* This one camera has produced $2.5 million in revenues over three years…
The red light camera at a designated right turn lane in Rosemont has raked in millions of dollars. Critics and motorists said it’s a trick to make drivers turn right on red without stopping.
The busy intersection in the heart of Rosemont is near the convention center, popular restaurants, hotels and a casino.
“Are you really giving people tickets on technicalities, or are you trying to put things in place to protect safety?” asked ticketed driver Scott Albrecht.
He and others are fuming over one camera facing a right turn lane, going northbound at the intersection of River and Higgins roads. Critics say it’s confusing and call it a red light camera trap for two reasons.
Go read the rest, including this from IDOT…
The Illinois Department of Transportation explained to the I-Team that it does not physically place cameras; law enforcement does that. IDOT said it only makes sure cameras are positioned in a way that does not interfere with traffic controls or obstruct traffic lanes and sidewalks.
Gov. Pritzker needs to do something about this lackadaisical attitude by IDOT. As I mentioned yesterday, IDOT’s rules need to be tightened up to focus placement on safety and not revenues.
*** UPDATE *** From Emily Bittner at the governor’s office…
The administration believes that it is critical that red light cameras meet communities’ documented safety needs. IDOT will be reviewing its approval process to ensure that the rationale for installing and keeping these devices in place is about residents’ safety
- Terry Salad - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 10:39 am:
Every time I complain about traffic cameras, people tell me “well, just don’t speed” or “just obey the law.” For the record, I have never received a ticket for a red light camera or any other kind. But, my objection is based on lack of due process. Now, if cameras are intentionally placed in positions where drivers are actually being confused or tricked into turning on a red light, is THAT acceptable? No, it is not. These cameras are to raised money. Safety has nothing to do with it except to provide cover for soaking drivers.
- Paddyrollingstone - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 10:43 am:
I have received 2 red light tickets and 3 camera speeding tickets. I deserved every single one. If there had been a police officer at the scene of any of those 5 incidents, I would have received a ticket (a much much more expensive ticket) and would have deserved it. Just my experience.
- Sue - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 10:59 am:
Better not hope the State isn’t added as a defendant in the recently filed RICO case. Red Light Cameras should be ended
- Responsa - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 10:59 am:
The governor right now has at least a few things on his plate– Red light/IDOT and the previous thread on ethics –that are not as complex or intractable as the horrors at DCFS or the state’s financial position which also need his attention. He at least needs to jump in on the things he can immediately affect.
- Linus - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 10:59 am:
I saw that Channel 7 story and nearly jumped out of my chair, as I was nailed for a red-light camera ticket at that very same Rosemont intersection just a few weeks ago. I was lulled into a sense of complacency by that same street sign featured in the news story, saying it was OK to turn right on red as long as there were no pedestrians around. Baloney: Here comes your ticket. And I paid it because it was easier to do that than to take time off work to contest it. What a racket.
- Practical Politics - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 11:06 am:
Many of the red light cameras are a complete scam and a rip off. I caught one such ticket for a right turn on red for not coming to a full and complete stop when turning into an intersection that was free of traffic. I did apply my brakes and did not proceed until I had checked the that my path was clear and it was safe to proceed. I paid rather than take a day off of work to object.
- King Louis XVI - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 11:10 am:
I’m thinking that HDems will wack Rep. & Mayor Stephens but good over his town’s red light cameras.
- WH Mess - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 11:12 am:
The same is true for the one in North Riverside turning right on Cermak from southbound Harlem
- Sox Fan - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 11:18 am:
I believe their is a similar setup at around 132nd and Cicero in Crestwood by the shopping center. The same Crestwood being investigated for their ties to Sandoval.
- Mike Graham - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 11:23 am:
The red light program was created to line the pockets of NUMEROUS legislators and given to “friends”(in friendly districts and are plan and simple, a revenue generator—and we can only wonder (without FOIA) in who’s pockets. This has very little to do with safety. Alphabet soup agencies need to be looking into who got what and when.
- DuPage - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 11:29 am:
Give a longer yellow with a countdown timer alongside 4-3-2-1. Also could have the yellow start blinking rapidly the last couple of seconds before it turns red.
- Altgelds Ghost - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 11:29 am:
It’s nor just Safespeed. There are five companies in the space. All represented by heavily clouted lobbyists. Look at DuPage and other places where Safesopped and Redspeed are operating. We need to know all the contractors.
- DarkDante - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 11:40 am:
IDOT and local officials are all teaching us a keen lesson on buck-passing with this one.
- ChicagoVinny - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 11:40 am:
I have never received a red light ticket but I am for banning the cameras, the list of reasons to ban them is long and the list of reasons to keep them is short.
- Responsa - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 12:09 pm:
Just saw the update comm from the gov’s ofc. A little more detail on how that effort will work–like a timetable and who is actually in charge of the “IDOT will be reviewing its approval process to ensure that the rationale for installing and keeping these devices in place is about residents’ safety” would have been nice and would have demonstrated that the Gov sees a problem to be addressed, not just an annoyance.
- DuPage - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 12:17 pm:
Governor, while you are at it, look into the giant truck-cranes that don’t need license plates. Other states require them to buy a truck plate based on weight. Everyone who has a car just had a big increase in their license plate fees. Seems almost like the owners of the crane companies have friends in high places, similar to the red light camera companies.
- Ebenezer - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 12:20 pm:
Using the criminal justice system as a revenue center is both intrinsically bad, and a long-term drag on the Democratic brand.
If you want to use government power to make people’s lives better, don’t use that power in a shady money grubbing racket.
- Jim Grafty - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 12:33 pm:
Mary Werner the Mayor of the Village of Worth loves Red light cameras.
- foster brooks - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 12:39 pm:
anything added to traffic signals does not fall within IDOT maintenance, which would include fire and police department preemption
- Out Here In The Middle - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 1:01 pm:
== there’s no signal on the right, in the drivers “cone of vision ==
Seem like this should be a requirement . . . .
- Winderweezle - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 1:41 pm:
@Dupage: It has to do with the definition of a motor vehicle in Illinois. A crane is defined as “special mobile equipment” and therefore nor subject to registration as a motor vehicle.
Traffic and speed cameras have an element of profit not only for municipalities and then we involve private companies. Private companies are designed for profit not traffic safety. We should all be very suspicious of this.
- TimeServed - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 2:33 pm:
==Many of the red light cameras are a complete scam and a rip off. I caught one such ticket for a right turn on red for not coming to a full and complete stop when turning into an intersection that was free of traffic. I did apply my brakes and did not proceed until I had checked the that my path was clear and it was safe to proceed. I paid rather than take a day off of work to object.==
Glad you didn’t take the day off because you would’ve ended up paying the same ticket.
I feel like a lot of people don’t seem to realize that making a right turn on red is never legal unless you’ve come to a complete stop. The same type of stop you are required to make when making a right turn from a stop sign.
It doesn’t matter how many people aren’t in the crosswalk or how empty the intersection is. You always need to come to a complete stop before making a right turn from a stop sign or a red light. The “no turn on red” or modified no turn on red (e.g. when pedestrians present) does not change the requirement that you must come to a complete stop.
- Chicago 20 - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 2:41 pm:
The red light camera system has no integrity and has been exposed numerous times as an corrupt system designed to enrich the connected at the public’s expense.
It’s time to pull the plug on this unethical thievery disguised as public safety.
- DuPage - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 3:56 pm:
@- Winderweezle - Friday, Feb 7, 20 @ 1:41 pm:
===@Dupage: It has to do with the definition of a motor vehicle in Illinois. A crane is defined as “special mobile equipment” and therefore nor subject to registration as a motor vehicle.===
That sounds like a loophole that someone slipped into the statutes a long time ago, back when “shoeboxes of money” were found. It sure saves the crane companies many shoeboxes of money at the expense of everyone else. The loophole needs to be closed, they need to buy truck plates. Unlike a truck which runs with no load or a partial load part of the time, a crane is at full weight all the time. This does maximum wear and damage to the roads 100% of the time.