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*** UPDATED x1 *** “I love my people, but they’re crazy”

Tuesday, Jul 9, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Terri Bryant (R-Murphysboro) on Facebook

I have been trying to sort truth from fiction in the issue of entertainment decisions at our two State Fairs. I know people are polarized on the issue, but it is always important to get facts. While in Chicago today to attend a hearing I was able to secure a meeting with two high-ranking members of Gov. Pritzker’s Exec. Staff.

I also asked Rep. Tim Butler to join us as he represents the State fairgrounds in Springfield.

The meeting was multi-fold. I wanted to identify for my constituents who made the call to cancel the contract with Confederate Railroad and the official reason for why it was done. I also wanted to express my absolute disagreement with the cancelation. In addition, I wanted an explanation for the booking of Snoop Dogg in Springfield considering his album cover has a picture of what appears to be a dead President Trump on a slab covered with a flag while Snoop Dogg stands over him in a defiant manner.

I wanted the Administration to know I expected Confederate Railroad’s contract to be reinstated. I argued that if Confederate Railroad is canceled, then Snoop Dogg should be canceled too.

I was informed in no uncertain terms, that the decision to cancel CR was made by the Pritzker administration, including the two people sitting with me at the table. They affirmed that the decision was not made by DuQuoin Fair officials or by Director Sullivan.

They refused my insistence that Confederate Railroad be permitted to perform. Their reasoning was that they have a hard fast rule not to permit any use of the Confederate flag in any way. When I asked what their policy was pertaining to a sitting President being depicted in the way President Trump is depicted on Snoop Dogg’s album cover, they said, they had no such policy.

In fact, I was told by one of the Governor’s staffers that I should use this case as a “teachable moment” for the people of Southern Illinois. I am serious…that is what the staffer said.

In short, the Pritzker administration canceled Confederate Railroad because the Confederate flag offends many people.

They refused to cancel Snoop Dogg even though it offends many people. I believe in very limited government censorship. I believe even less in double standards.

In light of all of this, it is understandable that many want to boycott the DuQuoin Fair. I fear that any such boycott will be a harsh blow to Southern Illinois’ economy and unfairly punish small businesses that count on the fair to keep people employed. These small businesses did nothing to cause any kind of boycott.

I told the Pritzker people to believe the boycott is real and that they will ultimately own the resulting economic damage that results from this hypocritical decision.

* Gov. Pritzker’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications Emily Bittner…

Dear Rich:

I wanted to respond directly to your request for information about Rep. Bryant’s Facebook post.

This administration’s guiding principle is that the State of Illinois will not use state resources to promote symbols of racism. Symbols of hate cannot and will not represent the values of the Land of Lincoln.

Unfortunately, Rep. Bryant posted incorrect information publicly about this meeting. While we had hoped to provide Rep. Bryant a better understanding of our position with a face-to-face conversation that she requested, we now need to correct her Facebook post.

Let’s start with the facts.

There were actually three senior level administration officials in the meeting. Two of them are African American. Rep. Bryant lectured them about why the Confederate flag should be acceptable based on “heritage.” The officials made a good faith effort to share with Rep. Bryant the following facts of American history and meaning of the flag:

The Confederate flag is a symbol of the hate, oppression and enslavement of African Americans. It was flown over states that committed treason and started a war - so that they could keep enslaving people. Hundreds of thousands were slaughtered in this fight over whether the nation should allow slavery or end it. Abraham Lincoln’s assassin was a disciple of the Confederacy. In short, the Confederate flag symbolizes slavery and the rebellion against the United States, and it is exactly what our state’s greatest son, President Lincoln, was fighting against. This symbol of hate, oppression and bloodshed is categorically different from political satire.

We hope that Rep. Bryant is not trying to publicly exploit themes of division and racism. Rep. Bryant told the administration officials that she wouldn’t display the Confederate flag in her own home because of its symbolism; if she would articulate her views publicly, that could be an opportunity to teach others about the flag’s meaning. She expressed hope that there wouldn’t be a boycott of the fair, but then used her social media to call the boycott “understandable.”

Rep. Bryant ended the conversation by passing along rumors about threats to the governor’s safety. When she said this, she added: “I love my people, but they’re crazy.” Given her concerns, we hoped her post would have reflected her stated desire to tone down the acrimony and the intimations of violence. We were sorely disappointed.



* Somehow, I’m getting a bit of online blame for this cancellation because I posted a question about it. Correlation is not always causation. I mean, remember this statement by Pritzker during the blowup over an offensive Illinois Policy Institute cartoon?

There’s only one side about racism. There’s right and wrong, and we stand on the side of right.

But that hasn’t stopped some folks from emailing me over the past few days. Here’s one…

I’ll be having the last laugh when the people get tired of pieces of crap like you and you to hide just to stay alive. People are only going to take so much before they revolt, and when they do, people like you are going to go first. Keep stirring the pot and see what happens. Sooner or later its going to bite you back.

* The Southern Illinoisan has a piece today about the founder of a Facebook group which is calling for a boycott of the fair

As Basler sees it, the flag has been unfairly attacked — a victim of political correctness imposed by liberal regions like northern Illinois.

“History is history, you’re not going to erase it. If you want to get rid of racism why have Black History Month and bring it up year after year,” he said. “One good thing came of it: bringing slaves over your family and heritage grew up here and now you’re free. Their own people sold them to colonists. If you want to blame anyone, blame yourselves.”

* The band has also released a statement

As many of you know, we were scheduled to perform at the Illinois State Fair in Du Quoin, Illinois on August 27, along with our friends Restless Heart and Shenandoah. We have since been removed from that show by the Illinois Department of Agriculture because of the name of our band. This was very disappointing as we have played this fair before and enjoyed it very much. The outpouring of support from Confederate Railroad fans, fans of other acts, and the public in general, has been both overwhelming and very much appreciated. I would also like to thank the actors, athletes and fellow country music artists who have spoken out in support. It has been brought to my attention that several people have asked both Restless Heart and Shenandoah to cancel their shows in protest of our cancellation. I have spoken to both acts and encouraged them to perform as scheduled. Live concerts are how we pay our bills and feed our families. I would never want to see another act lose a payday because of this. Please go out to hear these two great bands. As I have said many times onstage, I am by no means a saint but, I am a man of faith and I have faith that God will see us through this as well as whatever comes next! Thank you for your support.

*** UPDATE *** Rep. Bryant called to insist that she never said “I love my people, but they’re crazy.” She said she was only expressing concern about angry and crazy people in southern Illinois if the governor marches in the fair parade. But I spoke with two of the three Pritzker people who were in the room and they both stood firmly behind the entire story related above by Ms. Bittner.


  1. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:25 am:

    == I wanted an explanation for the booking of Snoop Dogg in Springfield considering his album cover==
    Wait a minute, album covers still exist?

  2. - Fav human - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:28 am:

    Interesting that the explanation ducked the Snoop Dogg Q.

  3. - Southern_Dawg - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:28 am:

    Mike Bost voted numerous times to strip healthcare from 50,000 people in his district. Not one facebook group was started as protest. Remove mentions to the confederacy, and all heck breaks loose. Priorities.

  4. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:29 am:

    I just can’t stand anything that celebrates the traitors in the Confederacy.

  5. - Honeybear - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:30 am:

    Racists are a sad pitiful lot.
    They like to play the
    victim and martyr
    more than even I do

  6. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:30 am:

    I’ve already deleted one semi-literate comment about how the Civil War was fought over money and not slavery. Warning to newbies: Don’t bring that ridiculousness in here. This ain’t Facebook.

  7. - Nick - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:31 am:

    The flag hasn’t been attacked enough apparently if there are people who still think using it is alright

  8. - lakeside - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:32 am:

    ==I love my people, but they’re crazy.==

    Gonna look great on a mailer.

    Sounds like the band understands their name choice can sometimes have an economic impact and are willing to live with that. Which is how freedom of speech works. Waving a small flag over here; we did it, everybody.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:32 am:

    Here’s the ball game. The rest is inconsequential;

    Ms. Bryant wrote…

    “In short, the Pritzker administration canceled Confederate Railroad because the Confederate flag offends many people.”

    Unless Ms. Bryant wrote, and I missed it…

    “It offends me too”

    Ms. Bryant supports a symbol of American hate, the confederate flag.

    That’s who Ms. Bryant is now.

    She wrote words, lots of words, words, words, words… but not these words…

    “It offends me too”


    Thank you, Ms. Bryant.

    When someone tells you who they are, believe them.

  10. - Simple Simon - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:33 am:

    I find the Confederate battle flag more offensive because of the treason it represents, but that’s just me. Snoop falls a little short of that.

  11. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:34 am:

    ===but not these words… “It offends me too”===

    Except she’s alleged to have said this: “Rep. Bryant told the administration officials that she wouldn’t display the Confederate flag in her own home because of its symbolism”

  12. - Almost the weekend - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:35 am:

    Sore losers since 1865, you lost the war you don’t get a chance to rewrite history.

    Snoop Dog was not in the response which will keep the fire going on this issue. Bad look on Pritzker administration for not signing off on this list before it became public. This could easily have been avoided. Damage control is never fun. And bringing a 300 room hotel and casino to Southern Illinois will be drowned out by this stupid boycott when he visits this summer.

  13. - ste_with a v_en - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:36 am:

    Isn’t this the same person who found a statue from the Satanic Temple-Chicago in the Capitol rotunda offensive? But the confederate flag isn’t?

  14. - DuPage Saint - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:36 am:

    That was an outstanding response by Pritzker s spokesperson
    on what the Confederate battle flag represents. Also I was always surprised how this symbol became so much more popular in the 50s and 60s as hell he Civil Rights era grew

  15. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:36 am:

    ===Except she’s alleged to have said this: “Rep. Bryant told the administration officials that she wouldn’t display the Confederate flag in her own home because of its symbolism“===

    I guess my curiosity stems from, why not add that to all the words she wrote herself?

    Edited for space?

  16. - Bourbon Street - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:37 am:

    In its statement, CR seems to be re-writing history. It wasn’t the name of their band that caused the cancellation; it was their use of the Confederate battle flag. Shame on them for attempting to mis-lead people.

  17. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:37 am:

    ===nteresting that the explanation ducked the Snoop Dogg Q===

    “This symbol of hate, oppression and bloodshed is categorically different from political satire.”

  18. - Gooner - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:38 am:

    I, for one, can’t believe that the supporters of a flag that flew over a violent revolt are advocating violence.

    What a shock.

  19. - Skeptic - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:38 am:

    ==I love my people, but they’re crazy.==
    Not a good band name, but a heckuva title for an album.

  20. - cdog - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:39 am:

    Interesting. To me, the bottomline is racism is awful, but the accusations are a bit over the top, lately. Look at the whole, Smollett situation.

    Due to the omission of an intelligent response to the Snoop Dog hate and treason, it seems a political cartoon might be in order where Pritzker is similarly depicted.

    Fair’s fair, right?

    Of course not, but think, people, think.

  21. - MakePoliticsCoolAgain - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:39 am:

    -Edited for space?-

    Nope, just didn’t fit with her narrative.

  22. - lakeside - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:40 am:

    ==why not add that to all the words she wrote herself==

    “I love my people, but they’re crazy.”

  23. - IllinoisBoi - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:41 am:

    The Confederate flag represents the enslavement of millions and a war that resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of Americans, both Southern and Northern. Snoop Dogg is a musician who hasn’t harmed anyone, as far as I know.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:43 am:

    ===I love my people, but they’re crazy.===

    So… publicly saying “It offends me too” might hit home too hard, so ya chalk it up to “I love my people, but they’re crazy.” so no one blames her?

    Again, it curious that saying a symbol of hate can’t be called out by someone, and she’s so willing to walk around that directly…wow.

  25. - thunderspirit - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:45 am:

    Wait, you mean Terri Bryant defended the Confederate flag while seeking a reprimand for the African-American rapper?

    I am shocked — SHOCKED — to find that gambling is going on in this establishment.

  26. - MakePoliticsCoolAgain - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:46 am:

    And just a little history lesson for Rep. Bryant and her outraged constituents - one of Lincoln/Douglas debates took place in Jonesboro.

  27. - SWIL Voter - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:46 am:

    “Double standard.” First I’d just say I don’t think anybody truly cares about “double standards.” It’s a cheap rhetorical trick used to whine about something you think is unfair while pointing to some other thing that really has nothing to do with the thing currently upsetting you, as is the case here.

    But it’s also worth asking what “the standard” is. Seems like cancelling advocates for racist traitors wanting to perpetuate slavery who got a million of our ancestors is one standard and cancelling anything that offends anybody is a wholly different standard.

  28. - lakeside - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:46 am:

    Oh, don’t misunderstand me, I blame her. But that’s why she did it. Think she’s going to tell the confederate flag crew she finds it offensive? Nah. She’s whipping people up and sending them in a direction other than her.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:47 am:

    The only thing that will be more comically pathetic is after all the words Ms. Bryant wrote, and the clarifying, and standing up…

    … It’d be comically pathetic at this point if she felt she needs more “clarification”

    I mean… geez, Louise… the comedy to that…

  30. - Perrid - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:47 am:

    Interesting the Confederate Railroad, the “injured” party, seems to be handling this with more grace than the Representative, and certainly with more grace than the people harassing Rich.

  31. - Anyone Remember - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:47 am:

    Rich -
    “I’ve already deleted one semi-literate comment about how the Civil War was fought over money and not slavery.”

    You deleted a comment by Jim Tobin? /s

  32. - Annonin' - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:48 am:

    “my people are crazy” that gaff should offend the behavioral health community statewide. We would limit the scope to southern IL but Bryant and hte GovJunk clown car largely destroyed health care services in the region.
    So we can drop Confederate flag from our Halloween costumes. Next will be Betsy Ross.

  33. - Phenomynous - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:50 am:

    Prefaced with the sentiment that both acts should be allowed to play.

    But, the Gov’s office should justify how they can support keeping snoop on the ticket when he just recently made the following statements…which are not political satire:

  34. - Cirion - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:52 am:

    The land of Lincoln should take a stand against the confederacy. What flows through peoples minds is sometimes quite shocking and she is an elected official.

  35. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:52 am:

    ===But, the Gov’s office should justify how===

    Artists are weird people by definition. Stop trying to change the subject.

  36. - GV - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:53 am:

    I wonder what kind of reception the 1,468 men of Perry County, home to the DuQuoin State Fair, or the 1,422 men of Jackson County, home to Rep. Bryant, who fought for the Union in the Civil War would give to Confederate Railroad.

  37. - Seats - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:54 am:

    Rich would hope you turned that email over to the authorities.

    Also, any further updates on the threats made to those receiving a pension?

  38. - Last Of The Moderates - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:56 am:

    I get removing the band. But let’s not act like there isn’t a double standard. Snoop Doggs lyrics would be banned from this blog. They are misogynist and sexist to the core. Go read them. Why should he get a state contract? Why doesn’t Pritzker stand up for women?

  39. - Are Ya Kiddin’ Me? - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:57 am:

    Given the “boycott” of the DuQuoin fair and the cost to have 2 “state fairs”, maybe it’s a perfect time to study the need for 2 fairs?

  40. - Black Ivy - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:57 am:

    One of many things that I loath is hypocrisy, especially to further political ends. I do hope Governor Pritzker’s administration recognizes that undertaking knee-jerk reactions is not governing and this one will not poll well downstate.

  41. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:59 am:

    Go ahead and boycott, and don’t be surprised when low attendance is the excuse given to do away with it entirely, which they should anyway.

    As for the band statement, yet another “man of faith” who doesn’t seem to care for his fellow man in the way his God intended.

  42. - Victor Kingston - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:00 pm:

    ===I find the Confederate battle flag more offensive because of the treason it represents, but that’s just me===

    Why not both? As a symbol of a group of people who wanted to keep another group of people in chains because they thought they were tools to be used and discarded instead of people AND the symbol of traitors to the republic. When it comes to the confederate flag there’s so much to despise.

  43. - Dotnonymous - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:02 pm:

    “If you want to blame anyone, blame yourselves.” - Rasler

    This statement is the hallmark of every narcissist…including racist narcissists.

  44. - SWIL Voter - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:03 pm:

    If there’s one thing Pritzker definitely is and should be worried about, it’s how well his selection of state fair acts is polling in the part of the state that wants to secede from Illinois.

  45. - Nick Name - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:04 pm:

    ===There were actually three senior level administration officials in the meeting. Two of them are African American. Rep. Bryant lectured them about why the Confederate flag should be acceptable based on “heritage.”===

    The only “heritage” of the confederate flag is slavery, racism, and treason. Thanks, GOP, for standing tall for those three things.

  46. - Don't Bloc Me In - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:05 pm:

    Saying out loud, in public, “the Confederate flag offends me, too” has a lot more impact than stating in a closed meeting that she doesn’t display the flag in her private space.

    I’m afraid Ms. Bryant has been caught trying to ride the fence. She lost her balance with that Facebook post.

  47. - Lincoln deserves better - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:10 pm:

    “If there’s one thing Pritzker definitely is and should be worried about, it’s how well his selection of state fair acts is polling in the part of the state that wants to secede from Illinois.”

    Why? I doubt they voted for him in the first time. Or is SoIl really, really gonna leave the state and teach us all a lesson?

  48. - Truthteller - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:12 pm:

    My ancestors fought and died to defeat the rebels. The only confederate flag of importance is the White flag of unconditional surrender…

  49. - Ok - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:13 pm:

    I am just surprised the Rep. Bryant admitted she traveled to Chicago.

    But she had to frame as though she was obligated to attend because she had a hearing…

  50. - lakeside - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:14 pm:

    ==this one will not poll well downstate==

    Find me the Pritzker 2018 voter who will switch sides for this. Illinois’ last Dixiecrat.

    @Lincoln, I think Swil’s comment was /s

  51. - Norseman - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:14 pm:

    Cutting your nose off to spite your face, episode 1,230,299,988

    Downstate needs economic activity and we have people who want to harm that activity because they support a racist symbol. If this mindless boycott is successful, then the second fair can be dropped.

  52. - {Sigh} - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:16 pm:

    =This administration’s guiding principle is that the State of Illinois will not use state resources to promote symbols of racism. Symbols of hate cannot and will not represent the values of the Land of Lincoln.=

    Was this policy shared with the Department of Agriculture? The procurement of grandstand acts is not a simple process and senior officials at Ag had to sign off on the offering of a contract to this band.

  53. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:18 pm:

    =I’ve already deleted one semi-literate comment about how the Civil War was fought over money and not slavery. Warning to newbies: Don’t bring that ridiculousness in here. This ain’t Facebook.=

    I am tired of the whole argument that the slavery was not the driving force for southern secession. The new framing says that it was about states rights or economics. That is simply a lie. I have disabused many of that line of thinking by sharing the declarations of succession of each of the 13 states that rebelled. Each and everyone prominently lists slavery as the/a reason.

    Unless they all lied.

    On a recent trip to the northeast I came upon a Civill War monument that referred to the war as a rebellion. Sounds right.

    I have no beef with cancelling the confederate rail road. I am not a snoop dog fan but I do think you have to be careful when you use “people are offended” as a standard. That is pretty subjective.

    On the other hand, excluding a clear symbol of racism and oppression versus unpleasant (to some) imagery is no brainer.

  54. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:20 pm:

    For the record I would not have booked Snoop either. State Fairs and other publicly funded events are kind of expected to have inoffensive mild entertainment, and I have no problem with that. Edgier, controversial acts are free to perform elsewhere as the free market supports.

  55. - Can - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:23 pm:

    The Pritzker administration was absolutely correct in canceling CR from playing at Du Quoin. No question about it. They never should have been scheduled in the first place.

    But I think they should also cancel Snoop as well. If Confederate Railroad, or any other band for that matter, had an album cover with a depiction of a dead President Obama, all of us on this blog would come unglued - and we’d be right in doing so. We can’t have depictions of dead presidents, no matter how distasteful the current president is.

  56. - Benjamin - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:24 pm:

    I’ll just point out that the Commemorative Air Force–a non-profit organization that owns and operates vintage warplanes at airshows and the like–started out as the Confederate Air Force. The “Confederate” in their name was a joke, not political, and they changed their name in 2002 to avoid issues like this altogether.

    I don’t know what a band called Confederate Railroad is supposed to do about the name they became famous under, but ditching the battle flag would be a good start.

  57. - Billy Shears - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:29 pm:

    This is a double standard by the Pritzker administration. There is no principle to their thinking. It is strictly political. If some act had an image of a dead Barack Obama on an album cover, Pritzker would have had that contract cancelled. I believe that with all my heart.

  58. - Not a Billionaire - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:29 pm:

    This is not representative of downstate. Most of downstate lives in the urban 74 corridor.

  59. - NIU Grad - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:30 pm:

    I don’t remember Snoop Dogg declaring secession from the Union and pursuing military action against the United States military? I guess I fell asleep in history class again…

  60. - BC - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:32 pm:

    @GV is spot on.

    35,000 brave Illinois soldiers died fighting in the Civil War against armies carrying that flag. Why would we want it flown at an Illinois State Fair?

    My dad was a national guardsman during at the 1968 convention riots in Grant Park. He told me he felt sick when he saw some of the demonstrators unfurled the Viet Cong flag atop the statue of General Logan. He feels the same revulsion every time he’s sees a confederate flag. Both are the battle flags of America’s enemies.

  61. - Riley Freeman - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:33 pm:

    You can find confederate flags all over both state fairs and in some vending booths for sale or worn by vendors. Hopefully this is just the beginning by the administration, and everyone who is tripping over themselves to proclaim on the blog how anti confederate flag they are will say something if they see something.

  62. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:34 pm:

    The circular firing squad has begun at that Facebook group

  63. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:34 pm:

    ===You can find confederate flags all over both state fairs===

    Not any longer.

  64. - Just Observing - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:35 pm:

    I know some in southern Illinois, during the civil war, were sympathetic to (or even fought for) the confederacy, but by and large, Illinois was a union state and stood firmly on the side of the north. So, largely, unless those in southern Illinois have deeper ties to the south, are protesting because this “reaks of liberalism” not because they care about the confederate flag. It’s not much different than the far right denying climate change largely because the left buys into it.

  65. - Annonin' - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:35 pm:

    The Southern story is a hoot, but one of the Gomers does note that a total DuQuoin boycott would lead dem damm Yankees to close the fair(which has been a money lower for about 2 decades)forever.

  66. - Hottot - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:35 pm:

    The ILDA shouldn’t have asked them to play in the first place. That was their blunder. Since they did, they should let them perform. I dont agree with Terri Bryant, who is my state rep, on a lot. But shes right about Snoop Dogg playing. I’m a fan of both Confederate Railroad AND Snoop Dogg. I can quote both. But if they care about offending one sector of the population, they should care about offending all sectors of the population.

  67. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:36 pm:

    Facebook is more likely to hurt you politically than any and all good you think it does.

    Facebook ends more careers than makes them.

  68. - Robert the 1st - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:37 pm:

    =political satire=

    One has to wonder how folks here would react to an album featuring a mock picture of a dead Democratic president. My guess is much more outrage than anyone on the R side about Snoop.

  69. - James Knell - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:37 pm:

    It’s just a band’s name. It’s not a Confederate pep rally. To the best of my knowledge there isn’t bunch of hootin’ & hollerin’ about the South rising again at their concerts. Not one Confederate flag on any of their album covers.

    I have never liked “culture wars”. I think I might feel differently if the band hadn’t taken this name in 1987. I’m glad for the movement against toleration of the Confederate flag and monuments, but this is just a band, isn’t it?

  70. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:37 pm:

    Robert the 1st, ever hear of the Dead Kennedys?

  71. - My thoughts - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:37 pm:

    Yet the Pritzker administration has no issue with a rapper that has settled out of court for taking videos of underage girls?

  72. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:39 pm:

    ===Not one Confederate flag on any of their album covers===


  73. - Robert the 1st - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:40 pm:

    No, I had to google them. Are they preforming at the IL state fair?

  74. - lakeside - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:40 pm:

    ==Not one Confederate flag on any of their album covers.==

    Deeply incorrect. It’s in their logo, present on most of their albums.

  75. - Anon-I-Guess - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:40 pm:

    This isn’t censorship. This band can book at one of a hundred venues in the region and play a concert.

  76. - Simple Simon - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:41 pm:

    Victor…just using the treason angle to illustrate the stark difference between the Confederacy and a musical act that has not taken up arms against the government, to my knowledge.

    Being offended at lyrics or names is very difficult to referee, especially when politics is involved. I wouldn’t want to book Ted Nugent myself, but lots of folks like him. Would you book the Dead Kennedys?

  77. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:42 pm:

    === I wouldn’t want to book Ted Nugent myself===

    He played at the State Fair. Called out the Democratic governor on guns.

  78. - Blue Dog Dem - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:44 pm:

    Personally, this whole controversy was unnecessary. That being said. The damage is done,irreversible and both fairs will see lower attendance as a result of this episode.

  79. - Simple Simon - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:45 pm:

    Rich, you beat me to it. I thought I might be the only one who remembers Jello Biafra.

  80. - Dutch - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:48 pm:

    ===The Southern story is a hoot, but one of the Gomers does note==

    “Gomers”…how nice. Nothing like a little name calling to get your point about racism across.

  81. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:48 pm:

    FYI, Snoop recently recorded a gospel album

  82. - Ok - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:52 pm:

    I mean… the guy’s got a cooking show with Martha Stewart (

    How controversial can you really say he is?

  83. - Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:54 pm:

    This is the same person that introduced a piece of legislation to admonish the Secretary of State’s office for respecting the religion freedom of non-Christians.

  84. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:58 pm:

    This is the kind of stuff that threatens to keep the ILGOP a super-minority party in Illinois. Maybe pandering to and indulging local rage is easier and more pleasurable than building a party that can gain power and win statewide offices.

  85. - Illinifan - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 12:59 pm:

    When censorship starts, it has the potential to be very inconsistent. Allowing Snoop to perform just illuminates this

  86. - Techman - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:02 pm:

    The flag in question was the battle flag of the Virginian army. It did NOT fly over any state capitols at that time as the flag of the Confederate States of America was different than the “stars and bars” everyone is freaking out about. We keep hearing “learn your history” yet there are many commenters that do not have a clue.

  87. - Olivia Pope - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:03 pm:

    If the contract was cancelled, was there a cancellation clause? I’m assuming yes because very few performers would enter into a contract without that provision. So, how much is the State paying as a result of the cancellation?

    =This administration’s guiding principle is that the State of Illinois will not use state resources to promote symbols of racism. Symbols of hate cannot and will not represent the values of the Land of Lincoln.=

    Has this policy been distributed to the county fairs that receive money from the Department of Ag?

    The state fairs have insurance policies to cover concert cancellations- especially for concerts that are cancelled due to weather.

    If there were three senior level officials from the administration in the meeting, does any one know what senior official the IL Department if Ag falls under? Was that person in the meeting?

  88. - Steve Rogers - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:04 pm:

    @illinifan. Censorship? This isn’t censorship. The Pritzker administration isn’t preventing anyone from buying their albums, seeing them in any non-state concert venue, or singing their songs in public. Don’t overstate this.

  89. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:09 pm:

    ===The flag in question was the battle flag of the Virginian army.===

    Was the Virginia army fighting to free slaves?

    Ok, your turn.

  90. - thunderspirit - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:11 pm:

    ===The flag in question was the battle flag of the Virginian army.===

    Originally, yes. But said battle flag was incorporated as a part of the second official flag of the Confederacy in 1863.

  91. - Bilbo Swaggins - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:12 pm:

    The confederate flag that they wish to fly is an insult to the Illinois men who died fighting the traitorous slavers who carried it. It isn’t a cultural signal of rebellion. It’s a flag that was flown while confederate troops invaded Union territory, re-enslaved freed men, committed war crimes by butchering entire black regiments and their white commanders. It also threatened, by incorporating two stars for states which did not secede, the invasion and anexxation of further sovereign territory, and the re-enslavement of any freed slaves who lived there.

    Illinois fought on the right side of that war, and contributed to its victory.

  92. - Huh? - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:13 pm:

    “The land of Lincoln should take a stand against the confederacy.”

    We already did when Illinois sent more than 250,000 soldiers to fight for the Union Army.

  93. - Simple Simon - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:14 pm:

    Tech man, so the battle flag only represented some of the traitors, not all of them? Gotcha. BTW, the battle flag was used as a motif in the second and third official flags of the Confederacy, so says Wikipedia, so I call that close enough.

  94. - Amalia - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:16 pm:

    Oh, Rep. Bryant, how cute you are to ramp up the ire of your base. turns out, you all support traitors.

  95. - Just Observing - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:17 pm:

    === I don’t know what a band called Confederate Railroad is supposed to do about the name they became famous under, but ditching the battle flag would be a good start. ===

    This band is damned if they do, damned if they don’t — even if you hold the position they should, morally, change their name, their fan base would go crazy and disavow them. They will likely have to deal with this name for the rest of their career.

  96. - Just Observing - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:18 pm:

    === I mean… the guy’s got a cooking show with Martha Stewart (

    How controversial can you really say he is? ===

    So, now Snoop is aligning himself with known felons ;)

  97. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:25 pm:

    I think this whole controversy is absolutely ridiculous. Who cares if you are offended. I’m offended by all sorts of things but I don’t whine about it and demand that everything that offends me be taken care of. Why? Because I have better things to do with my time than sit around and sulk about something offending me. You want to fly a Confederate flag? Have a band with the Confederate flag as part of your logo? Who. Cares. I think people need to grow up and get a life.

  98. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:27 pm:

    Let’s be clear. The Civil Was was about economics: the economic driver the Confederate States were fighting to retain was slavery. The Civil War was also about states rights: specifically, a state’s right to allow slavery.

    It always comes back to slavery and the right to own and sell black people. Referring to economics and states’ rights is not a very effective misdirection because both point right back to slavery.

    Whenever I see the Confederate battle flag displayed, I think that person is a traitor and a racist because that is what the symbol stands for.

  99. - Steve Rogers - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:27 pm:

    People who argue to “learn the history” always seems to espouse the wrong history. Beginning in the late 19th century, the Daughters of the Confederacy dictated what schools taught to indoctrinate children: including 1) it was a war of northern aggression; 2) slaves were happy and well taken of; and 3) the war was about state’s rights, not slavery. The Daughters also massively supported the erection of statues and renaming schools after Southern generals. While the Confederacy lost the military war, the Daughters later won the culture war–at least in the South and even in many parts of the North. Unfortunately, we’re still fighting that war.

  100. - Bilbo Swaggins - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:38 pm:

    *Who cares if you are offended. I’m offended by all sorts of things*

    Except it isn’t because it is offensive. It is because it is a symbol of racism and the administration, admirably, does not want state resources used to promote it.

    Nice try, though.

  101. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:40 pm:

    ==They will likely have to deal with this name for the rest of their career.==
    Jefferson Airplane/Starship and Chicago Transit Authority/Chicago did ok.

  102. - TheInvisibleMan - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:40 pm:

    ==The circular firing squad has begun==

    Of course it has.

    It will then turn into scorched earth when their boycott does the most harm to their neighbors who have booths at the fair.

    The Hiroshima moment will come when the fair gets cancelled - permanently.

    All because they prefer the flag of traitors to the US.

  103. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:41 pm:

    ==It is because it is a symbol of racism==

    Some African Americans say that about the US flag. Should we take that down off of all government buildings?

    I suspect you don’t have the same attitude about that subject. Because people tend to pick and choose what is worthy of being offended by and what isn’t.

    Again. Grow up.

  104. - James Knell - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:42 pm:

    ===Not one Confederate flag on any of their album covers===


    OK… now I see the flags on the train appear to be the “Bonnie Blue Flag”… you got me.

    ===Not one Confederate flag on any of their album covers===


  105. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:47 pm:

    How many who support or are apologists for the Confederate flag wrap themselves in the American flag and accuse others of being unpatriotic?

  106. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:48 pm:

    Agree with Demoralized, this whole argument is nonsense. Fine, don’t go to the fair. Or do go to the fair. Fly the flag. Or don’t fly the flag. Whatever. Either way, stop being such babies about it. Do something with your life besides creating Facebook groups so that you can read other people complain about the same thing you want to complain about. I’m offended by all of the offense being taken here

  107. - Bilbo Swaggins - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:50 pm:

    *Some African Americans say that about the US flag. Should we take that down off of all government buildings?*

    Some African Americans might be right in certain cases about that. The flag of the US has been carried by US forces on their way to massacre Native settlements, and to beat back Hitler.

    The confederate flag has solely been used to mark the forces of slavery, or as a method to intimidate African Americans during the civil rights movement.

    Not that any of this matters, again, because this isn’t about “offending” anyone.

  108. - Norseman - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 1:59 pm:

    === The flag in question was the battle flag of the Virginian army. ===

    Despite this lame attempt at whitewashing the Stars and Bars through historical parsing, it was adopted as the symbol of racist groups after the war ended.

    Too many people are mistakenly claiming that this is an issue about avoiding things that are offensive to segments of our society. This is about allowing the symbolism of hate and racism at an event sponsored by the State of Illinois. Bravo to JB and shame on Bryant.

  109. - Dee Lay - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 2:06 pm:

    Maybe this will hasten the ending of the never ending pork barrel project that is the DuQuoin State Far.

  110. - BC - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 2:08 pm:


    The Army of Northern Virginia was the term given to the confederate’s main military force in the east. It was made up of units from most of the confederate states. Just as the Union’s “Army of the Potomac” had units from most the northern states, not just Maryland and D.C.

  111. - Honeybear - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 2:11 pm:

    So this reminds me a bit of when Barenboim programmed and conducted Wagner in Israel.
    He spent hours after the concert debating and talking personally with concertgoers.
    The difference is that Wagner and his operatic creations were coopted by the Nazis. In fairness there are I believe of Wagner being anti-Semitic. However, the music was/is not the problem in my and as it happened Barenboim’s opinion.
    Confederate Railroad
    Chose the name
    Chose the symbol
    Chose the Schtick
    and stand by it.

    It’s perfidy to say it’s not racism.
    It’s perfidy to say the civil war was about States rights or economics.
    But the right (exempting OW and a few others) is all about perfidy these days.
    Covering up racism
    Covering up economic oppression

    Perfidy is back in use

  112. - lakeside - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 2:15 pm:

    =as a method to intimidate African Americans during the civil rights movement==

    And as a method to intimidate people today. Flying the confederate flag says ‘We revere a time when you’d be a slave. Let that be a reminder to you as you go about your day.”

  113. - Nick Name - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 2:20 pm:

    To the update: I believe the Pritzker staffers.

  114. - JSS - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 2:25 pm:

    Who/what exactly is Rep. Bryant trying to court with her Facebook post? Voters? Publicity? Money? A combination of the 3? Or does she enjoy reflecting back on the day and find a sense of pride and accomplishment in supporting the confederate flag?

    Or is this just the political trend now, pander to the extremes of both parties for some perceived personal gain? When are non-extremist voters going to reject this notion?

    Are Rep. Bryant’s Republican constituents thinking to themselves that “Well, she seems to support the idea of chattel slavery, but opposes FOID cards and tax increases, so I’ll vote for her again”? This is illogical, yet seems to be the norm now.

  115. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 2:27 pm:

    ===Rep. Bryant called to insist that she never said “I love my people, but they’re crazy.” She said she was only expressing concern about angry and crazy people in southern Illinois if the governor marches in the fair parade. But I spoke with two of the three Pritzker people who were in the room and they both stood firmly behind the entire story related above by Ms. Bittner.===

    I wonder if Ms. Bryant will say, soon, the flag offends her too.

    She chooses an interesting thing to call about, without bringing up her take on the flag.

    Again, on me, if I missed something.

  116. - What? - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 2:27 pm:

    Snoop has, at various points in his life, been banned from entering three different countries because of defects in his character.

    They couldn’t bring back the Funkadelic?

  117. - Fixer - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 2:28 pm:

    Great response by the band. Shows more statesmanship than from the actual elected rep from that area.

  118. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 2:35 pm:

    “Rep. Bryant ended the conversation by passing along rumors about threats to the governor’s safety.”
    To a Governor.
    About a country band 25 years past their prime having a show cancelled.

    Let that just sit in your minds for a bit.

  119. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 2:39 pm:

    And something I noticed from the band statement.
    The band says the cancellation as because of their name.
    The state officials say it is because of the Confederate flag.

    Anyone else notice that?

    Oh….and for the record…I wouldn’t wave that Conferderate flag or fly or display it if you paid me to do it.

  120. - Dancing Bears - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 2:40 pm:

    I’m genuinely torn on this.I don’t really feel comfortable commenting on the band themselves because I am not familiar with their music.

    I do know there are a lot of popular bands the reference the Confederacy that would have flown under the radar if they had been booked. For example, Old Crow Medicine Show has a song called ‘Carry me Back’, which chronicles a confederate soldiers tribulations and wishes to be taken back to his home in Virginia. Is that song racist or hateful? I would argue it isn’t, but then again I am just a white guy that has never been impacted by racism.

    I guess if I had a point to make, it is that this is incredibly complicated. When government gets into the business of interpreting art we get dangerously close to authoritarianism.

    Is the Pritzker administration authoritarian? Absolutely not. I wholeheartedly believe this decision was made by people with good intentions that wanted to ensure our State sends a message of love and acceptance.

    At the very least, they need to heavily screen all acts moving forward to avoid this kind of public debacle in the future.

    As for Bryant’s comments on her constituents: you do them a disservice by painting them to be crazy hillbillies. Not a good look….

  121. - Just Two Cents - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 2:40 pm:

    ===This isn’t censorship. This band can book at one of a hundred venues in the region and play a concert.===

    According to the first half of the Southern article, sounds like that’s not going to be the case until October.

  122. - Donnie Elgin - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 2:42 pm:

    Rep. Bryant called to insist that she never said “I love my people, but they’re crazy.” She said she was only expressing concern about angry and crazy people in southern Illinois if the governor marches in the fair parade.”

    Her response makes much more sense that what was relayed by Bittner. When they are in the enemies camp pols are generally careful with what they say.

  123. - Dysfunction Junction - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 2:59 pm:

    ==The Hiroshima moment will come when the fair gets cancelled - permanently.==

    @TheInvisibleMan: Which one? DuQuoin, Springfield, or both? Completely aside from the Snoop vs. Confederate Train argument, there are large numbers of IL residents who question the entire concept of a State Fair in this day and age. A generous reading of recent attendance figures indicates that only 2.5% of Illinois residents go to the fair. Furthermore, the purported reason for the event (exchanging agricultural best practices) has largely been overtaken by Internet forums. Why make the whole state financially support something that is no longer necessary or enjoyed by the vast majority of IL residents?

  124. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 3:03 pm:

    I have never understood why we need two state fairs. I also don’t understand why other states are able to make bank on their fairs and we can’t.

  125. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 3:06 pm:

    ==because this isn’t about “offending” anyone==

    Bull. That’s exactly what it’s about.

  126. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 3:06 pm:

    Wow. this from the guy who started the boycott movement:

    “History is history, you’re not going to erase it. If you want to get rid of racism why have Black History Month and bring it up year after year,” he said. “One good thing came of it: bringing slaves over your family and heritage grew up here and now you’re free. Their own people sold them to colonists. If you want to blame anyone, blame yourselves.”

  127. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 3:07 pm:

    Soccermom, it’s in the post :)

  128. - Back to the Mountains - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 3:09 pm:

    ==Rep. Bryant lectured them about why the Confederate flag should be acceptable based on “heritage.”==

    Rep. Bryant is aware Illinois was a free state? And was thus part of the union?

    I genuinely don’t get it. If you are from Illinois, and your family is from Illinois, the confederate flag is not part of your heritage. You were on the right side of history. Why you’d wish to obfuscate that baffles me.

  129. - RNUG - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 3:17 pm:

    - Demoralized- @ 1:25pm probably best summed up my feelings on it.

  130. - Dysfunction Junction - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 3:27 pm:

    ===You can find confederate flags all over both state fairs===

    Rich Miller @ 12:34 pm: *Not any longer.*

    Sorry, Rich, but I’ll have to disagree. Last summer, my son invited some of his dormmates from IMSA down to visit the fair in Springfield. All were from Chicago or the ‘burbs, and none had ever been this far downstate. Walking toward the main gate from the school where we normally park, we saw the Stars and Bars hanging prominently from a front porch. My son was embarrassed, his African-American classmate was mortified, and the other two friends were silent. Suffice it to say, they won’t be coming back.

    Anomaly? Sure. But first impressions count. Let’s not pretend it’s just a DuQuoin thing.

  131. - njt - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 3:29 pm:

    =Her response makes much more sense that what was relayed by Bittner. When they are in the enemies camp pols are generally careful with what they say.=

    And yet she did not comment on her remarks that she would not display the flag in her own home. Hmmm.

  132. - opportunity awaits - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 3:30 pm:

    Sounds like someone with a private venue could make a small fortune by booking these guys that same night….

  133. - Wensicia - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 3:42 pm:

    It seems both sides enjoy the confrontation, excepting the band itself. But I believe Rep. Bryant is deliberately fanning the flames and should ashamed of herself.

  134. - phenom_Anon - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 3:45 pm:

    Agree with the administration. The flag is a hate symbol. Wear the big pants, draw the line, and stand behind it.

  135. - phenom_anon - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 3:48 pm:

    =But, the Gov’s office should justify how they can support keeping snoop on the ticket when he just recently made the following statements…which are not political satire: =

    Absolutely agree with that as well. If you’re going to drive on the high road, stay in your lane and be consistent or answer the hard questions as to why you are turning off.

  136. - Dutch - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 3:48 pm:

    Read Tony Horwitz’s “Confederates in the Attic” for some perspective on what the Civil War means to people in the South today. One of his major points is that the war was so horrible that it never really ended and continues to echo down to the present day. The heated comments both for and against the use of the Confederate flag on this thread are living proof of that.

  137. - Lurker - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 3:51 pm:

    Considering now even DuQuoin does not want the second fair and the mayor imposed a fee charging the state to conduct the fair, it is time to cancel it. Huge fiscal waste that has zero benefit.

  138. - Responsa - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 3:57 pm:

    ==Huge fiscal waste that has zero benefit.==

    The stand that sells fried elephant ears begs to differ.

  139. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 3:58 pm:

    ===If not for double standards, the Left would have no standards at all.

    Any books you loons want to burn while you’re at it?===

    As a Pre-Rauner/Trump Republican…

    If you want to support the idea of flying the confederate flag, have at it. It stands for slavery and racism, so if you want to fight for the opportunity to promote racism and the evils of the civil war, welp…

    Thanks for giving me the heads up.

    Folks like Reagan and GHWB never stood up for that.

  140. - Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 4:12 pm:

    ===Folks like Reagan and GHWB never stood up for that===

    You’re citing folks that utilized a whole litany of dog whistles.

  141. - Blake - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 4:15 pm:

    Guys the band said they have played there before, so it was okay in earlier periods among descendants of the union army. It’s more than the flag here. It’s societal defaults being changed on people trigger a loss of room to breathe free. I agree with assessments on the confederacy, but ultimately the band has become part of pop culture, much like Snoop Dogg. Also, Snoop’s latest album cover is disturbing & hard justify only cancelling on 1 of the 2 acts in question.

  142. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 4:18 pm:

    ===You’re citing folks that utilized a whole litany of dog whistles.===

    Yeah, here’s the thing about that in this context, and Ms. Bryant…

    Reagan in 1982 visited a family who had a cross burned in their lawn in MD.

    Read about it.

    Now Bush, GHW… he went full “don’t vote for David Duke” when faced with Duke as a GOP candidate. You can google that one on your own.

    Ms. Bryant?

    She can’t even say… in a wordy Facebook post… the confederate flag offends her.

    You want to even go “Southern Strategy” and all those plays, fine.

    But you can’t say Reagan or GHWB did a Ms. Bryant.


  143. - Blake - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 4:19 pm:

    This cancellation is also bringing thinking about politics into spaces people don’t want to be thinking about politics in.

  144. - Norseman - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 4:19 pm:

    So your equating being opposed to racist symbolism (and there are no rational arguments to the contrary) with being offended by a political statement or the language someone uses. So very sad.

  145. - Proud Sucker - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 4:27 pm:

    To add some more clarity to what thunderspirit added above, the Army of Northern Virginia (ANV) battle flag, most commonly referred to as the “confederate flag”, was not the stars and bars. That would be the first CSA national flag which mimicked the original US flag in that it had a blue union in the upper left corner with a circle of seven white stars (eventually expanding to thirteen) and had three stripes, or bars, red-white-red:

    It was abandoned in March of 1863 because, particularly in non-windy conditions, it was indistinguishable from the US flag. Hence the introduction of the ANV battle flag, starting in back in late 1861.

    The second CSA national flag a.k.a. the stainless banner, did incorporate the ANV battle flag as its canton upon a “stainless” white banner. In many weather condition this resembled a white flag of truce so, in early 1865, a wide red vertical bar was added on the fly edge.

    That said, the ANV flag was utilized by various white supremacist groups since the end of reconstruction and has lost its tether to the simple folk who were duped into fighting for the rich slave holders - the “heritage, not hate” mantra. It needs to only be used in educational settings, and no longer in entertainment venues.

  146. - Bilbo Swaggins - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 5:15 pm:

    *Bull. That’s exactly what it’s about.*

    Except it isn’t, because it was clearly stated that it is about not spending state money promoting a symbol of race hate.

  147. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 5:28 pm:

    Rich, I’m a writer, not a reader.

  148. - Marine Life - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 7:10 pm:

    Southern Illinois boycotters are the ones who have forgotten their history. Cairo segregated its economy out of existence in the 1960s. Yet they cling to separatist ideology at the expense of their own well being. As their leader would say, Sad.

  149. - Bigtwich - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 8:35 pm:

    Can be writ the nation’s glory, Illinois, Illinois,
    On the record of thy years,
    Abraham Lincoln’s name appears, Grant and Logan, and our tears, Illinois, Illinois,
    Grant and Logan, and our tears, Illinois

  150. - Motambe - Tuesday, Jul 9, 19 @ 11:45 pm:

    So we can put billboards on the interstates with a morgue photo of a body and toe tag labeled Pritzker and the governor’s staff will be ok with that. Absurd.

  151. - Candy Dogood - Wednesday, Jul 10, 19 @ 12:44 am:

    ===But you can’t say Reagan or GHWB did a Ms. Bryant.===

    At this point I think you’re splitting hairs. Deliberately and intentionally making statements or taking actions to attract racist voters is what they have in common. I agree that Reagan and Bush were much more tactful in how they deliberately and intentionally appealed to racist voters, but I thought today we were calling spades spades.

    Spend three or four decades feeding a monster, don’t be surprised if it becomes big enough to eat you.

  152. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Wednesday, Jul 10, 19 @ 7:01 am:

    ==So we can put billboards on the interstates with a morgue photo of a body and toe tag labeled Pritzker and the governor’s staff will be ok with that. Absurd.==

    Pritzker’s staff would do what, exactly?

    We are all going to die someday. So?

  153. - efudd - Wednesday, Jul 10, 19 @ 9:29 am:

    Boycott a fair that has been on the chopping block for two decades over a band that hasn’t had a hit single in a quarter century.
    I love southern Illinois, but sometimes….

  154. - Roger - Wednesday, Jul 10, 19 @ 9:33 am:

    Black Diamond Harley Davidson in Marion announced that Confederate Railroad will be performing at their dealership on Sept.5.

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