Adventures in fundraising
Tuesday, Nov 19, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Planned Parenthood, um, stretches the limits of possibility with this fundraising email…
Illinois could become the next anti-abortion state. Don’t let abortion opponents win! Make an urgent gift now to fight back!
The Reproductive Health Act (RHA) is under attack. It has only been in effect a few months, but dangerous legislation has already been introduced to repeal this critical protection for reproductive freedom.
You fought to pass the RHA, declaring reproductive health care as a fundamental human right in Illinois. But the opposition wants to steal your victory.
This new, alarming legislation will:
* Ban abortions at six weeks - before most women even know they are pregnant
* Jail doctors for providing abortion care
* Strip away people’s access to reproductive health care
You cannot let this happen. [Redacted], make an emergency gift today to support the pro-Planned Parenthood champions in Springfield, and help us fight back against this attack on our reproductive health and rights.
Your support is critical to fight this new legislation, and protect care in the Midwest.
In this together,
Jennifer Welch
Planned Parenthood Illinois Action PAC
The bill is not going anywhere and they know it and this pitch is designed to generate fear when none is warranted.
* Democratic congressional candidate Anthony Clark uses image of murdered student to raise campaign money…
This is Michael Reese.
He was one of my students, and on Oct. 2, he was shot on a street in my district.
Five days later, he succumbed to his wounds and died.
I’ve shared with you before that in my 10 years of teaching here in the Seventh District, I’ve lost 11 students to gun violence. One of the reasons I’m running for Congress is to treat the systems that lead to violence and grief. But, here we are today—I’ve now lost 12 students to gun violence.
As I write this email, our school and our community are in mourning over Micheal’s death. We’ve mourned the loss of far too many young people.
We know these problems don’t have a single fix. They are intertwined with the systematic vehicles of oppression and marginalization. Our students, our communities, and all of us are owed opportunity. We demand a fair judicial system. We deserve fair pay. Everyone deserves the right to grow and flourish.
The system won’t change until people like US are elected to Congress. Our current leaders are too distant from the harsh realities we face on a daily basis to make effective change.
I got into this race because this is OUR community, and it deserves a voice in Congress that is connected to the roots in our neighborhoods. Someone who’s connected now to the communities of Bellwood, Oak Park, and across the district.
That’s why our campaign is 100% grassroots and doesn’t take any money from corporate PACs or special interests. I intend to serve the people, not big money, and I intend to finally put an end to the violence that has claimed 12 of my students and countless others in IL-07.
We can’t afford to lose one more life, so I’m asking you to support our campaign to root out the causes of gun violence and make this epidemic a thing of the past.
This is literally a matter of life and death.
In solidarity,
Support Anthony’s camaign
…Adding… An eagle-eyed reader pointed out that Clark also spelled the kid’s name wrong in its second usage. “Micheal.” For crying out loud, do better.
* Rodney Davis uses the House impeachment process to appeal to his fundraising base…
Since Nancy Pelosi gave Adam Schiff the green light to do anything he wants, he’s been turning Congress upside down and on its head. Schiff is calling up witnesses who aren’t credible, none of them have ever even met President Trump nor have they ever been in contact with him!
Schiff has no evidence to prove his politically motivated impeachment investigation, yet he continues to waste more and more of taxpayer money. More so, Democrats are polling what charges to bring against President Trump.
This entire investigation is nothing more than a political tool Democrats are trying to use to bolster their 2020 election chances.
If you agree that this entire investigation inquiry has been a complete waste of time and money, add your name to the growing list of Illinoisans who want this partisan impeachment to end!
Rodney Davis is committed to fighting for the priorities of Downstate Illinois and that means advocating on your behalf, Friend.
If you want your voice heard, click here to say NO to impeachment>>>
Help put an end to this politically motivated investigation by signing our petition today! Let Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff know what you think of their partisan impeachment process.
Thank you,
Team Rodney
He could also use a grammar checker.
- filmmaker prof - Tuesday, Nov 19, 19 @ 12:35 pm:
Rodney’s mailers always have grammatical errors. Always.
- Steve - Tuesday, Nov 19, 19 @ 12:38 pm:
The PP e-mail is more than unlikely. What’s more likely, in Illinois, is PP in every high school with big pictures of Margaret Sanger.
- @misterjayem - Tuesday, Nov 19, 19 @ 12:42 pm:
“What’s more likely, in Illinois, is PP in every high school with big pictures of Margaret Sanger.”
And here I was thinking you might be some kind of kook.
– MrJM
- Donnie Elgin - Tuesday, Nov 19, 19 @ 12:45 pm:
I sure hope that candidate Anthony Clark asked the murdered child’s family for permission to use the photo.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 19, 19 @ 12:58 pm:
As someone notoriously bad with spelling and grammatical errors, I’m not fundraising off my errors, or making spelling errors pertaining to victim’s names. There needs to be a better way to try to at least spell check?
Planned Parenthood?
C’mon, at least be honest to the landscape and realities of Illinois right now, including the governor currently occupying before you decide to scare folks.
Or maybe the goal is to just scare folks
- Blue Dog Dem - Tuesday, Nov 19, 19 @ 1:18 pm:
…reproductive health care is a fundamental human right. That’s a good one.
- Arock - Tuesday, Nov 19, 19 @ 1:52 pm:
If a woman is pregnant then her reproductive system has worked as designed. An abortion just ends the life of her son or daughter in the womb, that is not healthcare. So calling an abortion procedure reproductive healthcare is a lie.
- Anonish - Tuesday, Nov 19, 19 @ 2:02 pm:
Would be nice if Anthony Clark would file an FEC report for last quarter
- Nick Name - Tuesday, Nov 19, 19 @ 2:12 pm:
===The PP e-mail is more than unlikely. What’s more likely, in Illinois, is PP in every high school with big pictures of Margaret Sanger.===
You might want to loosen up that tinfoil hat. Quit cutting off the blood supply.
- Bourbon Street - Tuesday, Nov 19, 19 @ 2:12 pm:
After reading Anthony Clark’s fundraising literature, I had to double-check to make sure that Cong. Danny Davis hadn’t been replaced (unbeknownst to me) by some rabid pro-gun right wing congressman. Nope, he’s still in office and plans to run again. It made me wonder who exactly Clark thinks his opponent is.
- Democrat Grrrl - Tuesday, Nov 19, 19 @ 2:19 pm:
Anthony - please spell the word “campaign” at the end of your fundraising email correctly. Thank you.
- LoyalVirus - Tuesday, Nov 19, 19 @ 3:08 pm:
Reproductive health care *is* health care, and should be treated as such under the law. I don’t support the PP mailer - a positive message about donating to help maintain Illinois presence as a beacon in the Midwest would have been more effective and realistic.
- Anyone Remember - Tuesday, Nov 19, 19 @ 6:19 pm:
“So calling an abortion procedure reproductive healthcare is a lie.”
Is that you Rick Santorum?