Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Leftist sparks fly at Champaign County Democratic forum
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Leftist sparks fly at Champaign County Democratic forum

Tuesday, Feb 11, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It may just be me, but I think we’re seeing more and more candidates like this in both parties

The two Democrats hoping to take Republican Congressman Rodney Davis’ 13th District seat this fall squared off Monday at the Champaign County Democratic primary forum. […]

The candidates were also asked whether they’d fully support their primary opponent in the general election if they became the Democratic nominee against Davis.

[Stefanie Smith of Urbana] wouldn’t commit to that.

“Why would that be your business? That’s not an appropriate question to ask somebody who they vote for. That’s private,” Smith said.

Um, the question was about whether she’d publicly support Londrigan if and/or (more likely) when she loses. It’s a standard question asked of primary candidates in both parties. Smith appears to belong to the left-wing version of the Eastern Bloc.

* The NRCC had a bit of fun with the forum…

Hey there -

Last night Betsy Dirksen Londrigan and Stefanie Smith dueled it out in a socialist battle for their far-left base.

Smith was a crowd favorite, given her unabashed support for socialized medicine and the Green New Deal.

In fact, Democrats were so upset with Betsy’s non-answers that they regularly interrupted her to chant “Medicare for all!”

So will Betsy be strong-armed by her primary opponent and give into her rabid base’s demands?

Or will she lose the primary?

* Smith posted her opening statement on Facebook

This is not a message for those of you fighting for your lives in this broken system. This is a message for the complicit: You don’t get to abuse us without a reckoning. I’m exercising my “No,” I do not consent to this violence.

You are Blue No Matter Who-ing people to literal death sentences at the hands of the State. Negligence IS violence, poverty IS violence, and state sanctioned rape, torture, and murder are still rape, torture, and murder.

And call it naïveté if you want, but I didn’t realize until I entered this race that the simple act of acknowledging bipartisan complicity in Trump’s bloated defense budget as well as expanded powers of censorship and surveillance would result in censorship from the local county Democrats. They stripped everyone’s website links because of my anti-imperialist stance. We aren’t going to meaningfully oppose tyranny by avoiding accountability. It’s undemocratic. It’s an act of suppression and an abuse of power that undermines trust.

It goes on like that for a while, but you get the idea.

Smith ended the year with $1,036.17 in her campaign account. So I’m guessing there will be no TV buys about acts of suppression and abuses of power by the local county party.


  1. - Roman - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 12:46 pm:

    Congratulations, NRCC. You just helped your likely November opponent position herself as a centrist. Brilliant messaging.

  2. - East Central - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 12:46 pm:

    The People’s Republic of Urbana has spoken. The standard fare from that corner of the Ivory Tower.

  3. - Natty_B - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 12:52 pm:

    Smith’s website got some real Unabomber manifesto vibes.

  4. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 12:57 pm:

    -Why would that be your business? That’s not an appropriate question to ask somebody who they vote for. That’s private.-

    So she’s not gonna be blowing that thousand bucks on a poll?

  5. - So_Ill - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 1:00 pm:

    The liberal tea party at it again.

  6. - Responsa - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 1:00 pm:

    People outing themselves unfiltered on Facebook do make politics super interesting (and scary) these days. Yeah, it gets the word out inexpensively, but…..

  7. - low level - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 1:03 pm:

    Without question, Stefanie would expect Londrigan voters to back her should she win the primary, something she herself wont commit to.

    This is the problem I have w these types of candidates. They expect something yet wont also commit to the same principle.

    “Blue no matter who to death”— Huh? it is a fact that I agree with any Democrat of any stripe much more than I agree w any Republican. Even at 60% agreement, thats better than the absolute 0% I agree w any Republican.

    Thats not blind partisan loyalty. Thats just logic.

    Note to Londigran: forget debating these people.

  8. - Moe Berg - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 1:04 pm:

    Admit I hadn’t heard of Stefanie Smith until today.

    Her website landing page has her pictured wearing a “Support Your Local Sex Workers” shirt. She says she turned to sex work to make ends meet.

    While the treatment of sex workers is a legitimate concern, it’s obviously not something that is high on the list of voters in the district or even the Democratic primary electorate. Smith is a non-factor in the race. Still, she should recognize the existential threat represented by Trumpists like Rodney Davis and support the nominee.

    To the NRCC - enjoy your merriment and high-fiving for such a “sick hit, bro” while you can. As the millenials are rising, you might take note they don’t care for your punching-down ways. And, they know you have nothing plausible to offer to the legitimate concerns Smith raises like health care affordability, global warming, and income/wealth inequality.

  9. - Collinsville Kevin - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 1:14 pm:

    Smith’s point about two-party duplicity in the bloated defense budget is 100% correct.

  10. - low level - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 1:15 pm:

    Supporters chanting Medicare for All. Yeah, I have bad health conditions and so does my family.

    Fact is: MFA would be DOA in the US Senate barring some overwhelming change in the composition of that body or the cloture rule. Probably not going to happen. They need to stop selling false hope.

  11. - low level - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 1:17 pm:

    == Smith’s point about two-party duplicity in the bloated defense budget is 100% correct.==

    So, Democrats want increased defense spending as much as Republicans do? Any source for your claim / belief? Votes?

  12. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 1:17 pm:

    ===… appears to belong to the left-wing version of the Eastern Bloc.===

    Purity hurts parties.

    Odds are, if Smith can’t agree that Londrigan is better than Davis, what kind of wackiness will Smith bring to a caucus?

    Facebook never helps anyone, but I’m more and more appreciative in this era finding out who is whom, and the folks telling us so there’s no confusion.

  13. - Donnie Elgin - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 1:30 pm:

    “what kind of wackiness will Smith bring to a caucus?”

    She identifies as part of the Rose Caucus. So this is the wackiness…
    While we identify as a socialist caucus, it is important to clarify that our membership is made up of Democratic Socialists, Socialists, and even those who consider themselves “further left”.

    Platform issue gems …
    3. Ban Private Ammo Sales 21
    5. Demilitarize Police 35
    2. Ban Border Patrol 17

  14. - Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 1:33 pm:

    I guess Smith isn’t doing any voter IDs.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 1:36 pm:

    - Donnie Elgin -

    It’s rhetorical, friend.

    Further to that? Well, if Smith wins, that would be part and parcel of those beliefs too.

  16. - low level - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 1:39 pm:

    Honest question. On her website, Smith says “I had left the University of Illinois in the final month of my final semester in 2015 due to an autoimmune disease I could not afford to treat.”

    Didn’t her U of I student health coverage cover that?

    If it didnt then things changed since I was at U of I

  17. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 1:42 pm:

    Purity can be terrible. Anyone who doesn’t get her or his way with the beloved leftist candidate and wants to blow up the system, count me out.

  18. - Bourbon Street - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 1:46 pm:

    The next time someone tells me that term limits are necessary because we need “fresh faces” and “new ideas for governance”, I’m going to point that person in the direction of Smith’s website.

    Speaking of which, on her website Smith exhorts me to click on a button that says “Throw a Brick from Bed”, whatever that means. I think I’ll slap a “Welcome to Jurassic Park” sticker on my door, so these types of candidates don’t bother to ring my doorbell.

  19. - Nick Name - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 1:47 pm:

    The Democratic Socialists are trying to do to the Democratic party what the TEA Party has done to the Republican Party. I hope the Dems can fend them off. I miss the days of third parties.

    To the post.

    ===“Why would that be your business? That’s not an appropriate question to ask somebody who they vote for. That’s private,” Smith said.===

    So unclear on the concept. Is she being deliberately obtuse or does she really not get this? Maybe a little bit of both. She’s definitely taking a Q from the “Bernie or Bust” people who threaten to stay home or even vote for Trump unless Sanders gets the Dem nomination.

  20. - Nick - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 1:51 pm:

    Low Level-

    There could be other costs and factors than just whether or not the insurance covers certain treatments. It’s sadly not uncommon for people even with insurance to ultimately go bankrupt during serious medical events like cancer.

  21. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 1:57 pm:

    === Didn’t her U of I student health coverage cover that?
    If it didnt then things changed since I was at U of I===

    No copays or deductibles with U of I student health insurance?Heck maybe everyone who needs insurance should attend there.

  22. - Donnie Elgin - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 2:03 pm:

    “I think I’ll slap a “Welcome to Jurassic Park” sticker on my door, so these types of candidates don’t bother to ring my doorbell”

    Pulling a GOP ballot in the primary keeps them away as well.

  23. - Collinsville Kevin - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 2:13 pm:

    So, Democrats want increased defense spending as much as Republicans do? Any source for your claim / belief? Votes?
    Vote on the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act:
    House passed 377-48, Senate passed 86-8

  24. - @misterjayem - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 2:16 pm:

    To paraphrase our host:

    It’s just a primary candidate.

    – MrJM

  25. - low level - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 2:27 pm:

    == No copays or deductibles with U of I student health insurance==.

    Copays were very minimal. No deductible either back in the day.

    ==2020 National Defense Authorization Act.==

    Yes, look what was in that, final version, versus what the GOP / Trump Admin wanted. I get it though. Sanders/Smith types dont really want any defense spending.

  26. - Quibbler - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 2:29 pm:

    == The Democratic Socialists are trying to do to the Democratic party what the TEA Party has done to the Republican Party. ==

    I.e., win elections and influence policy.

  27. - ILLannoyed - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 2:35 pm:

    Is she a plant? Everything about Smith screams sham candidate. This microcosm of the country district is shaping up rather nicely. Who will moderate and activate the middle? Rodney to the right of Don, Smith trying to push Betsy to the left. What a headache. Will these Bernie or bust types actually stay home? Can we count on any candidate in this race to not race to the extreme? Doesn’t seem likely

  28. - Frank talks - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 2:58 pm:

    Millenials don’t like punching down?
    Of course they do just look at the websites for Bernie and other DSA’s they love punching and telling everyone their wrong. They thrive on being confrontational, they love Government provides for all. If you disagree with them they will be more than happy to try and tear you apart and stand on their “moral” superiority.

  29. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 2:59 pm:

    —Is she a plant?—

    I doubt it. It’s a college town, and hard left candidates seem to spring up from there pretty often.

  30. - Nick Name - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 3:17 pm:

    === == The Democratic Socialists are trying to do to the Democratic party what the TEA Party has done to the Republican Party. ==

    I.e., win elections and influence policy.===

    Tulsi Gabbard, is that you?

  31. - Steve Rogers - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 3:44 pm:

    Sure, she sounds a little “out there” but she has 0 chance of winning the primary, let alone the general. However, another “out there” candidate in the 15th has a very good chance of winning the primary and the general, who genuflects at the mention of Trump’s name and who touts guns and godless socialism as a rallying cry. Oh, and just got endorsed by Ted Cruz. Whose scarier? I’ll go with the latter. Back to the post, Roman is right, this can only help Londrigan by making her look more mainstream.

  32. - theCardinal - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 4:05 pm:

    Well here is to keeping up the positive energy vibe. Does anyone talk about real ideas on issues anymore or is it just trying to out cray each other? I rue for the future, palm to skull.

  33. - Token Conservative - Tuesday, Feb 11, 20 @ 4:49 pm:

    Why on earth would Londigran’s people ever allow her on stage with that whackball?

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