL is a large state and most folks love their cars and just want decent highways and bridges.

  8. - Doing Human Things - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 2:10 pm:

    first off…awesome…some great stuff here.

    second…anyone know if there’s a list of what all is going to the different areas of the state, like by county or district or something? Just curious to see if any infrastructure improvements are heading to my rural area.

  9. - Scott Cross for President - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 2:12 pm:

    I’m smiling as I nod my head.

    This list of projects has been needed for years. Needed to save lives, to save jobs, to create jobs, to recreate communities.


    Way to go everyone who got it done.

  10. - A guy - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 2:18 pm:

    ==folks love their cars and just want decent highways and bridges.==

    That’s certainly true, but suburban commuters are at their wit’s end with transit. Specifically the BNSF Metra line.

  11. - Nonbeleiver - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 2:19 pm:

    A lot of money over a few years with many areas of spending that have minimal relation to infrastructure.

    Hope the money is spent wisely but I am most suspicious that it will not be.

  12. - Robert the Bruce - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 2:21 pm:

    Thanks for posting this, Rich. I had been wondering this morning about the breakdown and voila, here’s the breakdown.

    Higher ed received an awful lot of funding for new buildings.

  13. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 2:28 pm:

    ===minimal relation to infrastructure===

    You need to read the list again.

  14. - Robert the Bruce - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 2:30 pm:

    Nonbeliever, I share your suspicion. But there’s some good news in the breakdown. $33.2B, roughly 70% of the capital spending, is for transportation.

  15. - A guy - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 2:32 pm:

    “Money is like manure” You gotta spread it around and see what grows.

  16. - Mr. Morris - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 2:36 pm:

    Is there a breakdown anywhere public of the projects per IDOT district.

  17. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 2:47 pm:

    ===is for transportation===

    There’s infinitely more to infrastructure than transportation.

  18. - Not a Billionaire - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 2:51 pm:

    Rich did you get the project lists for the other districts? Those looked like 5 year plan projects so more could be added later. I looked at the University list. WIU I know best. That is not pork like the Performing Arts Center that was not built. That science building is needed. The conditions are so bad I really worried about accreditation. Just want the gamblers to know it’s not a waste but really needed.

  19. - City Zen - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 3:03 pm:

    ==WIU I know best. That is not pork like the Performing Arts Center that was not built.==

    Guess what’s getting built? From the budget:

    WIU Macomb: For constructing a performing arts
    center in addition to funds previously appropriated, and other capital improvements


  20. - Chicagonk - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 3:48 pm:

    @CityZen - My guess is that the performing arts portion of that budget (hopefully) doesn’t exceed $30M. If they are budgeting any more than $30M, they are probably spending too much (for reference, Kent State built a state-of-the-art performing arts center 10 years ago with Legat as the architects for $18M. Construction costs have increased since then, so $30M is probably a good number).

  21. - 62656 - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 3:53 pm:

    I like how the BND link broke down specific amounts going to specific projects & then money going to specific municipalities.

  22. - Denise - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 3:59 pm:

    $96 million for an expansion of MetroLink from Scott Air Force Base to MidAmerica Airport. For who?

  23. - SW - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 4:01 pm:

    Did the State Fair get any money for improvements?

  24. - Chicagonk - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 4:19 pm:

    @Denise - All the people flying Allegiant Air to Florida and Arizona on their way out of the state ;)

  25. - City Zen - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 4:34 pm:

    ==Did the State Fair get any money for improvements?==

    $29 million for upgrading the coliseum and other capital improvements, plus a few million for a bunch of other random improvements.

  26. - Not a Billionaire - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 4:57 pm:

    That money needs to go to any number of crumbling buildings. They don’t need that thing at all.

  27. - Blue Dog Dem - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 8:30 pm:

    The whole economic development thing makes me so mad i may drive 35 miles across the river to fill up. What does this have to do with infrastructure and roads.

  28. - Stuntman Bob's Brother - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 8:38 pm:

    Ten million for flood control seems a little on the low side. Flood control projects, when implemented properly, have the potential to actually save money over the long term, they “pay for themselves” by not having to rebuild damaged homes or other property. And with ever-increasing storm intensity, it seems like more of a no-brainer than this budget gives credence.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 9:26 pm:

    ===… I may drive 35 miles across the river to fill up.===

    You’re so desperate for attention, you want folks to believe you’ll drive… 70 miles total… to fill up for gas.

    C’mon. It’s a big world out there. Getting attention in it is easier than you may think.

  30. - Rahm's Parking Meter - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 10:12 pm:

    I am wanting more money for Metra, I am one of those commuters at “wits end.” My line, the UP-Northwest, can’t go more than 3 weeks without an issue. It is getting out of hand.

  31. - striketoo - Tuesday, Jun 4, 19 @ 10:14 pm:

    $275 million for Rockford passenger rail? You have to be kidding.

  32. - PrairieDog - Wednesday, Jun 5, 19 @ 12:34 pm:

    A link to an article that actually had a picture of the Macoupin County Courthouse would be nice

  33. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 5, 19 @ 12:35 pm:

    PrairieDog, you could just Google it.

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