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Oppo dump!

Monday, Dec 16, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From May 17th

NBC 5 has learned of a move by Mayor-elect Lori Lightfoot to reverse decades of tradition by revamping the mayor’s Chicago Police bodyguard unit, adding representatives from federal agencies and other law enforcement agencies.

At issue, the mayor-elect’s intention to build a new protective detail, reportedly headed by former U.S. Marshal Jim Smith. The unit would include former federal marshals and members of other departments outside Chicago.

“I am not in favor of taking away our jobs and replacing them with someone,” FOP President Kevin Graham told NBC 5. “For as long as we have had a bodyguard detail for the mayor, Chicago police officers have been committed to making sure the mayor and those around him or her are safe.”

* May 28th

A defiant and emotional Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Tuesday she plans to stick with retired deputy U.S. marshal James Smith as commander of her bodyguard detail no matter how vehemently the Fraternal Order of Police opposes the idea.

During a luncheon address to the City Club of Chicago, Lightfoot said she can’t understand why there has been “a lot of ink spilled” about her selection of Smith when his background and experience make him supremely qualified for the job.

“I find it interesting that a guy who has protected Supreme Court justices, high-ranking federal judges and has a record of accomplishment and service as a former U.S. marshal is somebody who is the object of fascination,” the mayor said.

This “controversy” has always made me curious. I mean, he’s a former fed. So what? Is the coppers union really that insular and insecure? Wait. Don’t answer that. I think I know the answer.

* And now this

Mayor Lori Lightfoot is calling for answers from ComEd over the federal investigation into its lobbying activities at the same time the wife of the mayor’s security chief is working as a lobbyist for the utility.

Margaret Houlihan Smith in October added ComEd to her lobbying clients, and listed dozens of city departments she might lobby on the utility’s behalf, including the mayor’s office, according to city records.

Heaven forbid!

Margaret left United as an in-house lobbyist and began doing contract work this year. She was hired by ComEd’s new regime just before a ComEd lobbying contract with the firm co-owned by Chicago Ald. Gil Villegas was terminated. Also terminated within days were contracts for former Rep. John Bradley, the City Club’s Jay Doherty and Speaker Madigan’s former Issues Staff Director Will Cousineau. In other words, she was brought in because the company needed somebody not connected to the recent troubles, but who still knows her way around the Statehouse.

Much (not all) of the chaff at that company has already been shown the door. They need new people they can count on to not get them in trouble. Margaret is the first step forward. And she’s a good step. She’s smart, honest and amazingly capable.

And what’s Lightfoot supposed to do, anyway? Fire her security chief? Ridic.

* This is how the Tribune story ends

Shortly after Lightfoot took office in May, Houlihan Smith declined to comment on the steps she and her husband planned to take to keep his security work for the mayor and her lobbying at City Hall separate.

Smith is often seen around City Council chambers, both when he’s accompanying the mayor as part of her security detail and during council committee meetings when Lightfoot isn’t on hand.

The couple also is sometimes seen together with politicians at City Hall. Earlier this fall, Houlihan Smith was seen introducing her husband to Northwest Side Ald. Jim Gardiner, 45th, in the hallway outside chambers. Gardiner said he vaguely remembered the introduction, but didn’t think there was anything unusual about it.

Get out the pitchforks!


  1. - NIU Grad - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 1:34 pm:

    “Oppo dump!”

    Makes me wonder who’s stirring the pot on all these stories…

  2. - 17% Solution - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 1:39 pm:

    I thought the CPD was understaffed. I could understand Graham’s chagrin if CPD had to lay off people, but that doesn’t appear to be the case.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 1:40 pm:

    Not every single thing is a conspiracy of graft, clout, or patronage.

    Here a lil secret. Ready?

    Chicago is a really big small town, odds are, in circles you run in, politics notwithstanding, you’re gonna have a connection or three because… it’s a small town place.

    To the detail for the Mayor,


    A former US Marshall. Sounds qualified enough to me.

    Petty, thin-skinned, or both. You choose.

  4. - Altgelds Ghost - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 1:55 pm:

    Why is the reporting of a clear conflict of interest categorized as an oppo dump?
    If Lightfoot want to walk the walk and not just talk the talk when it comes to changing the system, then she should not allow this situation to happen.
    Margaret is a lovely woman. But she just became a City Hall Contract Lobbyist.
    Her registration coincides with her husband’s unorthodox hiring by Lightfoot.
    I am not accusing anyone of putting the fix in on anything, but the notion that there is nothing to see hear and this arrangement passes the smell test is false.
    Combine thinking is if it’s not illegal then it’s ok.
    That type of thinking needs to change.
    Lightfoot said she would change it. Just don’t apply her standards to herself.

  5. - A State Employee Guy - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 1:56 pm:

    A union that speaks up when non-union folk perform work formerly done by union folk is somehow petty and/or thin skinned to you? C’mon, dude.

  6. - 47th Ward - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 1:57 pm:

    ===at the same time the wife of the mayor’s security chief is working===

    Working? Outside of the home?

    Somebody tell the Tribune it’s 2019, not 1919.

  7. - @misterjayem - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 1:58 pm:

    “Chicago is a really big small town, odds are, in circles you run in, politics notwithstanding, you’re gonna have a connection or three because… it’s a small town place.”

    That’s also a very good reason to not use one’s government name when discussing state and local politics online.

    – MrJM

  8. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 1:59 pm:


    I’m comfortable with my feelings and stances with union folk, and union work.

    I’m also comfortable with a former US Marshall handling the detail, and how *they* want to go about this.

    That’s why it’s either petty, thin skinned, or both, dude.

  9. - Professor - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 2:00 pm:

    Much to do about nothing! Margaret is a first class person, an excellent lobbyist of the old school - know your issues, know your client, know the process and the people involved. ComEd made a good move in retaining her. What should she have done, ‘not’ introduce her husband to the Alderman if they happened to meet? This is a non-story.

  10. - Rich Miller - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 2:01 pm:

    ===clear conflict of interest===

    Where exactly is the conflict of interest? Smith has zero policy role in the administration. If he was in charge of utilities or something, yeah, definite conflict.

  11. - Rich Miller - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 2:03 pm:

    ===clear conflict of interest===

    The real conflict is that the mayor’s floor leader admitted to sharing profits from his firm being paid by ComEd without actually doing any lobbying for ComEd and he’s still her floor leader.

    Detail chief married to a lobbyist with several clients including ComEd? Yawn.

  12. - A State Employee Guy - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 2:08 pm:

    Was talking to Rich but I suppose you can have some, too.

    So farming out Union work is okay so long as you’re comfortable with it? Got it.

  13. - John Lee Pettimore, III - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 2:09 pm:

    Someday the media will see Margaret Houlihan Smith as the capable lobbyist she is. Former Chief Deputy Recorder for the Recorder of Deeds, Jesse White. Former Chicago Chief of Staff for Sen. Dick Durbin. Long time in-house lobbyist for United Airlines, one of Chicago’s biggest employers. And almost 30 years ago, a political staffer for Madigan. But how does the Trib characterize her? As a “former Madigan staffer”. She is much more than that, let me assure you.

  14. - Moe Berg - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 2:10 pm:

    The FOP head was just in D.C. meeting with Trump. Sadly, lot of Trumpers in the police ranks, especially the union leadership.

    Lightfoot’s been pretty critical of Trump. Can’t blame her for wanting to have a security lead who is outside that orbit and mentality.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 2:14 pm:


    === At issue, the mayor-elect’s intention to build a new protective detail, reportedly headed by former U.S. Marshal Jim Smith. The unit would include former federal marshals and members of other departments outside Chicago.

    “I am not in favor of taking away our jobs and replacing them with someone,” FOP President Kevin Graham told NBC 5. “For as long as we have had a bodyguard detail for the mayor, Chicago police officers have been committed to making sure the mayor and those around him or her are safe.”===

    It’s the detail and that quote seemingly about being upset Chicago police are the chosen, not that they are union or not, not until May 28th.

    You’d think you’d be in favor of more officers not doing this detail but the work on the streets. Why aren’t you?

  16. - YAWN - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 2:18 pm:

    It’s fascinating to see those who jump to call it a conflict of interest and those who jump to defend. Jim Smith has access to lots of important information and probably has more sway with the Mayor than most staffers. Margaret has been a great lobbyist for a long time and recently starting contract lobbying, so it makes sense companies would be looking to hire her.

    Is there a conflict of interest? No.
    Does it sound bad? Probably to some.
    Should the spouse of elected officials and top staffers be able to lobby their employers? That’s the real question.

  17. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 2:19 pm:

    === “I am not in favor of taking away our jobs and replacing them with someone,” FOP President Kevin Graham told NBC 5. “For as long as we have had a bodyguard detail for the mayor, Chicago police officers have been committed to making sure the mayor and those around him or her are safe.”===

    I’m reading it as a Chicago Cop… later on the 28th it’s far more direct and limited to the union, while its “implied” here.

  18. - A State Employee Guy - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 2:28 pm:

    Sigh. William, my sweet William:

    1) Unions are supposed to push back against outsourcing of union work. Literally one of the key things they exist to do. Were you asleep during the Bruce Rauner era?

    2) It is entirely possible for union workers to do both detail and street work, evidenced by the fact they have done just that for past mayors.

  19. - DuPage Saint - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 2:33 pm:

    Maybe she should do away with Mayor Daleys body guard 8 years after he left office

  20. - Rich Miller - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 2:37 pm:

    ===top staffers===

    He’s a top staffer only in that he is the head of a security detail. There is no policy involved here.

  21. - Been There - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 2:39 pm:

    ===So farming out Union work is okay so long as you’re comfortable with it? Got it.====
    You are talking about one person at a time on the detail that is the closest to her physically. The rest of the detail are still Chicago cops. It looks like Smith is that person most of the time. I can definitely see that position being someone you feel the most comfortable around. But its not like the farmed out the entire security detail around her.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 2:41 pm:

    === sweet===

    Um, ok.

    === Were you asleep during the Bruce Rauner era?===

    I was wishy-washy during the whole Rauner-Union thingy. I tried to stay out of having an opinion, really.

    Oh, this ain’t disbanding or ending “prevailing wages”, or their right to collectively bargain. It’s changing who might be in that protective detail, effecting, probably less than 1% of the department.

    === 2) It is entirely possible for union workers to do both detail and street work, evidenced by the fact they have done just that for past mayors.===

    Think about how much *more* time they can be on the street.

  23. - A Guy - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 2:41 pm:

    ==..Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Tuesday she plans to stick with retired deputy U.S. marshal James Smith as commander of her bodyguard detail..==

    End of story. For this, she should absolutely be able to choose whoever SHE wants and trusts. Suspect CPD would provide some of the manpower, maybe Cook Co. Sheriffs, other, and whomever else.

    On the conflict. BS. Apparently 2 powerful women feel safer with this guy around.

  24. - Shine a Light - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 2:51 pm:

    The issue with the head of the security detail is not about a conflict of interest. No one is suggesting that he has influence over policy matters. It is about access to the highest level of government and it is no coincidence that this lobbyist now represents ComEd, ATT, gaming interests and airline interests. This is how business has been done in City Hall for decades. I thought Mayor Lightfoot was all about changing the culture.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 3:02 pm:

    === It is about access to the highest level of government and it is no coincidence that this lobbyist now represents ComEd, ATT, gaming interests and airline interests.===

    Have enough string to connect all these on the cork board, lol.

    === This is how business has been done in City Hall for decades.===

    Through a former US Marshall? That’s fun.

    === I thought Mayor Lightfoot was all about changing the culture.===

    Changing to a US Marshall and not having CPD protecting, that’s changing things up.

  26. - Dooooooooode - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 3:02 pm:

    People make sacrifices to serve in public life but that doesn’t mean one’s spouse should also be forced to sit on the sidelines especially when that person (Margaret) has a long history of outstanding work and high ethical standards… those two are smart enough to keep work separate from their home life - people do it in this business all the time

    take a breath

  27. - Rich Miller - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 3:21 pm:

    === It is about access to the highest level of government===

    Through her security chief?

  28. - Amalia - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 3:26 pm:

    this is how in the crosshairs anything Madigan is….she worked for Blagojevich too, for a short time. Margaret is very good that’s why she gets hired by many high ranking officials.

  29. - Juvenal - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 3:29 pm:

    Jim Smith was hired because he a Lightfoot are longtime friends.

    One would presume that Margaret Houlihan and Mayor Lightfoot are longtime friends as well.

    That would be true whether or not Jim Smith headed the security detail.

    Lightfoot has a lot of friends, or she would not be mayor. Because she is a firsttime officeholder who was touted as an outsider, most of those friendships and associations have never been explored or weighed by the public, or in cases like this even contemplated. No one, including The Smiths, should be surprised this is a story.

  30. - OpentoDiscusssion - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 4:18 pm:

    NBC 5 has learned of a move by Mayor-elect Lori Lightfoot to reverse decades of tradition by revamping the mayor’s Chicago Police bodyguard unit, adding representatives from federal agencies and other law enforcement..

    So I guess she will have no trouble in working with those in the federal government when it comes to issues on illegal immigration.

  31. - John Lee Pettimore, III - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 4:36 pm:

    =So I guess she will have no trouble in working with those in the federal government when it comes to issues on illegal immigration.=

    Your back must be sore from the contortion you had to twist yourself into to reach this conclusion. What an odd statement.

  32. - John Lee Pettimore, III - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 4:44 pm:

    =Jim Smith was hired because he a Lightfoot are longtime friends.

    One would presume that Margaret Houlihan and Mayor Lightfoot are longtime friends as well.=

    So, let me get this straight…Jim Smith served on the executive security detail at the US Marshal’s office, protecting visiting Supreme Court Justices, ensuring the safety of judges and their families and other court personnel. Lori Lightfoot was once a federal prosecutor. Therefore Jim and Lori are “friends”. And because they were “friends” at a former place of employment, Lori must be friends with Jim’s wife. Makes all the sense in the world.

  33. - OpentoDiscusssion - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 5:05 pm:

    @ John lee Pettimore

    “Your back must be sore from the contortion you had to twist yourself into to reach this conclusion. What an odd statement.”

    Really? You were not aware that this has been a long standing and widely publicized issue that local governments have no obligation to work on immigration because it is a strictly federal issue (or so they claim). But yet they want the federal government to help from be a body guard force for what really is a strictly local issue.
    Either you are very unaware politically or you are making a very odd statement.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 5:07 pm:

    - OpentoDiscusssion -

    Sounds like a lot of former feds… not current Feds?

  35. - OpentoDiscusssion - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 5:11 pm:


    “adding representatives from federal agencies and other law enforcement agencies.”

    Does not sound like ‘former’ to me.

    But if you can substantiate that it is former, please do.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 5:14 pm:

    ===… former federal marshals and members of other departments outside Chicago.===


  37. - Joe Bidenopolous - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 5:15 pm:

    Man, all I know is if Margaret were still “Houlihan” and not “Houlihan Smith” (though I’ve never heard anyone call her that other than reporters), and she had never met and married Jim, she’d still have all of those clients at all of the levels. She’s that good.

  38. - OpentoDiscusssion - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 5:15 pm:


    I missed it.

    Thanks for the clarification.

  39. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 5:18 pm:

    It’s all good.

    Clarification is always best. No worries.

  40. - John Lee Pettimore, III - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 5:19 pm:


    I admit, I am very politically unaware. So why don’t you enlighten me on how immigration enforcement has anything to do with a retired federal agent, whose primary responsibility was executive protection of Supreme Court Justices and other high profile individuals, now guarding the Mayor?

  41. - Different strokes for different folks.... - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 5:34 pm:

    Is there a different standard brewing here? How is the Houlihan/Smith a conflict when Smith is the Chief of Security, but Madigan’s female Chief of Staff is living with her contract lobbyist boyfriend. That has never been an issue so why is the female contract lobbyist being held to a higher standard? Once again it shows women have to work twice as hard as men to just to gain equal footing.

  42. - OpentoDiscusssion - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 5:51 pm:

    I believe that on this particular issue Oswego Willy has correctly pointed out that there is no inconsistency on this issue. So I stand corrected.

    Certainly this has not been true in the past when Chicago wanted federal law enforcement funds without cooperating with the FEDS on illegal immigration.

    See Below:

    Hopefully, in comparison to Mayor Emanuael, Mayor Lightfoot is no longer demanding such funding or has decided to cooperate on this matter. Good government demands it.

  43. - Payback - Monday, Dec 16, 19 @ 10:18 pm:

    Lori Lightfoot was in charge of the civilian police accountability board, which went through several different name changes. She is a former assistant U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, which office prosecuted police torturer Jon Burge. She doesn’t want to use Chicago cops as her “bodyguards” because she doesn’t want to end up like Julius Caesar, or Chuck Norris in Code of Silence.

    I know Chicago “police families” (grandfathers, fathers, uncles & sons, all cops) who still defend Burge. Police criminality is as ingrained in Chicago as the influence of organized crime. Smart move by Mayor Lightfoot in my book, minimize security risk.

  44. - proudstatetrooper - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 7:59 am:

    Nothing to see here. Keep it moving…..keep it moving

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