Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Dems gear up for Governor’s Day
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Dems gear up for Governor’s Day

Wednesday, Aug 14, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rick Pearson

Democrats readied to celebrate their first Governor’s Day at the Illinois State Fair in five years on Wednesday, rallying with hopes to build off victories by Gov. J.B. Pritzker and legislative candidates last fall that made Illinois a one-party state.

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is scheduled to kick the day off as keynote speaker at the annual Democratic County Chairs’ Association brunch, celebrating a state that flipped two Republican congressional seats in the mid-term elections. Democrats now hold a 13-5 advantage in the state’s congressional delegation.

Though Pelosi is to appear before a friendly crowd of more than 2,000 at a hotel ballroom, the politically polarizing California Democrat will be in the heart of ruby-red rural Downstate Illinois, which voted decisively for President Donald Trump in 2016.

But Springfield is also the hometown of Betsy Dirksen Londrigan, a Democrat who could flip the central and southwestern Illinois congressional seat held by Republican Rodney Davis of Taylorville. Davis defeated Londrigan by 2,058 votes in 2018.

Londrigan, whose candidacy is strongly backed by House Democrats, was not listed on the speaking program for the brunch, perhaps because of fears an appearance with Pelosi could be used against her by Davis and Republicans in the 13th Congressional District.

You can watch the event live by clicking here.


Today the Illinois Democrats celebrate and talk about the “BIG” things they have accomplished - BIG spending, BIG tax hikes and BIG government. However, it’s likely we won’t hear them answering questions about their rampant corruption and unpopular policies.

“Illinois Democrats will try every which way to avoid answering questions Illinoisans deserve answers to. Their silence on the corruption ravaging their party further erodes what trust the public has left in state government. Will any Democrat address their colleagues corrupt activities, or will they choose to hide and not stand up for taxpayers?” -Joe Hackler, ILGOP Spokesman

Now that Governor’s Day is bringing all Democratic leaders together in one place at one time, the media and interested citizens can hopefully get some answers to those pressing questions. The following are a few questions that voters deserve to hear answered:

    Should Senator Tom Cullerton step down after being indicted on 41 counts of embezzlement, conspiracy, and making false statements?
    Do any Democrats agree with Senate President John Cullerton that Sen. Tom Cullerton is a valuable member of the caucus and deserved a new chairmanship?
    Did Speaker Madigan know about the payments from his allies and friends going to Kevin Quinn?
    Did Speaker Madigan know the person he hired to investigate incidents like Kevin Quinn’s harassment was the sister of two men sending to checks to Quinn after he was dismissed?
    Do any Democrats agree with leading presidential candidates that all private healthcare insurance should be abolished?
    Do any Democrats agree with leading presidential candidates that illegal border crossing should be decriminalized?
    Do any Democrats agree with leading presidential candidates that illegal immigrants should be given free healthcare?

* Center Square

Last week Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago, moved Sen. Tom Cullerton from leading the Senate Labor Committee to heading the Senate Veteran Affairs Committee, a move that allowed the Senator to keep a stipend for being a committee leader.

Pritzker said shifting Cullerton’s committee chairmanship made sense.

“As you know I think he stepped aside or was asked to step aside from the chairmanship of the Labor Committee, which is the area the allegations were made in, and I think that is an appropriate first step,” Pritzker said. […]

State Sen. Linda Holmes, D-Aurora, said if she had the ability, Cullerton wouldn’t even have that.

“I probably would have stripped the committee chairmanship,” Holmes said. “Left him on his committees, obviously left him voting until anything commenced from that point.”

* Politico

Gov. J.B. Pritzker held court at the governor’s mansion. House Speaker Mike Madigan hosted dinner at Saputo’s. And Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot got the applause.

“She was well-received,” Madigan told Playbook about Lightfoot’s visit to his dinner gathering for friends and lawmakers. Maybe an understatement as the crowded backroom broke out in applause for the mayor.

That’s the way Tuesday evening went in Springfield. Cheers, celebratory toasts and lots of party-hopping as Democrats and Republicans converged on the state capitol for the annual Governor’s Day (today) and Republican Day (Thursday) events tied to the state fair.

Given Democrats control both chambers of the Legislature and the governor’s office, it’s no surprise Dems dominated the party scene, too.

The tradition is the governor’s party holds its receptions the evening before Governor’s Day at the Illinois State Fair. The other party holds its receptions the evening before its state fair day. So, the Republicans will be partying tonight.

…Adding… NRCC…

Hey there –

The Chicago Corruption machine will welcome the Washington Corruption machine at the Democratic County Chairs’ Association brunch today.

Notable socialist crooks include Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, socialist loser* Betsy Dirksen Londrigan (whose donors are still under federal investigation), fake nurse Lauren Underwood, the politically inept Cheri “Beltway” Bustos and House “Speaker” Nancy Pelosi.

What a crew.

These corrupt socialists insiders will clink champagne flutes as they discuss their plans to wipe out private insurance, provide on-demand late term abortion and tax Illinoisans into oblivion to pay for a socialist takeover the economy.



  1. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 9:08 am:

    ===colleagues corrupt activities===


    This is why there are only 44 House members, 19 (less than 20) Senate members, and NO statewide officials.

    The Raunerites still at the ILGOP are utterly clueless as how to win, or go after an honest opening

  2. - @misterjayem - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 9:11 am:

    “Their silence on the corruption ravaging their party further erodes what trust the public has left in *** government.”

    The guy at the top of the GOP ticket must be very upsetting for these good government crusaders.

    – MrJM

  3. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 9:14 am:

    “Today the Illinois Democrats celebrate and talk about the “BIG” things they have accomplished - BIG spending, BIG tax hikes and BIG government.”

    Wait, didn’t Republicans vote for the budget and infrastructure?

    “Their silence on the corruption ravaging their party”

    What rampant corruption and what ravaging? The DPI had maybe its best GA session ever. The ILGOP is so stale, relying on failed attacks and offering what to voters?

  4. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 9:15 am:

    Rhetorical flourishes aside, credit where credit is due to the GOP release for actually asking some pointed, halfway coherent questions. Better than their efforts in recent memory.

  5. - Former Quigley Supporter - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 9:15 am:

    And with Congresswoman Lauren Underwood in Springfield for Governor’s Day and Speaker Pelosi headlining the IDCCA fundraising lunch, Underwood got some good news. State Rep Allen Skillicorn announced his reelection kickoff event for the end of next month, which puts an end to his IL-14 congressional bid:

  6. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 9:18 am:

    I guess the ILGOP is hoping that POTUS will be overshadowed here in Illinois, giving then many opportunities.

    With Trump losing the first time by 15+ points…

    With Rauner losing less than a year ago by 15+ points…

    Those suburban women, minorities, millennials… they’ll be swarming to be the next Raunerites or Trumpkins.

    This is *the* time to take the medicine, disavow Rauner, make a case that Trump isn’t an Illinois Republican and a big tent is what will bring a party back from the Raunerism that imploded the confidence in the ILGOP.

    Then… we get that release.

    They. Learned. Nothing.

  7. - lake county democrat - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 9:19 am:

    Not smart - voters don’t care that much about the corruption, they care about taxes. GOP should be relentlessly hammering taxes (ignoring that some of them voted for the budget) and let recent and upcoming property and other tax hikes do their work for them. Anything else distracts from their only way to overcome anti-Trump headwinds. Of course, many in the GOP, like many Democrats before them, care about little else than protecting their gerrymandered seats, and for them this kind of red meat works.

  8. - efudd - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 9:20 am:

    One question for the GOP, and it’s the same I’ve had for years…

    When Madigan does leave office, and it will be in the near future, who will be your boogeyman then?

    Lord knows, republicans must have one.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 9:22 am:

    ===Underwood got some good news. State Rep Allen Skillicorn announced his reelection kickoff event for the end of next month, which puts an end to his IL-14 congressional bid:===


    Underwood would *want* the “Magnificent 7” Leader as her opponent.

    It’s terrible news, both for Underwood and the state of Illinois that Skillicorn could very well be back in the GA come 2021

  10. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 9:23 am:

    ===and it will be in the near future===

    Meh. I’ll believe that when I see it.

  11. - reddevil1 - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 9:30 am:

    Has anyone checked with Rodney Davis…too make sure a memo is sent out to his campaign staff on how to act at fundraisers.

  12. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 9:32 am:

    “These corrupt socialists insiders will clink champagne flutes as they discuss their plans to wipe out private insurance, provide on-demand late term abortion and tax Illinoisans into oblivion to pay for a socialist takeover the economy.”

    Lol, that’s some serious right wing nutjobbery. Madigan, Pelosi and Underwood are socialists? Lol. Have Republicans even met actual socialists?

  13. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 9:51 am:

    “GOP should be relentlessly hammering taxes” Isn’t that what got Rauner elected? And where did that get us?

  14. - SSL - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 9:52 am:

    Madigan isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. And when he does go, he’ll be carried out. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

  15. - Nick Name - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 9:54 am:

    Could the NRCC possibly take a chill pill before issuing press releases? Dear Lord.

    ===House “Speaker” Nancy Pelosi.===

    Why the scare quotes? She really is Speaker, you know.

    === the politically inept Cheri “Beltway” Bustos===

    Bustos won last year with 61.9 percent of the vote. She has never gotten less than 53 percent of the vote, which was her margin of victory over incumbent Bobby Schilling in 2012.

    ===These corrupt socialists insiders===

    The GOP’s apparent decision to paint all Dem rivals as socialists is really, really going to backfire. In no universe could Madigan, Dirksen Longrigan, Pelosi, et al, ever be considered socialist. Even actual democratic socialists, like AOC or Sanders, would be considered as merely center-left in an other country but the United States.

    Oh yeah…

    “These corrupt socialist insiders”

    Fixed it for you. Hire a copy editor, for crying out loud. And ease off on the caffeine.

  16. - lake county democrat - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 9:55 am:

    Skeptic - I’m speaking from a political point of view only (though I think if the Democrats didn’t have a supermajority we’d have more reform, a non-gerrymandered map - unsure whether it would produce better fiscal policy). From that POV, as you say, it got Rauner elected. I have a half-dozen suburban Cook Co. friends still in shock over their property tax bill and they aren’t making fine distinctions between correcting Joe Berios’ scam, state vs. county vs. city, or anything else.

  17. - a drop in - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:00 am:

    - House “Speaker” Nancy Pelosi.-

    Speaker in quotes? NRCC must love their alternate “reality”.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:01 am:

    ===though I think if the Democrats didn’t have a supermajority we’d have more reform, a non-gerrymandered map - unsure whether it would produce better fiscal policy===


    The reason Dems have 74-40-and every statewide office is because that’s what voters wanted after Rauner.

    Gerrymandered or not, the numbers, 74, which is the most seats under Madigan, and 40, a high water mark in any Illinois Senate, speak to this feeling of “enough with Raunerism”… except where the Raunerites have solid safe majorities.

    I know it’s easy and lazy to blame a map, but voters rejecting Raunerism and Trumpkins in competitive districts ain’t no map issue.

  19. - SpfdNewb - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:06 am:

    -Have Republicans even met actual socialists?-
    Obviously not. If they are using “socialist” to smear Madigan, they have nothing but smear tactics left.

  20. - SAP - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:08 am:

    Did NRCC cut and paste that from Donald Trump’s twitter?

  21. - Blue Dog Dem - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:09 am:

    Nancy and the state Dems should boast of their ability to raise taxes. This is what The vast majority of Illinois residents desire.

  22. - Former Quigley Supporter - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:12 am:

    “Oswego Willy”, Lauren Underwood’s best news would be if the DCCC got its way, and Congressman Adam Kinzinger retired, and given the DCCC has done a digital ad buy to convince both Kinzinger and Davis to retire. Davis is easy to understand given how close IL-13 came to being flipped, and Londrigan is running again. But IL-16? No Democrat has filed to run for IL-16 next year. The reason Kinzinger’s IL-16 retirement is important is to push Sue Rezin out of the IL-14 race because Underwood and the Democrats are concerned with Rezin’s candidacy, especially in the wake of the Gov vetoing Rezin’s pre-existing conditions protection legislation that passed the GA with supermajorities.

    And the DCCC is spending a little money to get Kinzinger out, but he is not going to retire.

  23. - Steve - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:14 am:

    It’s not difficult for the Democrats to dominate in Illinois. They draw the lines, and there are more Democrats. Plus, who needs a copy of the Democrats in Illinois? If you like the Democrats , why would you vote for a Republican party that’s trying to be more like the Democrats?

  24. - lake county democrat - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:20 am:

    Did somebody blame a gerrymandered map for Raunerism or any other Dem statewide office? Must have missed that. I do know that Governor Pritzker has promised to veto a gerrymandered map, and that a supermajority could override that while a simple majority could not.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:21 am:

    - Former Quigley Supporter -

    Friend, I am Oswego Willy, not “Oswego Willy”


    ===Lauren Underwood’s best news would be if the DCCC got its way, and Congressman Adam Kinzinger retired==

    Huh? One race at a time. Mary Jane isn’t legal until January.

    ===push Sue Rezin out of the IL-14 race because Underwood and the Democrats are concerned with Rezin’s candidacy, especially in the wake of the Gov vetoing Rezin’s pre-existing conditions protection legislation that passed the GA with supermajorities.===

    Wishes aren’t plans. That’s not how campaigns work.

    You seem to forget Rezin will have Trump and his administration around her neck. Does Rezin dismiss Trump, losing a “base” constituency, or embrace Trump, try to work the numbers, and hope Underwood doesn’t, as an incumbent, make a case that she (Underwood) being in DC is better than another Trumpkin “like Rezin”

    ===And the DCCC is spending a little money to get Kinzinger out, but he is not going to retire.===

    Kinzinger isn’t a target. You don’t like that. That doesn’t mean it is wrong to let Kinzinger go. Dems are in the majority, and playing defense to that.

  26. - lake county democrat - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:21 am:

    (I meant rejecting Raunerism - apologies for the confusion)

  27. - Perrid - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:27 am:

    The NRCC seems to be full of just the nicest people, what can I say.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:28 am:

    ===Did somebody blame a gerrymandered map for Raunerism or any other Dem statewide office?===

    Map, no map, the rejection of Raunerism was clear.

    Your trolling for this fair map is compelling, until you look at the Supreme Court ruling and at this point, Goose-Gander thingies seem to be the order of the day.

  29. - Pick a Name - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:34 am:

    Wonder if Nancy will bring up Russian collusion???

  30. - Bourbon Street - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:38 am:

    @Steve. No one expects the Republicans to be “Democrats-lite”, but voters would like the Republican Party to show some responsible leadership and to support rational policies. Childish behavior, e.g. putting quotes around Speaker; acting like the party of “No”, e.g. not discussing the graduated income tax except to oppose it, and failing to formulate a policy to address rising costs and Illinois’ debts; and supporting ideas like making Chicago (or Cook County) its own state do not make the GOP attractive to voters.

  31. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:38 am:

    ==socialist loser* Betsy Dirksen Londrigan ==

    “I asked if it was a problem. Davis responded with a laugh, but gave no direct answer.”

  32. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:42 am:

    ===If you like the Democrats , why would you vote for a Republican party that’s trying to be more like the Democrats?===

    If you can’t tell the difference between the ills of Raunerism and Trump and why neither are Republican things… and 80% agreement in a party isn’t ”Dem lite”, this blog might be too much for you to understand.

  33. - Former Quigley Supporter - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:43 am:

    Oswego Willy, apologies for my earlier reference to use the quotes, and please, I’ve never touched the “mary jane”, except through unintentioned 2nd hand smoke at a concert back in the 1980s.

    You are right, Kinzinger and his district is not a target, yet in the past week, he was elevated to “retirement watch” status by the DCCC which makes the DCCC’s ad buy in IL-16 one to scratch my head — yes, Democrats like to spend money, but campaign cash, they are usually like Republicans.

    I stand by the DCCC wish they want Rezin out of IL-14 race to run in her home IL-16 district, and not be a threat to IL-14 Underwood. I agree, the DCCC will not get their wish, and Kinzinger isn’t going anywhere next year except running and winning a 6th term.

    How Rezin, and all Republicans deal with President Trump, is up to the candidates.


  34. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:51 am:


    - Steve -…

    ===It’s not difficult for the Democrats to dominate in Illinois. They draw the lines, and there are more Democrats. ===

    To that victimhood…

    ===The reason Dems have 74-40-and every statewide office is because that’s what voters wanted after Rauner.

    Gerrymandered or not, the numbers, 74, which is the most seats under Madigan, and 40, a high water mark in any Illinois Senate, speak to this feeling of “enough with Raunerism”… except where the Raunerites have solid safe majorities.===

    Ignoring this could very make the numbers 39 and 15…

    It’s not the map.

  35. - Steve - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:52 am:


    Why vote for a Republican, in Illinois, if the Democrat is giving you much of what you want? Especially after Governor Pritzker ran on an agenda which he passed.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 10:57 am:

    ===Why vote for a Republican, in Illinois, if the Democrat is giving you much of what you want? Especially after Governor Pritzker ran on an agenda which he passed.===

    What makes you think I agree with the Pritzker agenda in its entirety?

    I’m an Edgar Republican.

    You have this thinking that you must disagree 100% of the time with anyone not self-identified as a “Republican”

    Edgar types, me, I can agree with Republicans 80% of the time.

    Trumpkins? Racist, xenophobs, angry, white, rural… they are not a party, they see things as a religion, like you it seems.

    The bipartisan budget and infrastructure votes are about Illinois, not party. If you’re against those…

  37. - Blue Dog Dem - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 11:00 am:

    Steve. Dont feed the race baiter.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 11:05 am:

    - Blue Dog Dem -

    1) Do you think Trump is a racist?

    2) Do you support Trump?

    Your answers will be extremely telling.

    They are “yes/no” questions.

  39. - Steve - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 11:06 am:


    I’m not suggesting you agree with 80% or 100% of Pritzker’s agenda. I’m just pointing out that Governor Pritzker should be commended for running on an agenda and passing it. He said what he wanted to do and he did it. Whether you or me agree with the agenda , we have to admit he has achieved much in a short period of time. The Republicans can oppose the agenda next election cycle, or they can agree with much of it. If Republicans agree with much of his agenda , why not just elect Democrats?

  40. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 11:10 am:

    ===If Republicans agree with much of his agenda , why not just elect Democrats?===

    What Republican is in total agreement with what Pritzker got done? Your straw man to have an enemy is confusing even you, LOL

    ===I’m just pointing out that Governor Pritzker should be commended for running on an agenda and passing it. He said what he wanted to do and he did it.===

    Stated, ad nauseum, that same thing. Dunno what point you wanna make, but… ok.

  41. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 11:11 am:

    “Why vote for a Republican … if the Democrat is giving you much of what you want?” Why vote for a Republican if the Republican gives you nothing of what you want?

  42. - Moe Berg - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 11:16 am:

    At least two typos in essentially a 4 sentence release. NRCC A Team members may not be assigned to the Illinois beat.

    Also, hard not to call out “provide on-demand late term abortion.”

    Not one of those Democrats, nor any Democrat, is for that. For the Republicans to keep pushing the line is irresponsible and is contributing to the incitement of individuals like Justin Olsen, arrested last week in Youngstown, OH, charged with threatening to assault a federal law enforcement officer.

    From press reports: After a search of Olsen’s father’s Boardman, Ohio house, where Olsen was living, investigators allegedly found “rifle cases, approximately 10,000 rounds of ammunition, camouflage clothing, and camouflaged backpacks,” as well as a gun vault. The gun vault contained “several firearms to include AR-15 style rifles and shotguns,” according to an FBI special agent’s affidavit included in the complaint.

    On an iFunny webpage Olsen’s posts included: “a GIF showing a man indiscriminately shooting guns below the caption, ‘Me walking into the nearest Planned Parenthood.’”

    A few days later, another post still visible Tuesday read: ‘Bombing Planned Parenthood is noble, as is the killing of abortionists. Women who get abortions should receive the death penalty.’”

  43. - Dotnonymous - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 11:22 am:

    I’m just pointing out that Governor Pritzker should be commended for running on an agenda and passing it. - Steve

    I commend Governor Pritzker too.

    Maybe the best thing Republicans can do is recognize their party has been co-opted by people that Republicans past would have shunned… as not representing Republican values or ideals…in any way.

  44. - Roman - Wednesday, Aug 14, 19 @ 12:38 pm:

    ==It’s not difficult for the Democrats to dominate in Illinois. They draw the lines, and there are more Democrats. ==

    Drawing the map is an advantage, no doubt. But it ain’t everything. Don’t forget that the GOP lost two suburban congressional races and at least a half dozen suburban GA seats in districts that were specifically drawn to be packed Republican strongholds. In other words, they were gerrymandered to go red and didn’t.

  45. - Pundent - Friday, Aug 16, 19 @ 6:54 am:

    They hold majorities in the house and senate, every statewide office, and both US Senate seats. Maybe the gripe is with the map of the State of Illinois? Or maybe Republicans simply need to run candidates who can win.

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