Mike Will Fix A Broken And Cruel System
Tuesday, Feb 11, 2020 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] We know we need to fix our broken immigration system. But Trump’s cruelty and incompetence have increased (rather than deterred) illegal immigration, needlessly punished asylum seekers and deported those who have long made their homes here. The Trump strategy has failed. Mike Bloomberg will change how the White House treats immigrants. Mike’s plan will modernize ports of entry and implement sensible enforcement priorities that welcomes immigrants and protects national security. His plan opens America’s doors to the immigrants who are woven into the fabric of our community economies and gives new Americans and their neighbors the tools they need to thrive. Caging children, breaking apart families, and rescinding DREAMER protections is wasteful and ineffective. Most of all, it’s not who we are as Americans. Read more about Mike’s sensible, effective, and humane immigration policy platform here.