Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rep. Bailey says the quiet part out loud: Illinois separation is “not gonna happen”
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Rep. Bailey says the quiet part out loud: Illinois separation is “not gonna happen”

Monday, Feb 10, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Someone sent me a recording of Rep. Darren Bailey (R-Xenia) over the weekend. You can hear the Eastern Bloc member and candidate for Illinois Senate talking about the push to separate Chicago from Illinois

I am a co-sponsor of the bill. And that is a way to, kinda like what I acknowledge, you know, you have your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband and wife, get kind of mad, you know, and you say ‘Hey, I’ve got problems here and I’m tired of this.’

The conversation, I was told, took place a few weeks ago at a Charleston Chamber of Commerce dinner.

Chicagoans, Rep. Bailey is heard saying, “wouldn’t really acknowledge southern Illinois,” so, he said, “We are doing things that will eventually get their attention.”

* More from Bailey’s chat

Separation cannot take place involuntarily.

But if you’re a representative, represent the desires and wants of the people. So, fifty years ago, Chicago wanted to separate from Illinois. So every year, every year, someone introduces one of these bills and it’s kind of a, you know, maybe a media pop or whatever. But realistically, the House and the Senate, the state would have to pass it by a two-thirds margin and then it has to go to the federal, I mean, so it’s not gonna happen.

You find out sometimes when… you’re being a legislator that sometimes you can introduce a bill, then you get some attention.

* I reached out this morning for comment and here’s Rep. Bailey’s response…

While I do not appreciate having my conversation surreptitiously taped and leaked to the media, I stand by what I said.

I am a co-sponsor of the legislation to create a New Illinois. I, like so many of my constituents, am concerned about the direction our state is headed. We have to live under rules and laws we do not support and are not reflective of our priorities and values. The District boundaries are drawn in a such a way to maximize the power and influence of the City of Chicago in our state politics and there simply is not enough votes to defeat the bad policies the Chicago majority supports.

Those of us in rural Illinois have different values and a very different way of life. The New Illinois movement is intended to accomplish two things. One, it is hoped that legislators from Chicago will see the support this legislation has in downstate precincts and stop going out of their way to force their policies on us. Two, it is hoped that in time, there will be enough support to form a New Illinois.

What is happening in Illinois is similar to efforts in California and now Virginia.

I know that in the world of media, there is always a desire to have a “Gotcha” moment. My comments about the viability of the New Illinois movement is based on the political realities in Illinois. We are a long way away from getting the support that is needed to create a new state. Accepting the political realities of our state is hardly a “Gotcha” moment. I support the New Illinois effort but in the short term, the real value of this movement is to show Chicago legislators the harm they are doing to rural communities with their bad policies. This is the message I have consistently been communicating to my constituents.

By the way, I checked with an attorney before posting this.


  1. - Dotnonymous - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:16 pm:

    I’m nearly speechless…possibly a first.

  2. - Dotnonymous - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:18 pm:

    I have to say it…Gotcha…all by himself.

  3. - NIU Grad - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:19 pm:

    “The District boundaries are drawn in a such a way to maximize the power and influence of the City of Chicago in our state politics”

    Otherwise known as population trends.

  4. - Ron Burgundy - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:23 pm:

    But did you check with an attorney familiar with New Illinois law? /s

  5. - @misterjayem - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:25 pm:

    “You can introduce a bill, then you get some attention.”

    He’s describing a legislative tantrum.

    – MrJM

  6. - Bertrum Cates - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:26 pm:

    = While I do not appreciate having my conversation surreptitiously taped and leaked to the media =



  7. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:27 pm:

    Let’s break this down, shall we?

    === While I do not appreciate having my conversation surreptitiously taped and leaked to the media, I stand by what I said.===

    You don’t appreciate folks knowing what you said? Then why even say it. As an Eastern Bloc and Hateful Eight member, you should be as honest and forthcoming, you “are right”, those who don’t look like you, talk like you… we are seemingly the enemy, but it’s all a phony ruse, which we’ll get to…

    Let’s get to all that “looks like, thinks like us” stuff. Am I too harsh?

    === We have to live under rules and laws we do not support and are not reflective of our priorities and values. The District boundaries are drawn in a such a way to maximize the power and influence of the City of Chicago in our state politics and there simply is not enough votes to defeat the bad policies the Chicago majority supports.===

    See, here’s “the thing”, people vote, not geography.

    You don’t like how a majority feels, create a “New Illinois”?

    “They ain’t like us, don’t understand us, were in a vast minority in population, prolly in thoughts and politics too, so… we’re leaving”…

    Old. Angry. White. Rural.

    It’s but a stereotype, we’re being told… “it’s a thing”

    Am I going too far with that? Let’s see…

    === Those of us in rural Illinois have different values and a very different way of life.===

    Again, being specifically told, as a point of the why he is, and who they are. It’s not me clouded or confused, it’s folks hearing back how ridiculous and un-inclusive they *want* to be… and want Illinois to be too.

    This might be *my* personal favorite to how blind one man is…

    === One, it is hoped that legislators from Chicago will see the support this legislation has in downstate precincts and stop going out of their way to force their policies on us. Two, it is hoped that in time, there will be enough support to form a New Illinois.===

    60, 30, signature.

    That’s it. It’s not up to the majority to see your thinkin’, y’all need to work with the majority to find common ground… in 60, 30, and signature.

    It should be noted, Mr. Bailey is an elected member of the General Assembly and lacks the comprehension of… 60, 30, signature… and that’s a selling point to his argument.

    To continue…

    === I support the New Illinois effort but in the short term, the real value of this movement is to show Chicago legislators the harm they are doing to rural communities with their bad policies. This is the message I have consistently been communicating to my constituents.===

    Yeah, but it’s not.

    How do I know? Read above that grab…

    === My comments about the viability of the New Illinois movement is based on the political realities in Illinois. We are a long way away from getting the support that is needed to create a new state. Accepting the political realities of our state is hardly a “Gotcha” moment. I support the New Illinois effort…===

    So to be crystal clear, his words…

    He is saying that he still supports this new state, the viability isn’t there *now*, but ya better realize he supports that 51st state… thingy.

    When folks tell you exactly who they are… believe them.

  8. - Bertrum Cates - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:30 pm:

    = Those of us in rural Illinois have different values and a very different way of life. =

    Somebody loan this man their HBO account so he can see WATCHMAN. Come back to us when you are done, sir.

  9. - Dotnonymous - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:36 pm:

    When folks tell you exactly who they are… believe them. O.W.

    Oscar quality…for sure.

  10. - low level - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:36 pm:

    “ So, fifty years ago, Chicago wanted to separate from Illinois.“

    Huh? Does anyone have any idea what he is referring to? I sure don’t.

  11. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:40 pm:

    “Those of us in rural Illinois have different values and a very different way of life.”

    And there are those of us, like me (white and rural), that have very different values than you. So don’t pretend everyone that is rural agrees with your odd notions.

  12. - Unpopular - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:41 pm:

    Illinois is two states, and if Illinois was a couple it would have gotten divorced a long time ago. The only thing that will restore representative government, and therefore balanced government is to reform the map. That is at least slightly possible. All the new state effort ought to be directed into remap reform.

  13. - Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:45 pm:

    ===therefore balanced government is to reform the map===

    All the reformed remaps in the world aren’t going to elect a Democratic Senator in Effingham nor a Republican Senator in Englewood. You’re grasping at straws to buttress your victimhood.

  14. - Michelle Flaherty - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:48 pm:

    The confederacy in retreat

  15. - Yiddishcowboy - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:48 pm:

    @Ducky LaMoore: So true. Agree with you 100%

  16. - Bertrum Cates - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:49 pm:

    “we live in two states.”

    I have heard that said before in political operations. Not one of them were victorious.


  17. - Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:50 pm:

    ===what he is referring to?===

    Howie Carroll almost passed just such a bill, I think kinda by accident.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:51 pm:

    === All the reformed remaps in the world aren’t going to elect a Democratic Senator in Effingham nor a Republican Senator in Englewood.===

    Thinking a map will change political philosophies is folly.

    The reason maps are drawn as they are is how Effingham and Englewood *do* vote, but a map isn’t going to change the population shifts, or how those populations vote.

    If anything, Raunerites and Trumpkins alienating suburban voters of all kinds is the crushing defeat central and downstate folks who think like the Eastern Bloc folks don’t grasp.

    Beaubiens and Mulligans you chased off are now Dems that aren’t in your big tent like those you agreed 80% of time, yet couldn’t stand. Politics is funny that way.

  19. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:54 pm:

    Glad that realism set in. It’s not going to happen. The beauty is that in a free country, relocating is an option. If a group of staunch liberals living in a part of Oklahoma or another red state, say, want secession, tough luck for them. It’s basically the same thing.

  20. - cover - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 3:54 pm:

    = What is happening in Illinois is similar to efforts in California and now Virginia. =

    Would Rep. Bailey be so favorably disposed if, say, the cities of Houston and Austin sought to break away from the GOP-controlled state of Texas ? Or if Miami-Dade wanted to separate from GOP control of Florida, in faraway Tallahassee?

  21. - Demoralized - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 4:09 pm:

    Isn’t this why we have elections? We get to vote for people who most closely align with our views. We win some and we lose some. That’s democracy.

    If he doesn’t like it he should leave the state.

  22. - Demoralized - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 4:17 pm:

    ==Illinois is two states==

    So to be a state you have to have a population of only people who agree with one another? Grow up.

  23. - Bourbon Street - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 4:26 pm:

    ==We have to live under rules and laws we don’t support==

    I’m flummoxed trying to figure out what “rules and laws” are burdening some people in rural Illinois such that their “values” and “way of life” is being threatened by nasty Chicagoans. Opposed to abortion? Don’t have one if you’re a woman and don’t pay for one if you’re a man. Upset that you can’t have an automatic firearm? Take it up with Congress. You like prayer in schools? Send your kid to a religious school. You like Trump? Well then, you should be pleased he is President. You’re mad that Chicago is a sanctuary city? Don’t visit Chicago. Don’t like paying taxes? Return to the State any amount over what your county paid the State—that’ll help the State budget.. What, pray tell, is so awful about Illinois laws regarding firearms, especially after the Heller decision?

  24. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 4:29 pm:

    Legislators should not mislead, and constituents should not allow themselves to be misled by these things. This should not have been proposed or hoped for.

    JB and the GA seem to really want to help downstate with infrastructure, broadband, pro-business reforms, etc, which is great. How about maybe working with everyone to see what can be obtained for the region instead of waging futile wars? Try learning from the previous governor.

  25. - Norseman - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 4:33 pm:

    A message sender as well. However, Howie’s approp chairmanship and popularity, gave his messages more more weight than any Bailey could try to send. In other words it’s easier to ignore an ant than a pit bull.

    P.S. Using the “surreptitiously taped” line is lame. Bailey should expect his words to be publicized. But then again, today’s GOP hates having evidence of their lies and hypocrisy documented. It makes it a tad bit harder because they have to come up with a new lie to justify the previous lie, etc. etc. etc.

  26. - Bourbon Street - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 4:34 pm:

    “Values” and way of life *are* being threatened….

    I need to proofread before I hit “send”

  27. - Logic not emotion - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 4:38 pm:

    Bailey is correct about the great divide within Illinois and the comments posted herein help illustrate that divide well. Bailey could have said Chicago is a wonderful city and most of the posters here would have criticized him for doing so.

  28. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 4:43 pm:

    So he’s serious about New Illinois, oops no he’s not, oops yes he is.
    Must be all those cat and dog DNA from vaccines fighting in his blood stream.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 4:44 pm:

    === the comments posted herein help illustrate that divide well. Bailey could have said Chicago is a wonderful city and most of the posters here would have criticized him for doing so.===

    Another victim heard from.

    How about you focus on what he said, not what you want to “blame others” to make Bailey a victim. Pathetic.

    === great divide===

    … which is why, while admitting it’s not feasible, Bailey and you seemingly agree?

    Got it, thanks.

  30. - Ok - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 4:46 pm:

    “Bailey could have said Chicago is a wonderful city and most of the posters here would have criticized him for doing so.”

    I would take that prop bet

  31. - Bertrum Cates - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 4:50 pm:

    = Bailey is correct about the great divide within Illinois and the comments posted herein help illustrate that divide well. Bailey could have said Chicago is a wonderful city and most of the posters here would have criticized him for doing so. =

    I’ll take the under. Go ahead. Tell him to say it.

  32. - Demoralized - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 5:04 pm:

    ==most of the posters here would have criticized him for doing so==

    Oh, stop being a victim. He’s being criticized because of the ridiculousness of the idea. It’s completely juvenile to pout, which is exactly what he is doing.

  33. - Vote Quimby - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 5:40 pm:

    If it was called “Old Illinois” to align more accurately with their beliefs, it might have more support.

  34. - JS Mill - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 5:52 pm:

    =Bailey is correct about the great divide within Illinois and the comments posted herein help illustrate that divide well. Bailey could have said Chicago is a wonderful city and most of the posters here would have criticized him for doing so.=
    What a crock.

    Bailey has pulled the curtain back on his own childishness and lack of emotional or intellectual development.

    Of course Illinois is diverse, urban, suburban, and rural. None of those areas has 100% agreement with each other or within themselves. That is the human condition.

    Majority rules in our Republic.

    But go throw your tantrum.

  35. - Southern Illinois Infrastructure - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 6:26 pm:

    Rural legislators are doing far more harm for rural areas than the urban ones are. In fact, the needs of where I live and urban Chicago are far more similar than Rep. Bailey would ever acknowledge and he knows it. Rep. Bailey is a classic example of a 1%er who knows how to use xenophobia to divide people and distract them when he wants his political way. The thing that scares dinosaurs like Bailey is rural and urban people uniting and realizing who their enemies are. Hence, the lies this man spreads.

  36. - Red Ketcher - Monday, Feb 10, 20 @ 7:08 pm:

    Once upon a Time , Democrats controlled D. Bailey’s home Turf in form of State Representative Hartke , State Senator O’Daniel and Congressman Poshard(Phelps) - Now ….

  37. - Illinoised - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 6:32 am:

    Rep. Bailey, count me out.

  38. - Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 8:47 am:

    ===Let’s break this down, shall we?===

    There are a lot of GOP folks that should thank OW for the good advice and analysis he provides to them free of charge.

    If Rep Bailey can’t benefit from it himself, hopefully some others can learn from example.

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