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Unclear on the concept

Friday, Jul 26, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Boycott Du Quoin State Fair Facebook page

WSIL Tv just said Pritzger and his wife are expected to be at the fair for the parade…well isn’t that just wonderful 😕

* A sampling of the react

David Mestel is right. The hotheads appear to be unaware that the parade route is wholly within the fairgrounds (click here for the map). So the only way they can attend is to abandon their boycott.

Also, the executive protection folks might want to take a look at some of those comments.

* Meanwhile, the Illinois Times reported on a bit of state history this week

Twenty-two years before Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, he won an Illinois State Supreme Court case that freed Nance Legins-Costley.

Legins-Costley was an indentured servant in the eyes of the law, but, by all rights, she was a slave. She’d never been free. Neither she nor anyone else ever signed paperwork giving up her liberty. Nonetheless, she was bought and sold, first while still in the womb, when an Illinois state senator bought her parents. But the state Supreme Court ruled her a free woman after Lincoln took up her cause as a lawyer.

“It is a presumption of law, in the state of Illinois, that every person is free, without regard to color,” the court ruled. “The sale of a free person is illegal.”

Carl Adams, a former Alton resident who’s written a book about Legins-Costley, has been looking for her grave since the 1990s. Finally, he says he’s found it, thanks to help from a cast of amateur historians, a librarian and a dedicated genealogist. Legins-Costley, it turns out, may be beneath a Peoria parking lot, next to a muffler shop, alongside Civil War veterans and others whose graves were forgotten over the years.

* And…

* Blood in the Streets: A hundred years ago, Chicago experienced the worst spasm of racial violence in the city’s history. Here’s how the riot unfolded, in the words of those who lived it.

* It’s Been 100 Years: Is Chicago Finally Ready To Reckon With the City’s 1919 Race Riots?: Not talking about the 1919 race riots has been the Chicago Way for 100 years, but ignoring one of the ugliest periods in the city’s history is hampering its present and future.

* Editorial: Chicago’s race riots of 1919 and the epilogue that resonates today

* Segregation among issues Chicago faces 100 years after riots

* Before Chicago erupted into race riots in 1919, Carl Sandburg reported on the fissures

* Mapping Chicago’s 1919 race riots

* Chicago Organizations Commemorate 100th Anniversary of Race Riots

* Chicago’s Red Summer

* 1919 Race Riots bike tour travels 100 years back to city’s most violent week

…Adding… Despicable

A vandalized Mississippi memorial to civil-rights activist Emmett Till will be replaced by a new bulletproof sign, the Emmett Till Memorial Commission said on Friday. The move comes one day after it was announced that three University of Mississippi students had been suspended from their fraternity for posing with guns in front of the bullet-riddled sign, which marks where murdered 14-year-old Till’s body was found in 1955.


  1. - Arsenal - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 1:06 pm:

    “Pritzger” is a pretty common misspelling among Extremely Online Republicans.

  2. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 1:08 pm:


    Rule number one, if you’re going to insult someone, better not look like a dummy. Facebook has an easy to use edit function.

    Maybe some Eastern Bloc folks can tell us how flying the Confederate flag squares with American patriotism, especially in that some or many who fly that flag probably rage at the likes of Kaepernick and The Squad.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 1:08 pm:


    They know they’re angry, they want things to be angry about, and they want racism to be accepted.

    I’ll look forward to downstate Raunerites to look at these comments and condone it… they’ll get to it… after having rallies and such for a 51st state.

  4. - Demoralized - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 1:08 pm:

    I read all the comments. Some upstanding citizens among that group. And I agree, there’s a couple in there that might deserve a knock on the door by the State Police.

  5. - TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 1:18 pm:

    A nice sampling of the types of people still left using Facebook.

  6. - John Deere Green - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 1:19 pm:

    Another concept these folks seem to be unclear on is that Illinois was in the Union. You know, the side that fought against the side that hoisted the flag they’re all so breathlessly defending. Scholars they are not.

  7. - Jibba - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 1:25 pm:

    ===flags and MAGA hats…bwahahaha===

    Apparently trying to own the libs, but it says so much more about you, Karla Olson.

  8. - John Deere Green - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 1:27 pm:

    ==Maybe some Eastern Bloc folks can tell us how flying the Confederate flag squares with American patriotism==

    We should start calling them the Southern Bloc, since that seems to be where their sympathies lie, what with their full-throated defense of Confederate Railroad and the Southern Cross.

    Seemingly completely lost on them is if any of them ever refers to themselves as being members of the party of Lincoln.

  9. - Baloneymous - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 1:33 pm:

    I was afraid of this. Week or two back when Rich asked us if state should only have one fair I mentioned this. If people show up at parade with confederate flags that could spell the end of the DuQuoin fair. That would be a despicable and repugnant act by people who don’t even know what they’re mad at anymore. Just pure hate. Hope Mayor of DuQuoin can get on the airwaves to bring back some sanity.

    Also Black Diamond HD should use these comments as a justifiable reason to cancel the CR show in Marion. Do they want their business associates with this sickness?

  10. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 1:36 pm:

    I blame Facebook for amplification. 20 years ago, these gomers would be having this conversation outside the local store or at a small town coffee shop and no one would care. Instead, it’s presented to us by Capfax as opinions that mean something. Ignore them, their Facebook page and all internet posts regarding them - and by extension immediately improve your view of humanity

  11. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 1:37 pm:

    === Ignore them===

    Nope. Some of these folks are downright dangerous.

  12. - Pundent - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 1:40 pm:

    =I blame Facebook for amplification.=

    You’re also assuming that all of these postings are legitimate. I have no confidence in Facebook’s ability to screen out individuals who’s sole purpose is to create division.

  13. - Ron Burgundy - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 1:40 pm:

    -Ignore them-

    Or amplify them and make them realize that, unlike our President, their bigotry has consequences.

  14. - Cheryl44 - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 1:43 pm:

    There are moments I would like the Eastern Bloc to secede.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 1:47 pm:

    ===downright dangerous.===


    If any good comes of this post is that those thinking they can say these things on Facebook and won’t face a possible visit from the state police to remind them of their words, then this is well worth our time here as well.

  16. - Froganon - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 1:47 pm:

    Somalia beckons - no taxes, no nosy government types, lots of guns, no minimum wage, no Obama care. Let the (im)migration begin.

  17. - So_Ill - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 1:56 pm:

    ==Nope. Some of these folks are downright dangerous.==

    Ding ding ding

  18. - Dysfunction Junction - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 1:58 pm:

    Kudos to JB for showing up at the parade. Will he be marching? If so, he’ll need some music - how about Ilinois’ own 144th Army Marching Band, dressed in historical blue Union garb, with their rendition of Battle Hymn of the Republic/John Brown’s Body? Followed by the Jesse White Tumblers. Followed by the governor flanked by his Secretary of State Police detail in dress uniform. I’d even visit the DQSF for the first time to see that.

  19. - SOIL M - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 2:01 pm:

    Every time I see people waving or wearing a confederate flag, it reminds me of Bill Engval. They have their sign. And they are proud of it. If all people that are as smart as this bunch would have a sign to wear it would make it easier to know who is not worth your time to talk, or listen to.

  20. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 2:01 pm:

    === how about Ilinois’ own 144th Army Marching Band, dressed in historical blue Union garb, with their rendition of Battle Hymn of the Republic/John Brown’s Body? Followed by the Jesse White Tumblers.===

    That’s a pretty good idea.

  21. - Bemused - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 2:02 pm:

    There is an article in the SJR today about Confederate Railroad losing another gig over this flag issue. Their defenders come up with the same old tired stuff about southern pride and honoring confederate soldiers.

  22. - Dirty Red - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 2:03 pm:

    Yes! B-roll footage of Confederate flags prominently displayed at a state funded event most people have never heard of in a part of the state few care about. That will really discourage and stick it to…the Governor?

  23. - Dotnonymous - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 2:03 pm:

    Hateful people embrace any group or cause where the possibility of violence exists.

    They must always be directly opposed by every civilized country.

    If history holds any clues…the role of fascism is impossible to ignore.

    Historically speaking…fascist movements have invariably been laughed at …initially.

    I’m not laughing.

  24. - Ron Burgundy - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 2:06 pm:

    -Somalia beckons-

    Wouldn’t they be in for a shock when they got off the plane?

  25. - R A T - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 2:16 pm:

    I would have a parade with over 100 marching bands all playing Yankee Doodle Dandee

  26. - Dysfunction Junction - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 2:20 pm:

    =That’s a pretty good idea. =

    Thanks, Rich. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  27. - SOIL M - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 2:33 pm:

    On a side note, it’s great to see a good man, from as deep in Southern Illinois as you can get, starting his new job at the Lincoln Presidential Library. Good Luck and Congratulations Joe.
    Perhaps the “Proud Southerners” spewing the nonsense in those posts could learn a thing or two from someone who Southern Illinois is proud to see in the spotlight.

  28. - Dysfunction Junction - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 2:58 pm:

    =When you I don’t want … this should be the last year of the DuQuoin fair=

    IMHO, that’s true anyway. Apparently the people of Southern Illinois agree. What would one need to make it official?

  29. - 17% Solution - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 2:59 pm:

    “When you I don’t want The governor to show up and taxpayers are paying for it this should be the last year of the DuQuoin fair.”
    Starting the weekend early I see.

  30. - Blue Dog Dem - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 3:02 pm:

    I dont want to disappoint ya’ll, but quite a few of those facebook names are eerily similar to some folks that are trade union, vote Dem quite a bit. Prolly just a coincidence.

  31. - Mongo - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 3:05 pm:

    Dysfunction Junction (which by the way is hard to type), that was a great idea! I have never been to either Illinois Fair, but that’s enough to make me go to Du Quoin!

  32. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 3:06 pm:

    ===trade union, vote Dem quite a bit. Prolly just a coincidence.===


    Define “quite a bit”… and how do you know their ballots.

    Further, one of the main Trump constituencies… in PA, MI, WI… was white, union, non-college educated folks.

    Trumpism, again, for the 4,681st time is finding folks willing to embrace racist thinking… and aren’t afraid to be overt about it.

  33. - Amalia - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 3:13 pm:

    wow. what a bunch of ignorant people. and potentially dangerous. the Confederacy lost. and they were traitors to the United States. by supporting that, you are a traitor.

  34. - Flapdoodle - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 3:19 pm:

    All this talk about these “boycott the fair” people being angry and needing things to be angry at, it’s just so negative. These are just simple people, people of the land, the common clay of southern Illinois. You know, . . . . All they really want is freedom, the freedom to live in their own realities undisturbed by facts and intellectual discovery. /heavy snark

  35. - JS Mill - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 3:21 pm:

    =, but quite a few of those facebook names are eerily similar to some folks that are trade union, vote Dem quite a bit. Prolly just a coincidence.=

    Really? I guess the trump stuff on many of their personal facebook pages is what most democrats post? They are like the poister child for trump memes, almost to a person.

    Seriously weak stuff there, don’t be so lazy and do a little homework.

    To the post, I want them right where they are, out in public and easy to follow. Easy for the ISP to find too.

  36. - Pundent - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 3:22 pm:

    =I dont want to disappoint ya’ll, but quite a few of those facebook names are eerily similar to some folks that are trade union, vote Dem quite a bit.=

    So now we’re supposed to believe that you have a rolodex of trade union members and know how they vote?

    Up your game.

  37. - Alex Ander - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 3:29 pm:

    == Another concept these folks seem to be unclear on is that Illinois was in the Union. You know, the side that fought against the side that hoisted the flag they’re all so breathlessly defending. Scholars they are not.==

    You have to be down here to understand. They might have a family tree full of union vets but find that one great, great, great, great uncle who was in the confederacy and suddenly they proclaim their southern heritage. Insane, I know.

  38. - Blue Dog Dem - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 3:30 pm:

    Pundent. As you may recall, i used to be fairly involved in Dem partisan politics in southern Illinois.

  39. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 3:32 pm:

    My follow-up comment gets spiked, even when following all the rules? C’mon man, controlling the preferred narrative can’t be that hard

  40. - Alex Ander - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 3:32 pm:

    == Also Black Diamond HD should use these comments as a justifiable reason to cancel the CR show in Marion. Do they want their business associates with this sickness? ==

    Some of them are starting to get mad at Black Diamond HD because Black Diamond edited American flags over the confederate flags on the CR band logo.

  41. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 3:34 pm:

    ===My follow-up comment gets spiked===

    Nope. Got automatically held in moderation. I do have other stuff to do besides monitor comments that violate my rules.

  42. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 3:34 pm:

    “facebook names are eerily similar to some folks that are trade union, vote Dem quite a bit.”

    Lol, as they’re ripping Pritzker. Do you think they vote for LGBTQ rights, undocumented immigrant protections, abortion rights and…(drum roll)…gun control? Or do they despise liberals, Democrats, socialists, etc? How do they feel about Obama and Hillary? Tinfoil hat on too tight today?

  43. - LRH - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 3:42 pm:

    In the age where ANTIFA and other violent groups target and attack people, sometimes posting their private information online it seems pretty irresponsible to post this without censoring the names.

  44. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 3:43 pm:

    ===seems pretty irresponsible to post this without censoring the names===

    It’s a public Facebook page, open to all.

  45. - LRH - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 3:56 pm:

    ===It’s a public Facebook page, open to all.===

    Nonetheless, there’s a certain amount of responsibility one should have towards others regards of whether or not it’s public and despite his own opinion of them. Not blurring out the names is pretty irresponsible and risking their safety.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 3:56 pm:

    Facebook rarely helps.

  47. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 3:56 pm:

    ==In the age where ANTIFA and other violent groups target and attack people, sometimes posting their private information online==

    I think the egg throwers, the tomato throwers, and the fireworks throwers have to worry about the police, not some other violent group.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 3:57 pm:

    ===Nonetheless, there’s a certain amount of responsibility one should have towards others regards of whether or not it’s public and despite his own opinion of them.===

    What part of “public” confuses you?

    ===…their safety.===

    From whom? The state police?

  49. - Amalia - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:01 pm:

    also, those posting with their actual name….that comment is forever. how terrible.

  50. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:02 pm:

    ==Not blurring out the names is pretty irresponsible and risking their safety.==

    Lol, concern for the safety of people posting public comments threatening other people’s safety. You win the bleeding-heart award for today, LRH

  51. - Dysfunction Junction - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:03 pm:

    @Mongo, sorry about my diffilult moniker. I watched a lot of Schoolhouse Rock in the day, but didn’t want to run into any ‘copy-write” issues, so I modified my name slightly ;->

    I had never been to the fair either until I moved to Springfield, but there’s not much else to do here, so I go every couple years just to see if things have changed. As I said in another post, last year I spotted the Stars and Bars hanging from porch near the fairgrounds, so I was planning to skip this year’s food-on-a-stick-a-palooza. But if the Union Army band could be coaxed into marching…

  52. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:04 pm:

    ===Not blurring out the names is pretty irresponsible and risking their safety. ===



  53. - Ron Burgundy - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:04 pm:

    They didn’t blur out their own names on their own public posts. It’s a public, searchable group on a public website. They seem to want to be associated with this cause, want the publicity, and want more members. They can have the consequences too.

  54. - LRH - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:06 pm:

    ===I think the egg throwers, the tomato throwers, and the fireworks throwers have to worry about the police, not some other violent group.===

    And do you really think that’s going to happen? I’m sure if there’s any threat risk ISP and/or others are already assessing it. You really think the governor is just going to show up without his safety being taken into account?

    ===What part of “public” confuses you?===

    None of it. What I’m saying is to take responsibility for everyone’s safety and right to free speech and at least black out the names. Even if you don’t like what they’re saying that doesn’t make it right to out it out there for groups that’d violate their rights (i.e. ANTIFA) to find. I’d be saying the same thing about a left wing group posting stuff about a right wing governor.

    ===From whom? The State Police?===

    The state police are probably already taken this type of reaction into a count. You know exactly who I’m referring to.

  55. - Blue Dog Dem - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:07 pm:

    Knowing some of the names given, not sure they are all playing with a full deck

  56. - Ron Burgundy - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:07 pm:


    I thought they only bothered fascists, so, ergo…

  57. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:11 pm:

    ===And do you really think that’s going to happen?===

    Who are you to asses threats? Bad form.

    ===You really think the governor is just going to show up without his safety being taken into account?===

    You think anyone thinks bad is inevitable?

    Your wishful thinking is not great.

    ===None of it.===

    Then the rest is you protecting those willing to be racist in thoughts. That’s what you’re doing.

    ===You know exactly who I’m referring to.===

    No. Use your words.


  58. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:11 pm:

    ===violate my rules===

    And since another one of your comments was caught in the automatic screen, let me just say it had nothing to do with the substance, but everything to do with the words you chose. Raise your own standards.

  59. - Ron Burgundy - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:11 pm:

    They have already waived their right to anonymous Free Speech by naming themselves. Too late.

  60. - LRH - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:11 pm:

    @Rich Miller

    There you go again with your one word responses. I think the truth is you want these people silenced. I think the truth is you don’t care about free speech so long as it is something you find vile or is against something your for. I think you genuinely do not care about these types of people and would like to see them injured or hauled off to jail.

  61. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:13 pm:

    ===What I’m saying is to take responsibility for everyone’s safety and right to free speech and at least black out the names===

    My right to free speech says I can say what I want. Your right says you can say the same. Nothing says I have to agree with you and I will never agree with you on this. If they post in a very well-known, hugely used public forum, they will be seen. Simple.

  62. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:14 pm:

    ===these people silenced===

    Speaking only for me, racists need sunshine.

  63. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:15 pm:

    ===hauled off to jail.===

    Threatening a governor will do that all on its own.

    It’s public. You know that.

    You told me you understand “public”

  64. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:15 pm:

    LRH, I don’t care what you think.

  65. - LRH - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:15 pm:

    @Oswego Willy

    You really do come off as an arrogant elitest you know that?

    I’m not saying I agree with these people but if they saw the comments on this blog all it would do is set them off more. By the way I’m not protecting people who would be racist in thought but last time I checked it was not illegal for man think whatever thoughts he will. Or have we moved into an era were Orwellian Thoughtcrime is actually a thing?

  66. - Proud Sucker - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:16 pm:

    I wonder if John Logan is rolling in his grave - again or still. Tough place, Little Egypt.

  67. - Dysfunction Junction - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:17 pm:

    @LRH - do you think any of the people _in that Facebook group_ want to see anyone injured? Please answer honestly.

    And FWIW, I don’t think Rich’s screen shot even showed some of the worst comments in that FB group. Just the ones that showed up earliest in the morning. Let’s keep it intellectually honest here.

  68. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:18 pm:

    ===I’m not saying I agree with these people but if they saw the comments on this blog all it would do is set them off more===


    So you’re really worried about our safety, not theirs?

  69. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:20 pm:

    ===You really do come off as an arrogant elitest you know that?===


    I’m not defending racists. That makes me an elitist?


  70. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:21 pm:

    ===not illegal for man think whatever thoughts he will.===

    … we can show displeasure.

    Free country and all.

  71. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:25 pm:

    ===Or have we moved into an era were Orwellian Thoughtcrime===

    They can think what they want.

    It’s public.

  72. - Dysfunction Junction - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:31 pm:

    Rich, perhaps LRH lives among them and is worried about his *own* safety, not ours. Some posters here (myself included) are likely stirring up the hornet’s nest, and the people closest to the swarm get stung first.

    Oh, and LRH, some of the folks in that FB group *do* read this Blog. Saw that in their comments somewhere (at least that’s what I think they were trying to write… some words there are hard to sound out).

  73. - Truthteller - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:32 pm:

    The White Flag of unconditional surrender is the true confederate flag…

  74. - Graduated College Student - Friday, Jul 26, 19 @ 4:34 pm:

    ===I dont want to disappoint ya’ll, but quite a few of those facebook names are eerily similar to some folks that are trade union, vote Dem quite a bit. Prolly just a coincidence.===

    Appropos of nothing, I’d just like to point out that FDR got 97% of the vote in Mississippi and 98% in South Carolina. The high water mark for a Presidential candidate in those party bastions since 1970 is Carter’s run in 1976, which is the only time the Dem nominee carried those states in that time frame.

    Point is, times change, voting preferences change, and if you’re full on MAGA and outraged that the Democratic Governor of your state would rather Confederate banner not have such a visible presence at a state event, maybe there is no place for you in the modern Democratic Party and said Party should stop catering to your interests and concerns.

  75. - Southern Sally - Tuesday, Jul 30, 19 @ 1:20 pm:

    It’s really unsettling to live in far southern IL amongst so many who idolize 45 and vilify anyone who sees thru his orange smoke screen. Did those of us who lived through Rauner’s ‘not going to pay the Bill’s until I get what I want’ blockade that caused so many healthcare businesses to close in our area threaten his safety? No. Thinking before we put ourselves out there in the internet on a public page and knowing one could be arrested for threatening s public official is common sense, and posting ones name willingly is ‘their’ right to Free Speech. It’s not the job of the page moderator/owner to hide anyone’s name, especially if they are calling for violence.

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