Patients With Kidney Failure Are The Most Vulnerable Of The Vulnerable
Monday, Feb 10, 2020 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Kidney failure devastates people emotionally and financially as well as physically. Those with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) have only two options for survival: dialysis or a kidney transplant. They suffer from symptoms that can include fluid retention, swelling, shortness of breath, fatigue, confusion, nausea, and weakness. Faced with these challenges, they must navigate treatment options and insurance challenges. – dialysis can take place at home or at a dialysis center, for example – and access to insurance options is important to reduce financial stress. Many patients are too sick to work, and with dialysis sessions taking four hours each three times a week, it’s tantamount to having a part-time job. Currently, more than 650,000 Americans suffer from kidney failure – including more than 30,000 Illinoisans. Of these, about 70 percent are on life-sustaining dialysis, while the rest are able to survive with a functioning kidney transplant. The Illinois Kidney Care Alliance (IKCA) has formed with community groups and advocates, health professionals, and businesses from across Illinois to educate the public about the challenges faced by ESRD patients. To sign up for more information, visit our website.