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Not a good look, Rep. Mussman

Monday, Sep 23, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Today, three high school students testified before an Illinois House committee in favor of a ban on flavored e-cigarettes. At one point in the hearing, Rep. Michelle Mussman (D-Schaumburg) asked what the students themselves were doing to help stop vaping at schools. Were they putting up fliers? What actions were their student councils taking? And this is Mussman’s conclusion

I guess I’m questioning whether you’re capable of being a partner with us in trying to save your peers.


* Glenbard North High School student Arsema Araya responded

I would just like to say I spent my summer with [Rep.] Deb Conroy working against this, so I think that makes me pretty dedicated. But if that isn’t enough, we have all proven that we are willing to, for lack of a better word, go against our student body and show their wrongs. … I don’t think there’s any better solution, because you guys have had time to come up with one and I haven’t seen one to make this go away.

So you’ve had your time, and now we’ve had to skip our school day to come tell you what we’ve seen in our school because nothing has been done.

Whatever you think of her position on this topic, that was a solid retort to a totally uncalled-for attack.

* Rep. Delia Ramirez (D-Chicago) then stuck up for Ms. Araya and the other testifying students

I started working at a very young age. At 21, I became the [executive director] of a non-profit, and all that people asked me was my age and questioned my capacity based on my age. And we were sometimes the most knowledgeable people because we were the most directly impacted by the issues. So I want to personally thank you and tell you just how much I appreciate that you are here. … And sometimes we just don’t listen, so we need to hear you practically drop the mic, if you’re able to drop the mic. So thank you for that.

The microphones are attached to a bendable arm, so there is no possibility of a mic-drop moment. But that’s as close to one as I’ve seen in a while.


  1. - Not again - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 4:14 pm:

    Major burn.

  2. - Almost the weekend - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 4:15 pm:

    Talking down to people on social media is one thing, but having the audacity to say this to high school students at a forum will just keep up the notion, whether it is right or wrong, that Democrats continue to talk to down people and think their ideas are best. Two ears one mouth for a reason. Props to Rep. Ramirez.

  3. - Studentdem - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 4:20 pm:

    Mussman should apologize. “What are you doing to stop students from vaping” really? The students are there giving their testimony. What did she expect them to do? Steal students vapes before they testified?

  4. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 4:23 pm:

    How pathetically small you are Ms. Mussman.

    How small you are, Ms. Mussman that to feel superior to a high schooler you ridicule. The student came to testify, how many students are that brave? The student came to stand up for those who are too nervous to testify, but there YOU are, Ms. Mussman, to cut down a young adult for your ego, that you are something “better”, when in reality, that student is far more engaging to go outside the comfort zone than you are.

    Next time, just say “do you know who I am” so your passively pointed sneer can truly be about you. Why hide your own feeling of superiority, ask, “do you know who I am”, really make the boorish point.

    The contempt shown here by Ms. Mussman, take note. It’s when you think no one is watching is when the real person shines through.

    How fragile of an ego one must have to decide to go after someone willing to be heard in front of that committee to be a partner and your rating of that student says more about how you feel about people than just about one student.

    I know who you are. Maybe it’s you Ms. Mussman who needs to realize who you are, and it’s not all what you think.

    Good on the student, Rep. Ramirez, and Arsema Araya. You can’t teach class, but you both showed Ms. Mussman where she stands.

  5. - Rich Miller - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 4:23 pm:

    “Hi, I’m a mom on a mission to demean a bunch of concerned high school kids.”

    - Michelle Mussman, probably

  6. - left of the lake - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 4:23 pm:

    Ouch.. Having worked with High School Students over the last few years, I agree with Rep. Delia Ramirez. These students are advocating and working hard every day. grown ups need to take notice and truly listen more.

  7. - Cubs in '16 - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 4:24 pm:

    The very fact these three students care enough to testify on the subject suggests they are more than “capable” of partnering with you Rep. Mussman. Get a clue.

  8. - Seats - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 4:26 pm:

    Beautiful response by the high school student Araya. Mussman you should be embarrassed and issue an apology.

  9. - DuPage Saint - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 4:28 pm:

    Absolutely fabulous response. Shows maturity unlike the Representative.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 4:32 pm:

    @FakeMsMussman - I have no time for these meddling kids when I’m about grandstanding for me.

    @FakeMs.Mussman - Having students testify so I can ridicule them is a passion of mine. Can’t wait to do the same to some senior citizens.

  11. - NIU Grad - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 4:33 pm:

    A peculiar look for a “Mom on a Mission”

  12. - A State Employee Guy - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 4:41 pm:

    Meh, I don’t think it was all that uncalled for. She’s just letting them know that we (royal we) need them to be partners in this with us. Fairly uncontroversial statement there.

  13. - Joe Bidenopolous - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 4:44 pm:

    I wonder if the mom on a mission would take kindly to her kid being talked to like that.

  14. - JS Mill - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 4:45 pm:

    Priceless response, that is how you own a hackneyed and condescending statement from a state legislator.

  15. - 47th Ward - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 4:47 pm:

    ===I guess I’m questioning whether you’re capable of being a partner with us in trying to save your peers.===

    Sounds like a Scooby Doo villain to me.

  16. - thoughts matter - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 5:30 pm:

    High school students job is to get good grades, start learning adulting. These succeeded.

    Illinois legislators job- many and varied including listening respectfully to people before your committee and keeping our schools and teens safe. You failed.

  17. - Lincoln Lad - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 7:15 pm:

    Did the Speaker not tell Mussman to not demean kids trying to do a good thing? Life without Mapes…

  18. - Soccermom - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 7:24 pm:

    I can vouch for Arsema and the other students who were working with Deb Conroy on this issue. They were speaking out against vaping months before this appeared on the public radar.

  19. - A State Employee Guy - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 7:55 pm:

    “Life without Mapes.”

    As opposed to…life with him? You recall how that was right?

  20. - Not a Superstar - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 8:21 pm:

    A perfect Illinois parallel, the same day Greta Thunberg was testifying before the UN about climate change. The Olds mistakenly think young people don’t work hard as activists.

  21. - Glum - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 8:52 pm:

    I was there and that isn’t exacfly how it came across in the room. The students comments were not necessarily anti-vape and didn’t make a ton of sense given the current law. I think Mussman was trying to make the point that you can’t just blame politicians for the problem when vaping under 21 is already prohibited. Mussman has 3 teenage boys. I think she was trying to push the student to think harder and in a different way. I didn’t see it as offensive.

  22. - Phenomynous - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 8:54 pm:

    Agree with Glum. This is was taken a little out of context.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 9:06 pm:


    ===I was there and that isn’t exacfly how it came across in the room===

    … and yet, it was not only a student who defended, another member of the GA was not “amused”. Ms. Mussman said it, she owns it. She went out of her way to be snide.

    ===I think Mussman was trying to make the point that you can’t just blame politicians for the problem when vaping under 21 is already prohibited.===

    By trying to degrade a high school student that she, personally, isn’t doing enough? Yikes. It’s worse than I thought.

    ===Mussman has 3 teenage boys.===

    So she can be as snide and demeaning to a high schooler? Is that how it works? Oh…

    ===I think she was trying to push the student to think harder and in a different way.===

    … by making someone testifying seem… less? Wow, that’s a great way to push, make someone feel less, only to have others defend later.

    ===I didn’t see it as offensive.===

    Again, you have another student and a member of the GA call Ms. Mussman out, dunno if Ms. Mussman has any ground to stand on. Nope.

  24. - Lincoln Lad - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 10:14 pm:

    Maybe Mussman plans to run for President… trying out the new ballgame… she needs to tweet something… SAD

  25. - {Sigh} - Monday, Sep 23, 19 @ 11:38 pm:

    A perfect example of harassment/bullying by a female legislator. Where is the outrage from female legislators, other than Ramirez?

    ===I think Mussman was trying to make the point that you can’t just blame politicians for the problem when vaping under 21 is already prohibited.=

    Has anyone blamed legislators for the vaping problem?

    How do you really fix a problem, when most of the problem is coming from an unregulated black market? The General Assembly can pass all the bills they want, but going after retailer isn’t going to solve the problem bc these days there is that thing called the internet {snark} and kids will always have access. Obviously banning vaping for those under 21 didn’t fix ANY problems.

    Mussman needs to apologize. {sigh}

  26. - Mercy - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 6:34 am:

    Kids are Mollycoddled. Lighten up everyone I think this precious little urchin will survive. Michelle Mussman is a very good state representative.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 8:14 am:

    ===Kids are Mollycoddled.===

    So let’s show them such disrespect? Hmm.

    ===Lighten up everyone I think this precious little urchin will survive.===

    Anytime a person testifies, especially a student, expect Ms. Mussman to be classless? Ok, I’m fine with that, Ms. Mussman is a person lacking class. Good to know. Your “urchin” remark also shows the smug content you have, just like Ms. Mussman. No wonder you’re defending her, lol

    ===Michelle Mussman is a very good state representative.===

    … except for her contempt for young students trying to make a difference, she can’t stand or respect kids testifying.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 8:17 am:

    Ms. Mussman,

    A student testifies you you show such distain and sneer at that student, and no public apology?

    That student has more class than you showed her.

    Not a good look, but so very telling. These defenses also see no need to apologize? Whew. They’re not helping you.

  29. - Davos - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 8:34 am:

    =Kids are Mollycoddled. Lighten up everyone I think this precious little urchin will survive. Michelle Mussman is a very good state representative.=

    Wow. Just wow. Now we are personally attacking the student? Thanks for confirming the callous environment towards outsiders within the Illinois legislative process. It’s ok to criticize a high school student, but how dare someone criticize a legislator. Ms. Araya at age 17 has demonstrated she has thicker skin than Rep. Mussman and her minions.

  30. - {Sigh} - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 8:54 am:

    =Kids are Mollycoddled. Lighten up everyone I think this precious little urchin will survive. Michelle Mussman is a very good state representative.=

    If one is going to campaign as mom on a mission to clean up Springfield, then she needs to be held accountable when being disrespectful to witnesses testifying. A good state representative would be happy to see high school students engaged in the process.

    We all have bad days. She needs to own her actions and apologize!

  31. - Lincoln Lad - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 8:55 am:

    I used to also think Michelle Mussman was a good state rep. But like so many, she’s lost what made her a good rep within her ego and sense of superiority. She’s fallen like so many have before her. In her case she hadn’t really accomplished anything notable as a rep on her own. Now she has - but it isn’t a positive, it’s quite the opposite. She’s the one being mollycoddled by supporters on this blog.

  32. - Name Withheld - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 8:59 am:

    == Mercy - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 6:34 am ==
    == Kids are Mollycoddled. Lighten up everyone I think this precious little urchin will survive ==

    You have an ironic handle, “Mercy”, considering that you’re advocating for personal attacks against students speaking out on an issue.

  33. - Get real - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 9:00 am:

    Mom on a mission was in over her head from day one. Surprised it has taken this long for one of her thoughtless, superficial diatribes to be noticed.

  34. - Big Joe - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 9:02 am:

    Ms. Mussman is my state rep. In every instance that I have conversed with her I have come away feeling that my concerns were heard and she understood what I was trying to get across. Everyone has a bad day now and again and makes mistakes. This seems like one of those times. Maybe an apology is in order, and I hope that the students got one.

  35. - mocking jay - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 9:02 am:

    Went back and watched the blueroom. It sounded more like the Rep was trying to understand the student culture related to vaping. Is it stigmatized in the way cigarettes were (for the smell, etc).
    I’m surprised by how many were quick to assault Mussman’s character when she is one of the most approachable members of the GA (my opinion, I guess).
    I also think the students’ answers were good, but there didn’t seem to be the tension that everyone is ascribing to the situation.
    Talking it out and understanding one another is how we solve problems, that seems to be what happened here.

  36. - Big Joe - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 9:03 am:

    I wasn’t there, so I will defer to Glum on this.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 9:10 am:

    ===Everyone has a bad day now and again and makes mistakes.===

    … and yet no apology.

    ===This seems like one of those times. Maybe an apology is in order, and I hope that the students got one.===

    You’re on it. Well said.

    ===I’m surprised by how many were quick to assault Mussman’s character when she is one of the most approachable members of the GA ===

    … and yet both another student and another member of the GA felt the sad words, the condescending words of Ms. Mussman should be thwarted.

    No public apology even after being called out speaks volumes about Ms. Mussman.

    Either we decide a “Mom on a Mission” is a phony campaign line, or a Mom who decides to snidely go after a student who voluntarily testifies, she realizes that mistake, and apologies.

  38. - Dr. Mantis Tobaggen - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 9:12 am:

    =Kids are Mollycoddled. Lighten up everyone I think this precious little urchin will survive. Michelle Mussman is a very good state representative.=

    Gotta be a troll that wrote this

  39. - Cubs in '16 - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 9:31 am:

    Offering basic respect to a fellow human is ‘coddling’? That’s an interesting perspective.

  40. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 9:34 am:

    ===This is was taken a little out of context===



  41. - A State Employee Guy - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 9:38 am:

    She had the respect enough to address these students without using kid gloves. I’d take that over the performative and dismissive “gee thanks for coming you kids are the future” stuff I’m accustomed to hearing from reps.

  42. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 9:41 am:

    ===She had the respect enough to address these students without using kid gloves. I’d take that over the performative and dismissive “gee thanks for coming you kids are the future” stuff I’m accustomed to hearing from reps.===


    You’re taking being purposely snide and demeaning, talking down to a student…

    … to showing class and respect for students willing to show up and be heard and embracing that initiative as a willing partner.

    You’re choosing disrespect and condescending.

  43. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 9:59 am:

    ===She had the respect enough===

    I, for one, didn’t see a milliliter of respect in her approach.

  44. - mocking jay - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 9:59 am:

    == … and yet both another student and another member of the GA felt the sad words, the condescending words of Ms. Mussman should be thwarted.==

    Rep Ramirez didn’t even address Mussman… She was thanking them for being there. And again the students comments seemed to be well taken without the tension that you say was there.
    I think this 100% is being taken out of context. Not even that, I think people are adding in context that isn’t there.

  45. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 10:01 am:

    ===Rep Ramirez didn’t even address Mussman… She was thanking them for being there===

    She went out of her way to thank them because Mussman went out of her way to whack them. C’mon. Don’t be so freaking dense.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 10:09 am:

    ===Rep Ramirez didn’t even address Mussman… She was thanking them for being there.===

    … while dropping some serious shade.

    ===And sometimes we just don’t listen, so we need to hear you practically drop the mic, if you’re able to drop the mic. So thank you for that.===

    Let’s throw in her own history to that shade too;

    ===I started working at a very young age. At 21, I became the [executive director] of a non-profit, and all that people asked me was my age and questioned my capacity based on my age. And we were sometimes the most knowledgeable people because we were the most directly impacted by the issues.===

    Ms. Mussman is now the angry PTA parent that “loves” kids but loathes them involved in ruining her own PTA importance.

    ===I think this 100% is being taken out of context.===

    Hmm. Let’s break this down;

    ===I guess I’m questioning whether you’re capable of being a partner with us in trying to save your peers.===

    “I guess”

    Starting the condescending. Ms. Mussman already has formulated the thought, it’s now about setting up her snide remark.

    “I’m questioning whether you’re capable”

    The student is there, willing to give testimony and be seen as a partner when it could be running against the strain of the “kool” idea.

    See, Ms. Mussman *knows* she’s capable, she’s a Mom on a Mission, this student, hmm. Very telling about Ms. Mussman.


    “of being a partner with us”

    Are you worthy of me? Is that how it goes? That’s where this is; are you worthy of me?

    “in trying to save your peers.”

    Making it about this student is a “them”, not a partner, already a forgone thought, “your peers”, not “our community”

    Still… no apology?

  47. - mocking jay - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 10:09 am:

    I don’t think I am dense for having a different read of the situation…

  48. - Career Politician 2.0 - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 10:59 am:

    Paging Michelle Mussman:

    In regards to =I guess I’m questioning whether you’re capable of being a partner with us in trying to save your peers.=

    Can Mussman explain what makes her a capable partner on this issue?

  49. - Christi Wessel - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 11:46 am:

    If you knew Rep Mussman, You’d know that wasn’t her intent. She’s been VERY involved locally in anti-vaping campaigns & has been told over & over again by students, that students don’t and won’t listen to adults. So I’m pretty sure that was her motive?

  50. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 24, 19 @ 11:49 am:

    ===She’s been VERY involved locally in anti-vaping campaigns & has been told over & over again by students, that students don’t and won’t listen to adults.===


    Ms. Mussman;

    ===I guess I’m questioning whether you’re capable of being a partner with us in trying to save your peers.===

    I think - 47th Ward - has your retort…

    ===Sounds like a Scooby Doo villain to me.===

    So, those “pesky kids” won’t listen, so degrade a student?

    That’s… one… way to go. lol

  51. - withoutclass - Wednesday, Sep 25, 19 @ 11:37 am:

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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