Question of the day
Wednesday, Jul 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller * Gov. Pritzker was apparently in Du Quoin today and stopped by the local Walmart… ![]() * The Question: Caption? Also, if you want to know how to get banned for life from this blog, click here and read through the comments about the same photo over at the Boycott the Du Quoin State Fair Facebook page. Yeesh. Those folks have… issues.
- OneMan - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:19 pm:
Looking to get a bigger TV for the Mansion at the Du Quoin Fairgrounds JB stopped by a local WallMart
- DuPage Saint - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:21 pm:
Where do I find the music section? You ever hear of a group call Confederate RailRoad?
- Style - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:23 pm:
Walmart??? What would Florence Reece say? Whose side are you on?
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:24 pm:
“The last governor we had here was only interested in the costume section, what we called Men’s Workwear”
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:25 pm:
“I dunno, do we crop out the entertainment sign or no?”
- Steve - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:26 pm:
Governor Pritzker fills out application to be Wal-Mart greeter (as back up plan) in case prolific legislative agenda doesn’t work out with the voters.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:26 pm:
“Governor Pritzker Purchases Everything In Aisles 4 Thru 6”
- Dysfunction Junction - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:27 pm:
Wait… is he… trolling them? In person?
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:28 pm:
“Governor Buys Supplies For Wisconsin Leisure Boat In Du Quoin”
- OneMan - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:29 pm:
Don’t tell anyone but using my own dime I hired Blessid Union of Souls and Union Rail (a real band out of CT) to play the fair.
- Unionman - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:29 pm:
When asked why he was at Walmart, Governor Pritzker responded: Walmart had better Prime Day sales than Amazon.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:29 pm:
“Governor Takes Advantage of Wal-Mart Holiday Layaway Program”
- Unionman - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:30 pm:
I needed a new TV and Du Quoin has lower sales tax than in Chicago.
- Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:31 pm:
“Do you have lots of copies of Ken Burns’ The Civil War? I know some people who really need to watch it.”
Also that FB page is horrifying. And not just the spelling.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:32 pm:
===Wait… is he… trolling them? In person? ===
I read somewhere that MK has been overseeing work on the fairgrounds mansion, so my guess is he’s down there with her. Nothing on his official schedule.
But a drive-by trolling pic probably can’t be ruled out. lol
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:32 pm:
“Governor Buys All Wal-Mart Candy For State Fair Parade”
- Stuntman Bob's Brother - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:34 pm:
“I can’t believe Du Quoin actually exists, I thought it was an urban myth, like Bigfoot”
“Can you please direct me to the flag aisle? I’m looking for one, with, you know, fifty starts and thirteen stripes”.
“Yes, I am looking for Snipe nets, the gentleman at the gas station said you have the most effective ones”
“What do you mean, you aren’t here to push my cart around the store?”
On a side note, looks like the Gov has lost a considerable amount of weight - good for him.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:34 pm:
===But a drive-by trolling pic probably can’t be ruled out.===
Meh. I can’t ever imagine they would take one picture to troll anyone ever.
Nope. I don’t buy it.
Picture to troll someone, these folks… I don’t buy it.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:35 pm:
I’m at Wal-Mart because I like to Think Big. Buy Big. Only from the Big.
- So_Ill - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:35 pm:
Those Facebook comments are absolutely vile. And southern Illinois wonders why it lags way behind the rest of the state…
- Stuntman Bob's Brother - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:35 pm:
“Yes, please, I need an ironing board and iron. Quick”.
- lakeside - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:37 pm:
==click here and read through the comments==
I don’t think I’ve ever been more disinclined to click anything in my life.
To the post: something, something, something, your toilet section?
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:37 pm:
===Also that FB page is horrifying===
They hate him being there spending money even though they’re the ones calling for a boycott of their own fair. It’s like they have a municipal death wish.
- lakeside - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:40 pm:
==municipal death wish==
That’s the band that should play next year.
- Anyone Remember - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:40 pm:
Gov. Pritzker: “See, Illinois, not everyone in DuQuoin supports the Bars and Stars!”
- A guy - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:41 pm:
Yes, just as the sign says: We are the entertainment here.
Things are indeed rough.
- Wensicia - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:41 pm:
“Can I get one of those new vests?”
- JS Mill - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:43 pm:
=Who here among the current and former state employees, would commit a few percent of their salary & pension to supporting these fairs?
The state is broke. Time to save before important expenditures get clipped by bond vigilantes.=
The anti tax stuff has led people into a ridiculous bizarro world. That FB page is asinine. He makes the trek to hostile ground (and I respected Rauner when he did it which was rare) give him props for that.
- Honeybear - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:44 pm:
I’m never good at the caption posts. I just remember how genuine Gov. Pritzker is when I’ve met him. He really is a great guy.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:44 pm:
===bond vigilantes===
Magic unicorns.
- ??? - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:46 pm:
People get offended over being called “deplorables”….but geesh, those vile comments sort of show why they are categorized as such.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:49 pm:
“Congrats on your new raise to $15/hour, effective Jan. 1, 2025!”
- btowntruthfromforgottonia - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 5:02 pm:
I will say it.
That fair boycott FB page is full of hateful idiots who have no idea what a boycott would actully do.
- Back to the Mountains - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 5:05 pm:
One of the comments is angry that he’s smiling. Smiling. That’s offensive to his critics. And they call democrats snowflakes. Yeesh.
- Steve - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 5:05 pm:
Governor Pritzker thanks Wal-Mart worker for teaching him how to use self-check out before $15 minimum wage takes hold in Illinois.
- Dude - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 5:16 pm:
Not sure I count FB posters as representative of any group, anywhere, at anytime.
On all sides of nearly all issues, FB, Twitter, et. al. contributors are the nuttiest among us. They have always been around, but have found the key and are out.
The 49 year old guy living in his mother’s basement spewing hatred by the glow of his laptop in his tidy-whities is not to be confused with a productive citizen.
Heretofore they did not have a forum. Now they do . . . . .this does not equate to anything more than the price of entry to FB is zero. The content generally is equivalent.
- Vote Quimby - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 5:17 pm:
Wow. I haven’t seen such vile and hatred on Facebook since…. either of our last two presidents. Glad to see the Governor in the 618.
- Alex Ander - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 5:19 pm:
Yeah, those are our bottom feeders down here. Not very bright. React at things with emotion. The same type of people that rage on Facebook after simply reading an article title. The same people that get their opinions from bumper stickers and talk radio. Not a single one puts much thought into their beliefs and how they came to those beliefs.
- TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 5:20 pm:
That boycott page is probably only up at this point so the FBI can gather names.
They are threatening judges with physical beatings now.
That should turn out well for them.
- Huh? - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 5:23 pm:
How do you like my new shirt that I just bought for the DuQuion fair.
- Big Rock - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 5:24 pm:
Now that’s entertainment!
- illini - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 5:29 pm:
Short note for Rich - I really do not think you will ever have to ban any of those Facebook commenters.
This site requires its followers to be reasonable informed on matters of state and public policy. And if any of us occasionally stray we will politely be called out by others here. Besides many of those FB commenters would likely have a difficult time making a cogent statement and one the requires more than 30 seconds of thought.
- 4 percent - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 5:44 pm:
If not for the checkered shirt & blue jeans, I wouldn’t have recognized Bruce Rauner. He’s gained a few pounds. Union backed Democrats would never be caught shopping in Walmart.
- Dysfunction Junction - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 5:50 pm:
Rich - thanks for the info about MK and the work on the DQSF mansion. But I still like the trolling theory better. There’s no way his people didn’t tell him what he was walking into. This photo was a conscious decision.
Now on to your assignment:
“…So pack up the kids and come on down to JB’s House of Entertainment, just one Eastern Block past the corner of Elkville & Vergennes in beautiful downtown Illinibama!”
- Big Rock - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 6:02 pm:
That’s entertainment.
- Tim - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 6:14 pm:
“Why yes, I did buy this shirt here. How did you know?”
- Tim - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 6:15 pm:
“I love shopping at Walmart. Please don’t let any of the union guys know.”
- Da Big Bad Wolf - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 6:17 pm:
The employees of Walmart are taking up a collection to raise $7000 so you can hire and fire Confederate Railroad every year. We love the way the boycott keeps the riff raff out of our fair.
- 618er - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 6:37 pm:
Sadly this is my part of the world. Please keep in mind that these slack-jawed yocals do not represent us all.
- illini - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 7:00 pm:
@618er - Same here
- Real - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 7:24 pm:
Notice that about 99 percent of those facebook comments talking crazy are white people. And most likely republican too.
- West Side the Best Side - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 7:27 pm:
Went to check out the Facebook page, it said on both tablet and phone “Sorry, something went wrong. We’re working on it and we’ll get it fixed as soon as we can.” From the comments here from people who saw it, no rush, take your own sweet time.
- thoughts matter - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 7:35 pm:
That Facebook page,,, at least they made the Governors security details’ job easier. They know right where to find them.
These are the people that make me cringe on a daily
basis. Social media and Trump have emboldened them to act in ways that even children know is wrong. It’s really scary when you try to extrapolate to 20 years in the future.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 7:40 pm:
“If we pull out these toilets”..
- SSL - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 7:56 pm:
First time shopper here. Can you direct me to the short and stout section?
- Cadillac - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 7:59 pm:
“Never thought I’d see you here, Snoop!”
- Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 8:35 pm:
“Wait… is he… trolling them? In person?”
African-American, Du Quoin, Confederates, Entertainment. Even if it’s unintentional, it’s a troll, even by coincidence.
To the question I would like to add Heh.
“Not sure I count FB posters as representative of any group, anywhere, at anytime.”
Pritzker won with almost 2.5 million votes. Trump lost by 17 points to Hillary Clinton. Thankfully the separatists and haters don’t realize how small they are, and how they’re hurting themselves. The Madigan way seems to be lay low and let political opponents damage themselves.
- 618er - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 8:54 pm:
I’ve been flooded with Wal-Mart coupons and deals to compete with Amazon Prime days.
Dude just looks like some local that got a GREAT price on a big TV or something..
- Just Me - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 9:14 pm:
Those Facebook comments are truly disgusting.
- FormerParatrooper - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 9:22 pm:
A picture can say a lot. This photo makes the Governor appear to be an average person that if you met on the street he would be an agreeable person to speak too. The last Governor with all his costumes could not pull this off. He always had that disdainful look of anyone not in his social class.
JB has money, he has all the trappings of an elite socialite, but he comes off looking approachable. Maybe someday I will happen to see him in public and see if that impression holds true. Rauner, I would cross the street to avoid.
- Whizbang - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 9:27 pm:
My God! I know that part of the state has some tinfoil hats but that is not my Southern Illinois. I did see one comment that had a tad of thought. “Illinois Billionaire reduced to Walmart”.
Trust me this is not a representative cross section of Southern Illinois.
- Generic Drone - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 9:41 pm:
Too many vile comments about the Governors weight
- SI Native - Thursday, Jul 18, 19 @ 7:24 am:
*Trust me this is not a representative cross section of Southern Illinois.*
I’m from that general neck of the woods, and I’m embarrassed to have to admit I am mutual friends with more than a few. While I would like to say it is not a representative cross section, the sentiments expressed, um, clumsiliy, are not unique. That said, most of my friends and family are able to debate policy without classless name-calling.
In addition, as the child of two teachers and a product of southern Illinois public schools (although I hightailed it out of there to get me a few fancy degrees), I’m continually appalled at the spelling, grammar, and punctuation some of these homegrown threads produce. It doesn’t help your cause when you can’t produce a coherent comment … just sayin’.
- SI Native - Thursday, Jul 18, 19 @ 7:26 am:
“clumsily” — I really should put my glasses on.
- Leatherneck - Thursday, Jul 18, 19 @ 8:03 am:
- Style - Wednesday, Jul 17, 19 @ 4:23 pm:
Walmart??? What would Florence Reece say? Whose side are you on?
What would Roberta Lynch say?
- Dysfunction Junction - Thursday, Jul 18, 19 @ 8:23 am:
@SI Native - I was thinking the same thing about the bizarre spelling on that Facebook boycott page. I found the most ironic ones to be those decrying the ignorance of folks from “Shi*cago.” Not a good look. But at least it’s proof that phonics works… if you sound out their typos, you can usually guess what they were trying to scream.
- Just saying - Thursday, Jul 18, 19 @ 8:46 am:
At least he knows southern illinois is still illinois.
- Arock - Thursday, Jul 18, 19 @ 9:19 am:
I do all my shopping here to get the most bang for my buck. Can honestly say that is not the way things are done with taxpayer money.
- WineTrailHero - Thursday, Jul 18, 19 @ 1:53 pm:
===Also that FB page is horrifying===
Never forget when Rep. Terri Bryant suggested that Pritzker should be careful in the Du Quoin Fair parade because her “people are crazy.”