Arroyo pleads “not guilty”
Tuesday, Feb 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller
* More in a minute, but this is unexpected…
Some background…
Federal prosecutors filed a charging document on Jan. 17 known as an information, which typically indicates that a defendant plans to plead guilty.
According to the criminal complaint, Arroyo began paying bribes in August to a state senator who has been cooperating with the feds since 2016. That senator has been a cooperating witness for the FBI even before it was revealed he had filed false income tax returns. The unnamed senator’s cooperation began again afterward, but the complaint says he has not been promised anything in exchange for working with the feds.
…Adding… And right after this, the judge adjourned…
…Adding… Press release from earlier today…
Below is the statement of Nidia Carranza, Democratic candidate for Illinois’ 3rd District, on former State Rep. Luis Arroyo’s arraignment today on bribery charges:
“It is long overdue that Luis Arroyo is brought to justice. When parents of my special needs students met with him to ask for more funding for special education, he turned on the TV to tune them out. He is a corrupt politician who underserved our community, and must be held accountable.
“But the 3rd District is not out of the woods yet. The same corrupt donors, politicians, and lobbyists who backed Arroyo have hand-picked his successor: a corporate lobbyist and People’s Gas executive who is price-gouging Chicagoans on their gas bills in the middle of winter. I denounced this rigged appointment process, but my opponent willingly accepted the tainted position and has stayed silent on the corruption and harm caused by her predecessor.
“It’s time to turn the page on corrupt insider deals. I’m running because the people of the 3rd District don’t need more pay-to-play lobbyists representing them in Springfield. They need a fighter who knows their struggles, who has a track record of fighting back, and who will work hard every day for working people.”
…Adding… Cameron has covered a lot more of these than I have, so I defer…
…Adding… Seidel…
Arroyo’s arraignment before U.S. District Judge Steven Seeger lasted roughly five minutes. Though he pleaded not guilty through his lawyer, Michael Gillespie, he also waived indictment by a grand jury that would find probable cause for the charge against him.
- Oak Parker - Tuesday, Feb 4, 20 @ 1:50 pm:
Sounds like the two sides need a little more time to land the tuna
- City Zen - Tuesday, Feb 4, 20 @ 1:58 pm:
==The same corrupt donors, politicians, and lobbyists who backed Arroyo have hand-picked his successor==
Wait, I thought CTU and SEIU were backing Carranza?
- Dotnonymous - Tuesday, Feb 4, 20 @ 2:04 pm:
Someone ate the baloney…?
- Hard D - Tuesday, Feb 4, 20 @ 2:23 pm:
Needs to clear a few things up with Marty first
- Paddyrollingstone - Tuesday, Feb 4, 20 @ 2:46 pm:
Standard procedure if you are cooperating and if you are not cooperating. Occasionally, someone will plead guilty at an arraignment. I’ve had clients do it maybe 2 or 3 times in the past 20 years. If he was going to plead guilty but not cooperate, I would have recommended agreeing to an information as not making the government jump through hoops can earn some consideration with a judge down the line at sentencing. If he is cooperating, perhaps they have not agreed upon the plea agreement yet. A long way of saying, its too soon to tell.
- Boomerang - Tuesday, Feb 4, 20 @ 2:50 pm:
Having trouble collecting on the “jackpot”.
Found the bologna company. Now just needs to get inside.
He has a thing. But it’s f*#%ing fools gold.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 4, 20 @ 5:12 pm:
Do you think at Link’s first appearance they will proceed right to sentencing since the cooperation has be be all done?
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 4, 20 @ 6:28 pm:
“Those indicted are presumed innocent… “
He’s fighting the charges. It will make the trial more interesting.