Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Asked about Madigan, McSweeney blasts GOP leaders: “Schneider is a joke, Durkin and Brady are clowns”
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Asked about Madigan, McSweeney blasts GOP leaders: “Schneider is a joke, Durkin and Brady are clowns”

Thursday, Feb 6, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Will Stephens had retiring Rep. Dave McSweeney (R-Barrington Hills) on his WXAN Radio show today. Here’s McSweeney

Will, thanks for having me on. Always an adventure in the state of Illinois. We have a new scandal that’s breaking in the capital. There was a cover-up about member misconduct. That’s not Jack Franks, it’s actually an issue that I’ve been focused on since last May. There was a buried report by the Legislative Inspector General about wrongdoing. The Ethics Commission that’s made up of other members buried the report. I’ve been calling on Jim Durkin to tell us what he knows about it. The chairman of the commission is on his leadership team and we have way too many scandals in this state. We need to fight corruption and we need to start with the General Assembly.

As everyone knows, McSweeney and Franks worked together on several bills. McSweeney, like most everyone else, didn’t know what was going on when the investigation was announced. Instead of focusing on Franks, though, he went after Durkin. And he went even further in a statement to me this week…

It’s time for Jim Durkin to come clean about improper activity that he is aware of. Specifically, I call on Jim Durkin to release all personnel files on John Anthony, Ron Sandack and Nick Sauer. We must be the party of transparency.

* Here’s Will from later in the program

I asked this question here many times over the last few months, and that is: Of what benefit is Mike Madigan as Speaker of the Illinois House? Of what benefit does he provide Illinois Democratic elected officials at this point? Now that there is so much scandal swirling around and it seems as if the federal authorities are moving ever closer to him, day by day, how much longer can he hold on to that position? And what benefit is it to Democrats for him to hold on to that position?

* McSweeney’s response and interchange

What we need to do as a party is stand for something so that we can actually take control of the Statehouse. That’s what I have been focused on, a message of lower taxes, less spending, real reform. Instead, we have leadership of Jim Durkin, who supported doubling the gas tax, was part of a cover-up now with legislator misconduct, has been there for 25 years. And we have Bill Brady in the Senate who actually makes money as a quote unquote consultant for video poker interests.

So to answer your question, I’m focused on getting the Republican Party to pick up seats, but we need to change our leadership on top. And that’s what I’ve been fighting for, for a long time. We need to stand for something. That’s what I have been fighting for, again, lower taxes, less spending, real reform. That’s what we need. And I have the specific plan around that, cutting the tax rates and reducing the property tax levies and reforming Medicaid and public employee pensions. So to answer your question specifically, the way things could change is if the Republican Party stands for something, we change leaders, and we take control of the House, that’s what I’m focused on.

Stephens: Yeah, I understand that and you’ve been clear about your positions, but this is just a conundrum that a person that thinks about Illinois and politics from time to time doesn’t quite understand, I guess.

McSweeney: Well, let me let me try to explain from my view. Jim Durkin just presided over losing seven seats, complete incompetence. Anybody else would be fired for that situation. And that just strengthens the power of the Democrats.

So until we turn that around, nothing’s going to change, meaning we change our leadership in Springfield and we focus on picking up seats. That’s the power. … But what we need to do is we need to pick up 60 seats, that’s the math. And in order to pick up 60 seats, we need to stand for something as a party and that’s what I’m focused on.

Stephens: Can the Illinois Republican Party stand for something as long as you know… I guess what the question I’m trying to ask, is the leadership currently, can it be reformed? Or does it have to be replaced in your opinion?

McSweeney: Well, it’s a joke. The only guy who makes any sense is Richard Porter, the Republican National Committeeman. [ILGOP Chairman] Schneider is a joke. Durkin and Brady are clowns who’ve been around forever.

McSweeney is retiring from the House to prepare a possible 2022 bid for US Senate.

* I asked the House GOP for a statement. Here’s Eleni Demertzis…

We wish Rep. McSweeney well on his upcoming retirement.


  1. - cover - Thursday, Feb 6, 20 @ 3:06 pm:

    = We wish Rep. McSweeney well on his upcoming retirement. =

    A well-crafted, diplomatic statement.

    If McSweeney is indeed planning to run for US Senate in 2022, he’ll find himself still “retired” from public service in 2023.

  2. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 6, 20 @ 3:11 pm:

    ===A well-crafted, diplomatic statement.===

    It’s also an inside joke.

    Durkin was on a Chicago radio show last year and was asked, for whatever reason, about Mary Todd Lincoln. Durkin noted that she had a tough life, and then got lost in thought and said, “And I wish her well.”

    He was doing the interview on speaker phone in his office after session and the whole room cracked up.

  3. - NIU Grad - Thursday, Feb 6, 20 @ 3:14 pm:

    They honestly think that by latching onto Trump, and having him (and his message) as their statewide standard-bearer, that suddenly millions of “silent majority” voters will come out of the woodwork and make this a red state.

    Good luck with that.

  4. - @misterjayem - Thursday, Feb 6, 20 @ 3:14 pm:

    “what we need to do is we need to pick up 60 seats, that’s the math. And in order to pick up 60 seats, we need to stand for something as a party”

    Well, the ILGOP needs to stand for something that voters actually want as a party.

    That’s been the nut they can’t crack.

    – MrJM

  5. - Wire Tap - Thursday, Feb 6, 20 @ 3:36 pm:

    McSweeney makes some excellent points (let’s note that he did vote for Durkin as speaker). While the rank-and-file of the Republican caucus focuses on Madigan Madigan Madigan…Where is their message for Illinois? What are they doing to make this state a better place?

  6. - Carrot Top - Thursday, Feb 6, 20 @ 3:41 pm:

    “Porter proposed state lawmakers come up with a plan to create a New Illinois, with a new constitution, to buy the assets of Old Illinois.”

    And according to McSweeney, “The only guy who makes any sense is Richard Porter.”


  7. - theCardinal - Thursday, Feb 6, 20 @ 3:46 pm:

    Someone let McSweeny know the the role of Dan Proft has already been played.

  8. - Jibba - Thursday, Feb 6, 20 @ 3:47 pm:

    I thought they already stood for something: free stuff.

  9. - JS Mill - Thursday, Feb 6, 20 @ 3:58 pm:

    He isn’t wrong about Durkin and Brady and how long they have been around. Brady is compromised by his side business, and it is a bit funny because I have personally listened to some of his gop colleagues go off on gambling.

    But Sweeney has Ron Sandack level class and is never going to be elected to the Senate. At least not from Illinois.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 6, 20 @ 4:03 pm:

    === So until we turn that around, nothing’s going to change, meaning we change our leadership in Springfield and we focus on picking up seats. That’s the power. … But what we need to do is we need to pick up 60 seats, that’s the math. And in order to pick up 60 seats, we need to stand for something as a party and that’s what I’m focused on.===


    This *only* is true if McSweeney is talking about;

    Murphys and Beaubiens, Mulligans and Petersens.

    60 McSweeneys will never sit in the Illinois House.

    Dear Mr. McSweeney,

    You know …that there are a great many things I like about you.

    I don’t always agree with everyone, on everything, 100% of the time.

    Here’s the thing.

    Your twitter, it’s just too “kooky-crazy”

    I read and check it out. A lot. It’s too much. A toned down twitter might really change things. I’m sure it would for me. Capiche? That’s really it.

    The inside joke to the Durkin Office response is prime cut steak, sizzling funny, snarky seasoning to boot.

    When Durkin’s Crew would like to discuss “ Murphys and Beaubiens, Mulligans and Petersens“, I’m all-in. That also means a lil more pushback on the Eastern Bloc, 51st state stuff.

    Lemme know.

  11. - Demoralized - Thursday, Feb 6, 20 @ 4:21 pm:

    Perhaps the failure is just as much about the ideas as the leadership. I wonder if Rep. McSweeney has considered that possibility?

  12. - illinoyed - Thursday, Feb 6, 20 @ 4:26 pm:

    Rich@3:11 I used to get an eye watering laugh at least once a day here. It’s been awhile… thanks, I needed that.

  13. - Nick Name - Thursday, Feb 6, 20 @ 4:31 pm:

    ===McSweeney is retiring from the House to prepare a possible 2022 bid for US Senate.===

    Oh please oh please oh please.

  14. - Proud Papa Bear - Thursday, Feb 6, 20 @ 6:25 pm:

    OW- exactly.
    While I disagree with much about McSweeney (who happens to be my representative) person to person he’s not a bad guy. Other Democratic representatives I’ve spoken with have told me he’s a reasonable man.
    But that Twitter feed he’s got… he needs to turn it way down.

  15. - anon2 - Thursday, Feb 6, 20 @ 6:59 pm:

    I’m sure GOP leadership will be happy to see McSweeney leave Springfield. The party certainly won’t help him get the senate nomination in two years. He is a breath of fresh air, however, in that he’s the only legislator in either party who regularly criticizes his own party, instead of the usual partisan finger pointing.

  16. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Feb 6, 20 @ 9:43 pm:

    ===He was doing the interview on speaker phone in his office after session and the whole room cracked up.

    This is just fantastic that Durkin has a decent sense of humor after getting laughed at on the call.

  17. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Feb 6, 20 @ 9:45 pm:

    ===Well, the ILGOP needs to stand for something that voters actually want as a party.

    ===That’s been the nut they can’t crack.

    Most of the state isn’t the Eastern Bloc and Durkin and the former ’shrooms seem to be getting that since their liberation from Rauner. But others haven’t.

  18. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Feb 6, 20 @ 9:46 pm:

    McSweeney is a very nice guy who I have long said would be a great neighbor. He’s just not in the mainstream of Illinois on politics and will never be a US Senator saving the Democratic Party nominating Alan Keyes.

  19. - Lt Guv - Thursday, Feb 6, 20 @ 10:35 pm:

    McSweeney, gonna McSweeney. When he does that he might as well be orange.

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