Boost Your Cannabis License Application by Partnering with Labor
Monday, Nov 18, 2019 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Labor provisions in the Illinois Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act highlight our state’s belief that organized labor can and should represent workers within the industry, if they so choose. Illinois Cannabis Unions is a coalition of some of the largest and most forward-thinking labor unions in Illinois who already represent workers in the cannabis industry or will seek to represent new employees. Local 881 UFCW, SEIU Local 1, Local 399 IUOE, and Teamsters Joint Council 25 will help grow this new industry, advocate for its success, and support the thousands of workers across all racial lines and backgrounds throughout our state who will help staff and service legal cannabis. No matter the background or where we they come from, all workers deserve a better future for their families, and that starts with joining in union. The law awards up to five points, out of a possible 250, for applicants entering into a “labor peace agreement” with a labor organization recognized under the National Labor Relations act. If you plan to apply for a license, are a current operator or investor, or are generally interested in learning more, boost your application by partnering with us today. Start the process at