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*** UPDATED x2 *** Congressional roundup

Tuesday, Jan 7, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Today, Betsy Dirksen Londrigan, Democratic candidate for the Illinois 13th congressional district, announced raising over $530,000 in the fourth quarter and goes into 2020 with over $1.1 million cash on hand. This follows The Cook Political Report, Inside Elections, and Politico all upgrading Betsy’s race to a Toss Up.

Betsy’s campaign continues to be powered by thousands of grassroots donors, with almost 90% of her contributions coming from individual donors

“The support for our campaign from across Central Illinois is truly inspiring” said Dirksen Londrigan. “While our current representative takes hundreds of thousands of dollars from big pharma PACs then votes against lowering the cost of prescription drugs, I am rejecting corporate PAC money in this campaign and when I’m elected to Congress. I am running for Congress to represent the working families of Central Illinois, not big corporate donors”.

Betsy also added the endorsement of the United Steelworkers to her previous endorsements from EMILY’s List, IBEW, UFCW, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, End Citizens United, Bend the Arc Jewish Action, JStreet, and many others.

* Press release…

Building on his reputation as a problem solver who gets things done for the municipalities he represents, Congressman Dan Lipinski today announced endorsements from 28 mayors across Illinois’ Third Congressional District as he gears up for his 2020 Democratic Primary re-election campaign.

The mayoral endorsements cover nearly every region in Lipinski’s district, which sprawls from the Bridgeport neighborhood in Chicago to southwest suburban Lockport. Among the mayors and village presidents endorsing Lipinski, several of whom have supported him in each and every election, include La Grange Village President Tom Livingston, Lemont Mayor John Egofske, Oak Lawn Mayor Dr. Sandy Bury, Romeoville Mayor John Noak and Western Springs President Alice Gallagher.

Oak Lawn Mayor Bury said Lipinski has been a partner and leader in helping to deliver major developments and improvements to local and regional infrastructure and transportation, including securing more than $4 million to improve local roads, pedestrian walkways and to construct a public parking facility.

“I am proud to have worked with Congressman Lipinski to tackle significant issues for the residents of Oak Lawn and all of the Southland,” said Bury. “He is a tireless supporter of our Veterans and makes sure their benefits are preserved and utilized. Dan Lipinski is someone who brings people together and represents the values of our community and I am proud to endorse his re-election”

Lipinski, who serves as the most senior member from Illinois on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, said the support from the local leaders of his home district is the best possible endorsement he could receive.

“I am honored to have the continued support of so many elected officials in my district who work so hard every day to make their communities great places to live,” said Lipinski.

“We all share a calling to public service that benefits the residents we represent and I have made it my highest priority to work to resolve local issues and to make sure our communities have the best possible access to the federal resources they need.”

Lipinski also serves as Chair of the Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials and he has focused significant attention to secure federal funding to improve public transit and infrastructure across the communities that he represents. Over the course of his career he has secure more than $700 million in federal funds for local transportation projects for roads, bridges, public transit, rail, and bikes/pedestrians. This Congress he inserted a provision into a transportation funding bill directing the Federal Railroad Administration to identify potential issues contributing to the frequency and length of delays on Metra trains, and develop recommendations on addressing these challenges.

Other Mayoral Lipinski Endorsements Include:

LaGrange Village President Tom Livingston:

“Congressman Lipinski is a proven leader who continues to deliver for the residents of La Grange and the western suburbs. He has been very responsive and thoughtful in securing critical support for parking improvements, train station modernization, and enhancements to public safety,” said Livingston. “

He has been tuned into many of our important non-profits with measurable support including Aging Care Connections and Pillars Community Health. Most recently, he helped La Grange come to a much-needed agreement to pave the way for improved flood control in our community. Congressman Lipinski is someone who is consistently there to help us get things done and solve problems.”

Lemont Mayor John Egofske:

“As someone who knows Dan Lipinski personally and for all the support he has provided to our local issues here in our town of Lemont, I’m proud to support Congressman Lipinski.” said Egofske.

“The Congressman’s common-sense approach to addressing problems has benefited our region and the Village of Lemont and he has led the way in obtaining additional Metra service on the Heritage Corridor and continues to fight for additional commuter train service. He’s actively working with the village and the Army Corps of Engineers to provide sorely-needed federal resources for our local water infrastructure. In Congress, Dan Lipinski is a voice of reason and I look forward to continuing to work with him in the years to come.”

Palos Hills Mayor Gerald Bennett:

“Congressman Lipinski has proven himself to be a workhorse rather than a show horse and he makes things happen to improve the quality of life for his constituents,” said Bennett.

“As Chairman of the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning and President of the Southwest Conference of Mayors, I understand the critical importance of having an advocate like Dan Lipinski working for us in Congress to secure federal funding for our highways, the CTA, PACE and Metra. In the City of Palos Hills, he has consistently been there for our seniors, veterans, first responders, and all of our residents. I’m proud to support his re-election.”

Romeoville Mayor John Noak

“Dan Lipinski is a champion for the hard-working families of Will County,” said Noak.

“He was instrumental in helping our efforts to construct a new Romeoville Metra station on the Heritage Corridor Line, which helps provide access to quality careers. He also recently secured $6 million for construction of a new air traffic control tower at Lewis University, which will significantly improve safety. He’s someone that’s deeply committed to the improvement of the I-80 Des Plaines River Bridge and to making additional investments along historic corridors, such as Route 53. Given what’s he’s done and will continue to do for us, I strongly believe we need Dan in Congress.”

Western Springs Village President Alice Gallagher:

“Dan Lipinski is always there for the residents of Western Springs and those in our surrounding communities to address issues both great and small,” said Gallagher.

“When it became clear Sterigenics was causing serious health concerns to residents, he led the successful charge to help close that facility. When Metra’s BNSF service experienced significant delays last year, he brought BNSF and Metra together in a public forum and held a hearing that resulted in significant improvements along the line. He’s also someone focused on bringing federal dollars back to Western Springs, including more than $3.5 million for walkways, bike paths, and streetscaping projects, and $2.5 million to help reconstruct our new Metra platform. As Dan’s village president and friend, I am standing with him on March 17th.”

The full list of mayors and village presidents in the Third Congressional District endorsing Lipinski includes:

    Alice Gallagher of Western Springs
    Bob Lovero of Berwyn
    Bob Straz of Palos Heights
    Chuck Tokar of Chicago Ridge
    Dan Foy of Burbank
    Dave Brady of Bedford Park
    Dennis McGee of Merrionette Park
    Jacob Vandenberg of Tinley Park
    Jeff Walik of Stickney
    Jerry Bennett of Palos Hills
    John Carpino of Willow Springs
    John Egofske of Lemont
    John Mahoney of Palos Park
    John Noak of Romeoville
    John Ryan of Alsip
    Kevin Casey of Hometown
    Kris Wasowicz of Justice
    Kyle Hastings of Orland Hills
    Mary Werner of Worth
    Mike Howley of Hickory Hills
    Noel Cummings of Hodgkins
    Ray Soliman of Crest Hill
    Sandra Bury of Oak Lawn
    Steve Landek of Bridgeview
    Steve Streit of Lockport
    Tom Heller of Forest View
    Tom Hinshaw of Indian Head Park
    Tom Livingston of LaGrange

* Press release…

Mary Miller, candidate for Congress in the 15th District, has officially signed a pledge committing to supporting term limits for members of Congress.

The U.S. Term Limits amendment pledge reads, “I pledge that as a member of Congress, I will co-sponsor and vote for the U.S. Term Limits amendment of three (3) House terms and two (2) Senate terms and no longer limit.”

“Public service should be about service – not a career move,” Miller said. “The longer people stay in Congress, the more their focus shifts from serving the people they represent to making sure they hold onto their seats. Career politicians continue to spend money we do not have and mortgage our children’s and grandchildren’s future. It is time to return to being represented by citizen legislators – not career politicians.”

U.S. Term Limits has the support of nearly 70 pledge signers in Congress. According to US Term Limits, more than 82 percent of Americans support term limits.

“This strong support of term limits shows that there are individuals who are willing to put self-interest aside to follow the will of the people,” stated USTL President Philip Blumel. “America needs a Congress that will be served by citizen legislators, not career politicians.”

The term limits amendment resolutions would require a two-thirds majority in the House and Senate, and ratification by 38 states, in order to become part of the U.S. Constitution.

Congressional term limits is the one bipartisan issue supported by both President Trump and former President Obama.

*** UPDATE *** Press release…

Jim Oberweis is hosting several events with 1st Lt. Clint Lorance who was just recently pardoned by President Donald Trump after serving time in Fort Leavenworth military prison for alleged war crimes.

“The story of Clint Lorance is a compelling one,” Oberweis said. “What he had to endure is shameful. President Trump did the right thing pardoning him. I think everyone who comes out to the events we are hosting will enjoy having the opportunity to meet him.”

In March of 2012, Clint Allen Lorance deployed to Southern Afghanistan as the Squadron Liaison Officer to the Commander for the 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division. In June 2012, Clint was selected to replace an Infantry Platoon Leader who was medically evacuated dues to shrapnel wounds to his eyes, face, and abdomen incurred from the blast of an IED. Three days after taking charge as the Platoon Leader, on July 2, 2012, Clint directed the men of his platoon to open fire on three Afghan males speeding toward his platoon on a motorcycle.

Just after a year later, Clint was convicted of two counts of murder and one count of attempted murder. Evidence surfaced showing a direct link between the motorcyclists to known terrorists. Eventually, President Trump agreed with the evidence and gave Clint a full pardon.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Stickney Mayor Jeff Walik just called to say that he did not give permission to be on the Dan Lipinski endorsement list. He said he told them he was remaining neutral and he wasn’t happy at all about being included. “I asked them to leave me out of it this time, Walik said after some expletives. “Mr. Lipinski hasn’t spoken to me in two years,” he said with no small amount of bitterness in his voice.

* Related…

* Protesters take over Rep. Dan Lipinski’s office after he takes stand against abortion


  1. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 7, 20 @ 9:42 am:

    === Mary Miller, candidate for Congress in the 15th District, has officially signed a pledge committing to supporting term limits for members of Congress.===


    - Congresman Shimkus, maybe.

    Does getting drawn out of your district only months after winning count as term limits?

  2. - All this - Tuesday, Jan 7, 20 @ 9:43 am:

    A good reason to vote against Mary Miller.” “The longer people stay in Congress, the more their focus shifts from serving the people they represent to making sure they hold onto their seats.”
    That’s never been proven.

  3. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Jan 7, 20 @ 9:43 am:

    This is a serious question. How many votes do those mayors represent? (i.e., what is the comparison between municipal election voters and general election voters?) I’d also wonder how many of these mayors are active in Dem political stuff, given that so many municipal races are non-partisan.

  4. - Sayitaintso - Tuesday, Jan 7, 20 @ 10:06 am:

    “That has never been proven”. Her job isn’t to prove anything. Her job is to convince voters it IS true.

  5. - TheInvisibleMan - Tuesday, Jan 7, 20 @ 10:42 am:

    ===How many votes do those mayors represent?===


  6. - West Side the Best Side - Tuesday, Jan 7, 20 @ 11:16 am:

    The mayors and presidents have 28 more votes than Lightfoot has. The majority of people are more concerned with infrastructure issues than some of the progressive issues. Being able to have X for gender on your driver’s license is not going to matter one way or the other to the average person unless it somehow impacts on lines for renewing your DL. Whether the average person comes out to vote in the Democratic primary is the question. And why Lipinski added his name to the amicus brief is another question. He certainly didn’t have to do that to make his position on abortion known.

  7. - TheInvisibleMan - Tuesday, Jan 7, 20 @ 11:22 am:

    == The majority of people are more concerned with infrastructure issues==

    And the largest expenditure on those items being the I-80 bridge, was voted on and passed by the state legislature.

    Lipinski had nothing to do with that as a US rep.

  8. - John Lopez - Tuesday, Jan 7, 20 @ 11:39 am:

    After this article was published, IL-14 candidate Ted Gradel released his new ad.

  9. - LoyalVirus - Tuesday, Jan 7, 20 @ 11:45 am:

    ===Being able to have X for gender on your driver’s license is not going to matter one way or the other to the average person=== Did you want to type “normal” person but thought better of it? The ‘progressive issues to which you refer relate to affirming people’s humanity, giving people the opportunity to live their best authentic lives, feel safe and welcome in the community, and controlling one’s own body. Health care, immigration, the environment, trans & non-binary issues are exactly why Lipinski has to go.

  10. - West Side the Best Side - Tuesday, Jan 7, 20 @ 11:55 am:

    LoyalVirus - No, I meant average person. The person who doesn’t either favor or oppose it because they already accept everyone’s humanity and might think that in their own everyday life having an elected official concerned with a cancer spewing factory or flood control is an important voting consideration rather than just reciting progressive talking points.

  11. - DuPage Dave - Tuesday, Jan 7, 20 @ 12:12 pm:

    It will be a good day when Lipinski is finally defeated. If not this election, then the next.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 7, 20 @ 12:24 pm:

    === Jim Oberweis is hosting several events with 1st Lt. Clint Lorance who was just recently pardoned by President Donald Trump after serving time in Fort Leavenworth military prison for alleged war crimes.===

    “By helicopter, they will circle Soldier Field, dropping informational pamphlets there and over the district before… “

    Jim Oberweis is exactly who i thought he was.

  13. - Thomas Paine - Tuesday, Jan 7, 20 @ 12:26 pm:

    “The tragedy of pardoning Lorance isn’t that he will be released from prison — I’ve found room for compassion there, The tragedy is that people will hail him as a hero, and he is not a hero. He ordered those murders. He lied about them.”

    - former US Army Capt. Patrick Swanson, Lorance’s company commander in Afghanistan via The New York Times

    Abominable Milkman gonna abominable.

  14. - ChuckIL - Tuesday, Jan 7, 20 @ 12:27 pm:

    So Jim Oberweis thinks a war criminal can enhance his chances? I guess he’s tried everything else.

    “The tragedy of pardoning Lorance isn’t that he will be released from prison — I’ve found room for compassion there,” former US Army Capt. Patrick Swanson, Lorance’s company commander in Afghanistan, told The New York Times. “The tragedy is that people will hail him as a hero, and he is not a hero. He ordered those murders. He lied about them.”

  15. - Nick Name - Tuesday, Jan 7, 20 @ 12:28 pm:

    Keep it classy, Oberweis. Ugh.

  16. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jan 7, 20 @ 12:36 pm:

    ===for alleged war crimes.===

    Alleged, and then and proven in a court of law.

    When did hanging out with war criminals become fashionable?

    (Asking for Lt. William Calley)

  17. - Roman - Tuesday, Jan 7, 20 @ 12:59 pm:

    The mayoral endorsements of Lipinski aren’t a game changer by any stretch of the imagination. But they’re are certainly more consequential than the endorsements of North Side state legislators and aldermen — something Newman often touts and the downtown media loves to cover.

  18. - Ok Boomer - Tuesday, Jan 7, 20 @ 1:41 pm:

    Soccermom, the president of La Grange is a long-time GOPer and I suspect that many of the other south suburban mayors are as well. La Grange overwhelmingly voted for Newman in the last election and if memory serves, she won most of the suburban areas in the district. Lipinski won the race in the wards, which may be a tougher path for him in this election based on Newman’s improved ground game in those areas.

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