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ISP tackles huge FOID backlog

Wednesday, Jan 8, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Bishop

Illinois State Police officials are working on a new service to reduce a backlog of more than 60,000 new, changed or renewal requests for Firearm Owners’ Identification cards, but it’s expensive and will take time.

The Illinois State Police posted an update on the agency’s Facebook page Saturday that said it has about “62,000 FOID applications under review which includes new, renewals and changes.”

* From the ISP’s Facebook page

We currently have approximately 62,000 FOID applications under review which includes new, renewals and changes.

FOID card holders will remain valid throughout the renewal process, as long as they apply for their card renewal prior to the expiration date on their FOID card.

The ISP’s FSB is currently working on implementing a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solution to provide improvements and efficiencies to the call center. The State of Illinois vendor contract with Presidio has an estimated implementation cost of $750,000 with a recurring monthly cost of $10,000; these costs are being paid for through the State Police Firearm Services Fund. The new VoIP system allows for not only automated processes, such as completing an application without having to speak to an agent, it is also interactive. It will work in conjunction with the existing system and agents to populate their computer with information ahead of receiving a caller, to better and more quickly assist them.

The call flow allows callers to select their specific issues and potentially resolve them independent of an agent. The system will also enable a person to request a call back without having to remain on the line. In addition, it will provide callers the ability to renew a FOID card or Concealed Carry License (CCL) with no address change over the phone, including payment, without speaking to a live agent.

Until improvements in the call center are completed, there are four methods for obtaining assistance with FOID/CCL related issues. Applicants may call (217) 782-7980; they can visit the Illinois State Police home page and click the Firearms tab to the left where they will find a section related directly to FOID/CCL, complete with a FAQ section:; for video tutorials related to FOID/CCL, they can visit; or they can email the FSB at where a customer service agent can provide assistance.

* Back to Greg

“The new system will allow for not only an automated process of an application, such as completing an application without having to an agent, but it will also be interactive,” ISP Sgt. Jacqueline Cepeda said.

She said that the service will also allow applicants to pay fees without speaking to a live operator.

There is no timeline for completion of the automation program, Cepeda said.


  1. - Blue Dog Dem - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 11:05 am:

    3 months. 3 days. Unacceptable. Governors own.

  2. - Blue Dog Dem - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 11:09 am:

    Just to let everyone know. I committed no gun crimes during the time period wherein my foid was expired.

  3. - Donnie Elgin - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 11:09 am:

    My FOID expires in 2023, hopefully by then the entire process will be ruled unconstitutional.

    SHAWNA JOHNSON,v. ILLINOIS STATE POLICE will ruled on by Illinois Supreme’s this session

  4. - Todd - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 11:13 am:

    One of the problems is that they only let you apply 60 calendar days out, yet they get 60 business days to process.

    So before they complained they could not process applications in 30 days. Now they have 60 business days which equates to 12 weeks and they still can’t get the job done.

    they have been understaffed, and its a constant fight.

    So a person files in a timely fashion. their card expires as ISP doesn’t process it in time how are they suppose to buy ammo much less a gun with an expired FOID? As an FFL I won’t risk my license to transfer either to someone with an expired card.

    So this really is a FUBAR type situation and failure of government. all the more reason to simply abolish the FOID

  5. - PrairieDog - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 11:16 am:

    The FOID card system is completely antiquated and efforts to “update” it are a waste of time. It was designed completely backwards in the first place: rather than trying to maintain a list of people who are legally eligible to possess firearms( most citizens, it would be much easier to maintain the much shorter list of miscreants who are NOT legally eligible to own guns. But since we are talking about government here, I see little reason to hope an intelligent solution will be found…

  6. - SW - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 11:16 am:

    They need more bodies. Calls are not returned. Emails are not responded to. You can’t get a live person. Technology is great but will not solve the problem. Sometimes you just need to talk to a real live person.

  7. - Donnie Elgin - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 11:17 am:

    Interesting read

  8. - Bruce( no not him) - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 11:22 am:

    “ There is no timeline for completion of the automation program, ”
    And there is the secret to the “upgrade” At least they didn’t say whenever.

  9. - Romeo - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 11:36 am:

    I had a question about a month ago and I called them a total of thirty times, at various times throughout the day. Never once did I speak to a live human.

    Do better.

  10. - 17% Solution - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 11:42 am:

    From ISP:” FOID card holders will remain valid throughout the renewal process, as long as they apply for their card renewal prior to the expiration date on their FOID card.”

    How does that play out if someone wants to purchase something? Does the owner of the gun store call the police or go to a website?

  11. - revvedup - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 11:43 am:

    Once again, the State of Illinois finds ways to fumble the ball providing services. Maybe another Federal lawsuit will get them to set a meaningful deadline, and return the siphoned cash from the FOID program. Emergency rules should also be issued by ISP to avoid the conflicting deadlines issue(s). I can only hope the Illinois Supreme Court strikes the entire FOID Act as unconstitutional.

  12. - 332bill - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 11:50 am:

    Todd, you can renew up to 90 days ahead of expiration. Mine expires 4/1. I applied online 1/2. But you are absolutely right, while after 4/1 my FOID will not be technically expired, nobody will accept it for purchases. Luckily, I have my CCL to fall back on.

  13. - Just Another Anon - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 11:57 am:

    A jaded eye would could conclude that FOID program doesn’t work because it wasn’t designed to work. That conclusion would indicate that it was designed to be an impediment to lawful gun owners exercising, not prevent illegal firearms. That would be supported by a failure to fund the program and the fund sweeps that occurred.

  14. - Just Observing - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 12:21 pm:

    I re-applied for mine several months ago and got it no time.

  15. - Seats - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 12:26 pm:

    I’m on day 115 waiting for my conceal carry card. My FOID expires in 2 months, I’ve been told that it MIGHT cause problems if I try to renew my FOID before receiving the CCL card. So I’m hoping to get that any day now.

  16. - Bothanspy - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 12:28 pm:

    Of I can wait six months for my Global Entry application to be processed, I think people can wait a little bit to get their guns.

  17. - Grandpa2 - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 12:29 pm:

    Agree with Just Observing. Applied for my renewal this past Fall and received new card with plenty of time to spare. I do agree that a better system is needed. I wish it could be listed as an endorsement on my Driver’s License (REAL ID) so that I only need to carry one form of ID.

  18. - Seats - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 12:39 pm:

    My other large issue with CCL cards are that a simple change of address request cost 75 dollars. A change of address on FOID cards are a much more reasonable 5 dollars.

  19. - ImHere - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 12:47 pm:

    Damage control via press release for current and anticipated litigation. The FOID law has a good chance of being struck down and this PR, with a tellingly absent timeline for completion, says to me ISP has some fears the program may die via court order.

  20. - Nagidam - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 1:07 pm:

    @ Bothanspy

    ===Of I can wait six months for my Global Entry application to be processed, I think people can wait a little bit to get their guns===

    It actually is not about waiting. An Illinois resident can only buy a weapon or ammunition if they have a valid FOID card. ISP mismanagement is keeping a person from exercising a constitutional right. On the other hand I think they are making a great case as to why the FOID card should be done away with. There are multiple cases questioning the constitutionality of the FOID. So part of me says carry on with your ineptness ISP.

  21. - Blue Dog Dem - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 1:12 pm:

    Here would be a $120000/yr savings for the state plus possibly send some ISP up to Chicago for some help.

  22. - Todd - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 1:16 pm:

    332, last time I talked to them they said 60 days , they may have changed it since I last spoke with them last month but that was the policy then.

    and yes in that instance if you show me a vailid CHL, as an FFL I will accept that

  23. - Mason born - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 1:23 pm:

    So if you go to renew before the expiration date it’s still valid. That’s good that you won’t be prosecuted at least, won’t be able to buy ammo or a firearm but you won’t go to jail.

    Of course if you’re applying for your first FOID you’re just stuck. Left your abusive boyfriend who threatened to kill you? 90 days+ to wait before you can even look at gun in a shop. Have a friend who would loan you one? Not till ISP does their thing on 90+ days.

    We should change the FOID Act so that people who apply and are granted an order of protection go to the front of the line.

  24. - Just Another Anon - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 1:40 pm:

    @Mason Born

    Creating a “fast lane” for the exercise of a constitutional right isn’t the solution to government bureaucracy unreasonably holding up that right.

  25. - Klaus von Bülow - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 1:57 pm:

    Am I reading this wrong ISP opted for a 1 Million dollar telephone renewal system instead of an web based online system?

  26. - Mason born - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 2:32 pm:

    @Just Another Anon

    While I agree with your point about a fast lane to exercise a right, as long as a FOID is required ensuring those who need it most can get it seems valid.

    Now someday there may be more FOID but to be honest I doubt it.

  27. - Rep. Caulkins - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 3:21 pm:

    I agree that the right to own a weapon and buy ammunition should not require a liscense from the State. However, it is current law and must be obeyed. I will submit a bill that requires all funds collected from FOID and CC license applications be used exclusively for that purpose. Much like the road fund “lock box” amendment. Final draft due next week.

  28. - Klaus von Bülow - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 3:53 pm:

    Rep. Caulkins if you can’t get support for a lockbox a revolving fund would work.

  29. - Mason born - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 4:01 pm:

    At 2:32 I meant “..may be no more FOID..”


  30. - theCardinal - Wednesday, Jan 8, 20 @ 4:53 pm:

    So its my understanding that when you buy a gun they run your name through a criminal info background check. How does FOID change or enhance that ? I was also told that if you have a concealed licence your name is run almost every day. I know when you buy ammo all they want to see is your FOID card, so in reality is FOID only to buy ammo.

  31. - Perturbed - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 9:20 am:

    It took 257 days for my CCL to be processed. Might not begin holding your breath just yet…

  32. - Seats - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 9:40 am:

    Perturbed - assuming they asked for a corrected address history or picture quality didn’t meet their standards? Or what reason did they give for taking so long that is crazy.

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