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Rep. Tarver explains arrest

Friday, Nov 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a Proft paper

State Rep. Curtis Tarver II (D-Chicago) was arrested Monday night in the Woodlawn section of Chicago and charged with carrying a weapon with an invalid concealed carry license (CCL), according to Chicago police.

Replying to an inquiry from Chicago City Wire, the CPD Office of Communications said that at approximately 8:32 p.m. on November 18 officers on patrol in the 6500 block of South Stony Island Avenue stopped a vehicle with a broken headlight. They asked the driver, whom they identified as Curtis Tarver, 38, if there were weapons in the vehicle.

“The driver handed officers a weapon that was in the vehicle, as well as a concealed carry license,” a CPD communications officer wrote in an email. “Further investigation revealed the license was revoked. The subject was taken into custody and charged accordingly.”

Tarver was charged with a misdemeanor for the invalid license. He was also cited for the faulty headlight. He was issued an I-bond (a no-cash bond) and released. A court appearance is set for December 27 at 727 E. 111th St., Chicago.

And then it delves into speculation about why his carry license had been revoked.

* From Rep. Tarver…

On November 18, I was the subject of a routine traffic stop, at which time what appears to have been a clerical error regarding my concealed carry license resulted in my arrest. The facts are clear and supported by documents which I have shared with the Chicago Police Department: In August 2019, my concealed carry permit was renewed through August 2024. Upon receiving notice that concealed carry license was revoked because my Firearm Owners Identification Card (FOID) had expired I immediately renewed my FOID. The renewal was effective as of November 16. While I had no way of knowing, this renewal purportedly was not yet reflected in Chicago Police Department records. The department acknowledged that my FOID was valid as of November 16. This was two days prior to the traffic stop, indicating that the concealed carry license should also be valid. I fully expect this case will be resolved quickly and without incident.

Like many people in Chicago, I applied for a concealed carry license in order to keep myself and my daughter safe. I take considerable efforts to ensure that I am always in compliance with our state’s laws and following safe practices for handling a firearm. This commitment to stronger gun laws that promote responsible ownership is why I recently voted for the Fix the FOID Act, which cracks down on illegal gun sales, strengthens background checks and closes unnecessary loopholes. I look forward to continuing this work on behalf of our community and focusing efforts to prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands.

…Adding… Sun-Times

Reached Friday morning, police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said the misdemeanor charge was due to an expired CCL license and that it was “likely a paperwork issue.”


  1. - phenom_Anon - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 9:27 am:

    I thought that when CCW passed, the CCW permit was going to replace the FOID for people who got one. Am I wrong?

  2. - NIref - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 9:28 am:

    A black man pulled over in the City of Chicago for a faulty headlight? SURE…

  3. - unclesam - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 9:30 am:

    This is why I highly respect Rep. Tarver.

  4. - Cheryl44 - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 9:32 am:

    Does everyone get asked about guns when they are pulled over?

  5. - fs - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 9:36 am:

    Seems to me that he applied to get his foid reinstated, but failed to do the same for his ccl. If he didn’t also get that reinstated, guess what Representative: it’s a wholly separate card and was likely still invalid if you also didn’t appeal it as well as your foid. Many have argued for years that there should just be one card. But his party wanted it set up this way, putting as many loopholes as they believe legally possible for someone to exercise their right. Caught in a web of his own party’s making.

  6. - Drake Mallard - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 9:39 am:

    Does everyone get asked about a gun when they get pulled over? In my experiences yes.

  7. - Just Me 2 - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 9:40 am:

    Perfect example of how all our gun laws are so complex that law-abiding gun owners have trouble with the process.

  8. - Billy Sunday - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 9:40 am:

    ok faulty lights equates to being a criminal? Um…I’m assuming his license plates did indicate: “IL House Member.” I guess that didn’t matter…goodness.

  9. - Captain Obvious - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 9:43 am:

    Cheryl - yes they do. Watch a little live pd you would know that.

  10. - Romeo - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 9:44 am:


    CCL & FOID are two separate cards. All CCL holders have a FOID, but not all FOID holders have a CCL.

  11. - DIstant watcher - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 9:45 am:

    A Proft paper running with the barest facts if it embarrasses a Democrat? I expect that. I’m disappointed that the local paper failed to follow through. Dan earned his pennies with this one. His shoddiness is spreading.

  12. - NIU Grad - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 9:46 am:

    A conservative paper taking the side of bureaucratic error when a man is arrested for owning a gun legally…

    …I wonder why…

  13. - Moby - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 9:49 am:

    I’m more curious about why he was driving around with a broken headlight. Not that it’s a huge thing, but it would drive me crazy if it were my car.

  14. - Bruce (no not him) - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 9:56 am:

    I could be wrong (quite often am), but I think CCL will not automatically reinstate when he got new FOID. Probably something he should have checked into, when he let FOID lapse.

  15. - Cubs in '16 - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 10:02 am:

    ===ok faulty lights equates to being a criminal?===

    Where in the story does it say that? He was arrested on what appears to be a clerical error but has not been convicted of anything. He was issues a citation for the headlight.

  16. - the Edge - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 10:05 am:

    Somehow the police data bases need to communicate with each other better. Didn’t I read recently that the CPD has, like, 18 or more data bases?

  17. - fs - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 10:09 am:

    == I could be wrong (quite often am), but I think CCL will not automatically reinstate when he got new FOID. Probably something he should have checked into, when he let FOID lapse.==

    You are not wrong. Two different cards, two different processes to reinstate them. If he did not also get his ccl reinstated, and was driving around only with his expired ccl, and did not have his foid card with him, he would be unlawfully possessing. If he has an issue with that, he should take it up with his fellow legislators who wrote the law to be that complicated.

  18. - Regular democrat - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 10:11 am:

    When the officer runs the name of the person being pulled over in traffic it shows on the screen whether the person is a CCL holder. That may have been the starting point for the conversation concerning weapons.

  19. - Winderweezle - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 10:17 am:


    Often drivers don’t realize they have a headlight out or are driving without headlights, especially in an urban area. That’s why the cops stop you for stuff like that.

    I recently drove my wife’s new car south on I-55 after we stopped for dinner in Springfield. It was about halfway to St. Louis when I started wondering why I couldn’t see well and was trying to remember when my last eye appointment was when I realized I was driving by only the romantic glow of daytime running lights. It happens.

  20. - West Side the Best Side - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 10:31 am:

    NIref - Rep. Tarver described it as “a routine traffic stop.” He’s not claiming he’s a victim, you don’t have to do it on his behalf.

  21. - Just Observing - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 10:31 am:

    === Does everyone get asked about a gun when they get pulled over? In my experiences yes. ===

    === Cheryl - yes they do. Watch a little live pd you would know that. ===

    I’m a white male in my 40s… I’ve been pulled over plenty of times in my life (more in my younger days)… I don’t recall ever being asked if I’ve had a weapon in the vehicle. By way of background, although I lived in Chicago for quite a few years, I don’t think I’ve been pulled over by CPD; always by state troopers or suburban cops.

  22. - A Jack - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 10:41 am:

    I haven’t been asked if I had a gun in the vehicle when I’ve been pulled over. I have had a CCL for a while. Of course I am white and downstate…… That seems like profiling…. stopping a black man for a headlight and asking if he has a weapon in the vehicle. I didn’t think police were allowed to ask about a weapon in a vehicle if the vehicle was pulled over for a routine traffic stop.

  23. - anon2 - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 10:46 am:

    Police didn’t generally ask about guns in the vehicles until after concealed carry became legal.

  24. - TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 10:47 am:

    ===Watch a little live pd you would know that.===

    A reality show is your proof?

    Anecdotally, I once worked a job that required me to travel all over Chicagoland during the day. I’ve been in this exact area(63rd and Stony Island). I’ve seen people shot(Michigan and 111th), I’ve seen drug deals go bad in the middle of the road(Austin area). I’ve been pulled over quite a few times. Once by CPD, near Indiana and 35th, I was pulled over because I was white. Not joking, the officer asked what I was doing in that neighborhood(explained where I was working that day).

    Not one single time, in any of those places, was I ever asked if I had any weapons.

    I wonder what the difference is?

  25. - DuPage Saint - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 10:48 am:

    I got stopped in Oswego yes for real Oswego a few years ago on a Sunday morning for ten over. First thing the cop asked was if I had a gun. Surprised me. I asked if he asked if he asked everyone that. He said yes. I am an old white guy. Never had a gun and don’twant one.

  26. - FreeCake - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 10:52 am:

    fs and jus me 2, highlight and make good points about how convoluted the law can be. As has been mentioned, if his FOID was expired, and CCL then revoked (not expired) he would need to file an appeal of the renovation with ISP or reapply and go through the whole certification process paying those wonderful fees all over again.

  27. - FreeCake - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 10:52 am:


  28. - West Side the Best Side - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 10:55 am:

    A Jack - During the course of a traffic stop the police can ask what you think about the Bears, if there is anything in the car that could harm them, if you’ve been drinking (or smoking). You don’t have to answer. They can’t prolong the stop but just write up the citation without probable cause, even if they disagree with you about Nagy’s playcalling ability. They also can’t do a Columbo after they’ve written the ticket and start questioning you about anything then.

  29. - JS Mill - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 10:56 am:

    =Does everyone get asked about guns when they are pulled over?=

    If you have a CCL and especially if you are carrying, you are supposed to notify the officer at your first opportunity. Just common sense, which he seemed to do.

    It is his responsibility to handle the paper work properly. I think he made a good faith effort, but that isn’t what the law says. The training is pretty straight forward and clear what you have to do.

  30. - Froganon - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 11:13 am:

    Why is this newsworthy? Routine traffic stop, paperwork snafu, now resolved or on the way to resolution. Maybe Rep. will be able to get something passed to remove some of the hoops folks have to jump through to carry a concealed fireman.

  31. - Froganon - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 11:13 am:

    oops. firearm not fireman

  32. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 11:15 am:

    ===Why is this newsworthy?===

    Legislator is arrested = news. You may need a nap.

  33. - JSS - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 11:16 am:

    If the ISP issues both the CCL and FOID why would they issue a CCL that expires after a FOID card expires if the FOID card is required during the dates the CCL is valid? Not that bureaucracy should make any rational sense, but shouldn’t the newly issued CCL permit expire the same day as an existing FOID card?

  34. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 11:20 am:

    I think that there should be many hoops that you have to jump through in order to carry a concealed fireman. Can’t let just anyone walk around with one of those

  35. - Ed Equity - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 11:33 am:

    Good to see good people protecting themselves and other good people from bad guys.

  36. - Ken_in_Aurora - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 11:36 am:

    ===If you have a CCL and especially if you are carrying, you are supposed to notify the officer at your first opportunity. Just common sense, which he seemed to do.===

    Actually, in IL there isn’t a duty to inform unless you are asked - but I agree, it’s common sense.

    I have been pulled over twice since I got my FCCL, and I hand over the FCCL along with my DL so the officer absolutely knows and then I volunteer if I am armed and where it is. I intend to get through life without lead poisoning, and an informed officer is a relaxed officer.

  37. - NIU Grad - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 11:36 am:

    “You may need a nap.”

    Don’t we all?

  38. - Dave W - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 12:31 pm:

    In any other state in America, he wouldn’t have been arrested. Time to finally end the FOID. If someone has a CCL, they don’t need a FOID…it’s redundant. This is a good opportunity for Tarver to sponsor some common sense changes to our goofy gun laws.

  39. - Donnie Elgin - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 12:40 pm:

    “Like many people in Chicago, I applied for a concealed carry license in order to keep myself and my daughter safe”

    Good advice from the rep.

  40. - CM - Springfield - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 12:56 pm:

    Rep. Tarver is a very kind and caring individual and a state rep that cares. He also is a loving father to his little girl.

  41. - Bruce( no not him) - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 1:30 pm:

    Revoked, expired. Two entirely different things. Which is it?

  42. - Doomed in Illinois - Friday, Nov 22, 19 @ 2:54 pm:

    ===If the ISP issues both the CCL and FOID why would they issue a CCL that expires after a FOID card expires if the FOID card is required during the dates the CCL is valid? Not that bureaucracy should make any rational sense, but shouldn’t the newly issued CCL permit expire the same day as an existing FOID card?===

    If your FOID card expires two years from when you apply for CCL, then your new CCL would only be good for two years. I’m not sure I’d want to pay all those fees for a CCL that’s only good for two years instead of five.

    When they issue you a CCL, they send you a replacement FOID card with a number that matches your CCL. They do not extend the expiration on your FOID, though. I think they should.

    Since you need a valid FOID to renew your CCL, and since it takes months to renew your FOID, the best method would be to have the FOID expire six months before the CCL. Remember, the current FOID cards are good for ten years and CCL only five.

    You still need a FOID card in addition to the CCL because if they revoke your CCL, you still need a FOID to possess your guns. Otherwise you’d be in violation of the FOID act.

  43. - weightlifting - Wednesday, Dec 4, 19 @ 2:18 am:

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