Looking on the bright side
Tuesday, Dec 10, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller
* We’ve talked before about how Chinese-Americans have been involved with the various local suburban cannabis opt-out pushes. Agree with the citizen activists or not, this is a fascinating development because it could lead to greater political involvement and influence down the road. From last night…
* The story…
Palatine village council members Monday night voted to allow marijuana retailers in the town. […]
Roughly 40 speakers gave their opinions on the marijuana issue to the village council. Similar to previous meetings, those in favor of allowing the pot retailers cited the potential for additional sales tax revenue.
“Palatine has an opportunity to keep sales tax dollars in its village,” said James Dittrich, a lifelong village resident and zoning board of appeals member.
Opponents reiterated concerns that weed businesses would lead to declining property values, harm children and be an improper revenue source. Resident Vicky Wilson cited several suburbs that have exercised local control by opting out and asked Palatine to do the same.
- the Edge - Tuesday, Dec 10, 19 @ 9:49 am:
Kind of related, but Lightford’s declaration that cops can’t arrest people smoking leaf on their property was what was needed to stop over zealous cops from continuing to do stupid stuff, just because they can. Bravo to the trustees to see that a pot shop won’t be anything like a liquor store with trash and want not hanging out.
- Jocko - Tuesday, Dec 10, 19 @ 10:06 am:
==Opponents reiterated concerns that weed businesses would lead to declining property values, harm children and be an improper revenue source.==
But are those opponents residents of the community or naysayers being bused in to various village councils?
- Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Dec 10, 19 @ 10:08 am:
Congratulations to Palatine for taking the tough vote to allow marijuana sales, even with the opt-out pressure. Would love one of those green opt-in shirts.
- lake county democrat - Tuesday, Dec 10, 19 @ 10:09 am:
Per Jacko’s question, I remember once we had a contentious issue before our council which attracted a lot of people who lined up to comment. I left early and out of curiosity walked around the parking lot looking at city stickers. Boy were there a lot of out of town cars in the lot.
- efudd - Tuesday, Dec 10, 19 @ 10:23 am:
“improper revenue”
Not illegal, just improper.
Who gets to decide that?
Lemme guess, family-value conservatives.
- j - Tuesday, Dec 10, 19 @ 10:52 am:
Race and drugs. Tied together tight apparently.
- XonXoff - Tuesday, Dec 10, 19 @ 11:00 am:
Kudos to Palatine for supporting their actual residents. Not that it’ll matter much if recent rumblings are true about the IL medical grower monopolies inability to adequately supply rec retail demand in Illinois anytime next year. But a vacuum will keep their profits high so all the corporate and financial-types can justify their salary increases. Good on Palatine for trying to address dealing in the alley.
- Skeptic - Tuesday, Dec 10, 19 @ 11:38 am:
“would lead to declining property values,” WooHoo! Lower taxes!
- Lester Holt’s Mustache - Tuesday, Dec 10, 19 @ 12:28 pm:
== Chinese-Americans have been involved with the various local suburban cannabis opt-out pushes.==
Perhaps this is the reason behind all of the weird robocalls I’ve been receiving lately on my cell? They’re all in Mandarin, so I have no idea what they’re saying or why they’re contacting an old white guy in farm country. But I’m going to assume from now on that they want me to become an opt-out activist.
- Maryjane - Tuesday, Dec 10, 19 @ 12:52 pm:
Bravo Zulu (navy-speak for good-job)! To Palatine and all of the other municipalities who have opted in and weren’t cowed by the organization mentioned in the story. I am delighted. All over California in many places, certainly in the bay area, this happened. Here in Illinois, however it hasn’t gone quite the same for them and I hope that it stings a bit for them. Last week, in one of the local papers was an article about an Opt-In group that was organizing for visibility at meetings, complete with their own t-shirts; very glad to see.