* Gov. Pritzker took questions from Chicago reporters today and it naturally turned to the uproar over Mike McClain’s email to the Quinn administration. He touted the fact that he had asked the Executive Inspector General to look into it…
Reporter 1: An investigation could take quite some time. While that is going, what are you going to do? Are you going to have informal questions that you’re going to ask of Speaker Madigan, Gov. Quinn?
Pritzker: I, I, I presume that they’re being asked these questions already. I have not spoken with either one yet about this. But let me be clear. We have to get all the facts. I think that they will be by the investigatory bodies, I presume that people will be contacted by appropriate people. I’m disturbed, again, that people who serve in public office think that it’s OK to have communications like this that seem to have, you know, resulted in, uh, you know, outcomes that none of us, you know, think should occur. […]
Reporter 2: But then is your office doing something. I mean, I get it that there is an investigation, but do you also want answers yourself?
Pritzker: I do. I want the answers, but understand, we don’t have an investigatory capability in the governor’s office…
Reporter 2: Can’t you call Madigan and say ‘What the heck went on here?’
Pritzker: The best we have is the Office of Executive Inspector General and that’s exactly where it went to [crosstalk]. First with our general counsel. I, I wouldn’t know how to investigate this matter. What do you mean? I should just run around and just randomly ask questions?
[Crosstalk and a reporter pointed out that Forrest Ashby worked for Pritzker’s campaign].
Pritzker: Well, this is a consultant. We had 200 people doing field work on our campaign. And, um, you know, they were hired by our field staff to do field work around the state. So, what I want to know is, what is the rape that’s being alleged here? What, exactly, are the circumstances around that? Is there a cover-up that was done around that? And, secondly, what is this ghost payrolling reference to? Was there wrong-doing associated with that and who’s responsible?
Reporter 2: You’re asking us, but who else are you asking?
Pritzker: The OEIG. I don’t have investigatory capability in the governor’s office except that there is an OEIG. That is exactly what an OEIG is there for…
Reporter 2: …I would think, wouldn’t you go to Madigan and say ‘Tell me, explain this’?
Pritzker: Well I, what I know is the statement that was put out yesterday in which he says that he doesn’t know anything about it. […]
Reporter 3: Have you not spoken to the Speaker?
Pritzker: I have spoken to the Speaker repeatedly about the allegations of corruption and the need for us to address…
Reporter 2: Have you spoken to the Speaker about this email?
Pritzker: I think it just came out a couple of days ago. I don’t even think he’s in the state of Illinois.
Reporter 2: But you see this email and you don’t call him up and say ‘What is this about’?
Pritzker: No. It’s not his email. I, what I’m telling you is, immediately upon understanding that this needed to go to an investigatory body, it went to the OEIG. And that is, in fact, exactly where it ought to go.
* The Question: Should Gov. Pritzker pick up the phone and call Speaker Madigan and former Gov. Quinn and ask them about what happened, or should he just let the process he instigated work, or should he do something else? Make sure to explain your answer.
*** UPDATE *** If you saw Speaker Madigan’s letter to Leader Durkin, you may have noticed that Madigan said he’d spoken with the governor. The press conference above was held at 9 o’clock this morning. I asked Emily Bittner about that. Her response…
The Speaker called the Governor this afternoon to confirm that the Governor’s Office referred the matter to the Office of the Inspector General, which the Governor did. That was the extent of their conversation.
* She also sent this…
The possibility of a rape and ghost payrolling mentioned in that disgusting email are extremely serious criminal issues, which is why the governor’s general counsel filed a complaint with the appropriate authority, the Office of the Executive Inspector General, which has the power to investigate and make a determination about next steps. The most urgent need is to get to the bottom of the facts of these potential cases so that other authorities have any information that can potentially aid in an investigation. The appropriate authorities need the unfettered ability to do their jobs without interference; there are no circumstances where it would be appropriate for the Governor to start having conversations about possible crimes when they have been referred to the proper authorities.
She makes a good point. By calling Madigan and Quinn and asking him about this email he could be interfering in an investigation that he initiated. I do not know why he didn’t just say that to the reporters instead of all that other stuff.
- NotRich - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 2:07 pm:
If you read the Speaker’s letter to leader Durkin, he says “I spoke to the Governor”…
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 2:09 pm:
NotRich, that presser was held at 9 o’clock this morning.
- Suzzz - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 2:15 pm:
Seems bonkers to me that people expect the GOVERNOR to talk to people possibly implicated in a crime ABOUT THEIR POSSIBLE CRIMES. I’m no attorney, but can’t think of one that would suggest a regular person do that, let alone the governor of a state.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 2:15 pm:
No. The reporters just want a fight.
Hasn’t Pat Quinn already denied any knowledge of this? And MJM denied knowing anything about it yesterday. Why does anyone think Pritzker would get a different answer if he asks?
The Inspector General is the one in the hot seat, and thankfully has the tools to actually do something about it. The rest is politics.
- Jibba - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 2:20 pm:
No. What exactly would he do if the Speaker told him something other than “no knowledge”? He cannot unseat the Speaker. Unleash the investigators and let them do the dirty work.
- MOON - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 2:22 pm:
Somebody please tell me what does Madigan have to do with this e-mail? He stated he has no knowledge of this matter.
- Professor - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 2:23 pm:
The governor should not get personally involved. This is a very serious matter and involves serious legal questions. Illinois has the designated sources to investigate. The governor’s only role is to insure the investigatory process is accomplished. This has nothing to do with with the governor.
- Original Rambler - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 2:23 pm:
I’m with Suzzz. It does not make any sense and would just clutter up the investigation the OEIG will be conducting. The investigators would then have to interview the Governor about any conversations with MM. The OEIG goes slow enough in their investigations. Let’s minimize who they interview not expand that group.
- Annonyms - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 2:29 pm:
As someone who has conducted internal investigations in the executive, nothing precludes the Governor’s Office from informally investigating this matter and taking approriate action, if necessary, even while the OEIG investigates. In fact, State agencies are typically urged to take appropriate managerial action, acknowledging that OEIG investigations can take a great deal of time. For example, if you learned that a manager was possibly sexually harassing an employee at a State agency, you should refer that matter to the OEIG, but the State agency can and should also investigate, interview, and take action–like counseling, moving workspaces, discipline, or termination–while the OEIG investigates, because you should not and do not have to sit on an ongoing ethics violation. All agencies have ethics officers, HR personnel, and attorneys in part for this reason, including the Governor’s office. The Governor’s Office does not have subpoena power and is almost certainly not the right entity to look into a rape allegation (nor, for that matter, is the OEIG), but the Governor’s Office can conduct some email searches and interviews to learn more about the ghost payroll issue and, if anyone is still on that payroll, move to get them off it.
- Wonk - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 2:32 pm:
While most of this should sit with the OIEG, the ghost payrolling is something the Governor’s office or CMS could and should look into. If the employees are still there, waiting until the conclusion of an OEIG investigation to get ghost employees off the payroll is a waste of money. It is a fairly discrete inquiry, and one that I would expect an executive of any company or public body to do promptly if the question was raised.
- Dozer - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 2:37 pm:
Yes he should pick up the phone but for a different conversation.
Since I did not see the presser, did no one ask him if he was goign to ask the Speaker to step down? That is the conversation that should take place
Any CEO with a cintila of these problems would have been gone lone ago
- Thomas Paine - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 2:38 pm:
Anne Caprara should issue a memo to all employees who were working with or for Quinn, Hannig and Stermer at that time and reiterate the expectation of their full cooperation, including the expectation that anyone with any relevant info should contact the OIEG immediately.
- Anonish - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 2:38 pm:
No, JB should not call Quinn or Madigan.
In part because this is what comes a few days later: “Governor, your first calls didn’t result in any movement. Will you call them again and ask them to cooperate more thoroughly?”
Leave this to the professional staff where there are likely process and procedures to dig into stuff like this.
- Joe Bidenopolous - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 2:42 pm:
47th has the right answer, especially this: “Hasn’t Pat Quinn already denied any knowledge of this? And MJM denied knowing anything about it yesterday. Why does anyone think Pritzker would get a different answer if he asks?”
- Robert the Bruce - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 2:46 pm:
J.B. should not call Quinn or Madigan. They’ll just deny knowing anything.
Rather than waiting for FOIAs, J.B. should release all emails to the executive branch from McClain about any subject. Be completely transparent. Let reporters and the OIEG have at them.
- SSL - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 2:48 pm:
JB shouldn’t call. All it could bring him is more headache.
He should have been better prepared for the questions however. It makes him look bad to stumble like that. If I wanted to see an elected official look inept I would watch a Lightfoot press conference.
- Coward - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 2:50 pm:
Here is the real story…
While Bruce Rauner, Dan Biss, and Chris Kennedy distanced themselves from Speaker Madigan, Pritzker wrapped his arms around him in order to win the election. Madigan and his goons, including McClain, were involved in the campaign. They can plant as many revisionist articles as they want now, but JB has been a coward for the past two years regarding Madigan. Even today, he is too much of a coward to demand that Madigan resign.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 2:53 pm:
===They can plant as many revisionist articles===
Bitterness will rot your mind.
- DuPage Saint - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 2:57 pm:
Does Madigan ever talk on the phone?
- So_Ill - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 3:07 pm:
==While Bruce Rauner, Dan Biss, and Chris Kennedy distanced themselves from Speaker Madigan, Pritzker wrapped his arms around him in order to win the election. ==
Do you think maybe that’s why Pritzker was able to get more done in 1 year than most Illinois governors do in a lifetime?
- zatoichi - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 3:14 pm:
If Pritzker talks to Madigan or Quinn about this it will be viewed as some sort of coordination. At the same time a private, personal ‘anything you want to say’ conversation seems to makes sense. Still, let EOIG do what they do.
- Wonk - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 3:18 pm:
Also, the AG’s office should determine whether or not this e-mail or the behavior in it was ever referred to them or came to their attention. If anyone at the AG’s office was aware of it, that opens a whole other can of worms given who held the office.
- Boomerang - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 3:19 pm:
Everyone calling for the Governor’s office to conduct a parallel, soft investigation of the ghost patrolling should keep in mind that this email is eight years old. And we don’t know if the accusation included 2012 employees or earlier. Tying up state employees not tasked with investigatory powers is a waste of time and resources. Let the investigators do their jobs.
- Downstate - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 3:22 pm:
The governor can jump out ahead of everyone else by a country mile if he releases all emails from McClain to any of his staff - state or campaign - to clear the air and demonstrate to the speaker and former governor quinn how to clear the air on their end. Otherwise, this is going to be a drip drip drip for the next year.
- Randolph House - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 3:23 pm:
Goofy line of suggestive questioning by the reporter. Can hear the outrage in the print. Who in the world would call the Speaker about an email that had nothing to do with him (except it was written by a friend) and ask, what is this about? It’s goofy.
- Pundent - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 3:39 pm:
=While Bruce Rauner, Dan Biss, and Chris Kennedy distanced themselves from Speaker Madigan=
They did more than that. They distanced themselves from being elected governor of Illinois.
- Norseman - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 3:43 pm:
No. Pritzker did what he should do - refer it to the appropriate authority for investigation.
- revvedup - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 3:44 pm:
It’s time for law enforcement to be brought in, and by that I mean the State Police and FBI. The endless OEIG and internal investigations are insufficient in this matter. There may be grounds for Official Misconduct charges, as well as others. None of the administrative agencies investigating have the power to put handcuffs on people, and enough is enough.
- SOIL M - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 3:45 pm:
Absolutely no way no how should he call Madigan on the phone. About this or anything. Stay as far away as possible, and keep as much plausible deniability as possible. In these times why would anyone connected to anything close to this talk on the phone about anything whatsoever. And no emails either. As much distance as possible is best.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 3:53 pm:
It’s ongoing and could be under investigation by federal authorities.
Why insert himself in things needlessly?
- A Guy - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 3:58 pm:
Nope. It’s a different branch of government in one case, and a different administration in the other. The IG will ask the questions that he needs the answers to and report back. As awkward as it may be, he probably shouldn’t have any private (1 on1) conversations with him about anything until this report is filed. The perception and reality need to intersect on this one, and be the same. The Governor is doing the right thing despite handling the question somewhat clumsily.
- Tommydanger - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 4:33 pm:
I remember a certain former president speaking with the Attorney General at an airport while there was a pending investigation involving the former president’s wife. How did that work out.
The Governor should have zero discussions with the Speaker regarding this matter to avoid any potential conflict or to in anyway appear to be handling things in the way that people cynically or otherwise believe such matters are handled in Illinois.
Its much easier to say with a straight face without having to offer any qualifiers or explanations that you have had no discussion with the Speaker and do not intend to have any discussions with the Speaker regarding this matter that has been referred to the Illinois Inspector General.
- Bitter with a rotten mind - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 4:53 pm:
He should demand that Madigan resign, but he won’t.
- Bruce - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 5:24 pm:
Emil Jones? Sr. Or Jr.? if it’s Senior he certainly held onto his power.
- Wow - Thursday, Jan 9, 20 @ 11:46 pm:
That press conference was horrible. Just awful. Always as clumsy, awkward, meandering as the whole toilet fiasco news conference. Someone needs to do a better job of prepping him on this stuff and his answers (you can just say, “No”, Governor) or he is just going to keep inadvertently stepping into this pile of doggie doo-doo.
- The Other Rich Hill - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 6:18 am:
“I do not know why he didn’t just say that to the reporters instead of all that other stuff.”
….because he’s not a polished, long-time politician (?)
Bottom line, someone who orders that an investigation be opened should not be talking to those who may be questioned in said investigation.
Hope the truth comes out and I’m hoping against hope the email lines about covering up a rape were a sick euphemism of some kind. If someone was raped, throw the #&%@ing book at the rapist.
@Tommydanger: “I remember a certain former president speaking with the Attorney General at an airport while there was a pending investigation involving the former president’s wife. How did that work out.”
The Republican Congressional investigation wasted years and millions in which the GOP attack dogs found …zilch.
The Republican-led FBI spent countless hours investigating and found …zilch.
And, Trump re-opened the case and had one of the most corrupt Attorney Generals this nation has had assign a top US Attorney to travel the world digging for dirt and they still found …zilch.
Stick to the topic.
- Pacman - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 8:33 am:
The OEIG is the wrong agency to do the investigation, this is a criminal investigation, not an administrative investigation and should be done by ISP. OEIG does not have powers of arrest or the ability to obtain search warrants. I suspect the OEIG will refer the case to ISP once they confirm it involves criminal activity.