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Question of the day: Golden Horseshoe Awards

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2019 Golden Horseshoe Award for Lifetime Service in the Illinois House goes to former Rep. Michael McAuliffe (R-Chicago)

His history in the House is fascinating if you take a long view. He was one of the few republicans who got along really well with Madigan until the relationship soured. I believe he served as a chair of a committee at one point. For years he was known as one of the most bipartisan members, often helping newer Democrats learn how to deal with the republican caucus. Add to the equation that he’s passed some great bills, helped mentor dozens of GOP members, and was lucky enough to marry an amazing wife.

* The 2019 Golden Horseshoe Award for Lifetime Service in the Illinois Senate goes to retiring Sen. Dale Righter (R-Mattoon)

Senate debates will never be the same after Dale Righter is gone. He could briefly look over a bill and then immediately tear it apart from top to bottom, and he could make anyone, on any side of the issue, reconsider their plan to vote. He is so fast and so smooth and could verbally destroy your bill while maintaining the utmost respect for you and the institution of the Senate to the point that many of his “victims” would smile and get a kick out of the verbal barrage. Absolutely a one-of-a-kind debater. Will be missed by all. Plus there’s that one really tough vote he took…

Again, lots of very solid nominations were made. Thanks to those who participated and congrats to our winners!

…Adding… From Sen. Righter…

Rich, if you would, please pass along my thanks to the commenters who were very gracious in their words

* On to today’s categories…

* Best Legislative Liaison

* Best “Do-Gooder” Lobbyist

Please explain your nominations or they will not count and please nominate in both categories if you can. Have fun!


  1. - Ok - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 12:22 pm:

    Or at least a “Do-Better” Lobbyist award

  2. - ILPundit - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 12:51 pm:

    For best Do-Gooder lobbyist, I think strong consideration has to be given to Kathy Drea of the American Lung Association. She’s been on the front lines of the anti-tobacco effort for decades. And her cause just came off the best legislative session in a generation: Tobacco 21, cigarette tax Increase, and registration of all e-cigarette retailers passed during the Spring session. And then, they came back and got important changes to the marijuana legalization bill in veto that clarified how the law works with the Smoke Free Illinois Act.

    She’s compiled an amazing record, and she’s a great person too.

  3. - Barry Zuckerkorn - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 12:53 pm:

    Best Legislative Liaison: Kevin “Peace & Love” Donahue from the Illinois Toll Highway. He is kind, diligent, and always happy to drop everything like you are the most important person he is dealing with. You see so many stories of self-import, his attitude and demeanor is refreshing.

    Best “Do-Gooder” Lobbyist: Melissa Joseph from Women Employed. She has since “retired” (I say that because one truly can never get away from this rat race), but her absence is felt. Some may perhaps call her an ideologue, yet she was profoundly reasonable, a dangerous combination. She was fun to work with and would question every stroke of the pen when offering amendments or different language to her bills. Such diligence required everyone around the table to be on their game.

  4. - factchecker - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 12:58 pm:

    I would nominate Michael Lane at DOC. He knows the DOC issues forward and backward, and is an effective advocate–all the while balancing the concerns of prisoner advocates with those of aggressive law enforcement tendencies. He’s worked for numerous Governors and Directors, and has always been non-partisan in his approach. Anecdotally, I’ve seen committees call him to testify impromptu several times in hearings regarding separate issues; on each occasion, he did so seamlessly without so much as a sheet of paper for reference.

    Best Do-Gooder lobbyist:
    I would second the nomination of Kathy Drea. IL Pundit was right on all accounts, and Kathy is a pleasure to work with, even when she’s on the opposite side of an issue.

  5. - k3_spfld_chi - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 1:04 pm:

    I have been waiting for these categories. The do-gooder category is where you truly find people who are working for something that they believe in. It is refreshing to know that not all the lobbyists work for ComEd.
    For do-gooder, honorable mention to Josh Evans. He is a riot and works hard for his members but hands down the winner has to be Jen Walling. If you ever get the chance to know her, it is a humbling experience. She fights hard for her beliefs and consistently wins. It isn’t easy to get wins for the environment when you are often up against Ag, Manufacturers, labor . . . EXELON. She deserves this award and I am sure she will win sometime. She will win many other awards and recognition but she is only trying to win for the environment.

    On the liaison side, Chima is a rock. He gets things done. Clearly, he wears a ton of hats but he puts policy before politics which must be hard in his house.

  6. - Elihu Smails - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 1:06 pm:

    Liaison - Kevin Donahue of the Tollway. Hard worker, personable and respectful of individuals and the process. A blue collar worker in a white collar field.

    Do-Gooder - Elaine Nekritz. Always sticks up for the “little guy.” A great legislator who now is advocating on the other side for good public policy. Her work on the capital bill for the inclusion of sidewalks and pedestrian infrastructure was commendable

  7. - ku - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 1:08 pm:

    Emily Katalinich @ DHS for Liaison - she’s approachable and on top of key issues.

    Laura Anderson for “Do-Gooder” - she’s a strong advocate for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities as well as substance use disorders. Laura is the go-to person for legislators and their staff on I/DD and SUD issues and knows her way around the dome like no one else. Her experience, insight and creativity in helping to craft solutions to challenges facing the human service industry is unmatched.
    Not to mention - the shoes…

  8. - bendtowardsjustice - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 1:13 pm:

    Best Do-Gooder lobbyist:
    I would also agree with Kathy Drea. She had a huge session this year by passing Tobacco 21, a $1 cigarette tax increase, licensing & taxing e-cigarettes, a million dollar increase in funding for the IL Tobacco Quitline and ensuring Smoke Free IL was protected as Illinois legalizes marijuana. She works tirelessly to ensure Illinois does the right thing for the health of all people. None of her issues are easy and might take time for elected officials to build their political will to act but eventually she would assist the arc of the moral universe to bend towards justice. Because of her and the policies she has worked on, she has prevented thousands if not millions of people from using tobacco and helped smokers quit for good. She is the definition of a class act.

  9. - Annonin - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 1:20 pm:

    Kevin is very good and speedy
    Do gooder — hands down Pat Devaney with the firefighters and #2 at AFL-CIO

  10. - Metro Eastr - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 1:25 pm:

    Best Liaison: I agree with Kevin Donahue from the Tollway. Got to be one of the nicest people under the dome. He’s sincere in his work and knowledgeable in the field.
    Do-Gooder: Probably Marc Ayers from the Humane Society. The dude really seems to care about animals. Doesn’t just lobby 6 months out of the year either. He’s all over the state passing local laws for animals.

  11. - Fan - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 1:30 pm:

    Kevin Donahue is outstanding. Really good person and always attentive. He’s a solid choice.
    Mike Ziri is a great choice for best Do Gooder. He continues to rack up victories for Equality Illinois long after marriage passed. His work ethic is terrific and he always listens to others input.

  12. - uh, ok - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 1:51 pm:

    I would agree with Michael Lane for liaison. He has found a way to navigate numerous administrations and it is due to the fact he is the most versed in the issues he deals with.

  13. - King Louis XVI - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 1:51 pm:

    Legislative Liaison: Without a doubt Kevin Donahue. One of the most thoughtful, considerate persons working in a self-important business. He also good at his job - responsive, informed.

    Do Gooder: Kathy Drea. No more to add to the well-articulated accolades already offered. Agreed.

  14. - Prairie State Prince - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 1:56 pm:

    Liaison: Kevin Donahue. The Alderman is a true professional, and one of the hardest working individuals under the dome. There is no one that represents the Tollway better than him. Illinois government is better with him in it.

  15. - kmadd - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 2:15 pm:

    I nominate Marc Ayers, Illinois Director for the Humane Society of the United States! Marc works tirelessly to make this a better world for animals. Because of Marc Illinois became the first state to ban the use of elephants in circuses and as of 1/1/20 Illinois will be the first state with a humane cosmetics law. These are just two of the many laws that Marc has helped to get passed in Illinois!

  16. - ILGA - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 2:20 pm:

    Leg - Carter Harms - Human Rights, he’s new to the role, but crushing it
    Do-gooder - Mike Ziri - Equality Illinois, can’t fake the kind of passion he has for making things better for queer people in Illinois

  17. - The Real Captain - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 2:33 pm:

    Liaison. Hands down to Michael Lane at IDOC. It isn’t just his knowledge of some of their issues, or that he is easy to confront with issues but the fact that he has the history to back it up. He has survived 5 administrations. He literally group up working at IDOC as his father was a past Director and Warden. He knows the ins and outs of the issues, people and the facilities!

    Do gooder: Josh Evans. A tireless advocate for his people. At the capitol, on the train or on I55 he is always willing to answer the call. He also once played on a famous Springfield indoor soccer club!

  18. - Mugs - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 2:52 pm:

    Katharine Gricevich’s knowledge, process expertise and good cheer are indispensable at keeping ISAC effective as legislators constantly tinker with it.

    Kim Drew of the Heartland Alliance combines persistence and politeness, a rare combination, to win support for bills which often require explanation and courage.

  19. - Kelly Cassidy - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 3:03 pm:

    Do-Gooder - there is no one better in this category than Khadine Bennet of the ACLU. It would be tough to find anyone in the building with a more solid command of multiple complex bills and roll calls. That said, maybe this year the true do-Goodyear heroes were the Handmaids who spent months in the capitol pressing for the passage of the Reproductive Health Act. For Liaison, I second Carter Harms. He hit the ground running and was the most on top of his agenda of the bunch.

  20. - Jimmy Baseball - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 3:05 pm:

    Do gooder- Have to agree with the nominations for Kathy Drea. This year alone she helped pass legislation to prohibit tobacco sales to people under 21, increase the cigarette tax, license and tax e-cigarettes, guarantee funding for the Tobacco Quitline and she managed to protect her signature Smoke Free Illinois law during the difficult cannabis negotiations. That is an impressive list for an entire career in the General Assembly, let alone just one year. While her issues might be complicated and sometimes controversial, her goal is not: to fight for public health.

    Liaison - Also agree with Kevin Donahue at the Tollway. Always a friendly face around the Capitol and able to do good work for what can be a difficult agency.

  21. - Proud Papa Bear - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 3:18 pm:

    Lobbyist: Mike Ziri of Equality Illinois. He’s the Energizer Bunny. Constantly travels throughout the entire state and no group is too small for him to listen to. He is the driving force behind LGBTQ policy advances in Illinois. A genuinely great guy too.
    Liaison: I’d say Carter Harms only because he’s the only one I’ve had significant contact with. He’s young but ambitious and very very sharp.

  22. - noms - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 3:34 pm:

    Liaison: Carter Harms at Dept Human Rights is stellar. He came up through Rep Williams office but quickly became a master of the very complex issues presented to DHR.

    Do-Gooder: You may not know it, but Khadine Bennett was the rockstar of this session. She was behind the bill to provide voting in jails (one of the reasons mentioned in the Welch win the other day for legislator). She was the bright shining force behind getting the Reproductive Health Act passed this year (another one of the reasons Kelly Cassidy and Welch). She was instrumental in so many of the bills that passed this year, and many people don’t even know it. She works her butt off for the cause and is always there to help fellow lobbyists who need an extra hand. She’s a true gem on the rail and really deserves the recognition this year.

  23. - Statehouse Devil - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 3:40 pm:

    For Best Legislative Liaison, you couldn’t do any better than Sara Meek in the Treasurer’s Office. Sara is smart, sweet, and follows through when she says she is going to do something.

    For Do-Gooder lobbyist, James McIntyre from ICASA/Foster Care Alumni of America IL Chapter. This former foster kid has a heart of gold, fights hard for kids in care on policy and legislative changes, and is sharp as a tack. He can get into a lot of GA member doors, that paid lobbyists can’t.

  24. - No brainer - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 4:18 pm:

    Do-Gooder: hands down its Mike Ziri from EQIL. There is no other person who works has hard as he does and produces legislation and now laws that will stand the rest of time and have been so thoroughly vetted, there won’t need to be fixes. He never puts himself out and center and deserves this award.

    Leg liaison: Carter Harms. He hit the ground running and never lost stride. He’s been helpful to other agencies while working his tail off. He’s respected by both sides of the aisle.

  25. - charles in charge - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 4:25 pm:

    Best liaison: John Thompson of the State Police is smart, humble, honest, hard-working, and well-liked by just about everyone on both sides of the aisle. I’d be suspicious of anyone who doesn’t like John.

    Best do-gooder lobbyist: This award should be named after Khadine Bennett. There is nobody more effective at passing tough bills year after year.

  26. - Suburbanite - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 4:31 pm:

    Liaison: Amanda Elliott at ISBE. Amanda has been around for years and has such a wealth of knowledge in education issues. She works around the clock and is very attentive in trying to make bills work.

    Do-Gooder: Kyle Hillman with NASW. Kyle fights hard to represent the interests of social workers in Illinois. He was around a number of different issues this session.

  27. - Anon - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 4:34 pm:

    Going to second no brainer on Harms and Ziri. Ziri’s pile of wins is incredible and has really made EQIL a powerhouse. Carter has been a pro since day one, a really quality hire for HR.

  28. - JoeMaddon - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 4:35 pm:

    Best liaison: Carter Harms is the best. I got to work with him on an issue this session, it was one of the best experiences I’ve had working with a state agency. He’s smart, kind, and a pleasure to work with.

    Best do-gooder: Khadine Bennett is the best do-gooder in the building, year in and year out. She works harder than anyone in the building, AND is smarter than anyone in the building. The work she did on the Reproductive Health Act was unparalleled and she literally pulled that across the finish line when no one else thought it was possible.

  29. - enviro - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 4:41 pm:

    Carter Harms for legislative liaison– he took a Department that was totally dormant under the last administration and demonstrated what a powerhouse it can be.

    Jen Walling– incredibly hard working, always fair, somehow wrangles a very diverse constituency to pass a lot of good bills

  30. - Is 2020 here yet? - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 4:55 pm:

    Best do-Gooder: Khadine Bennett with ACLU of Illinois. She works smart and hard. She’s strategic and doesn’t stop until she gets her bills over the finish line. This session she led the effort to pass the RHA, and kept plugging away when everyone thought it was done and didn’t stop working until the bill cleared the Senate. On top of that she got the voting in jails bill passed and got bi-partisan support on making Obama’s traffic data collection bill permanent. Whew.

    Best Liason: John Thompson with ISP. He’s smart and you can take him at his word. He is one of the best people to work with in law enforcement. He’s willing to find a compromise where possible and always game to talk through an issue.

  31. - Chris P - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 4:59 pm:

    Marc Ayers with Humane Society of the United States. Marc doesn’t let anything get in they way of advancing protections for all animals. If bills get stymied in the legislature he works locally. He works hard to build relationships on both sides of the aisles and knows that when it comes to protection animals there is no right or left - only right or wrong.

  32. - Garry W Tallent - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 5:18 pm:

    Liaison - Kevin Donahue. The Tollway has had incredible turmoil - the whole Board was replaced - a real pro that is also the longest serving legislative liaison in tollway history - serving in the Quinn, Rauner and Pritzker Administrations. That doesn’t happen by accident - he’s obviously doing something right.

    Do Gooder - Drea for reasons stated earlier.

  33. - theCardinal - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 5:39 pm:

    Liason Kevin Donahue works really hard and plays hard too. If you have an issue with the ISTHA he will get you to the folks you need to get to to get it resolved.

    Do Gooder Eddie Cruz ..The guy is the best ask any of the staff how he treats them.

  34. - LuckyCharms - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 5:56 pm:

    Liason- Seth Jansen is always a pleasure on constituent issues.

    Do Gooder- Mike Ziri is a joy to be around and one of the hardest workers. Most folks don’t realize how small Equality Illinois is, in terms of staff, which is in large part due to how successful they are in Springfield thanks to Ziri’s hard work. He is tireless, passionate, and a reminder of the humanity sorely needed in the state house.

  35. - Junior - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 7:00 pm:

    Liaison - Kevin Donahue - Kevin’s been with the tollway for seven years now and three administrations. The tollway has had its fair share of drama this past year and Kevin has handled it gracefully being the face of the tollway under the dome most days. He’s shown an ability to pass the tollway’s agenda, all while being kind and sincere, something often lost in politics nowadays.

    Lobbyist - Mike Ziri - Ziri is true to form and fights hard for what Illinoisans truly care for, social equality. Can’t get much “Do-Gooder” than that.

  36. - Cardinal - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 7:37 pm:

    Liaison: Kevin Donahue hands down. Most of the comments above describe him well. Glad to see that name mentioned so many times.
    Do-Gooder: Marc Ayers with the US Humane Society. This guy has been doing it all: puppy mills, bobcats, state and local laws, exotics etc. Never have I seen animals this well represented in the state. He believes in his mission and the sincerity shows. If that’s not enough, ask around UIS and see how many cats he saved from the euthanized by helping to create a community cat program.

  37. - Mike - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 7:40 pm:

    Legislative liaison - Jaclyn O’Day. Knows her stuff. Respected on both sides of the aisle. Tireless. Left for Lipinski’s office and will be a huge loss to CDB.

    Do Gooder - Jonathan Doster. His knowledge of and passion for early childhood is unmatched in the state. Also a sharp dresser.

  38. - Delores - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 8:27 pm:

    Liaison—Amanda Elliot. Smart and committed and a good partner.

    Do-Gooder—Jonathan Doster from the Ounce. He worked really hard to get a long overdue and much needed raise for Early Intervention providers last year along with securing some critical investments in other early childhood programs and infrastructure. He’s smart, always well-prepared, collaborative, and an all around good guy who is a pleasure to work with.

  39. - {Sigh} - Tuesday, Dec 17, 19 @ 10:11 pm:

    In the anti-Exelon year, the Do-Gooder award should go to Brian McDaniel at CUB. For years he has advocated for the little guy and usually lost as a result of lobbying efforts of those under investigation. Brian is a great guy and proof that there are lobbyists under the dome standing up to big industry and trying to do what’s right.

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