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It’s just a bill

Tuesday, Feb 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The first two are worth a look, but putting a time limit on investigations can allow those under investigation to run out the clock

After fielding calls from dozens of frustrated gun owners, several Southern Illinois lawmakers are pushing a package of bills they say aim to fix the state’s delays in issuing gun ownership card renewals.

Rep. Patrick Windhorst, lead sponsor of the legislation, said that his office hears from constituents more about issues with Firearm Owner Identification Cards, commonly known as FOID, and concealed carry permits, than any other topic. Windhorst said that most people who call the office are facing frustratingly long delays as they seek to renew their FOID card, something that must be done every 10 years. Sometimes, he said, people are concerned about how long it is taking to have an appeal heard upon a denial or revocation.

One would allow FOID card holders to start the renewal process much sooner. Current law says that a FOID card holder can file renewal paperwork no sooner than 60 days prior to its expiration date. The measure would allow people to begin the process about four months earlier.

Another bill would require the Illinois State Police to align the expiration dates of FOID cards with concealed carry permits for people whose FOID cards are set to expire in the next five years. FOID cards are good for 10 years, and are required for anyone who seeks a concealed carry license, which must be renewed every five years. Therefore, it’s possible that someone could be issued a concealed carry permit after going through all the required training and background checks, only to have it revoked a year or two later if their FOID card expires and they fail to realize it, said Windhorst, R-Metropolis.

The third bill would require the Illinois State Police to decide appeals to denials or revocation decisions within 60 days of receipt. As it stands, Windhorst said it can be months, and sometimes years, before an appeal is decided. If the state denies an appeal, a person has the ability to challenge the state’s decisions in court, a process that can also be lengthy.

* Synopsis of HB5030 by Rep. Avery Bourne

Requires an agency that proposes a new rule or an amendment to an existing rule that may have an impact on persons or entities in downstate Illinois to consider specified methods for reducing the impact of that rulemaking and provide an opportunity to participate in the rulemaking process before or during the notice period utilizing specified techniques. Requires each agency to include in its regulatory agenda summary a statement of whether a rule will affect persons or entities in downstate Illinois. Defines “downstate Illinois”.

And what is Downstate?...

“Downstate Illinois” means all counties in this State other than the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will. For the purposes of a specific rule, an agency may define a region as encompassing downstate Illinois if it finds that the rule affects persons or entities both within and without downstate Illinois and such definition is necessary to adapt the rule to address the needs and concerns of downstate Illinois.

* “Immediately unclear”

A piece of legislation was filed Friday that would undo a sports betting law Illinois passed in 2019.

Less than 12 hours after the Illinois Gaming Board submitted its Phase 2 sports wagering rules into the state registry to begin the 45-day public commentary period, a bill was filed in the state legislature to repeal the massive gaming expansion bill Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into law last June.

HB 5561, which was filed Friday by state Rep. Allen Skillicorn, a Republican from the 66th District based in Crystal Lake, calls for a complete repeal of all aspects of the gaming provisions in the bill, which included legalizing of both retail and online/mobile sports betting.

The chances of the bill gaining any traction are immediately unclear.


* Another bill likely to rouse the rabble. Also, notice the use of Comic Sans, which should probably be banned before gas leaf blowers…


A new bill would allow Illinois residents to register a digital license plate to their vehicle.

The bill, issued by Sen. Martin Sandoval, D-Cicero, would let Illinoisans purchase a digital license plate to replace the car’s static, metal license plate.

A vehicle with a digital license plate would still have a metal plate on its front end.

If the bill is passed, it would go into effect immediately.

Is the station using faulty AI bots to write stories or something? First of all, Sandoval is from Chicago and resigned from the Senate on January 1. Perhaps more importantly, the bill passed the General Assembly last May and was signed into law last August.


  1. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 10:44 am:

    So rep Bourne wants MORE special treatment for downstate?

  2. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 10:47 am:

    When *Skillicorn* can effectively mock you… yikes.

  3. - Jibba - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 10:47 am:

    If she’s going to officially name “Downstate”, then she needs to name the remainder. Will the “pit of evil” get her more Eastern bloc co-sponsors?

  4. - lakeside - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 10:48 am:

    Dying. The number of times Chicago folks have been yelled at for including anything south of I80 as ‘downstate’ - and now she’s including Rockford as ‘downstate’?

    Assume the pitchforks are being sharpened as we speak, obviously.

    (Also, ‘if a rule doesn’t benefit us, it shall be made to benefit us’ is gorgeous.)

  5. - High Socks - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 10:48 am:

    Ironically Sandoval’s new job will include making digital license plates.

  6. - Rabble - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 10:49 am:

    War on yard maintenance. Leaf blowers then weed whackers and then push mowers and then the 0 turns. I have an electric leaf blower but now intend to get a gas one by end of week. Makes one wonder why the folks in govt. don’t have something more important to worry about.

  7. - Oak Parker - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 10:53 am:

    Willy - you might be the expert on this. Is Kendall County downstate or Chicagoland?

  8. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 10:58 am:

    Ms. Bourne… “The saddest thing in life is wasted talent, and the choices that you make will shape your life forever.”

    Of all the Rauner interference in legislators, their removal, the additions, of them all, you had the most promise. When speaking about abortion and life you shined as I had hoped you would’ve, looking thoughtful, courageous, intelligent while also being compassionate. A high water mark.

    It’s things like this, Rauner could’ve chosen *anyone* to vote your switch. This buying into regionalism and very passively aggressive making quite clear, this isn’t all about defining, its allowing constituents to know “I’m with you, we are different” without going full eastern bloc or Trumpkin.

    Still, you see two Illinois. A real leader wants to unite a state, you want legislation to define its separation… of course hidden as a “thoughtful” fiscal… thingy.

    While passively promoting a regional thinking which helps with those most angered by “Chicago” things, you think this is the winning thing in a district you’re going to win with 59% of the vote 80% of the time. Lowering yourself to being a passive collaborator to eastern bloc thinking, why waste your talent to divide to seem winning? The party needs leaders seeing one Illinois, you are not showing much or any leadership here.

    Wasted talent, Ms. Bourne. Lorenzo warned of this.

  9. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 11:00 am:

    ===I have an electric leaf blower but now intend to get a gas one by end of week===

    Wasting good money on a brand new leaf blower to own the libs. lol

  10. - Jibba - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 11:01 am:

    “Is Kendall County downstate or Chicagoland?”

    If the bill passes, at least we won’t have to argue about it any more. Seems atypical to consider Kendall (and maybe even Kane) as part of Chicagoland, from common usage I’ve seen. But this might be more about the Eastern Bloc…what parts do they not want in New Illinois.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 11:05 am:

    ===… you might be the expert…===

    You might be the first to refer to me as any expert… :)

    My take is this;

    Kendall County, once was one of the fastest growing counties in America.

    You go west and south in Kendall, it’s rural downstate, you look at Kendall thru Oswego, and the “urban” areas bordering Kane and Will, katy-corner from DuPage, it’s as suburban as anyplace.

    Ms. Bourne sees my county as the “enemy”, while courting the old, angry, rural, white folks that now have overrun Kendall’s GOP and allow Rep. Kifowit a free pass because there are few that can beat a moderate Dem with a zealot Raunerite.

    I guess - Oak Parker -, my beloved Kendall *is* the frontline, unwittingly, to the insurgents wanting anger versus those bringing diversity as a strength to communities?

  12. - Bruce (no not him) - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 11:07 am:

    But what about upstate, midstate, eaststate, weststate? we need more divisions, not just 2. /s

  13. - G'Kar - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 11:16 am:

    Will Forgotonia still be forgotten if it is part of “Downstate?” /s

  14. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 11:17 am:

    - G’Kar -

    Madeupville finds itself with Forgotonia, and stands with her sister town.

  15. - Peter Torque - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 11:22 am:

    I don’t think that’s the correct way to hold a leaf blower.

  16. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 11:25 am:

    There are plenty of corded electric and lithium ion battery powered leaf blowers available, and they blow air just fine, much like our politicians.

  17. - 62656 - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 11:26 am:


    I remember in 2018 hearing a Moline resident call them traveling to Pekin as traveling downstate. Struck me as an acknowledgement that Moline in not downstate.

    I have also heard a Summit resident refer to everything through Kankakee as Chicago, which is probably a fair definition of Chicago’s southern end.

    That said, if you’re dividing Illinois regionally, there are reasons why Giordanos & Portillos have locations in Bloomington-Normal. In the real world, there’s something off about trying to divide Illinois in ways that have Bloomington-Normal somehow both in a different group than the Loop, but yet in the same group as Mt. Vernon.

  18. - Donnie Elgin - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 11:27 am:

    FOID getting lots of attention in the GA. Representative Gong-Gershowitz sponsoring a bill that would require law abiding citizen to have insurance before a FOID is issued…

    “applicant for a Firearm Owner’s Identification Card or for renewal of that Card must submit to the Illinois State Police that he or she has proof of liability insurance coverage of at least $1,000,000 for accidental injuries caused by a firearm.”

    She is the anti-Skillicorn

  19. - All This - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 11:32 am:

    “ that may have an impact on persons or entities in downstate Illinois to consider specified methods for reducing the impact of that rulemaking“
    So that $147 million for DCFS that impacts downstate needs to be reduced, Avery? What special method do you have in mind?

  20. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 11:34 am:

    May I suggest a compromise on the gas leaf blower thing? Don’t penalize their use but stop the retail sale of new ones. Eventually the gas ones will break down and you’re not legislating behavior in such a heavy handed way.

  21. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 11:38 am:

    On the “downstate” thing… if only downstate voters were allowed to elect officials who were paid to do a job to look out for their interests, rather than abdicating that role by legislation.

  22. - 17% Solution - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 11:48 am:

    === applicant for a Firearm Owner’s Identification Card or for renewal of that Card must submit to the Illinois State Police that he or she has proof of liability insurance coverage of at least $1,000,000 for accidental injuries caused.===
    Umbrella liability policies are pretty cheap (about $10 a month) and a good idea in general. However what if a person can’t get an umbrella policy, will there be a public option?

  23. - XonXoff - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 11:52 am:

    What am I supposed to do with all these leaves, dust, animal feces, trace
    quantities of heavy metals such as lead, and allergens such as pollen and mold? Back to the flamethrower, I suppose. /s

  24. - Rabble - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 12:01 pm:

    ===I have an electric leaf blower but now intend to get a gas one by end of week===

    Wasting good money on a brand new leaf blower to own the libs. lol

    Worth every penny. Think I will go do some gas self-pumpin’ while I’m out buying the blower.

  25. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 12:01 pm:

    ===(Representative Gong-Gershowitz) is the anti-Skillicorn.===

    You mean she actually works to pass her bills instead of just posting about them on Twitter?

  26. - Mason born - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 12:07 pm:


    Curious about your first comment. Is your objection to any time limit or the 60 day time limit?

    Surely at some point if the investigation hasn’t produced evidence justifying the revocation/denial the appeal should be processed. I can see 60 days being insufficient, maybe double that.

  27. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 12:09 pm:

    ===Surely at some point if the investigation hasn’t produced evidence justifying the revocation/denial the appeal should be processed===

    Dorothy Brown was under federal investigation for 5 years.

  28. - the Patriot - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 12:20 pm:

    Uhh if a FOID card background processing is key to stopping or at least reducing gun violance, where exactly are you spending money that is more important than getting this done right and in timely fashion.

    It is a 200 level class, but still pretty basic Madigan Politics. You get the press release and the fundraising out of passing the bill, not effectively implementing the program.

    With deference to my anti-gun friends, we probably don’t know if these programs would really work in IL because the Speaker has never really been interested in properly funding them.

  29. - Huh? - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 12:23 pm:

    Couldn’t burn my 32 acres of native prairie lands without using gas leaf blowers. Use them to blow clear a fire line. One time had to use a gas powered leaf blower to suppress a section that was getting out of control. 25 mph gust of wind was no match for a 150 mph leaf blower.

  30. - Mason born - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 12:32 pm:

    If the application was denied shouldn’t there be evidence that justified that ruling in the 1st place? It surely shouldn’t take 5 yrs to determine if it’s a case of mistaken identity, faulty court records, or out of state documents.

  31. - Doomed in Illinois - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 12:41 pm:

    CCL should be a classification added to the FOID, like motorcycle is added to your DL.

  32. - Elmer Keith - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 1:05 pm:

    When Brandon Phelps’ concealed carry bill passed in 2013, the ISP got rid of the paper applications for FOID and moved to online only, which is a pain for senior citizens and computer illiterates. Windhorst should throw some language in his bill to force the ISP to process paper applications while he’s at it.

    I laugh when seeing that Richard Pearson from ISRA is funding lawsuits against the ISP now. Prior to passage of the carry bill, he couldn’t grovel low enough to the anti-gun police unions that opposed concealed carry for the past 50 years. Does this mean that the Illinois State Police are no longer “the good guys?” How about ISRA funding a lawsuit against the public transit ban in the carry bill? Oh that’s right, that would only affect people in poor Chicago neighborhoods like Otis McDonald, not ISRA’s base of monster truck/WWF/gun enthusiasts.

  33. - Bourbon Street - Tuesday, Feb 18, 20 @ 3:33 pm:

    The way I learned how Illinois was divided was as follows: Cook County, Collar Counties, and Downstate. Thus, Winnebago, Stephenson, and Jo Daviess Counties are “downstate”.

    I’m not saying that any of this makes sense; it’s just how I was taught by somebody, somewhere at some time or another.

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