I’ll have whatever they’re having
Tuesday, Feb 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Tribune endorsement…
55th District. Rep. Darren Bailey, R-Xenia, ousted an establishment House Republican in 2018 and has been fighting the establishment ever since. He has opposed his own GOP leadership on tax hikes and the state budget, which he says is not, and was not, balanced when it got approved last year. “We need more people to stand up and fight,” he says of his party. He also understands and appreciates the diversity of interests in the legislature: He has hosted Chicago-area lawmakers in his district and also visited their home turf. Bailey is endorsed for this Senate seat, which is open due to the retirement of Sen. Dale Righter, R-Mattoon. Also on the ballot is attorney Jeffrey Fleming of Olney. Bailey has earned a promotion to the Senate. He is endorsed.
David Reis was an establishment Republican? OK.
And Bailey “understands and appreciates the diversity of interests in the legislature”? While I take him at his word that he’s hosted some Chicago-area legislators in his district, he’s also a co-sponsor of the kick Chicago out of Illinois resolution and is co-hosting this upcoming event…
- Demoralized - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 9:10 am:
The performance center is an appropriate place to hold this event. Because that’s what it will be. A performance
- High Times Low Standards - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 9:10 am:
The Tribune gets it right again.
- Annonin' - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 9:11 am:
Gotta love the way Katrina works to build moderation and compromise. Does anyone wonder why no one care who Tribbies endorse?
- Collinsville Kevin - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 9:15 am:
I thought for a second that he was getting top billing at the rally, but then noticed it was in alphabetical order.
- Steve - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 9:15 am:
The Chicago Tribune endorses viewpoint diversity in Illinois politics.
- Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 9:16 am:
Surely he won’t accept an endorsement from a *gasp* Chicago newspaper?
- Merica - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 9:17 am:
As a lifelong Democrat, i am excited to attend. Having the highest real estate taxes in the country is a non-partisan issue.
The first thing to do to lower real estate taxes is to stop the subsidization of life in rural Illinois. If you want to live in the middle of nowhere, pay for your own roads (instead of demanding IDOT do it), pay for your own school pensions, and get a job in the private sector and give up your jobs at (ISP, IDOT and IDOC, and local governments)
and while your’e at it, pay for your own police and fire pensions
- Obamas Puppy - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 9:20 am:
Muskets are for wimps.
- efudd - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 9:22 am:
Nothing says appreciation of diversity of interests like a white guy holding a rifle and the word “revolt”.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 9:22 am:
A new story begins, but the story is quite old. Angry, old, white, rural, they’ve had enough. Their Eastern Bloc seemed to have said it all, until the wives finally chime in, then the angry gets a whole lot angrier. From the producers of “Where Did You Hide My Sheet?’ and ‘They Don’t Look Like Us’, and the writers of blockbuster “Hateful Eight”, comes a new film that delivers the Eastern Bloc like no other before it.
If your not sick your stomach now, wait until the new Congresswoman tells her side.
Bailey, Caulkins, Miller, Halbrook, Wilhour… and introducing Mary Miller as “Ma Miller”
They’re not just Eastern Bloc any more, they’re “Revolting”
- Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 9:23 am:
Could someone in the legislature please introduce a bill proposing a closure of all of the state facilities and universities in their districts along with ending all of the outlays for other public spending?
I think it would be helpful for the citizens and residents of Chicago to see how much of a burden the Eastern Block is and the more they persist with this mythology that they are some how financially self sufficient, the more I think we should be okay with them becoming a separate state.
It would be a boon for Illinois so long as something can be done to make sure that the roving gangs of Eastern Block residents can be kept in check when they travel to Illinois demanding hand outs using light arms.
Though I understand that these legislators might find it difficult to run on a platform of zero accomplishments if they also had to remind folks what beneficiaries they have been of the generosity and charity afforded to them by the People of Illinois.
- efudd - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 9:25 am:
These guys really make me appreciate, and long for, the middle of the road old school GOP approach Windhorst displays out of the 118.
- Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 9:25 am:
===They’re not just Eastern Bloc any more, they’re “Revolting”===
I’m sure we’ll all be able to buy tickets to their S’mores & Book Burning Bonfire fundraiser scheduled for next month.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 9:26 am:
=== The Chicago Tribune endorses viewpoint diversity in Illinois politics.===
Is this you forgetting all about Hurricane Katrina and still thinking she’s a good writer. If it is thanks for reminding me your… thoughtlessness
- JS Mill - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 9:30 am:
Their Jingoism is sickening. The continue to use imagery and slogans for the American Revolution in a manner that is both false and hypocritical.
They are the epitome of the welfare state given the incredible amount of state and federal subsidizing that they benefit from yet have convinced themselves (maybe not really) that it is the other way around.
- Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 9:41 am:
===Windhorst displays out of the 118.===
You mean by being against a constitutional change that would allow for a progressive income tax rate and impact very few of his constituents as tens of thousands of them rely on Medicaid and the Medicaid expansion and very few for them make a quarter million dollars a year?
Never mind that increased state funds from taxing rich folks would allow for K-12 education in his district to be better funded while simultaneously allowing property tax levies to be reduced and increasing teacher pay.
Never mind that failing to pass a progressive income tax rate will result in the necessity of the State of Illinois raising taxes on — everybody — to pay for the services that Grandpa & Grandma got.
I don’t think we should be calling “not a secessionist” the middle of the road simply because the Eastern Block fell into a ditch.
- FormerILLobster - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 9:45 am:
==If you want to live in the middle of nowhere, pay for your own roads (instead of demanding IDOT do it==
You must not like to eat, because getting food farm to market is a pretty critical component of the Illinois economy.
- Law and Order - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 9:48 am:
Advocating Overthrow of Government 720 ILCS 5/30-3
Misprision of Treason 720 ILCS 5/30-2
When will ISP, AG or inspector general look at possible violations of Illinois law regarding planned revolts or promoting secession?
- Al - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 9:58 am:
What counties compose the “eastern block”? What geographic area are we talking about?
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 10:01 am:
- Al -
1) Bailey, Caulkins, Miller, Halbrook, Wilhour… they are the eastern bloc. You can start where they are geographically.
2) “eastern” in the eastern bloc reference isn’t all about Illinois geography, and not to be taken as such in Illinois geography
- efudd - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 10:13 am:
Candy Dogood-
A Republican against raising taxes on anyone, while not being the best financial policy, isn’t exactly seismic.
Compared to actions by the GOP in this state and nation the past couple of decades Windhorst is pretty moderate.
I know Rich gave you a nod a couple of weeks ago, but
Jeez, take a breath.
- Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 10:25 am:
===Compared to actions by the GOP in this state and nation the past couple of decades Windhorst is pretty moderate.===
The issue I have with referring to Windhorst as a moderate is well represented by your statement defending the notion which also reinforces my original statement.
Being a moderate, “middle of the road” GOP legislator shouldn’t be defined by simply failing to be involved with the extreme alt-right separatist wing of his party. There is absolutely nothing about Windhorst or his voting record that would make him a “middle of the road moderate” absent the absolute insanity and violent rhetoric adopted by the men and women Windhorst still gleefully caucuses with.
===Jeez, take a breath.===
Perhaps I am a stakeholder in the communities represented by some of these chuckleheads and I am tired of watching my neighbors fall under the sway of the kind of rhetoric that leads to folks chopping up people they’ve known their whole lives with machetes.
- Fly Like an Eagle - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 10:29 am:
== You must not like to eat, because getting food farm to market is a pretty critical component of the Illinois economy.== So they can pay their costs 100%.
Instead of me paying my costs 100% and part of theirs.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 10:34 am:
=== Perhaps I am a stakeholder in the communities represented by some of these chuckleheads and I am tired of watching my neighbors fall under the sway of the kind of rhetoric that leads to folks…===
I’m kinda with you, but here’s where I’m not kinda with you…
Since 2013 and Rauner, to this very day, literally, I’m finding out who people really are because of Rauner and Trump.
While it seemingly feels like a divided state or in some cases family, it’s the true extreme nature some have hid, for decades apparently, and this anger, frustration that they had to hide their spiteful, sometimes racist, regional angst…you’re not changing minds back, friend, they’re “free”, and they aren’t going to be silenced until they lose at the ballot box or move on to find “smart folk like them”
They’re gone. Your friends who spout this drivel now, they ain’t going to retreat, and with each day they feel more embolden.
So, let you in-law uncle Johnny spout off, in ways you knew he was but was too afraid before. You ain’t changing Uncle Johnny back, but be glad you found out who he is.
- Jocko - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 10:37 am:
Someone should remind Darren (and his constituents) that they get about $2 back for every dollar they send in taxes.
- lakeside - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 10:40 am:
Just here for the Effingham Performance Center jokes. Thank you, Demoralized.
- Jocko - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 10:53 am:
==getting food farm to market is a pretty critical component of the Illinois economy.==
When they’re not some of the $28 billion in bailouts.
“Illinois has received the highest amount in subsidies under the MFP to the tune of about $1.77 billion, according to data…”
- Correcting - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 11:20 am:
“Chicago-area lawmakers”
That word salad means nothing to me. Jeanne Ives could have been considered a “Chicago-area lawmaker.”
It’s such a silly attack, but it will probably be effective.
- We'll See - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 11:57 am:
Fun fact - tin foil fits nicely in 3 corner hats
- Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 12:03 pm:
===You ain’t changing Uncle Johnny back, but be glad you found out who he is.===
Racism is pervasive throughout Illinois and it’s impact is well represented throughout the state’s history as well as past and current policies. From the Logan Laws and sundown towns to race riots and lynchings.
The practical interpretation of that history is that people living in parts of Illinois have parents, grandparents, great grand parents (and if they’re old enough they themselves) that participated in horrific crimes without any accountability.
Discovering someone is racist is not terribly shocking, and for some folks finding out someone is racist is a daily occurrence when they’re the victim or target of that racism.
The election of Donald Trump was made possible when the GOP laid heavily into racist rhetoric in 2009, but certainly his victory has emboldened a lot of racists to be very open about their bigotry and demand that their bigotry be accommodated.
Politicians and community leaders relying on that bigotry and animosity is also nothing new, but where is the GOP’s voice of reason? Stoking a fire of hate deliberately and daily and then connecting it to a weird ideology that is almost completely the result of doubling down on the hate rather than anything policy driven is where my concern comes in.
Folks listening to conservative talk radio, pod casts, youtube videos, building online echo chambers for their extremist views, and then attending massive rallies put together by elected representatives with oaths taken to the very thing they seek to undermine is different than just an outspoken racist.
There will always be some measure of unjustified hatred in the world, my concern is the direction it is being mobilized in. While it can be funny to see someone repeatedly hit themselves in the face which is what our hateful, frustrated, angry, and mostly white alt-right Illinoisans seem to be prone to do, it is a major problem when after bloodying their own nose they look to someone else and accuse them of the self inflicted assault.
Many times I have defended the GOP over the last several years because I hoped they’d find the better angels of their nature, or at least be the things they sometimes pretended to be, and many times I have been wrong.
Why the GOP House and Senate leadership continues to allow such ridiculous antics from it’s members is beyond me.
We shouldn’t have to wait for an Effingham Massacre to parallel the Herrin Massacre for people to take action.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 12:07 pm:
=== but where is the GOP’s voice of reason?===
There is reason the former GOP here sit at 44-19-0
The voice of reason was overrun by the need to be “right”
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 12:09 pm:
=== Why the GOP House and Senate leadership continues to allow such ridiculous antics from it’s members is beyond me.===
… because “right now”, the leadership is concerned that 44-19-0 is the best they can do… and can’t risk a mea culpa to build again and grow.
Paralyzation to remain as they are… that’s the greatest sin to the politics, the racist and region hatred begat it.
- 17% Solution - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 1:30 pm:
===You ain’t changing Uncle Johnny back, but be glad you found out who he is===
There is such a thing as mob mentality that makes decent people do immoral things.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 1:36 pm:
=== There is such a thing as mob mentality that makes decent people do immoral things.===
If you think “Uncle Johnny” didn’t believe what he’s touting now before it became … fashionable… maybe “Uncle Johnny” fooled you more than you are ready to admit.
With respect.
Also consider the 1964 Voters Rights Act, the 1968 “Southern Strategy”, and the devolution to overt racist thoughts in mainstream political mechanics, “both sides” as a great example.
You can still love your “Uncle Johnny”, I’m just not fooled by my “own”… “Uncle Johnny” - friends and sadly family.
I appreciate so many showing me who they are.
- Honeybear - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 4:32 pm:
I couldn’t give a crap about the 12 folks who will show up for this.
They just all need to eat a Firefly Grill next door.
That’s the only important thing about this event.