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It’s all show business

Thursday, Aug 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bernie asked House Republican Leader Jim Durkin about the Eastern Bloc’s proposal to kick Chicago out of Illinois

“They’ve got interesting ideas, and I will say that if it works back in their district, good for them,” Durkin told reporters on the Illinois State Fair’s Republican Day last week. “But we know that’s not a possibility.”

Asked if the idea could damage the state, Durkin said: “If (there) was ever a chance that it could happen, it would be, but this is just political rhetoric by some members. I don’t put much stock into it and nor does anybody else.”

Asked if the lawmakers are playing a game, Durkin said: “I think they’re playing the game of re-election in an arena where it sounds good.”

* Eastern Bloc leader Rep. Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville) responded

“It is a vehicle to express a very real frustration with a lack of respect for our values and our way of life,” Halbrook said. “People in rural counties are tired of these far-left policies being forced on those of us who simply have a different point of view. Maybe, a formal separation won’t happen, although it has happened four times in U.S. history, but this movement is gaining momentum. The separation issue is rural America telling folks in Chicago how much they disapprove of the policies they have forced on this state. And the fact that their views are being ignored and dismissed as political rhetoric is only going to serve to fan the flames because it is another example of how rural Illinoisans are again overlooked.”

He said those who think it’s a bad idea should look for ways to show they care about concerns of rural residents, “instead of dismissing what is for many a serious idea and a serious effort to separate from Chicago.”

It is neither a serious idea nor a serious effort. Durkin nailed it.


  1. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 9:24 am:

    ==He said those who think it’s a bad idea should look for ways to show they care about concerns of rural residents, “instead of dismissing what is for many a serious idea and a serious effort to separate from Chicago.”==

    It goes both ways. Rep. Halbrook could begin by showing that he cares about the concerns of city residents. (AKA “the Golden Rule”)

  2. - Downstate - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 9:24 am:

    As one who lives in the “eastern block”, these efforts are frustrating. There are lots of great things going on in this region, but this stuff is becoming a “noise” that drowns out any effort to share and replicate some amazing programs on spurring on economic opportunity.

  3. - Fixer - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 9:25 am:

    Bradley, not all of us who live in rural areas support your nonsense. Please stop speaking as if you have 100% backing from those of us south of I-80. Thanks.

  4. - PJ - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 9:28 am:

    So can Atlanta secede from Georgia? Can Austin secede from Texas? Can Madison secede from Wisconsin? I’m sure those liberal cities resent the right-wing policies forced on them. I’ll happily take their extra US Senators.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 9:33 am:

    ===It is neither a serious idea nor a serious effort. Durkin nailed it.===


    Those peddling in “stuff and nonsense” should not be surprised when others don’t take them seriously.

    My lone concern, as it’s always been, is peddling this lunacy and pushing lunacy as possible to lemmings allows the party to seem… loony.

    Leader Durkin is correct. The title of this post is as correct as Durkin. The loony lemmings in the Eastern Bloc are eating this up and sowing seeds of disenfranchisement that truly doesn’t exist; the disenfranchisement that the Eastern Bloc is not getting their “fair share”.

    Phony “facts” are for more dangerous than the show business

  6. - Nick Name - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 9:33 am:

    ===The separation issue is rural America telling folks in Chicago how much they disapprove of the policies they have forced on this state.===

    If he thinks rural Americans don’t smoke weed or get abortions, he’s sorely mistaken.

  7. - Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 9:35 am:

    The Eastern Bloc is a clown car in search of a circus

  8. - efudd - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 9:38 am:

    “neither a serious idea, or a serious effort”

    So, in a nutshell, the Illinois GOP.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 9:39 am:

    ===“neither a serious idea, or a serious effort”

    So, in a nutshell, the Illinois GOP.===

    Yep. “The ILGOP; We’re A Joke, Purposely”

  10. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 9:43 am:

    ===The separation issue is rural America telling folks in Chicago how much they disapprove of the policies they have forced on this state.===

    … but we’ll take your money, thanks.

  11. - DarkDante - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 9:45 am:

    Rep. Halbrook spitting into the political-rhetorical wind on this one. Big surprise.

  12. - Sayitaintso - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 9:45 am:

    There are three ways to complain about the issue Rep. Holbrook brings up about having ‘left wing polices forced on us”. One, you could whisper to yourself about it; Two, you could take his route which is to get the attention and cooperation of the media in boosting your ‘Impossible Dream’ hoping it will somehow reap some benefits; or Three, take the traditional, more trodding political route of gaining influence in hopes of getting at least half a loaf somewhere down the line. Our overall culture now rewards those that “Stand Out’ versus those that are Outstanding. The deal now is to get recognition, the more the better. Yes, friends, we are changing, but to my mind, its downhill.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 9:46 am:

    ===He said those who think it’s a bad idea should look for ways to show they care about concerns of rural residents, “instead of dismissing what is for many a serious idea and a serious effort to separate from Chicago.”===

    “Well… well… well, if you don’t take us seriously, we’re going to pretend we want to separate and act ridiculous until you take us seriously”

    That’s how it works?

    I liked it better when the Magnificent 7 just said silly things *without* the embarrassing “non-threats”

  14. - Morningstar - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 9:49 am:

    @Fixer: Bingo.

  15. - Give Me A Break - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 9:50 am:

    “rural America telling folks in Chicago how much they disapprove of the policies they have forced on this state.”

    But you love you some DOC prisoners from Chicago, some Chicago students at EIU and some Chicago residents spending their money at Lake Shelbyville.

  16. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 9:51 am:

    Durkin is right. It’s just pandering for votes and keeping regional power.

    “It is a vehicle to express a very real frustration with a lack of respect for our values and our way of life”

    Just stop. Eastern Bloc types imposed their views on the state for four years under Rauner, and it was a disaster. They voted for him twice. Why didn’t downstaters care about the damage they caused to the most vulnerable and social services organizations through massive cuts, and to our universities, students and businesses relying on state payment? Aren’t many of these people “Christians,” upset at an attack on their “values” by Democrats and the left?

    If the shoe was on the other foot, Eastern Bloc types would absolutely not hesitate to impose their views on the state. They would tell their opponents what Trump supporters say, “[expletive] your feelings.”

  17. - Demoralized - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 9:53 am:

    This group seems to have a fundamental misunderstanding of how our democracy works. If they don’t believe their views are being adequately represented then they should work to elect a Governor and members of the General Assembly who share those views. That’s how the process works. Stop whining about it.

  18. - Clown Shoes - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 9:55 am:

    So, “Chicago’s bad” huh? Makes me wonder why ‘Broadway Brad’ can regularly be found in a TV studio ‘up there’…

  19. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 9:55 am:

    ==He said those who think it’s a bad idea should look for ways to show they care about concerns of rural residents, “instead of dismissing what is for many a serious idea and a serious effort to separate from Chicago.”==

    So a graduated income tax is one way to help the rural residents of Illinois. Most of the wealthy people live in the Chicago metro area and most of the people in the rural areas would get a tax break.

  20. - up2now - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 10:01 am:

    Those who have the votes win, Eastern Bloc. Majority rules. That’s how it works. Democracy is the worst form of government. Except for all the others.

  21. - Don't Bloc Me In - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 10:05 am:

    Brad Halbrook, Blaine Wilhour, Darren Bailey: a lot of people in your districts don’t agree with this separation nonsense. We see you in the community, stand beside you at the FSA counter, we have done business with you, and go to church with you. Does it occur to you that we feel we’re not being represented? I want my legislators to work with all the others to craft the best possible legislation. Neither you nor I will get everything we want, but compromise is not a dirty idea. I want to be represented by people with good ideas, not by a side show.

  22. - efudd - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 10:10 am:

    So, you know it’s pointless, other than garnering votes by playing on peoples’ paranoia, thereby ensuring your re-election.

    As a profession, politics ain’t for me.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 10:15 am:

    I agree, it’s show business.

    Keep in mind too what the Eastern Bloc wants shown.

    Capitol Fax, July 25th;

    ===* Rep. Chris Miller (R-Oakland) just called me to announce that the “Restore Illinois PAC and the Eastern Bloc” have booked Confederate Railroad for yet another concert.

    After Gov. Pritzker’s administration canceled the band’s Du Quoin State Fair performance, a local Harley Davidson dealership booked it to play on September 5th.

    Rep. Miller (no relation) said the band will play at the Effingham Performance Center on August 27th, the same day they were supposed to perform at the fair.

    “Our theme is ‘JB may give you 21 new tax hikes, but we’re going to give you Confederate Railroad in concert tonight,’” Miller said.

    The Eastern Bloc is probably best known for supporting a resolution calling for Chicago to be kicked out of Illinois.

    The Restore Illinois PAC is run by Reps. Miller, Darren Bailey (R-Xenia) and Blaine Wilhour (R-Beecher City). It had just $12.65 in its bank account at the end of June, but Miller and Bailey are well-off (and have received lots of federal farm subsidies), so they can probably recharge that account pretty quick.===

    “… but we’re going to give you Confederate Railroad in concert tonight,’”… “


    Show us who you are. Thanks.

  24. - Skeptic - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 10:16 am:

    “telling folks in Chicago how much they disapprove of the policies” And then what happens if Springfield, Champaign/Urbana, Bloomington/Normal, Peoria, E. St. Louis, et al have just as much of an impact?

  25. - A guy - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 10:16 am:

    In other “actual” news….

  26. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 10:17 am:

    “Neither you nor I will get everything we want, but compromise is not a dirty idea.”

    Agreed. Republican leaders participated in negotiations and got more pro-business reforms from Madigan and Pritzker than they did under Rauner. They did great also via the votes for a budget and infrastructure. Now we’re not in a budget war. Very nice.

  27. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 10:22 am:

    Maybe the Eastern Bloc should secede from Illinois and form their own state.

  28. - Concerned Dem - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 10:49 am:

    I think the Eastern Bloc is confusing “getting their way even if a majority of the state doesn’t want it” with “respect”. Just because you don’t get your way on everything doesn’t mean you are being disrespected. After all state government seems to respect them quite a bit when it comes to giving them more in state spending than they chip in each year.

  29. - lakeside - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 10:51 am:

    “My members can say anything [I deem non-serious] to win re-election’ is a pretty grim worldview.

  30. - Jibba - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 10:58 am:

    ==Maybe the Eastern Bloc should secede from Illinois and form their own state.===

    Indeed. I don’t want to go with them, I want to go with Chicago.

  31. - Looking down the Road - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 11:00 am:

    They need to be realistic and realize that the situation won’t get any better (from their perspective) and probably worse. If they don’t like it the only solution is to leave illinois.

  32. - Excitable Boy - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 11:39 am:

    I’ll never understand why these folks don’t just leave. The Utopia of Indiana is next door, Mississippi is straight down 55.

    Secede with your feet, sure beats all the paperwork going the official route.

  33. - Dysfunction Junction - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 11:45 am:

    Chicago: “Anybody wanna get pizza? I’m buying.”
    Collar counties: “Pizza sounds great. I’ll be happy to split the tab.”
    Southern Illinois: “If you’re buying, I want chicken & grits, not pizza.”
    Western IL: “Not that hungry, but I’ll go along with the group.”
    Metro East: “Pizza’s fine, but can we at least go to Imo’s?”

    Southern Illinois: “Chicago lacks respect for my values, so they’re out. Everybody else get in the truck, we’re going for chicken & grits.”

  34. - Truthteller - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 11:47 am:

    Chicago subsidizes downstate Illinois…the eastern block fools are nothing but snake oil salesmen conning their ignorant base

  35. - JS Mill - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 12:00 pm:

    =This group seems to have a fundamental misunderstanding of how our democracy works. If they don’t believe their views are being adequately represented then they should work to elect a Governor and members of the General Assembly who share those views. That’s how the process works. Stop whining about it.=


    For a group of people who want to seem old-school macho tough they, like Trump, cry and whine and shout it’s not fair” and awful lot.

    Win more elections.

  36. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 12:07 pm:

    Being bitter at losing elections is normal and happens a lot. People try to regroup and win next time. Actively pushing for separation or secession, breaking apart a state or country, is something else.

    For a long time right wing media people like Limbaugh have been pumping out hatred of liberals and Democrats. No surprise that something like this would eventually be considered.

  37. - H-W - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 12:24 pm:

    Playing Halbrook’s game, let’s see…

    If Halbrook wins and Chicagoland becomes a new state, then the rural people of Shelbyville will be able to abuse the urban people of Decatur and Champaign-Urbana and Springfield. This will lead to a further separation…

    At some point, state’s either exist or they don’t.

  38. - anon2 - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 12:31 pm:

    === He said those who think it’s a bad idea should look for ways to show they care about concerns of rural residents, “instead of dismissing what is for many a serious idea and a serious effort to separate from Chicago.” ===

    The Chicago area shows its concern for rural residents by supporting state budgets that send far more than one dollar back to southeastern Illinois for every dollar that area sends to Springfield in taxes.

    As far as not taking secession seriously, it’s the Minority Leader speaking. I agree with him.

  39. - Leatherneck - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 1:15 pm:

    - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 10:15 am:

    I agree, it’s show business.

    Keep in mind too what the Eastern Bloc wants shown.

    Capitol Fax, July 25th;

    ===* Rep. Chris Miller (R-Oakland) just called me to announce that the “Restore Illinois PAC and the Eastern Bloc” have booked Confederate Railroad for yet another concert.

    After Gov. Pritzker’s administration canceled the band’s Du Quoin State Fair performance, a local Harley Davidson dealership booked it to play on September 5th.

    Rep. Miller (no relation) said the band will play at the Effingham Performance Center on August 27th, the same day they were supposed to perform at the fair.

    “Our theme is ‘JB may give you 21 new tax hikes, but we’re going to give you Confederate Railroad in concert tonight,’” Miller said.

    The Eastern Bloc is probably best known for supporting a resolution calling for Chicago to be kicked out of Illinois.

    The Restore Illinois PAC is run by Reps. Miller, Darren Bailey (R-Xenia) and Blaine Wilhour (R-Beecher City). It had just $12.65 in its bank account at the end of June, but Miller and Bailey are well-off (and have received lots of federal farm subsidies), so they can probably recharge that account pretty quick.===

    “… but we’re going to give you Confederate Railroad in concert tonight,’”… “


    Show us who you are. Thanks.

    Speaking of CR and the Eastern Bloc, is the “Western Bloc” aka Forgottonia going to rise again? CR will be playing in Lewistown (Fulton County) on Oct. 18:

  40. - Myles Mannerd - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 1:16 pm:

    Their idea of “fair maps” is to take Chicago off the map.

  41. - Leatherneck - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 1:18 pm:

    - H-W - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 12:24 pm:

    Playing Halbrook’s game, let’s see…

    If Halbrook wins and Chicagoland becomes a new state, then the rural people of Shelbyville will be able to abuse the urban people of Decatur and Champaign-Urbana and Springfield. This will lead to a further separation…

    At some point, state’s either exist or they don’t.

    Or, if that happens, could there be a push for St. Louis to detach from Missouri and annex into Illinois?

  42. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 1:24 pm:

    ===Speaking of CR and the Eastern Bloc, is the “Western Bloc” aka Forgottonia going to rise again? CR will be playing in Lewistown (Fulton County) on Oct. 18:===

    “Counties Vote”

    - Eastern Bloc folks, maybe.

  43. - Big Foot - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 4:04 pm:

    Headline Effingham Daily News para phrase…
    County Board places “State Separation on ballot…
    Only one nay vote

  44. - Elliott Ness - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 4:13 pm:

    Brad Halbrook - enuf said

  45. - MyTwoCents - Thursday, Aug 22, 19 @ 5:12 pm:

    The Eastern Bloc and their supporters are bent out of shape about social issues. Meanwhile, Mark Maxwell had an interview with Gov. Pritzker on Capitol Connection this past week and Pritzker talked about expanding economic opportunities in downstate Illinois through the expansion of broadband internet, the capital programs and the universities as economic hubs. It would be nice if the Eastern Bloc reps cared about the economic well-being of their districts as much as the governor seems to.

  46. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Friday, Aug 23, 19 @ 6:22 am:

    There are things Eastern bloc representatives can do to help their constituents that doesn’t involve separating from Chicago. They can try to get back the 55 million for military projects that Trump diverted to his wall. If they tried to persuade Trump to not do this there would be a lot of jobs and investment for the people of southern Illinois. Based on the Blago pardon that was stopped it seems that Trump will sometimes listen to Republican politicians. By focusing on Chicago separation they are wasting their time and short changing their constituents.

  47. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Friday, Aug 23, 19 @ 7:47 am:

    ==Asked if the lawmakers are playing a game, Durkin said: “I think they’re playing the game of re-election in an arena where it sounds good.”==

    But this seems to be turning off more of their constituents than not. They are losing the game.

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