Trump Has Dishonored Our Military. Bloomberg Will Restore It.
Friday, Feb 7, 2020 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] President Trump’s shameful disrespect for our military service members has eroded our standing on the international stage and is yet another broken promise to those who risk their lives to protect the core principles our nation was founded upon. As Mayor, Mike championed initiatives to address veterans health and homelessness challenges and expanded economic opportunities for service members. Former Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer endorsed Mike because he knows that as President, Mike will restore America’s standing in the world, respect his military advisers, and connect veterans and military families to employment, education, and health care services and support they deserve. Mike is a trusted, pragmatic leader who will always put the interests of our nation first. It’s time to end the reckless foreign policy and dangerous disrespect for the military we see coming from our Commander in Chief. It’s time for clear heads and stable hands to prevail. Read more about Mike’s support for veterans and service members here, and read more about his endorsement from U.S. Congresswoman and Navy veteran Mikie Sherrill here.