Question of the day
Monday, Jul 15, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller * Considering Friday’s news about the federal raid on former Ald. Zalewski’s home and the reporting of how the feds were “seeking records” about House Speaker Michael Madigan, a top Madigan ally and ComEd, how much longer do you believe Madigan will remain as House Speaker? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please… survey services
- Perrid - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:22 pm:
We don’t know yet. I’m going to wait for an indictment at least before cleaning out his office. But it is pretty close to home, so we’ll see.
- OneMan - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:23 pm:
I am reminded of the ending of 1980’s Flash Gordon where Ming has been impaled by the front of War Rocket Ajax and he tells Flash that his life is not something for an earthling to take.
Unless he is doing a perp-walk, ther is no way he is leaving on anyone’s terms but his own.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:24 pm:
Voted “… don’t know enough… “
I’d like to think the game plan is;
Get thru this cycle, get a map, get it passed, and then walk away “undefeated”.
Can that game plan, if that is the game plan, (heck I vote against my own thought here, but for arguments sake…), be possible and it have enough time given these investigations?
I know that MJM leaving on his own, without a “plan” is impossible to fathom, unless it’s someone else’s timetable for a whole other reason.
The best answer is… “… don’t know enough… “
- Juvenal - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:28 pm:
As long as he wants.
The Fed’s constant leaks to the BGA and Sun-Times indicate they are just fishing.
When they have you, and want something more, they quietly invite you in for a friendly chat.
- Harvest76 - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:28 pm:
Somebody probably knows enough at this point to answer that question, but I don’t think it’s me. I can say that I definitely don’t think it’s as long as he wants. Only the IPI believes that he is a King.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:29 pm:
===When they have you, and want something more===
I seriously doubt he could hand them a larger head on a spike. He’s top of the tops.
- thunderspirit - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:30 pm:
In the absence of an indictment, I have to vote “don’t know enough.”
- Nagidam - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:30 pm:
I voted the end is near and not because of pending Fed issues. I think he wants to get the map squared away and then leave on his own terms.
- NoGifts - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:31 pm:
We don’t know enough yet. Will the investigation find any evidence of criminal wrongdoing? I think probably not. Will an investigation in itself harm his standing with the rest of the house? Probably not. Does he want to work that job forever? Who knows.
- Annonin' - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:39 pm:
There should have been another choice like “Not anytime soon” Doubt there is anything to “know” Seems to enjoy working with folks who want to get something done.
- OutOfState - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:39 pm:
Voted as long as he wants. I think the noise of the investigations is meant to scare better evidence out. Knowing how careful Madigan is, I don’t have faith the feds will have a solid case against him. Besides, even if he is indicted, he’s not the type to resign. He’ll stay quiet, maintain he knows nothing about his colleagues misdeeds or their accusations, and keep working, at least until the new map is drawn.
- Roman - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:40 pm:
Voted for “we don’t know enough.”
It’s clear he’s not looking for an opportune time to quit when he’s ahead. If he were so inclined, he could have declared victory and got the hell out last fall when he vanquished Rauner and grabbed a super-majority, or at the end of session this spring when he could have pointed to several legislative victories (and after he had undoubtedly heard about the Quinn and Zalewski raids.)
- Chicagonk - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:41 pm:
The end is nigh for Madigan. I don’t think this is the last of the FBI raids.
- Anyone Remember - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:44 pm:
Madigan has grandchildren. He will settle final scores with the 2020 remap. Prediction - he will disappear his district and spend Spring 2023 at events his grandchildren participate in! In link, see comment about Davis and Shimkus.
- Opposite Day - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:44 pm:
“I think the noise of the investigations is meant to scare better evidence out.”
That might be the strangest thing I have ever read on this site.
- Angel's Sword - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:49 pm:
Madigan has been declared dead so many different times you’d think there was an insurance scheme going on. I’m reminded of an old quote from Frank Herbert’s Dune: “Don’t count someone dead until you’ve seen the body… and even then you can make a mistake.”
I voted “as long as he wants.” Why? Pattern recognition.
- Grandson of Man - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:50 pm:
Voted we don’t know enough. If anyone takes Madigan down, it will be Madigan himself. No one is omnipotent and perfect. We’ll see if he broke the law. Hoping he didn’t, and like Da Mare, he was smart enough to stay above it.
- Norseman - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:50 pm:
I really think that he’s getting close because of his age and the continuing hassle. The only reason I went “with not enough info” is that he may want to hold on for bargaining purposes if he really has done something that puts him in jeopardy.
- Seats - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:53 pm:
I think he steps down after the maps, so the end is pretty near.
- pool boy - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 3:58 pm:
I voted number 4, I wish he would leave.
- Pot calling kettle - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 4:08 pm:
I voted “not enough info”. However, I do not believe MJM has any plans to retire, ever. (If there were any inkling of imminent retirement, top lieutenants would not keep cycling out.)
- Chicago Cynic - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 4:22 pm:
A little premature for this question. We don’t know what “this” is yet. So I voted not enough info.
- revvedup - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 4:34 pm:
Voted “not enough information”, since he has not been indicted, or directly and personally named as part of any other criminal case yet.
- Ginhouse Tommy - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 4:35 pm:
I’d be surprised if they had anything on him. You don’t build an empire like he has and control it they way he does by being careless. He is the all seeing eye. I doubt he would make a mistake by doing something wrong at this point but you never know. Let it play itself out.
- Wensicia - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 4:39 pm:
As long as he wants, which could depend upon many scenarios. I don’t think he’ll be forced out of office.
- Ryan - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 4:41 pm:
We don’t know enough yet, this could mean anything. But, fingers crossed.
- Cheryl44 - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 4:42 pm:
He will be there until he decides to leave.
- Stuntman Bob's Brother - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 4:48 pm:
Maybe he’ll take the path of Warden Norton in Shawshank Redemption. I’d prefer he eat his last apple while looking through the window at the Graybar Motel, though. Unless Blago gets to him first, Whitey Bulger style.
- Amalia - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 5:12 pm:
not enough information for me to think about any of this in a will he stay or go manner. he’s not asking should I stay or should I go, but this certainly is a clash.
- The Swan - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 5:29 pm:
I voted end is near. Agreed that Madigan is top of the tops. Generations of federales have hunted but not caught him. But never any public evidence that they have gotten as close as this. Makes me think Quinn, Zalewski(s), and McClain are going to get squeezed hard. Burke might even flip on him if it gets him a better deal at some point.
- Morty - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 5:57 pm:
Uncertain. He’s neither all-powerful, nor has there been any reason to suspect that they got something on him
- CubsFan16 - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 5:58 pm:
There have been numerous investigations and controversies over the last few years that have all lead to him continuing as Speaker. Could a major finding in an investigation change that? Sure, maybe. But for now the answer is “As long as he wants”.
- Not a Billionaire - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 6:17 pm:
I should go with not enough but after watching the end of Sheldon Silver I really think this is the end
- Not a Billionaire - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 6:23 pm:
Also we have a really powerful Gov. If Madigan is indicted Pritzger will not leave him around to wreck his Constitutional Amendment.
- Keyrock - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 7:13 pm:
“At this point, we don’t know.”
- SSL - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 7:24 pm:
As long as he wants.
If the me too issues didn’t get him, nothing will. And I don’t believe for a second he will ever leave on his own. They’ll carry him out feet first.
- TominChicago - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 7:56 pm:
Don’t know. Feds seemed to be all over Dorothy Brown five years ago, and she is still standing.
- Precinct Captain - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 10:17 pm:
- Not a Billionaire - Monday, Jul 15, 19 @ 6:23 pm:
Who is Pritzger?
- Russ - Tuesday, Jul 16, 19 @ 12:44 pm:
I trust Madigan does what’s right and his opposition is always seeking ways to attack him but I don’t take anyone for granted until I see enough proof. I hope he stays because he is only one of two people that I know of that stood up for the working class people during the Rauner administration.
- Harbor Guy - Thursday, Jul 18, 19 @ 4:53 pm:
I don’t like him but I won’t count Madigan out until their carrying him out of the ring on stretcher.