* Ahern…
* Pritzker reiterated that he wants to wait and see the process play out before making any public stands. He also said he had not been contacted by the feds. Pressed on whether he still has “confidence in Speaker Madigan,” Pritzker responded…
Well, again, we’re moving forward. Allegations are just that. And, so we’ll see. I haven’t actually seen what those allegations might be. I mean, I think at this point there are a number of people who have been contacted, you know, we’ve read the stories that you all have put out, but it’s hard to tell what it’s really all about.
* Meanwhile…
A GoFundMe page has been set up by the family of Kevin Quinn — a former top political operative to Illinois Speaker Mike Madigan — who has been embroiled in many controversies, including a contentious divorce and federal authorities reportedly looking into payments he received from Madigan-related lobbyists.
The fundraising page, “Help Our Brother Kevin Rebuild His Life,” went up Sunday morning. It was created Quinn’s sisters Katie and Meghan. Quinn on Monday confirmed to the Chicago Sun-Times that the page is authentic.
“Over the last 17 months, we’ve watched our kind hearted brother remain stronger than you could ever imagine as he’s been dragged through the mud by one false and misleading news story after the other,” the page says. “In the midst of a turbulent divorce and insurmountable negative media attention, legal bills have stacked up. We have seen first hand the adversity Kevin has encountered and felt compelled to start this campaign because he needs our help to get the truth out there! The truth is Kevin is honest, sincere, and all around a great person.”
…Adding… ILGOP…
“The Speaker needs to come clean in the #MeToo cover-up of his political organization. Madigan hired a politically connected lawyer to ‘investigate’ sexual harassment when that lawyer’s own family members were funneling money to his top operative who had been fired for sexual harassment. It’s clear Speaker Madigan does not take the mistreatment of women seriously, and he doesn’t intend to sincerely investigate and stop the #MeToo behavior in his political operation.” - Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Joe Hackler
Recently, it was reported by the Chicago Sun-Times that “Kelly Smith-Haley was retained by Madigan in February 2018 to ‘receive and investigate harassment allegations’ regarding the speaker’s political staff…” according to a letter from Speaker Madigan to House Democratic Caucus members and staffers. Smith-Haley is the sister of Bill and Mike Smith, both of whom are senior members of the lobbying firm, Cornerstone Government Affairs.
It was reported by the Chicago Tribune and detailed in an ILGOP release that Cornerstone wrote two $1,000 checks to Kevin Quinn in January 2019. Cornerstone’s Vice President is Will Cousineau, Mike Madigan’s longest serving political director.
As if it wasn’t bad enough that Madigan’s friends and allies have been keeping Quinn on the team’s ghost payroll, the lawyer tasked with investigating Quinn’s sexual harassment is a close relative of individuals financially supporting him. It’s obvious that Madigan’s claim of wanting to change the culture of his boy’s club could not be more disingenuous.
*** UPDATE *** Greg Bishop at Center Square…
Treasurer Michael Frerichs in Springfield on Monday said it was business as usual with Madigan’s office.
“I’m following the news just like anyone out there waiting to see what they discover,” Frerichs said. “[Madigan is] still the Speaker of the House. We work with other elected officials to accomplish our agenda and we’ll follow this case just like other people.”
Messages seeking comment from Madigan’s spokesman were not immediately returned.
- A guy - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 10:33 am:
==The truth is Kevin is honest, sincere, and all around a great person.”==
In that case, refinance your own houses and help him out. Crowdfunding…the answer to everything that makes it harder to do it for the right reasons. Ugh.
- SWIL Voter - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 10:36 am:
Eh, there’s an election coming up. If the voters actually care about this, they’ll vote Madigan out. These investigations are a huge divisive distraction. We sent these people to Springfield to work on kitchen table issues, not to play games. This stuff amounts to little more than harassment
- Chicago Cynic - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 10:44 am:
He’s right. We have no idea yet what the probe is all about. Not the first time the Feds have looked into him so jumping the gun and jumping to conclusions would be really stupid. Kass can do that but the rest of us saner folk should wait.
- Grandson of Man - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 10:48 am:
This past GA session had Democratic stars like Reps. Cassidy, Gordon-Booth, Guzzardi, etc. These are the legislators who are helping bring the party up to speed with today’s voters. Madigan is yesterday, but as he said, he didn’t want to get rolled by the tide of current voter attitudes, so he didn’t interfere with bills like marijuana legalization.
- Generic Drone - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 10:52 am:
Madigan might be yesterday, but he’s still got clout. While I’d like to see Madigan gone, he is still due process of law.
- Steve - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 10:55 am:
JB gave a pretty good answer. What was he supposed to say? There’s been no charges filed that are known.
- lakeside - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 10:57 am:
Imagine the implied political benefits for helping out our good friend, Kev.
Or, wait, should we *not* give in case Kevin is about to roll on the Speaker for something?
Love is a battlefield.
- Jose Abreu's Next Homerun - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 11:07 am:
So can Comed just send Kevin the $15K via the GoFundMe page?
- Lucky Pierre - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 11:08 am:
Hard to tell what this is about? Pay to play politics as usual.
JB must not have read any of the multiple news reports that a Federal Judge has reason to believe a crime was committed.
The Judge authorized search warrants on Madigan allies (who are lobbyists for Com Ed and used to be legislators) who cut checks to a former Madigan operative who was fired for sexual harassment.
There is much we don’t know, but we do know that for certain. Whether that is the iceberg or just the tip, we will find out eventually.
- Just Me 2 - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 11:24 am:
It’s fun to see Democratic pols twisting themselves into pretzels to not offend the King.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 11:35 am:
Things I know.
Kevin Quinn got $1,000 checks.
The FBI has raided the homes of folks who are involved in the checks, including Quinn.
Why the checks were written, who benefited from these transactions (Quinn could be Zippy the Wunderdog the benefit is the why) and if that benefit occurred finalizing a real transaction that could be an alleged corruption or at the minimum something the FBI finds worth investigating.
That’s it. That’s all I really know. The checks, the dates of the checks (FBI knows) and this connection with the writers and ComEd, which could be a Red Herring, their all apparent connection, is not known.
I’ll wait and watch to see this play out.
- Pundent - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 11:49 am:
=Federal Judge has reason to believe a crime was committed.=
Probable cause to issue a warrant to secure evidence is just that. While it may ultimately provide evidence of a crime, it’s not the same as a judge opining that a crime has been committed. That’s what indictments and grand juries are for.
- Question - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 12:27 pm:
If Jim Durkin (i) had an aide sexually harass a young campaign staffer, (ii) was perhaps tied to payments from lobbyists to that staffer after “firing” him, (iii) made essentially zero progress on reform in that area, and (iv) had the FBI nosing about…
Would the House Dems be equally silent then? I think perhaps not.
- Nagidam - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 12:52 pm:
The ILGOP doesn’t know how to play long ball. This issue before us is not about Madigan’s lawyer that was hired to look into his political organization on the #MeToo issue. Oh it seems juicy for a side issue. Of course now they want to attack a competent attorney that is a woman for the acts of her brothers. Dunces. Let the Women of Madigan’s Caucus handle the Kevin Quinn issue. The FBI seem to be zeroing in on Madigan’s infrastructure. Durkin/Brady need to get their politico’s to play long ball and focus on that. All named players to date are Madigan Loyalists. Madigan is on a Solis tape. Lots of corruption in city hall. Tie them all together now and if incitements hit you were out in front.
- MOON - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 1:26 pm:
Those of you speculating Madigan did something illegal do not know the man.
- Centennial - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 1:40 pm:
I’m inclined to agree with Moon. That being said, I don’t understand what the alleged “crime” is here either. From what I understand of the search warrant process, the Feds obviously met the threshold of probable cause. I just don’t understand, probable cause of what?
It may be that this has more to do with the utility then MJM himself? Sorry if I am naive here, but if the Feds thought it was MJM himself who did something illegal, wouldn’t they just raid his house, office, etc?
- Just Me - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 1:45 pm:
I’m less interested in J.B. and Frerichs, and much more interested in House Democrats. Why doesn’t a reporter send a request for comment to every single one of them?
- Chicagonk - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 1:46 pm:
@MOON - I have known many men that I would have never thought would have done something illegal and it turns out they did.
- Annonin' - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 1:47 pm:
Speaking of Durkie and NoTax Bill perhaps the CarWashKing could ask them to reflect on the six figure gig they got for Paws from GovJunk.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 1:49 pm:
===what I understand of the search warrant process===
I don’t think we know for sure that these were search warrants. They could’ve been grand jury subpoenas.
- MOON - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 2:05 pm:
Like I said earlier you do not know Madigan
- Anonymous - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 3:02 pm:
Illinois Clean Energy Foundation
Look no further. Game over.
- Nagidam - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 3:18 pm:
===Illinois Clean Energy Foundation
Look no further. Game over.===
A quick search says this is a foundation where the board is a product of leaders of the GA along with the governor. Started with money from ComEd in 1999.
Enlighten us.
- Joe blow - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 3:20 pm:
The Republican Party continues their because Madigan campaign despite their drubbing in 2018 giving the speaker a super majority. Quit immulating the definition of insanity and find a new strategy.
- Jibba - Monday, Jul 29, 19 @ 4:12 pm:
The implied criticism of Freirichs is silly. A constitutional officer must interact professionally with other members of government until something actually happens in the legal realm. No other behavior would be proper.
And I’m very pleased that the GOP is taking “the mistreatment of women seriously”, but this is the first I’ve heard of it.