Fairmount Park official predicts track could add “at least a thousand jobs”
Wednesday, Sep 11, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller * Fairmount Park has been an innovator for years. It packs ‘em in when other tracks struggle to attract even smallish crowds. Even so, this is a pretty bold statement about what the new gaming expansion law means for the facility…
- Iggy - Wednesday, Sep 11, 19 @ 3:53 pm:
maybe 200 jobs. but sure, throw big numbers out there just for funsies.
- correction - Wednesday, Sep 11, 19 @ 4:02 pm:
== maybe 200 jobs. but sure, throw big numbers out there just for funsies.==
Actually 1000 is probably right when you add in construction jobs, service industry jobs, casino security, etc.
- Norseman - Wednesday, Sep 11, 19 @ 4:06 pm:
Somebody check to see if they’ve jumped the gun on smoking the wacky weed.
- Dave W - Wednesday, Sep 11, 19 @ 4:25 pm:
1000 is a ridiculous number. I’d say 200-250 tops
- Plutocrat03 - Wednesday, Sep 11, 19 @ 4:40 pm:
No one ever checks the number of hires after a project has been approved.
- Occam - Wednesday, Sep 11, 19 @ 5:22 pm:
With about 900 gambling positions approved, plus sports betting, plus an expected increase in the horse racing season from 41 days to 100 days, and the casino running 24/7/365, its not hard to reach 1,000 jobs to run that operation.
Not only do you need the obvious positions that are customer-facing for 3 shifts/day, (i.e. Dealers, cage staff, waitresses, bartenders, etc.) but you need a small army of people for all the behind the scenes activities from maintenance, janitorial, food service, marketing/advertising, IT, security, count room, accounting, legal, regulatory compliance, etc.
- Anyone Remember - Wednesday, Sep 11, 19 @ 5:34 pm:
Plutocrat03 -
The record keeping required to do so would be dismissed as “red tape” or “government overreach” …
- Been There - Wednesday, Sep 11, 19 @ 5:39 pm:
===Fairmount Park has been an innovator for years. It packs ‘em in when other tracks struggle to attract even smallish crowds===
They do a good job of bringing people out to party and drink their beer. But that has never translated into a higher wagering handle. And their OTB’s are terrible. Hopefully they don’t emulate that.
But Occam is correct. Lots of back of the room jobs with casinos and you are open for three shifts. And with increased racing days there will be more horsemen so they are probably counting that increase also.
- Leslie K - Wednesday, Sep 11, 19 @ 5:55 pm:
That does seem awfully high, even if you count the short-term construction jobs. But way to be optimistic, I guess. Is the track far enough away from the riverboats that it can reasonably expect high volume in the non-racing season?
- Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Sep 11, 19 @ 6:10 pm:
Sounds like the whiny Duchossois clan could learn a thing or two.
- Blue Dog Dem - Wednesday, Sep 11, 19 @ 7:25 pm:
3 living wage jobs tops.
- Collinsville Kevin - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 9:08 am:
Fairmount has never been an “innovator” at anything, and I’ve been going there for fifty years. Number of jobs depends on what their plans are, and I would guess they are pretty meager. Still, anything that saves racing is good news to me.
- Left of the Lake - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 9:19 am:
Too bad Arlington Park didn’t have this enthusiastic optimistic outlook of the benefits this new law allows…….