Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Should Sandoval be moved off the Transportation Committee?
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Should Sandoval be moved off the Transportation Committee?

Thursday, Sep 26, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tina Sfondeles and Jon Seidel

Asked if [Sen. Martin Sandoval. D-Chicago] will lose his chairmanship of the Senate’s Transportation Committee, [Senate President John Cullerton] said he’ll “wait and see what happens” — since Sandoval has not been charged.

“I’d like to be informed about what’s going on before I make any decisions,” Cullerton said, adding he has not heard from Sandoval and has not attempted to call him. Cullerton, too, said he has not been approached by federal authorities about the investigation.

I’m not convinced that this is a prudent course for Senate President Cullerton.

* From Hannah Meisel’s Daily Line story yesterday

Sandoval has served as the chair of the Senate Transportation Committee for the last decade, according to General Assembly records. He was also named one of five co-chairs to Pritzker’s Restoring Illinois’ Infrastructure Committee during the gubernatorial transition last year. […]

Transportation Committee meetings chaired by Sandoval are generally known as a quick affair, often with the senator gaveling in and out within a matter of minutes in the ornate Room 212 of the Capitol building.

The main reason the hearings are so quick is because the bulk of the committee’s real business is generally done behind closed doors. Actually, just one closed door: The door to Sandoval’s office. Federal agents basically cleared out that office this week, so who knows what they were looking for or what they found.

* Meanwhile

Playbook hears that a letter is being sent to the FBI, calling for the agency to release the names of the companies that Sandoval was allegedly getting kickbacks from. Sandoval’s influence on the transportation committee makes him a critical player in the massive infrastructure bill that just passed the state Legislature “and taxpayers need to know if moneys are being spent wisely,” a source familiar with the letter said.

It’s a pretty solid bet that the feds will not release that list, but Sandoval should probably be moved off the Transportation Committee to be on the safe side.

…Adding… The letter turns out to be from Assistant Minority Leader Grant Wehrli (R-Naperville). Excerpt

On June 1, 2019, the Illinois General Assembly passed, and it was later signed into law, a $45 billion capital works program. This plan is meant to address numerous capital projects in Illinois, including a substantial amount of work on our state’s transportation system. Spending for this program will begin imminently.

With the troubling allegations surfacing against Sen. Sandoval, I have grave concerns that the state’s precious resources could be allocated to companies that illegally participated in kickback schemes. Therefore, I request at your earliest convenience that you provide the General Assembly, the Office of the Governor, the Office of the Comptroller, the Illinois Tollway Authority, the Illinois Department of Transportation and any other relevant state agencies any evidence you have regarding these allegations to ensure that taxpayers are protected.

* The Illinois Policy Institute is trying to use the Sandoval probe to cast doubt on the entire capital plan and its funding mechanisms

Was corruption at the heart of Illinois’ gas tax hike?

Capital bills are a feeding frenzy for special interests. And Sandoval held the keys to the kitchen. “Governor signs Sandoval’s $45 billion infrastructure improvement package,” boasts a June press release from the state senator’s website.

Might the feds want to have a word about some of those projects?

According to the Chicago Tribune, authorities are looking into allegations Sandoval used his public office to steer business in exchange for private kickbacks. That’s all we know about the raids so far, other than the fact that prosecutors would have needed to present some serious evidence to justify cracking the Statehouse dome, not to mention Sandoval’s Cicero office and his home. The state senator has not been charged with any wrongdoing.

The Illinois Policy Institute released a report ahead of the capital bill vote this year warning about the need for project selection reform to guard against waste and abuse of taxpayer resources.

* The News-Gazette is on that same page

Nonetheless, he has influence in the Illinois Senate because he’s chairman of its Transportation Committee. In that role, he was a key player in the recent doubling of Illinois’ gas tax — from 19 cents a gallon to 38 cents. The massive increase is funding $45 billion in public works projects, some legitimate infrastructure improvements and some pure legislative pork.

That’s a lot of money to be floating around, and the competition to get a piece of it must be fierce.

It is in that political maelstrom where proper and improper political influence comes into play.

* The Tribune editorial board sticks to its usual schtick

Keep in mind: Sandoval might be unfamiliar to most rank-and-file voters across Illinois, but he is a consummate insider. Half of Sandoval’s Senate district is represented by Madigan as a member of the House. They work together closely. Sandoval, a member of the Senate for nearly 20 years, also has been mentioned as a possible successor to the Senate president, should John Cullerton of Chicago ever step down. Sandoval’s campaign fund treasurer until 2009 was Danny Solis, the now-scorned and retired Chicago alderman who wore a wire while cooperating with federal authorities in their probe of … we aren’t sure whom.

He and Madigan work together closely? That would be news to pretty much anyone. They were at each others’ throats just last year when Madigan supported Chuy Garcia’s Cook County Board candidate against Sandoval’s daughter. And that decision didn’t come out of nowhere.

Also, he’s been mentioned as a possible successor to Cullerton? By whom? Marty himself?

I mean, have any of those editorial board members been to the Statehouse in this decade?


  1. - 4 eyes - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 10:32 am:

    ===I mean, have any of those editorial board members been to the Statehouse in this decade? ===

    The answer to that question is no…

  2. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 10:33 am:

    ===The Illinois Policy Institute is trying to use the Sandoval probe to cast doubt on the entire capital plan and its funding mechanisms…===

    Grifters gonna grift. They need to rain on parades with trumped up ideas of wholly tainting a badly needed infrastructure plan.


    Sandoval should be moved. Until we all know more publicly, yeah, you move him.

    Sandoval’s own silence “says” it’s so.

  3. - Steve - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 10:36 am:

    Marty Sandoval deserves due process like any other individual. He hasn’t been indicted on anything . Yes, it’s a difficult situation but the rule of law is more important than some politicians feeling uncomfortable. Of course the Republicans will try and use the situation to suggest to the public that the entire tax hike was a scam. Some people are going to believe it, with or without some indictments. Will John Cullerton have a smaller majority because of this? Who knows. That’s the risk of having people like Marty in public office.

  4. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 10:38 am:

    ===Marty Sandoval deserves due process===

    Chairmanships are not legal rights. Chairmanships are purely political decisions by the presiding officer.

  5. - City Zen - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 10:40 am:

    ==Was corruption at the heart of Illinois’ gas tax hike?==

    Corruption is more like Illinois’ liver.

  6. - 32nd warder - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 10:40 am:

    Marty was a shakedown artist. I can’t believe it took this long for him to get pinched. Dues process is a legal term. the senate press should exercise “good judgement,” which isn’t a legal term, and remove marty from any committee chairmanships.

  7. - Just Me - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 10:42 am:

    Steve - Sandoval deserves due process as a citizen. Not as a public official where the standards are different.

    Remember: Blagojevich was impeached and removed from office before his first trial even began. It’s totally fair to remove Sandoval from Chairman of his committee. Veto Session starts soon, do you really want him running that committee now?

  8. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 10:42 am:

    ===Chairmanships are not legal rights. Chairmanships are purely political decisions by the presiding officer.===

    No one is asking or forcing a resignation, however, this idea that Sandoval is worthy of a chairmanship under this cloud is not the same argument.

    The due process *is* Sandoval still a seated member of the Illinois Senate.

  9. - Thomas Paine - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 10:43 am:

    “You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.”

    Someone needs to tell Sandoval that if he does not step down from the chairmanship he is going to be removed sooner or later any way. And the longer he stays in that chair, the more likely it is some of those folks he had conversations with in the past are going to give the feds a call.

  10. - Moe Berg - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 10:43 am:

    Sub-head to Greg Hinz’s Crain’s story on Sandoval raid:

    “Officials won’t disclose what the FBI is looking for, but the raid is one of a series of actions aimed at associates of House Speaker Mike Madigan.”

    Sandoval is in no way an “associate” of Madigan.

    It’s disappointing. But Hinz writes for, and likely contributes, to an ed board that keeps advocating for magical, unconstitutional “pension reforms.”

    Elected officials are hardly the only ones failing us.

  11. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 10:58 am:

    “Christmas in June” with Senator Sandoval in charge of allocating 45 billion in Transportation money has not aged too well

  12. - Back to the Future - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 11:06 am:

    “Closing Time” song line “you don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here” sums up the current Sandoval situation.

    Under the current circumstances, it would be very difficult to involve Sandoval in any serious discussions on a 45 Billion Dollar spending program. May seem unfair to some folks, but it is what it is.

  13. - placeyourbets - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 11:07 am:

    the implication of a madigan/sandoval link is utterly absurd. Shows a total lack of basic understanding of the modern political dynamics under the dome.

  14. - Downstate - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 11:10 am:

    If Sandoval was involved in a shakedown, of any kind, then I’m thinking Blago’s prison sentence wasn’t long enough, if it was meant to send a message to other would-be miscreants.

  15. - Candy Dogood - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 11:14 am:

    It would probably be a good idea for the 4 Tops to agree to a standard practice of removing committee chair positions and potentially other leadership positions for those under indictment or that appear to be a target of criminal investigations.

    “In order to make certain that the business of the People of Illinois is not impacted by the attention that [Insert Name Here] must direct towards mounting their rigorous defense against these charges.”

  16. - 100 miles west - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 11:23 am:

    Remove Sandoval and Tom Cullerton from all committees, not just chairs. If they are innocent, move them back.

  17. - SSL - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 11:25 am:

    I am hoping that whatever the Feds are looking at, it isn’t shakedowns associated with capital projects.

    If that’s the case, that’s all we’re going to hear about for the next 14 months. The minute you give your tax dollars to Illinois, corruption kicks in.

    JB can’t be liking this too much.

  18. - Please and Thank You - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 11:30 am:

    Gavel in and out in minutes? Decisions behind one closed door.

    No wonder Illinois has some of the highest per mile road construction costs in the nation/world.

    Those two facts alone require action from those in charge of safeguarding tax payer interests.

    Get the guy out. He doesn’t even have to pack.

  19. - Truthiness - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 11:33 am:

    ==Will John Cullerton have a smaller majority because of this? Who knows.==

    The seat won’t flip if Sandoval leaves. It’s covers the south side and Madigan’s district. Solid blue. This is the same logic IPI was using to fundraise off his Trump/tequila gun incident when he’s not even up for election this cycle.

  20. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 11:34 am:

    ===IPI was using to fundraise===


  21. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 11:37 am:

    ===tax payer interests===


    We’re all taxpayers.

    ===No wonder Illinois has some of the highest per mile road construction costs in the nation/world.===

    Illinois, in 2017, was 12th most expensive in the United States.

    If you can find the “world”, have at it.

  22. - Drip, drip, drip... - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 11:48 am:

    Can’t imagine what they will find. His golf outing had a bigger purse than the U.S. Open.

  23. - Please and Thank You - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 11:50 am:

    Willy, I think you missed the forest.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 11:56 am:

    ===I think you missed the forest.===

    Nah. You want drive-by Facebook hyperbole, and I called ya on it.

  25. - Fav human - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 12:11 pm:

    ‘If that’s the case”

    No. You going to hear this times 10 now. I suspect you’ll see his and Burke’s face plastered all over ads against the tax.

    Not to mention every legislature race…

    It’s just too good not to.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 12:15 pm:

    ===And you’ve left the impression that you think Sandoval has done a good job, and 38th place for road construction efficiency is acceptable.===

    No, I’m embarrassing your ignorance;

    ===No wonder Illinois has some of the highest per mile road construction costs in the nation/world.===

    Narrator: it’s not.

    ===pushing a red herring and alluding that there was a worthy stratification of the term “taxpayers“===

    We’re all taxpayers. No one is not getting something by being a taxpayer and others aren’t taxpayers at all.

    Keep up.

  27. - Loan Ranger - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 12:18 pm:

    Why does every thread have to end up being about Willy?

  28. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 12:24 pm:

    Arrogance, he is a legend in his own mind

    No one laughs harder at his “jokes” than he does

  29. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 12:30 pm:

    at least we aren’t New Jersey at a whopping $200 K a mile for road construction

    we are 11th highest at just under $52K a mile

  30. - Been There - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 12:47 pm:

    ====Actually, just one closed door: The door to Sandoval’s office.=====
    Well to be fair to the old saying, Marty would sometimes have those uncomfortable meetings in the conference room down the hall from his office door.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 1:05 pm:

    - Loan Ranger -

    C’mon, your “loan” comment is about me.

    To Wehrli’s letter,

    I dunno, since there’s no indictment, asking for this information, isn’t that impeding that investigation. Some might call this grandstanding. I’ll wait for that tweet to clarify.

  32. - Tammy - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 2:22 pm:

    Sandoval as the next senate prez??? That noise you just heard was the last ounce of credibility be drained from the Trib editorial board.

  33. - Say What? - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 4:14 pm:

    In light of Senator Knuckleheads knowledge of transportation infrastructure is limited to the fact that he has driven on roads in our State . . . . . . .how would one tell the difference if he was in the chair or not?

  34. - Flat Bed Ford - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 4:21 pm:

    At a time when most in Springfield have their collective heads in the sand regarding corruption I applaud Rep Wherli for his efforts. Grandstanding as this letter is kudos to him for asking that the taxpayers know where $40+ billion is going.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 4:27 pm:

    ===Grandstanding as this letter is===

    Here’s the rub, first it’s an unknown letter, next thing ya know “here it is”. It’s self-serving. It’s Mr. Wehrli.


    Who are not taxpayers? It’s a dog whistle.

    ===where $40+ billion is going.===

    Mr. Wehrli wants to know the targets, he’s not confused where the money is going. Of course, Mr. Wehrli knows they won’t disclose that, “ongoing investigation” and all, so it’s not very honest to intent.

    With respect.

  36. - MyTwoCents - Thursday, Sep 26, 19 @ 5:31 pm:

    There’s a lot of comments about the cost per mile in Illinois without any discussion of why. Labor costs (& a high cost of living urban area), price of materials, factors unique to Illinois that might increase cost, etc. Any of these factors, all or none? I don’t know, but it’s intellectually lazy to toss something out without having an evidence-based reason for the why.

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