Lightfoot advice
Monday, Jun 24, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The Center for Illinois Politics asked several political types about their advice to new Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot. Here’s Secretary of State Jesse White’s advice…
Always remember who you are, and where you came from. I think Mayor Lightfoot is very good at this. The purpose of government is to solve problems and help people, and all elected officials need to remember that.
* DuPage County Board Chairman Dan Cronin…
Don’t forget about the suburbs, and that includes DuPage County. We’re a region that really needs to work together - two particularly compelling areas are economic development and the opioid crisis. The former is vitally important for the region. On the latter, we’ve been battling this thing that has serious and tragic consequences, and we’ve got to work with Chicago. I think very highly of her and I’m looking forward to working with her.
* Former Gov. George Ryan…
You have to have good people around you. That’s the secret to governing. The right people with the right attitude. I think I did a pretty good job with that. You’ve got to work with people and you have to be a better listener than a talker.
* Former Gov. Jim Edgar…
Enjoy the honeymoon. It doesn’t last.
Your turn.
- DarkDante - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 3:53 pm:
Work hand-in-hand with Springfield to accomplish big financial tasks.
- Hippopotamus - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 3:55 pm:
Every new dollar spent should be matched with a dollar cut. Government does not create jobs or wealth.
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 3:55 pm:
Treat Chicagoans like adults. Don’t hide bad news from us, don’t pee on our legs and tell us it’s raining. Give it to us straight, we can take it.
Weeding out bad officers is going to be difficult, but don’t make it your white whale. There are many good and decent LEO in CPD and they want the bad cops out as much as you do. Find allies and support them, give them the tools to help you do your job. Same with teachers.
Be transparent about the financial realities. Educate the public on where the money comes from and where it goes (be honest and show your work). There is really only one conclusion, but this exercise will make that apparent to everyone.
Be you, but remember, the city needs you to be Mayor too. That’s an important role. Don’t lose sight of the symbolic side of the job.
- Anyone Remember - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 3:58 pm:
Stick to your guns on aldermanic “privilege” - in the long run that will do more to “fix” Chicago than any budgets / short-term programs will.
- Dupage Bard - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 4:03 pm:
A clue from our former Governor- change doesn’t come with one flip of the pen, it’s incremental. Take wins when you can get them and come back for more.
- OneMan - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 4:05 pm:
Be you and if something doesn’t seem like a good fit you may want to suggest people check out the second largest city in Illinois, just sayin….
- Powdered Whig - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 4:06 pm:
Focus on what is needed rather than what is wanted. Chicagoans are fickle and may not give you credit for what you accomplish. Do it anyway.
- Mama - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 4:09 pm:
Find a way to help poor children suceed all the way thru grade school by using volunteers to help them with their homework, sports, etc.. Find mentors to help children from falling thru the cracks and joining joining gangs in Jr. High and High School.
- Truthteller - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 4:22 pm:
Cancel your subscription to the Chicago Tribune.
The editors never change their prescriptions and their medicines will kill you and the City
- Advice - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 4:26 pm:
Pick your battles. You are a leader, not a prosecutor.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 4:28 pm:
Remember who you are, do the right thing, the tough thing, when it seems to be the want to do the easy thing.
- Earnest - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 4:33 pm:
What I’ve tried to do in all my jobs: leave things better for the people who come after me.
- Greenpeace - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 4:33 pm:
The business community is the golden goose. Don’t kill them with taxes, fees, and overregulation.
- Wensicia - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 4:34 pm:
Try to work with city officials and department heads to bring positive change without insulting them.
- Rutro - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 4:40 pm:
If a school needs to be closed, close it.
- 62656 - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 4:42 pm:
I agree with Anyone Remember. Ending Aldermanic privilege is biggest long term fix.
- oh? - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 5:06 pm:
Gee Jim Edgar….thanks for your optimism….I am sure the long term prosecutor had no idea.
- Dupage Bard - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 5:08 pm:
Nobody Calls to Just Say Hello
- A guy - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 5:10 pm:
Keep doing what you’re doing. You seem to have a good read on what needs to happen.
Don’t make the same mistake twice; no matter who made it the first time.
- Amalia - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 5:13 pm:
Dance with the ones who brung ya but make sure they are dancing the way you want them to dance. Your staff and supporters must hold to high standards.
- Great IDea - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 5:14 pm:
Ummmm . . .
Totally sorry about George’s girlfriend dying but seriously. . . good people around you . . . Ummmm
- Anon E Moose - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 5:48 pm:
George Ryan’s advice should be don’t commit federal crimes while in office.
- Bilbo Swaggins - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 6:02 pm:
A roll of nickels, when thrown the right way, will knock out a heckler mid-sentence. Keep one with you always.
- flea - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 6:20 pm:
Take the time to learn about the ag industry in Illinois which is huge in terms of impact in the metro area. compliment infrastructure planning and investment in the long term by studying ag industry.
- Huh? - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 6:28 pm:
Spend your travel budget within the city limits and trips to Springfield. Stop the out of town trips.
- MG85 - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 7:22 pm:
Don’t start needless wars. Don’t go to war with teachers, labor unions, etc.
The 2 most unsuccessful Governors of the last 4 didn’t go to prison, they went to war with working people and retirees and it was IL who suffered.
- Been There - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 7:46 pm:
===Don’t forget about the suburbs, and that includes DuPage County====
I don’t think the question is whether Chicago ever forgets about the suburbs but do they care. They never forget that part of Chicago is actually in Dupage (western part of O’Hare)
- James - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 8:45 pm:
Consider a City income tax, with graduated rates, to be collected and distributed by the State. It’s the most progressive long-term solution to solving the City’s deficit.
Needs enabling legislation by the General Assembly and the Governor’s signature.
Gov. Ogilvie was a one-term Governor because the voters punished him for establishing the State income tax, but it was a price worth paying and where would Illinois be today without it? You’ve said you want no more than 2 terms, and you can always return to the practice of law.
- Candy Dogood - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 9:32 pm:
It’s always a good idea to call the FBI.
- Ares - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 10:01 pm:
Leave the City in better shape than you found it, and don’t be Daleyed out of cash flows as done with the parking-meter / parking-lot leases.
- Three Dimensional Checkers - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 10:09 pm:
Things that may seem easy from a perspective outside of government are not that simple when you are in government, but you can find solutions if you work hard on the issues.
- Lucky Pierre - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 10:11 pm:
You will not be able to improve the safety and well being of all Chicago residents and reduce the population exodus if you don’t have a strong partnership with the Chicago Police Department.
- Keyrock - Monday, Jun 24, 19 @ 10:32 pm:
Please give more restaurant recommendations, like you did on Colbert. I’d never been to Pizano’s before and went tonight. The deep dish was the best pizza I’ve had in years.