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Dude, I have the receipts

Tuesday, Jul 2, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Baise in Crain’s

The plaudits J.B. Pritzker received from a smattering of observers following the recent legislative session was the kind of attention for which most politicians only dream.

Is it any surprise with supermajorities in the General Assembly that he and the Democrats passed a lot of legislation? Of course, one might argue the bar was set pretty low given his predecessor’s preference for choosing fights over accomplishments.

One must wonder, as the new fiscal year begins today, if voters are as receptive to the governor’s version of “thinking big” as much as Springfield insiders and some members of the press.

That “smattering” included the organization he ran for years, the Illinois Manufacturers Association. From a Friday press release…

“Manufacturers need a modern infrastructure system to compete in today’s global economy and this capital infrastructure program builds a bridge to the future. We applaud Gov. JB Pritzker and lawmakers for making this game-changing investment in our infrastructure that improves Illinois’ economic competitiveness,” said Mark Denzler, president & CEO of the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association. “Infrastructure creates jobs and allows for safer families, faster commutes and the efficient movement of people and products around the world. Rebuild Illinois also funds important career and technical education programs to help address the skills gap and workforce challenge facing manufacturers across Illinois.”

And while he’s distancing himself from Bruce Rauner now, Baise’s organization endorsed him in 2014 and 2018.

Also, he was one of the most connected “Springfield insiders” of them all for decades. I mean, his Springfield roommate was Speaker Madigan’s best friend. Now he’s supposedly an outsider? Please.

* To the meat of his argument

But Pritzker wants to spend even more.

Enter the Blank Check Amendment.

The governor doesn’t like that term—but sometimes the truth is hard to accept.

How else would you define removing the ceiling on our tax rate to give the politicians in Springfield the freedom to raise rates on whatever “class” they decide to target if incoming revenues don’t match their ferocious appetite for spending?

Kind of sounds like they’re getting a blank check.

As I’ve said before, I do believe that this constitutional amendment will eventually allow the General Assembly to raise taxes on upper income folks without dinging the middle-income and lower-income folks. I don’t think the question is “if,” but “when.”


  1. - Pundent - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 11:41 am:

    =their ferocious appetite for spending=

    On things like roads, education, social services, paying a backlog of bills. Oh the horror of it all.

  2. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 11:43 am:

    ==if voters are as receptive to the governor’s version of “thinking big” as much as Springfield insiders and some members of the press==

    The voters knew what he was thinking. And they still elected him. So I would say, yeah, they are pretty receptive.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 11:45 am:

    Baise went “full Rauner” and apparently never looked back.

    “Never go full Rauner”

    Until the Raunerites deliver a mea culpa to reset Republican thoughts in Illinois, and the Eastern Bloc are publicly and completely repudiated and made to look foolish, the super-minority Post-Raunerite folks will only harm a GOP rebuild in Illinois.

  4. - Fav human - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 11:52 am:

    “raise rates”

    That’s a feature, not a bug…

  5. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 11:52 am:

    Mr. Baise,

    Voters created the Democratic majorities by a full repudiation and rejection of Raunerism, Raunerites, and the POTUS folks being rebuked and the POTUS folks rejecting Rauner as not a POTUS person.

    It’s like you’re saying…

    “It’s the supermajority’s fault because our guy and side was wholly rejected in a way not seen in a 100 years. Bad voters.”

  6. - Pundent - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 12:06 pm:

    =One must wonder, as the new fiscal year begins today, if voters are as receptive to the governor’s version of “thinking big” as much as Springfield insiders and some members of the press.=

    From where I sit Pritzker ran on an ambitious agenda which the voters of this state overwhelmingly agreed with. He’s now keeping his campaign promises and doing the things he said he would. So maybe one doesn’t have to wonder as much as Baise suggests.

  7. - City Zen - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 12:18 pm:

    Blank Check Amendment. At least their marketing is improving. Slightly.

    Trust is an issue. Do you give blank checks to someone you don’t trust? Of course not. There is no long-term rate lock on any of the brackets, so it’s technically an across-the-board blank check.

    Do you trust a plan that doesn’t differentiate between single and married tax filers? Do you trust a plan that offers no protection from inflation?

    Makes sense. Let’s see if they can be more effective.

  8. - Michelle Flaherty - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 12:23 pm:

    – One must wonder, as the new fiscal year begins today, if voters are as receptive to the governor’s version of “thinking big” as much as Springfield insiders and some members of the press. –

    Speaking for myself, I’m a heckuva lot more receptive to it than the Baise-era politics of selfish insider cronyism. Small minds with small ideas to benefit small groups.

  9. - Morningstar - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 12:28 pm:

    I would be grateful if Baise would find another hobby in his retirement. Being the mouthpiece for a lost cause does not become him.

  10. - Flat Bed Ford - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 12:29 pm:

    =I do believe that this constitutional amendment will eventually allow the General Assembly to raise taxes on upper income folks without dinging the middle-income and lower-income folks=

    That’s one take on it. Not one that is widely held outside of Springfield insiders however.

  11. - Bigtwich - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 12:29 pm:

    One must wonder, as the new fiscal year begins today, if voters are as appalled by Greg Baise’s version of “thinking” as much as Springfield insiders and some members of the press.

  12. - JIbba - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 1:02 pm:

    Flat bed…if the progressive tax is not passed, insiders also believe that there will be a tax increase on all Illinoisans. People outside of Springfield need to become aware of that, and choose accordingly.

  13. - Not a Billionaire - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 1:13 pm:

    Didn’t he head IDOT once too?

  14. - City Zen - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 1:22 pm:

    ==there will be a tax increase on all Illinoisans. People outside of Springfield need to become aware of that, and choose accordingly.==

    Do people respond rationally to threats?

    Not sure the “or else” road if the path to passage.

  15. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 1:30 pm:

    “That’s one take on it. Not one that is widely held outside of Springfield insiders however.”

    See Illinois elections, 2018.

  16. - Last Bull Moose - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 1:39 pm:

    The Republicans could have worked to shape the bill so all rates would rise or fall together. They did not try.

  17. - Jibba - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 1:44 pm:

    CZ…Characterizing my expectations as a “threat” is a classic way to divert from the truth of my thoughts. I anticipate taxes will go up for everyone if the progressive tax is not passed, and I cite the current increased spending, the bill backlog, and the pension ramp as evidence. Everyone should know this before they vote. If you view it differently, feel free to expound.

  18. - Annonin' - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 2:07 pm:

    Spanky Baise is on his 3rd losing slogan. Not good.
    BTW never for forget the $1 million usually gets for “job training”

  19. - oh? - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 2:11 pm:

    “without dinging” is exactly the cause of the terrified reaction. No more heat shield.

  20. - Nick Name - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 2:16 pm:

    ===“Never go full Rauner”===

    That made me LOL

  21. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 2:22 pm:

    - Nick Name -

    Some things write themselves.

  22. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 2:37 pm:

    54% of voters “overwhelmingly” agreed with JB.

    He will need 60% to agree to eliminate the flat tax

    Because the 3.4 billion raised will not cover his ambitious spending whose taxes will have to go up further?

  23. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 3:03 pm:

    ===Because the 3.4 billion raised will not cover his ambitious spending whose taxes will have to go up further?===

    Probably won’t be until 2023… why?

    If the progressive tax is passed, it won’t go into effect until 2021… 2022 is an election year, the likelihood of raising taxes is not too great in an election year. New GA, maybe new governor in 2023…

    … I’m curious… when do you see this tax increase happening between now and 2023?

  24. - Captain Obvious - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 3:08 pm:

    If income taxes need to be raised to solve Illinois’ problems, it is only fair that every Illinoisan share equally in the solution. All for one and one for all. Sure only the rich will pay more…at first, but soon enough that won’t be enough. They will gradually work their way down through the income levels till we all pay more anyway, so let’s just get it over with and raise the flat tax now. They have the votes to do it, just not the guts.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 3:08 pm:

    ===54% of voters “overwhelmingly” agreed with JB.===

    Narrator: Pritzker won by the largest margin of defeat of a sitting Illinois Republican Governor in 100 years.

  26. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 3:10 pm:

    I think they need to keep beating the drum hard about what the consequences will be if the progressive income tax amendment does not pass. Put those brackets out there with comparison rates. This is what you will have to pay if we keep a flat tax and this is what you will pay if we have a progressive tax. Slap everyone in the face with those numbers. You can may no more if you vote for the progressive income tax. Or you can pay a boatload more if we don’t. Your choice.

  27. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 3:10 pm:


    LP is still in the first stage of grief - Denial.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 3:13 pm:

    ===is still in the first stage of grief===

    Well, then we know he/she isn’t a bot


  29. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 3:25 pm:

    Denial of what exactly? Democrats hubris is a sight to behold.

    Even the supporters of the bait and switch tax on the top 3% admit it won’t pay for all of JB’s grand plans that won’t tax his Cayman holdings at all.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 3:48 pm:

    ===Denial of what exactly?===

    The defeat of Raunerism was the largest margin of rejection of a sitting “Republican” governor in 100 years.

    It was a 16 point margin.

    The voters were done with Raunerism.

    Saying there was no mandate is ludicrous. Voters overwhelmingly wanted Bruce Rauner and Raunerism gone.

  31. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 4:05 pm:

    Voters will decide if there is a mandate for a graduated income tax and the inevitable expansion of the rates to lower income brackets.

    Speaking for the “voters“ is what is ludicrous

  32. - Jibba - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 4:05 pm:

    ==If income taxes need to be raised to solve Illinois’ problems, it is only fair that every Illinoisan share equally in the solution==

    Is it? See Federal progressive tax policy, plus the majority of other states with a tax. The most common tax policy is hard to understand for you?

    ==so let’s just get it over with and raise the flat tax now===

    Odd that you can just wish for your worst fears. Perhaps preventing any tax hike for yourself if the end goal? Follow the money, as they say.

  33. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 4:09 pm:

    ===Speaking for the “voters“ is what is ludicrous===

    You claim to do so here every day.

  34. - City Zen - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 4:17 pm:

    ==See Federal progressive tax policy==

    The one with married tax brackets that are indexed against inflation?

  35. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 4:20 pm:

    ===Speaking for the “voters“ is what is ludicrous===

    What, a 16 point defeat was the voters really saying “We want more Bruce”?

    ===Voters will decide if there is a mandate for a graduated income tax===

    Yep. That’s how a constitutional amendment works in this case.

    In the case of the former governor, they rejected him.

  36. - theCardinal - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 5:24 pm:

    Illinois song is to spend and spend and then tax, the blank check is a new verse to the same tune, still no fiscal constraint.

  37. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 6:07 pm:

    Anyone who supported the last governor, who was the worst fiscally because of his misanthropy toward unions and Madigan, has no room to criticize anyone. Some humility is in order. You can’t rip people like Rauner and his supporters did and then turn around and be worse than them.

  38. - Justacitizen - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 7:31 pm:

    I agree with Baise but probably for different reasons than most. I see impossible travel between Metro East and Chg for many years the way IDOT dishes out those pork contracts. LOL

  39. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 7:40 pm:

    I claim to speak for the will of the voters every day?

    I speak for myself, and try to provide some balance to the mutual agreement society that JB and the Democrats can do no wrong for Illinois

  40. - Anono - Tuesday, Jul 2, 19 @ 10:42 pm:

    Zen writes
    =There is no long-term rate lock on any of the brackets, so it’s technically an across-the-board blank check.=

    There is no such rate lock right now…

    So technically, following your logic, our current flat tax is an across the board blank check…

    At least with the proposed progressive rates my family will get a tax cut. It will almost (not quite) balance out the backdoor Trump Tax Increase we got last year.

  41. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 3, 19 @ 7:08 am:

    ===I speak for myself, and try to provide some balance to the mutual agreement society that JB and the Democrats can do no wrong for Illinois===


    … and yet you claim constantly that the Dems (specifically Speaker Madigan) never worked with Rauner after Rauner won, even though Rauner never, ever had 60 in the House.

    “… try to provide some balance to the mutual agreement society that JB and the Democrats can do no wrong for Illinois”

    … if that balance is IPI talking points, refuted time and time again, and ignoring the countless times many, including myself, say to check out McKinney, Vock, Rich Miller on multiple platforms… the “decades” you whine about constantly must include Madigan, Phil Rock, John Cullerton … along with… Thompson, Edgar, GHR, Pate, Lee, Cross…

    You’re a phony. You’re the worst kind of phony because you peddle your “alternative facts”… while claiming victimhood.

    You are tiring to the honest discussion.

    You can’t be as daft as you portray.

  42. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Jul 3, 19 @ 8:52 am:

    ==and try to provide some balance ==

    No. You’re a bot. Nothing more. You repeat the same talking points over and over.

    ==Democrats can do no wrong for Illinois==

    And the victim comes out again. Do you know how ridiculous you sound when you say things like that? Do you not understand the irony given that you spent 4 years defending Governor Rauner as a simple victim who was being picked on who, if they only let him get his way everything would be fine?

  43. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Jul 3, 19 @ 8:57 am:

    ==mutual agreement society==

    And, if by mutual agreement society we all aren’t buying into the nonsense you peddle and push back against it the, yeah, count me as part of that society. I’m proud of it.

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