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“I’m sorry that I said it out loud”

Wednesday, Jul 24, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller


Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot was caught on an open microphone belittling the number two man in the local Fraternal Order of Police during Wednesday’s city council meeting.

As a clerk called on FOP Lodge 7 First Vice President Patrick Murray to speak during a public comment section of the meeting, Lightfoot is heard saying “Oh, back again. This is this FOP clown.”

The comment was recorded and archived during a live stream of the meeting on the Chicago mayor’s official Facebook page. Murray was commenting on the FOP’s anger over a recent police board decision recommending the firing of officers accused of making misleading statements in the aftermath of the Laquan McDonald shooting.

* Chicago FOP’s response

Mayor Lightfoot’s contemptuous remark is a misguided and dangerous thing to say to a 30-year veteran police officer and FOP representative, particularly at a time when the city is facing such chronic violent crime. It is also telling that the Mayor would not even apologize. The red noses, however, belong on the members of the Chicago Police Board, her former agency, for their despicable decision to fire three police officers and a sergeant last week for no good reason whatsoever.

No good reason? Right.

* Tribune

At her post-meeting news conference, reporters asked Lightfoot about the comment and she said, “It was not appropriate for me to say that out loud.”

Asked if she’d apologize, Lightfoot said, “I think I just did. I think I said I shouldn’t have said that out loud.”

She was asked a third time about an apology and replied, “I’m sorry that I said it out loud.”

* I confess to chuckling while reading those stories, but then she went off on someone else

Murray wasn’t the only one who got a mouthful from the mayor during Wednesday’s public comment section.

So did a speaker who showed up on behalf of 75 murdered South Side women whose deaths, the man claimed, have never been investigated by the Chicago Police Department.

“I need your undivided attention, Mayor Lightfoot. I need your undivided attention,” the man said.

The mayor was livid.

“Sir, proceed with your statement. You don’t stand there as a man and tell me what to do when I was actually getting my notebook to take some notes,” Lightfoot said.

“If you want to talk, talk. You’re wasting your [three minutes of] time. But, don’t ever, EVER tell me what to do when I’m standing here conducting the business of the people. Do you understand that, sir?”

Click here to see how he responded. He gave as good as he got.


  1. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 3:42 pm:

    …none of this is great.

  2. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 3:48 pm:

    In Murray’s defense, acting like a clown is a prerequisite condition of Chicago FOP leadership. It’s not because he wants to, it’s because he has to

  3. - Stark - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 3:51 pm:

    Regarding FOP comment: Well, she’s not wrong.

  4. - Telly - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 3:52 pm:

    Imagine what a hot mike might catch the FOP leadership saying.

    I’m more bothered by her exchange with the other speaker. Why punch down like that? The prosecutor in her doesn’t allow her to pass up any opportunity to get in an argument.

  5. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 3:52 pm:

    I confess also to chuckling at her response. To the substance, the officers engaged in a cover up by filing false reports that didn’t match the video evidence. That’s plenty of good reasons to fire them.

  6. - lakeside - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 3:53 pm:

    Yeah, I’m not coming up with any facts disputing her assessment.

  7. - Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 3:53 pm:

    Fighting the FOP is good, but wow she picks unnecessary fights and will likely alienate more people with each passing month.

  8. - pool boy - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 3:57 pm:

    I say let’s put her and Trump in a room and sell tickets.

  9. - Homer Simpson's Brain - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 3:58 pm:

    Lightfoot needs some chill pills stat. Her demeanor with that man who wanted her attention was repulsive. If she acts this way in public, I wonder how she acts in private with say Gov. Pritzker. If she’s not careful, everyone she slighted will pull out the political knives. Look at what happened to Rauner.

  10. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 3:59 pm:

    ===If she acts this way in public, I wonder how she acts in private===

    If the rumor mill is even close to being accurate, we may be about to find out.

  11. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:00 pm:

    Probably could have been more tactful with the other guy, but he’s entitled to speak, not to pick his audience.

  12. - Just Me 2 - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:02 pm:

    Humph. This doesn’t help to have the City have faith in their police force when even the Mayor makes such ridiculous statements and can’t even properly apologize.

  13. - Occasional Quipper - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:02 pm:

    Public officials should consider all microphones to be hot able to pick up the smallest whisper above the loudest background noise. Better yet, just be nice. If you wouldn’t say it under to their face, then don’t say it under your breath!

  14. - Anon - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:02 pm:

    Lightfoot’s short temper in public is well-documented; it’s why advocates who attended her police board meetings were so opposed to her candidacy — she disrespected them and family members regularly at those meetings.

  15. - lakeside - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:02 pm:

    Let’s remember to compare her to those shrinking violets Rahm and Richie Daley.

    Pugnaciousness seems to come with the job. Good enough for the gander, good enough for the goose.

  16. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:03 pm:

    ===This doesn’t help to have the City have faith in their police force===

    Such a snowflake. Also, this

  17. - Dupage Bard - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:04 pm:

    Lori, getting a little stressed?

  18. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:05 pm:

    Pool Boy, she’d maul Trump so badly. Man would that be ugly…..delicious…..and ugly.

    Sorry….I just floated off there thinking about that…

  19. - Chipolcon - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:06 pm:

    Most importantly, the Mayor had some political victories today and stepped all over her good news w these two squabbles. Not smart.

  20. - revvedup - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:07 pm:

    Lightfoot’s treatment of cops and the FOP is telling, as are her comments to the man in council. Both are uncalled for; she’s burning bridges faster than she can build them. Not a good start for a new leader at all. Assertiveness is one thing, bullying is another.

  21. - Charlie Brown - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:10 pm:

    Sorry (Not sorry!).

    We can argue about whether her behavior is righteous or undignified.

    But this is not the normal way that mayors, governors or Presidents behave.

    Namecalling union leaders, jumping on your constituents, and excoriating reporters is not the pathway to success for most executive officers.

    Is this an intentional strategy from her communications team?

  22. - Looking down the Road - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:11 pm:

    Don’t forget she is a litigator, which creates/requires a particular mindset. Part of the mindset is going for the throat. Not saying its good or bad, just the way they are grown.

  23. - Downstate - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:11 pm:

    I’m guessing the members of the FOB are not unified in their support of the clownish behavior of their union heads. Lightfoot likely did no significant damage to her credibility with the rank and file.

  24. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:12 pm:

    ===Is this an intentional strategy from her communications team?===

    C’mon. Haven’t you been around long enough to know that this is an issue with the principal? These sorts of things always are. Staff wouldn’t counsel this.

  25. - Pawar Lost - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:18 pm:

    Are there any experienced hands in her administration telling her to pick and choose her battles? It doesn’t seem likebit.

  26. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:18 pm:

    “Her demeanor with that man who wanted her attention was repulsive”

    Agree very much. You don’t conduct the business of the people…by attacking the people.

  27. - Mason born - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:22 pm:

    The FOP guy should be alright pretty sure they’ve called Mayor’s much worse.

    The other guy though, that’s messed up. He’s there representing the families of murdered women it doesn’t seem like too much to ask to give him undivided attention for 3 minutes.

    Just my 2c.

  28. - DuPage Saint - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:24 pm:

    Probably undignified and probably should not have said it but really you are elected to office and cannot express an opinion. Got 3 more years vote here out of town fiends you but probably like it

  29. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:25 pm:

    I’ve yet to see her try to establish positive relationships with anyone outside of her administration; perhaps I’m only hearing the arrogance so far.

  30. - Interested - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:36 pm:

    Rough day.

  31. - NIU Grad - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:38 pm:

    To an extent, her demeanor (combative, feisty, whatever you want to call it) might endear her to Chicagoans. The most respected mayor’s in the city had an aggressive streak to them.

  32. - Just Sayin .... - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:42 pm:

    Saying … “I’m sorry that I said it out loud” reminds me when my mom made me apologize to my brother as a kid … “Sorry that you made me hit you.”

  33. - The Most Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:44 pm:

    The best advice I’ve gotten in this business (translates to life too): People always reveal themselves.

    Seems like we’re starting to see Mayor Lightfoot’s arrogance, short-sighted temper, and inability to build coalitions come to surface. This is all her. Not her team.

  34. - zatoichi - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:48 pm:

    Under pressure?

  35. - @misterjayem - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:49 pm:

    “This is this FOP clown.”

    Facts is facts.

    – MrJM

  36. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:51 pm:

    ===“I’m sorry that I said it out loud.”===

    The advance person probably knows better than anyone;

    This *is* her apologizing.

    The “best of the best” try to *only* berate their staff and crew… not the public.

    The gems have only a handful that they are willing to hear them vent.

  37. - Charlie Brown - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 4:52 pm:

    === Staff wouldn’t counsel this ===

    Staff wasn’t giddy when she tee’d off on Martwick? Repeatedly?

    Staff didn’t make confrontation with the city council the centerpiece of her inaugural speech?

    You and I might see it as a bug, Rich, but Team Lightfoot might see her combative style as a feature.

  38. - Teddy Salad - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 5:07 pm:

    Did she ever hear of Bruce Rauner?

  39. - Unpopular - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 5:56 pm:

    Lightfoot = unprofessional

  40. - RankandFile - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 6:00 pm:

    Explode/insult first and get the facts later…not a good background for a prosecutor or mayor. Wonder if Lori would benefit from verbal judo course, if it feels good don’t say it.

  41. - JoanP - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 6:35 pm:

    =“I need your undivided attention, Mayor Lightfoot. I need your undivided attention,” the man said.=

    Proper response: “And you have it, sir. I’m just making sure I have paper and pen so I can take notes on this very important issue.”

  42. - Woodstock willy - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 7:34 pm:

    Its early, but it is possible this job is too big for her ?

  43. - Captain Obvious - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 8:36 pm:

    Typically arrogant politician. Way to keep it classy Ms Lightfoot.

  44. - Tommy - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 9:02 pm:

    She shouldnt have said it out loud but in private is ok? Many people are now being disciplined and fired for commenta in orivate.double standards?

  45. - Nieva - Wednesday, Jul 24, 19 @ 9:32 pm:

    Well I like that better than”I misspoke”.

  46. - NorthsideNoMore - Thursday, Jul 25, 19 @ 7:36 am:

    Not sure who said ths but “nobody likes cops until they need one” Endorsments might matter in three years.

  47. - Illini fan - Thursday, Jul 25, 19 @ 8:13 am:

    Amateur hour

  48. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Thursday, Jul 25, 19 @ 8:30 am:

    Chicago FOP should go ahead and file for arbitration, unless they are waiting to see what concessions Mayor Lightfoot gives to the CTU.

  49. - Anonish - Thursday, Jul 25, 19 @ 8:59 am:

    Combative with other politicians or lobbyists is one thing (not good but understandable), but being inattentive and demeaning to the public is disgraceful.

  50. - City Guy - Thursday, Jul 25, 19 @ 9:19 am:

    Treating the public like this can really backfire. Elected officials and employees must be fairly polite. But the public doesn’t need to be polite and can get real ugly in public meetings. Blow ups are the type stories/images that tv loves and elected officials hate.

  51. - Payback - Thursday, Jul 25, 19 @ 10:33 am:

    “Mayor Lightfoot’s contemptuous remark is a misguided and dangerous thing to say to a 30-year veteran police officer and FOP representative..”
    Why exactly does the police union state that it is “dangerous” for the elected mayor of the third largest city in America to exercise her right to free speech? Why is it relevant how many years the FOP rep. has been paid by the taxpayers to do a job, whether it’s thirty or ten? That makes him beyond criticism?

    “…particularly at a time when the city is facing such chronic violent crime.”
    That is definitely a threat of a police work slow-down. Every interaction with cops always contains some kind of threat, ever notice that? Carry on, Mayor Lightfoot. Finally someone in public office who punctures the myth of police glorification.

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