IFI tries to connect Illinois out-migration to a potential repeal of parental notification laws
Friday, Jan 10, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller * This Illinois Family Institute article shows us once again that people who constantly complain about out-migration will always try to blame it on their Number 1 issue. Upset about government pensions? That’s why people are leaving! Cranky about taxes? That’s why people are leaving! Despise the Democrats? That’s why people are leaving! Hate the winter weather? That’s why people are leaving!…
The rest of the article doesn’t actually explain how passing such a law would lead to more out-migration, however.
- Tawk - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 9:53 am:
Um, just look at the survey data. Here are the top reasons Illinoisans cite for wanting to leave: Taxes (27%), state government and policies (17%), better weather (15%), lower crime (13%), job opportunities (12%), family or personal reasons (8%) and better schools (6%).
Source: https://www.nprillinois.org/post/survey-voters-diverge-gov-economy#stream/0
- efudd - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 9:54 am:
LGBT indoctrination.
In the last few years had a couple of kids graduate public high school.
Can’t say they received any LGBT indoctrination. Alternative life styles was taught in Health class, but that’s about it.
Conservatives. If there isn’t a monster to be scared of, create one.
- Roman - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 9:55 am:
I blame the coyotes.
- Fixer - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 9:58 am:
I’m with efudd on this. My daughter graduated earlier this year and she didn’t come across as nearly as indoctrinated as the folks that follow IFI seem to be.
- Grandson of Man - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 9:59 am:
Tax-hating, women’s choice hating, Democrat-hating, pension-hating people are leaving Illinois? Yaaayyy Wooohoooo exclamation points]
If only. If only the professional Illinois Exodus criers left, instead of remaining here. There’s the African-American outmigration as well.
Outmigration is a top-priority problem. We don’t want and have to turn Illinois into a red state to tackle it, however.
- Jocko - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 10:03 am:
IFI forgot to warn readers not to look back when leaving Illinois…lest they turn into a pillar of salt. /S
- H-W - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 10:07 am:
Out migration, in migration, … Absolute numbers, relative numbers, … Good reasons, bad reasons, …
I do not see why we care about migration in the first place. I do not care why people migrate in or out of any of the 50 states and various territories. Why is this an issue (seriously)?
- Honeybear - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 10:33 am:
Outmigration is clearly caused by reading Capfax, the one place where they are exposed to ALL the factors involved. One can learn from a Proft publication how taxes cause it. One can learn from IFI that parental notification can cause it. One can learn from the IMA that loss of manufacturing jobs can cause outmigration.
The ONLY place you learn All of those is
Yes, Capfax
Thanks Miller
You’ve single handedly ruined Our Sorry State.
How about you narrowly focus your output on a highly partisan point and abandon your so called “Journalistic Integrity and ethics”.
- Soccermom - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 10:34 am:
Is it possible that people are leaving to get away from IFI?
- Streamwood Retiree - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 10:34 am:
Of the 27% citing taxes, were those specifically income taxes as Republicans always imply? Or were they the high sales taxes and property taxes? “Taxes” is too vague. Taxes and weather are too big reasons for me, but as my sig implies, I don’t pay any Illinois income taxes. I do pay 10% of my income in property taxes.
- Dance Band on the Titanic - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 11:16 am:
If the IFI is really that concerned about population loss in Illinois, why aren’t they publicly celebrating the potential increase in birth rate that will result from the legalization of cannabis?
From the article: “in states that allow medical marijuana…birth rates went up — specifically, a mean increase of 2 percent”
- Froganon - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 11:18 am:
I’m with Roman. It’s the coyotes
- Romeo - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 11:32 am:
I recently signed a contract to live and work in Florida. Illinois has been my home for the last 15.5 years (minus 3.25 years of college in Minnesota). It is bittersweet. My parents relocating to there plus a substantial salary increase and lower taxes directly contributed to my move.
I am appreciative of the friends I made, the education I received and the life experiences I had while in IL (going to starved Rock, anything downtown and the use of medical cannabis). But it is more important to me to be closer to my family and I will not disparage the state when I leave.
The fiscal problems that IL faces are self inflicted but not insurmountable. Wish all of you luck in making this state a better place to live. Signing off,
- Blue Dog Dem - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 11:51 am:
Romeo. Best of luck. Your only a nano second away.
- Grandson of Man - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 12:15 pm:
Illinois is like a bad sports team, just having started the rebuilding process: casinos, infrastructure, legalized marijuana, full budget, gaming, etc. The Fair Tax would lessen tax burdens for a large majority of state residents, albeit a little, but it would be better than now, and with more revenue coming in. More needs to be done, but it’s a great start.
- Blue Dog Dem - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 12:32 pm:
Casinos. Takes from other venues.
Infrastructure. 38cents.
Legalized Mary Jane. We will see.
Full budget. Not including pensions.
Gaming. See above.
Yup. Almost there….and about your guarantee on that progressive tax thing lowering property taxes….well?
- Thomas Paine - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 12:45 pm:
I for one am not laughing, and i think this deserves more research.
For years we believed that people were choosing homeschooling because the schools were failing academically.
But independent research found a strong correlation between homeschooling by the non-college educated and opposition to integration and LGBTQ rights. They were moving their kids out of the schools because they didnt want them to be taught to be tolerant of others, but you would never see that in a survey result unless you set the survey up the right way, because those are views people typically try very hard to hide.
We should sample those who have moved from Illinois over the past five years to assess their social views to see if there is a correlation.
- Lucky Pierre - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 12:46 pm:
Grandson are trying to argue only Republicans are leaving Illinois?
Grave concern about the Illinois exodus should be bipartisan.
Denying the root causes of the problem like you are is what is making the problem much worse
- Jibba - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 12:52 pm:
Best of luck Romeo…classy goodbye.
I blame UI football. Last bowl game was 2014, causing population decline since. I expect a reversal after the 2019 appearance. Or MJ.
- Grandson of Man - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 2:46 pm:
Grandson never argued that only Republicans are leaving Illinois, just glee at the prospect of angry right wingers leaving (see IFI excerpt above and also my statement on African-American outmigration). But really it’s kidding on the square. Don’t want folks to leave but if they’re that angry, go already and don’t endlessly scaremonger.
The new laws like marijuana legalization, infrastructure and casinos are going to create lots and lots of jobs, so many jobs [sniff], maybe more jobs than anybody has ever seen [sniff]. Jobs, jobs, jobs [exclamation point and sniff].
- Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, Jan 10, 20 @ 3:47 pm:
===The new laws like marijuana legalization, infrastructure and casinos are going to create lots and lots of jobs===
The way I see it, we are going to have lots of stoned construction workers who blew their paycheck at the casino.