Open thread
Thursday, Aug 15, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The Democratic County Chairs Association continued Illinois’ unfortunate tradition of state fair typos yesterday…
* I’m heading out to Republican Day at the Illinois State Fair. Keep your comments Illinois-centric and please be nice to each other. Thanks.
Question of the day
Thursday, Aug 15, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller
* NBC 5…
Five teenagers were charged Tuesday evening after a 14-year-old boy was killed in a shooting that authorities say stemmed from an attempted car theft in the north suburbs, sparking a police chase that ended in dramatic arrests caught on camera in Chicago earlier in the day.
The five teens, one 16-year-old, three 17-year-olds and an 18-year-old were charged with first degree murder, according to police.
Although all four juveniles are being charged as adults, they are being held at Vernon Hills, while the oldest suspect, identified as Diamond C. Davis, is the only one who was sent to Lake County Jail.
“The teens were charged due to them being in commission of a forcible felony, when the 14-year-old victim was shot and subsequently died as a result of being shot during the commission of a burglary,” indicated the Lake County Sherrif’s Office in a statement.
* ABC…
Armed with a revolver, the homeowner told authorities he was standing on his porch, yelling at them to leave, when two of the individuals “quickly approached him,” Covelli said. The man said he saw that one of the teens “holding something in his hand,” so he discharged his firearm at least three times out of fear for his and his wife’s safety.
The homeowner then called 911 to request an ambulance, and the teens fled, Covelli said.
About three miles from the man’s home, officers from the Gurnee Police Department responded to a crash involving an SUV, Covelli said. When the officers approached the 2015 Lexus, two people exited the vehicle — one of whom had a gunshot wound to his head.
The four people who were still in the SUV fled the scene “at high rate of speed,” reaching 120 mph on Interstate 94 as they were chased all the way back to Chicago by law enforcement officers from the Lake County Sheriff’s Office, the Gurnee Police Department and Illinois State Police.
* Tribune…
“The felony murder law is in place to discourage people from committing forcible felonies, because if someone dies during the commission of a forcible felony, then it’s first-degree murder,” [Lake County State’s Attorney Michael Nerheim] said.
Illinois is among the minority of states with the broadest possible application of the felony murder rule, said Steven Drizin, clinical law professor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.
Drizin said the scope of the Illinois law can be problematic, especially when defendants are teenagers, who tend to commit crimes in groups and are more impulsive and less deliberate in their actions.
“The legislature needs to act to narrow the scope of Illinois’ felony murder rule,” he said, citing the Lake County case as an example. “Especially in light of the fact that the penalties for both the underlying felony and murder are severe — and in the case of murder, mandatory. There is more than enough room to adequately punish these teenagers by sentencing them within the range of sentences for the burglary charge.”
* Dahleen Glanton…
House Bill 1615, introduced in January by state Rep. Justin Slaughter, D-Chicago, would ensure that anyone who does not personally inflict an injury during the course of a felony is not charged with first-degree murder. Only the culpable person would face charges. That’s how it should be for everyone, but especially for children. […]
The Supreme Court has acknowledged that youthful offenders lack maturity and are therefore more reckless and impulsive than adults. Anyone who has raised a teenager knows this.
It is wrong to charge teenagers with a murder they clearly did not intend to happen and likely never even considered might happen. […]
They fled in the stolen SUV, leading a bevy of law enforcement officials on a high-speed chase from Lake County to Chicago before running out of gas.
For that, they deserve to be punished. They do not deserve to spend decades of their young adult life behind bars for a murder they did not commit.
* The Question: Should Illinois’ felony murder rule be narrowed? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please…
bike trails
* Chris Kaergard at the Journal Star…
“To me, Blagojevich is the definition of the swamp.”
That was part of the message U.S. Rep. Darin LaHood conveyed to President Donald Trump last Thursday in a phone call, hours after the president had suggested he was “strongly” considering commuting the 14-year prison sentence of disgraced Gov. Rod Blagojevich. […]
LaHood’s call was made to emphasize objections Illinois Republican lawmakers had to releasing Blagojevich roughly halfway through his time behind bars. LaHood detailed the case he made to Trump and White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney during an interview Wednesday morning in his Downtown Peoria office.
“If you look at the conduct Blagojevich engaged in, it was pervasive, it was extensive,” he said, noting that it wasn’t just political favor-trading over a Senate seat, but rather a litany of malfeasance: “shaking down the children’s hospital, racetrack owner, film producer, the direct pay-for-play politics.”
* The level of ignorance about the Blagojevich case is simply astounding…
Reps. Darin LaHood and Mike Bost, made their case directly to the President on Thursday night, urging him not to go forward. They laid out the litany of crimes Blagojevich committed while in office and argued it would send the wrong message to voters about corruption by public officials.
Trump’s response: “I wish I had the perspective before,” according to Bost, who served on the Illinois House’s impeachment committee to remove Blagojevich from office in 2009. […]
Multiple sources familiar with the calls said Trump and [White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney] both did not seem aware of the details of Blagojevich’s case, even though the President had decried the former governor as being treated “unbelievably unfairly.”
Bost said that while Trump “saw a sentence that didn’t meet the crime … he did express he wished he had the perspective earlier” after speaking with Bost.
* Fox 32…
“Listen, I don’t think the President understood the extensive nature of the public corruption that Rod Blagojevich had engaged in. And when I laid that out for him, I think he was surprised by those facts. But I think he listened,” said Rep. LaHood.
* More…
Since Trump is fixated on former FBI director James Comey, LaHood also emphasized that he had nothing to do with prosecuting Blagojevich.
LaHood also noted that Democrats Pritzker and Mayor Lori Lightfoot are against clemency.
“They were surprised to know that and that Democrats removed him from office,” he said.
* Related…
* State seeks to disbar ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich from practicing law more than 8 years after conviction: Grogan said the delay in moving to disbar Blagojevich came because, by Illinois law, regulators have to wait until all appellate options are over before moving to permanently revoke a lawyer’s license.
Caption contest!
Thursday, Aug 15, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller
* After winning a bag toss game against the former president 21-14…
Governor’s Day roundup
Thursday, Aug 15, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Tribune…
Addressing more than 2,000 people at the annual pre-fair brunch of the Democratic County Chairs’ Association, Pritzker cited “the insidious danger of a campaign by some elected representatives who suggest that Illinois would be better off divided into pieces — that if you live in one part of the state, that you’re less patriotic or less American than if you live in another part of the state.”
“Illinois’ success relies on all of us,” echoed Kristina Zahorik, the president of the county chairs group. “Democrats will not be divided by race, by gender or by whom they love. We will not be swayed by small-minded Republicans who seek to build a wall against Chicago and strive to use diversity as a political weapon.” […]
In her speech, Pelosi borrowed on Pritzker’s campaign slogan in telling the crowd, “You think big. You get big things done.” She said “persistent, bold experimentation” was the “vitality of the Democratic Party.”
Noting national party concerns over attracting Midwest voters who backed Trump over Hillary Clinton in 2016, Pelosi said Democrats across the country hope to “catch the spark of Illinois, the spark of the heartland of America where our victory in 2020 will spring from.”
* Sun-Times…
The first-time governor painted Illinois as the state that’s doing it right as a battle is underway “for the soul of our nation.”
“Here in Illinois, we built a wall around our country’s most sacred and important values. And we told America that we will keep those values safe until sanity is restored to the White House,” Pritzker said.
“And if Donald Trump wants a piece of that wall, well then he’ll have to go through me,” Pritzker said, and gesturing to the litany of Democrats on hand, including Lt. Gov. Juliana Stratton, U.S. Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, U.S. Represenatives Lauren Underwood and Sean Casten and congressional candidate Betsy Dirksen Londrigan. […]
Pelosi, who never directly mentioned Trump’s name, said the president “has no respect for God’s creation, the land of America.”
* Center Square…
“But right now there is a battle being waged for the soul of our nation, and in the last eight months, Illinois has found its anthem,” Pritzker said.
Pritzker championed the legislative accomplishments he was able to secure with Democratic majorities in both chambers of the General Assembly. Those accomplishments included expanding abortion rights, raising the state’s minimum wage, tax increases to fund a statewide infrastructure bill and recreational cannabis legalization, among other measures.
Pritzker struck a partisan tone Wednesday morning, where he went after Republicans, especially President Donald Trump.
“They put on a red hat and they want to say ‘let’s make America great again,’ ” Pritzker said. “It’s a president who thinks that we are so blind that we don’t see right through his racism and xenophobia.”
* Trib…
Mayor Lori Lightfoot taped a message for the Democratic event that praised Pritzker and legislative leaders for pushing to raise the minimum wage, legalizing recreational marijuana and passed a “real'’ infrastructure bill. She also said Democrats need to fight to unseat Trump. We need to stay united and do everything in our power to defeat Donald Trump and the people around him who look the other way as he undermines the foundations of our Democracy.”
* SJ-R…
Springfield lies in the 13th Congressional District where Democrat Betsy Dirksen Londrigan is trying to unseat incumbent Republican Rodney Davis in what promises to be a hotly contested race. Davis often tries to link Londrigan with Pelosi who can be a polarizing figure in her own right. Asked about being used as a campaign foil by Davis, Pelosi said the Democrats have done quite well despite the attacks.
“In this last election, Republicans had 137,000 ads describing me as a San Francisco liberal, which I proudly am,” Pelosi said. “They are not saying it in a complimentary way. It didn’t work. We won 43 seats. We’ve heard that before.”
Prior to the Democrats’ brunch, Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago, said Pelosi’s appearance in Springfield was a plus for Londrigan.
“Nancy Pelosi used to be a polarizing figure. Now she’s the center of the Democratic Party,” Cullerton said.
* Bernie…
(F)reshman Democratic Gov. J.B. PRITZKER framed the picnic he hosted (and paid for personally) at the Director’s Lawn at the State Fair as a bipartisan event, and said he invited all lawmakers, including Republicans.
Well, House GOP Leader JIM DURKIN, R-Western Springs, said he never got an invitation, and ELENI DEMERTZIS, his spokeswoman, said some others in the caucus she checked with didn’t receive invitations either.
JORDAN ABUDAYYEH, spokeswoman for Pritzker, said invitations went out to all legislative district offices on July 22 and a follow-up was sent last week.
One GOP lawmaker who did receive the invitation was Rep. TIM BUTLER of Springfield. […]
If the governor really wants to change the culture of the day, Butler said, the governor’s office “should have done a much better job explaining it,” possibly contacting GOP leaders to get them on board. Butler opted not to go.
* This early exit is highly unusual…
Lots of internal turmoil in that office.
*** UPDATE *** With a hat tip to a subscriber, this is from October 6, 2017…
After just 88 days in Gov. Bruce Rauner’s administration, former Illinois Policy Institute head Kristina Rasmussen is out as the governor’s chief of staff — leaving a job she said she knew would be “rife with promise but would come with a lot of turbulence.”
Needless to say, this is not the path the mayor wants to be following.
* Politico…
JESSE WHITE says he won’t seek a seventh term as Illinois Secretary of State when he’s up for re-election in 2022. “This is my last tour of duty,” the 85-year-old told Playbook at the Illinois State Fair.
Asked whether he might step down before his term is up, he said “No way. I’m seeing it all the way through.”
This isn’t the first time White has said he’d retire. Back in 2015, in an eerily similar interview at the State Fair, White told a Sun-Times reporter that he didn’t plan on seeking a sixth term. “This is my last tour of duty,” he said at the time. Two years later, he changed his mind and in 2018, he won re-election handily.
Back then, White was working with a Republican governor and may have wanted to run just to be assured his seat stayed in Democratic hands. With J.B. Pritzker now in the governor’s office, even if he were to decide not to finish out his term, White could leave knowing a Democrat would be named to fill his seat.
This is actually the third time White has made this vow. He said the same thing in 2010.
So, I can’t help but wonder whether he will actually serve out his full term.
* US Senate candidate and former Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran spoke to the Illinois Republican State Central Committee/County Chairman’s Association Breakfast this morning…
My name is Mark Curran and I’m here to take out slick Dick Durbin [applause]. Slick Dick has been in office for over three decades, four terms as a United States Senator. … He’s as partisan a member of the United States Senate as there is. He’s in leadership, but ultimately his god is power.
Today for Catholics is the Feast of the Assumption. The archbishop down the street said that Dick Durbin cannot accept communion in the Roman Catholic Church. It means nothing to Dick Durbin because Dick Durbin is about power, that’s what drives him, that’s all that matters to him… He’s a dangerous guy… I need you to help me kick slick Dick to the curb.
* Curran explained his narrow 2018 reelection loss…
Lake County is not purple, it’s blue, folks. You know, the wrong people moved in, what have you. We need to change that and we will!
* On his switch from the Democratic to Republican parties…
I said they’re heading for evil, I want nothing to do with that, I’m done.
*** UPDATE *** Meanwhile, US Senate candidate Peggy Hubbard claimed she had to literally fight off a forced abortion while serving in the Reagan-era armed forces and said Sen. Durbin has never set foot in East St. Louis (the town of his birth). She also touted her fight to stop the removal of statues honoring the Confederacy. I kid you not.
…Adding… One of those “wrong people”?…
A traffic altercation near Gurnee Wednesday morning led to a felony hate crime charge against a man from unincorporated Gurnee who attacked a motorcyclist with an ice pick while yelling “racial slurs and racial expletives,” according to the Lake County Sheriff’s Office. […]
A 57-year-old man from unincorporated Gurnee called the sheriff’s office around 11:35 a.m. Wednesday after he said he was attacked by a man wielding an ice pick and shouting racial slurs and expletives, according to the news release.
The man, who police said was Hispanic and had a Mexican flag on his motorcycle, had been traveling northbound on North Delany Road near Sunset Avenue in unincorporated Gurnee when a 2009 Hyundai SUV abruptly changed lanes and cut him off, according to the release.
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