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Question of the day: Golden Horseshoe Awards

Wednesday, Dec 18, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2019 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Legislative Liaison goes to one of the crowd’s favorites Carter Harms

Carter Harms is the best. I got to work with him on an issue this session, it was one of the best experiences I’ve had working with a state agency. He’s smart, kind, and a pleasure to work with.

You can’t get a much stronger recommendation than that.

* The 2019 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best “Do-Gooder” lobbyist goes to Kathy Drea

I think strong consideration has to be given to Kathy Drea of the American Lung Association. She’s been on the front lines of the anti-tobacco effort for decades. And her cause just came off the best legislative session in a generation: Tobacco 21, cigarette tax Increase, and registration of all e-cigarette retailers passed during the Spring session. And then, they came back and got important changes to the marijuana legalization bill in veto that clarified how the law works with the Smoke Free Illinois Act.

She’s compiled an amazing record, and she’s a great person too.

That do-gooder pick was one of the most difficult so far. But Kathy did have one heck of a year.

…Adding… Kathy told me this afternoon that she put in her notice that she’s retiring. So, she’s going out on top.

* On to today’s categories…

* Best US Representative

* Best Elected Statewide Officeholder

Statewides can include US Senators, by the way. Please explain your nominations or they won’t count and please nominate in both categories or I may ignore your opinion. But, most of all, have fun!


  1. - Smiddy - Wednesday, Dec 18, 19 @ 12:38 pm:

    Rodney Davis

    Tim Butler

  2. - Moe Berg - Wednesday, Dec 18, 19 @ 12:38 pm:

    US Rep: Raja Krishnamoorthi; he’s had the unenviable task of being the last to ask questions as the most junior member of the Intelligence Committee charged with the most solemn responsibility under our Constitution. He’s done well in his more frequent media appearances and showing he’s someone with the potential to rise and become a significant player in D.C.

    Statewide: How could it go to anyone other than JB Pritzker after the historically productive first session he had? Reached across the aisle to build bridges with the GOP and has begun the hard work of binding up the massive wounds left by the previous administration. It’s the governor in a walk.

    Honorable mention to Juliana Stratton who is everywhere across the state and really making the most of a role that formally has little responsibility.

  3. - Cap'n obvious - Wednesday, Dec 18, 19 @ 12:39 pm:

    Statewide: Governor. The sheer number of massive reforms passed this year speaks for itself. Even one of two of these bills passing would have been considered a massive success.

    Congress: Raja. I think he truly distinguished himself during the impeachment hearings this year.

  4. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Dec 18, 19 @ 12:45 pm:

    Best US Representative: We have lots of good Reps, but I nominate Rep. Cheri Bustos for taking on a national leadership role and still spending lots of time in her district, acting bipartisanly when she can, and, most especially, encouraging, recruiting, and training the next generation of local political leaders.

    Best Elected Statewide Officeholder: Has to be Gov. Pritzker. He has had a stellar year. He already has a long list of achievements, has mostly avoided controversy, and has been working with Republicans when possible. His administration has been a bit slow to fill appointments and it remains to be seen if he can pass the graduated tax amendment, but overall, a very impressive first year as Governor.

  5. - Average Moe - Wednesday, Dec 18, 19 @ 1:02 pm:

    Statewide: Governor. JB had a historical rookie year and doesn’t have any competition for this award. I reviewed the other statewides and nothing notable came to mind outside of the Comptroller betting and losing her political future on the Mayor’s race.

    Rep: Underwood as a potential rising star.

  6. - Shytown - Wednesday, Dec 18, 19 @ 1:04 pm:

    Best statewide: Governor. He had a helluva year.

    Best US Rep: I vote for Raja. Exceptional job during impeachment. Should also be given horseshoe for giving the greatest side eye ever to Rep. Stefanik.

  7. - Soccermom - Wednesday, Dec 18, 19 @ 1:25 pm:


    and Jan Schakowsky is a force of nature. Whenever I wake up terrified in the middle of the night, I remember that Jan is on the job and i calm down. A little.

  8. - Soutside - Wednesday, Dec 18, 19 @ 1:28 pm:

    Statewide: Gov Pritzker for the most amazing first year of any IL Gov.
    US Rep: Has yo go to a ”soutsider” Chuy Garcia. In his first year, he has been incredibly effective introducing and passing legislation, including mandating smoke detectors in public housing, important immigration reform and taking on big tech and their desires to get into banking. He’s also kept his eye on local politics and has expanded his slate of progressive electeds and practically vanquished the old HDO. He’s the last honest man standing and deserves a medal!

  9. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Dec 18, 19 @ 1:47 pm:

    Some of y’all need to do a much better job of explaining your nominations because they’re not going to count.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 18, 19 @ 2:08 pm:

    Best Elected Statewide Officeholder

    As 2019 began, there was a feeding of hope and renewal. After 4 years of combative governing, Illinois was in desperate need of a new beginning where the state at its minimum functioned rationally and fulfilled its constitutional duties. Instead, Illinois got bold leadership and an agenda, and a plan to execute that agenda through process, and working with the legislature, even bringing along the reluctant, doing what every governor before him did to be successful, getting majorities in the chambers.

    Governor JB Pritzker had what is arguably one of the most successfully ambitious sessions of any newly minted governor of any party in recent Illinois history. Working with legislative leaders, some interchanging with issues themselves changing, Gov. Pritzker showed great skill by knowing when to be involved and when to let Staff and Crew do the work and fill in when the time came. Changing culture is tough too, but Governor Pritzker has done a great deal to move away from a contentious relationship with the legislature and try to bring all parties together, where they could, and be willing to listen and not undercut compromises when they show themselves. While some may say having the majority in each chamber eased things, I’d say getting those roll calls when others were looking to derail is a greater accomplishment because those majorities exist. All that happened begins with a governor owning his agenda, and if you own it, seeing it through to their own signature. It takes great skill and leadership to do this, otherwise every session for every governor would reap such victories.

    I nominate Governor JB Pritzker for Best Elected Statewide Officeholder.

    The challenges and hurdles thrown at him and his successful navigation of his agenda, all the whole changing the culture and relationship of the Executive and the Legislature should be celebrated.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 18, 19 @ 2:35 pm:

    Best US Representative

    Members of Congress are continually walking a fine line between partisanship and duty, all the while trying to best reflect their district. In these times in Washington, and in the country, the divide has been canyon-like to the politics, and the governing hasn’t been much closer.

    My nominee is unique only because if you look at the district and it’s own history, this member truly stands out.

    Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi has earned my nomination. From a candidate who’s ads wanted us to simply remember Raja, Congressman Krishnamoorthi has demonstrated a true understanding of his district, a district that’s seen a great shifting in its politics, but he seems to mirror now as well as someone who had a district drawn to their liking.

    On the national stage, Rep. Krishnamoorthi has tried to be thoughtful to the going’s on, while still talking about “back home”. While facing a limited electoral challenge back home, his district and he representing it seem secure due in large part of the hard work he’s done and the district’s own changing that he seems well suited to represent.

    I nominate Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi for Best US Representative.

    He has shown that doing the hard work both in the district and in Washington can change his a district feels, even as a congressman grows, learns, and leads… and mirrors a changing back home too.

  12. - lake county democrat - Wednesday, Dec 18, 19 @ 2:40 pm:

    I’ll say Robin Kelly- when I’ve seen her on tv she consistently impresses by going beyond Dem talking points and continues to restore decency to the 2nd congressional district.

    Statewide - Pritzker - he frequently rubs me the wrong way and I hate the faustian bargain he made to become governor, but beyond the impressive legislative successes he seems genuinely willing to take ownership when problems in the agencies arise/get reported on. As Andrew Sullivan once observed, it’s churlish to cavail.

  13. - Nick Name - Wednesday, Dec 18, 19 @ 2:51 pm:

    I don’t like my representative (Davis) much and I’m not that familiar with the others, so I’ll nominate Sen. Tammy Duckworth, who is doing heroic work on behalf of veterans.

    Best statewide officeholder is, hands down, Gov. JB Pritzker. He started his term by meeting with the entire Illinois Congressional delegation, something Rauner never did once, I understand.

    He masterfully got a large portion of his agenda through the GA last spring, even working with Leader Durkin to compromise and get Republican votes on key bills.

    He regularly stands up for the marginalized and downtrodden, including this week telling the President that Illinois will happily accept refugees.

    Not one to point fingers, instead of crying about Trump’s trade war, he negotiated a $4 billion grain deal with Taiwan, showing that he’s the governor of ALL Illinoisans, including farmers who may have voted against him.

    And he never once, all year, shouted, “But Madigan!”

    Gov. JB Pritzker for best statewide officeholder.

  14. - Rich Hill - Wednesday, Dec 18, 19 @ 3:10 pm:

    JB Pritzker had the most productive first year for an Illinois governor in recent memory. He still has heavy lifting to do with the income tax in 2020, but the state is being governed again arguably for the first time this century. He has made mistakes, but generally handles them with humility and a desire to learn. Given the terrible leadership of the recent holders of this offers (especially Govs. Rauner and Blagojevich), this is a welcome and necessary development that is deserving of recognition.

    Chuy Garcia has had an eventful year. Months after being sworn into office, his backing of Lori Lightfoot in the mayoral contest against his old ally Toni Preckwinkle was at the very least a strong sign of which way the winds were blowing. It shows influence beyond that of the usual freshman legislator.

  15. - Pencils - Wednesday, Dec 18, 19 @ 3:56 pm:

    Statewide - Mike Frerichs - is effective and above dog and pony shows. He is the silent achiever who politically savy, smart and has a great understanding how government works. He knows how to get the job done.

    US Rep - Cheri Bustos is a machine. She is one of the few who knows how to be a true democrat in downstate Illinois. I love how she can relate to constituents whether they are from Avon or Rock Island/Rockford.

  16. - LakeviewJ - Wednesday, Dec 18, 19 @ 4:00 pm:

    For a long time, I’ve been convinced that Illinois is ungovernable. Governor Pritzker has me reconsidering that position.

    Congressman Garcia gets my nod for his work transforming the statehouse Latino Caucus. Every single young legislator he has supported has been, at worst, head and shoulders an improvement over their predecessor, and more often exciting and talented legislators in their own right.

  17. - Ash - Wednesday, Dec 18, 19 @ 4:01 pm:

    I have to go with the governor for statewide office holder. We have a real budget and he managed to get a number of major reforms through. He’s accomplished more in a year than his predecessor did in four.

  18. - Anonnin' - Wednesday, Dec 18, 19 @ 4:22 pm:

    Let’s be honest best Rep. Cheri Bustos…took a competitive district and it so D that GOPies dont even check to see what numbskull files.
    JB and his team win statewide. Good ideas and a desire to get things done. Not real complicated but a real change of pace.

  19. - OurMagician - Wednesday, Dec 18, 19 @ 5:06 pm:

    Best Rep-Adam Kinzinger. In a land where all the Republicans do is run scared of Trump and his twitter account, Kinzinger has condemned and come down on Trump. Now, he will support him on the impeachment vote later but so few standing Republicans office holders in Congress will ever stand even slightly against Trump that it should be recognized. Yes, Shimkus came out against Trump’s policies only after he was safely retiring.

    Best Statewide Office holder- Unfortunately, his predecessor set such a low bar but the Governor has accomplished more in his first year than the last guy did in 4. People may not agree with him on all of his moves but he has made changes within the government and will own them. Some will require some nimbleness as not all will work out and changes will need to be made and swiftly but he definitely has reshaped the state’s way forward in his first year.

  20. - SOIL M - Thursday, Dec 19, 19 @ 7:36 am:

    Best US Rep–I have to go with my own Rep, Mike Bost. During this past year which has been spent dealing with historic flooding, and recovery from that disaster. Bost has been here for us again. There has not been one phone call that either he, or his staff has not answered or returned no matter how busy he is in Washington he has stayed in touch with his District. During the flood fight, when he was not in session, he was here. On the ground, in the areas that were struggling. He toured, he spoke with us, and he in turn went back to work for us when he went back to Washington. Bost does not just pay lip service as many have done. He actually learns the problems and works to fix them. While in session, he has worked diligently for his District with Federal Agencies to change law and tune Regulations in order to help us mitigate past problems that still exist. For this, I nominate Bost for US Rep of the Year.

    Statewide Officeholder — Governor Pritzker. Agree with his policies or not, you have to admit he has had a stellar first year. He hit the ground running and hasnt stopped yet.
    Also, as a small County, represented by both a Republican State Rep, and State Senator, Governor Pritzker has worked with these Republicans to assist us when ever they have called upon his office for us. He has shown that he will work with both Partys to help any area of the State. His assistance was so quick and responsive that one Director of a State Agency got gun shy from our Senator calling the Governors office and asked to please not have them call the Governor about them anymore. He worked hard for us, no matter what party asked for help.

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