* Bernie has it all…
State Rep. Kelly Cassidy, D-Chicago, says the fact that she led House debate on two complicated, controversial bills within the final week of this year’s legislative session was just a matter of how the issues fell into place.
“Honestly, these things happened to happen at the same time,” Cassidy said of the Reproductive Health Act, which makes abortion a “fundamental right” in Illinois law, and the bill to legalize recreational use of marijuana for people 21 and older in the state. “They’re both things that have been a multi-year effort.”
Each debate took hours, as both bills had nuances that backers and opponents wanted to examine.
Cassidy, who notes that passing legislation requires a collaborative approach and credits the group effort that involved numerous colleagues for success on the issues, didn’t seem to mind those marathon sessions.
Click for more.
- efudd - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 9:58 am:
Sounds like a legislator who’s not afraid to get out in front of an issue and work for it, instead of complaining of how feckless they are due to super-minority status.
As a resident of southern Illinois, I am jealous.
- Gooner - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 10:06 am:
Great article. When Madigan finally steps down, she would make an excellent Speaker.
- Waffle Fries - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 10:16 am:
I’m surprised it didn’t come out that she is a White Sox fan. Weird.
- PublicServant - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 10:19 am:
She’s seems to be doing a great job, and has the personality and temperament to do a great job as a legislator. Glad to have her as a Democrat. We need more like her in Springfield.
- Pick a Name - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 10:55 am:
I’m positive I live in the wrong state.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 12:02 pm:
===I’m positive I live in the wrong state.===
Because… Rep. Cassidy?
Then again, you call former President Obama “Barry”, so…
To Rep. Cassidy,
What makes Rep. Cassidy so important and such an important and relevant legislator is she takes her own personal story and by allowing us all to know more about her, you fully understand the passion and the conviction Rep. Cassidy has in her work.
You don’t have to agree with her, some foolish folks think they’re in the wrong state “because of her”, but it can’t be denied how Rep. Cassidy goes about her business, unabashedly personally, with a wonky twist and a policy bend, that is admirable for any legislator willing to be effective by being honest and open about their own story.
In the past I’ve nominated Rep. Cassidy for a Golden Horseshoe, very pointedly and specifically to who she is, how she works, and the effectiveness she brings as a legislator.
My respect and admiration for Rep. Cassidy is large.
Legislators like her are few. Agree with her or not, Illinois is served well with her in the General Assembly.
- Grandson of Man - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 12:47 pm:
Tremendous congrats to Rep. Cassidy and her colleagues, who worked hard and had great success with difficult legislation, the marijuana legalization bill. That accomplishment is a model for the rest of the country.
- Practical Politics - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 1:22 pm:
As for Kelly Cassidy’s legislative courage, it does help to represent a safe district in which an incumbent Democrat is unlikely to ever face a serious opponent for the foreseeable future. Cassidy’s only real challenge occurred following her appointment to fill a vacancy in the GA. After winning that primary, she has been a lock.